Is there an events or way to find out a screen device's power failure.
I need to flag on a remote device if all the parts are working.
I found ways for most off the elements but for the screen I could only find events that tells if screen is on sleep or active but nothings to detect if a screen is powerless or broken. Could not find any code sample to workaround. As a beginner I do not know how to resolve. Anny hints would be welcome.
I haven't started coding this up yet. This is more investigative than anything at this point.
Although I have never tried to detect an error with the screen, it doesn't look like there is much on this. If the screen is broken, the low-level device driver plumbing may not even give you any information or incorrect information. You might check out
DisplayManager as it contains a DisplayListener which may notify you when a display such as the main device display is disconnected but it sounds like it is more for external displays you are connecting to the device. Closest I could find.
First off, this has never happened before on any other android device I've used (multiple devices have been tried and tested before this).
Now I have an app that I have worked on for a little over a year now, it is called AutomatedId (on the app store) and it has worked quite well for my company for quite some time.
Recently I have been given a device to add compatibility to the app (specifically for reading UHF tags) but that isn't the problem.
The problem comes whenever you open the app, the screen stops reading inputs completely, as well as buttons cease to function. I turned on developer options to see the screen inputs and as i suspected, it completely stops and does not read any of the inputs after the app is opened. Clicks don't work, buttons don't work, keyboard doesn't open, hardware buttons on the device stop working. It's a mess, does anyone know what could have caused this?
This is a S98 from here:
moved my comment to the answer as you said. This may be due to memory leak. Here are some references that may help you fix them: Fixing-Memory-Leaks-in-Android-Studio & use this library from square to detect memory leaks early: leakcanary
I am periodically seeing this message appear in my LogCat. I've cannot find much information on what it means. Can anyone provide an explanation? I've also searched for the tag in my code but cannot find it.
My application contains a WebView that displays a catalogue of images but does not scroll smoothly. (It does in the Chrome app). I have tried various different combinations of hardware acceleration and cache modes. I have settled on: WebSettings.LOAD_CACHE_ELSE_NETWORK and the default Application level acceleration, but this is far from perfect performance at the moment. The error seems to sometimes appear when the WebView sticks but I don't know if that is the cause.
I want to write a simple convenience app that allows me to have two locking modes on my phone. By default the phone would just go to the slide lock after a minute or two, but after a longer time or if I activate my app, it should engage a more stringent lock, such as the face unlocking. Basically when I have the phone on me, anything but the slide lock is overkill.
To do this I would have to read/write the preferences for the screen lock or find a list of available locking/unlocking mechanisms so I can select and invoke one of them. Does anybody know where this information can be found/is stored?
I expected the preference keys to be found in the (System.Secure class), but could not immediately find anything related except the LOCK_PATTERN_ENABLED setting, which would not be enough.
I tried searching for references to the FaceDetector class, but none are returned in my Eclipse.
The Device Administration API Sample looks like it might give some leads if I could look at the source code. Unfortunately the page omits the detail of which of the several folders of each of the sample directories for the approx. 10 API levels supporting I need to download and look in, as far as I can see.
You can change lock modes in your app only if it is a device admin. These API are located in class DevicePolicyManager and methods setMaximumTimeToLock() and lockNow() etc. It is only accessible only if your app is a device admin. If you are interested in crating a custom lockscreen app, you can try this.
I want to write an app that needs accelerometer data while the user has the device in his pocket. However, at least on my phone (Motorola Defy with a nightly CM9 build), a dim-wakelock is needed because the accelerometer somehow turns off together with the screen. But if the screen stays turned on, the user might trigger random touch actions with his body movements. I could just display a black area, but that won't protect the menu keys. So, what should I do to protect the device from accidential user interaction? Things that come to my mind:
use root access to somehow hook deep into the system and require an unlock pattern or so - but I as a user would hesitate to give an app root just because it wants to block my input, and if I as coder make a mistake, I might lock out users -> might work, but probably the worst possible solution
somehow use the lock screen for this - but I don't know how I can safely, whatever the settings on the device may be, activate that lock screen without needing root
Gah, this all just looks bad to me. Is there any way to solve this that doesn't suck?
I read all there is about wake locks and so on. But I want something different. I have three devices to test, and mainly one device sucks really hard. Its the Asus transformer. The main problem, it can't be charged over USB. This means, if I tell it to "stay enabled during debug" the battery is dead after a while.
Also I want to write a small script deploying my app to all three devices once I build (no problem), starting them (no problem), and then ENABLE THE SCREEN (no way till now).
If found this intent, was happy for 23.5 seconds, and then read this:
Is there any way for me to enable the screen. The device is black, the screen is locked, my app starts (this works, seeing debug messages and hear startup sound), but i would have to manually unlock the screen.
I know, its not THAT bad, but when developing UIs I would have to do this like 100 times a day, and this is annyoing. The two little ones could stay on, but the big one (Transformer) would be empty after a while. I just had a thought, maybe I can tell the Transformer only to dim after a while, and to "undim" on startup. Would increase lifetime tenfold.
But still, if anyone knows a way to turn the screen on, that would be fantastic!
Ok, what you can do is reduce the screen brightness after some time, by using this:
WindowManager.LayoutParams WMLP = getWindow().getAttributes();
WMLP.screenBrightness = 0.01F;
Dont use 0 as a value (at least not until this question is answered), because the screen will switch off, and you will never get in on again. At least without using your thumb and pressing a button, sooo oldschool...