Write some text and save on my android phone - android

I'm trying to save some text on file (test.txt) on my android phone but unsuccessful. This is my code example:
procedure TDM.WriteLog(text:string);
myFile : TextFile;
// Try to open the Test.txt file for writing to
AssignFile(myFile, System.IOUtils.TPath.Combine(System.IOUtils.tpath.getdocumentspath,'test.txt'));
// Write a couple of well known words to this file
WriteLn(myFile, text + sLineBreak );
// Close the file
When i locate file on my phone i open file but it is empty. What I missed?

When you want to create a text file in Android (it's the same with iOS and macOS of course) you can use the WriteAllText class procedure that belongs to the TFile class. You have to add in the uses clause System.IOUtils.
TFile.WriteAllText(TPath.Combine(TPath.GetDocumentsPath, 'test.txt'), 'content');
When you want to store a text file, or in general data related to your app, it's recommended that you use the GetDocumentsPath. This is a modern way to create a text file but it's not the only one; consider also that you could:
Use a TStringlist and then call SaveToFile('path')
If you are using a memo it has the SaveToFile('path') function
Use the TStreamWriter class (and the StreamReader to read the content)


Reading and existing file in Xamarin withC#

This code works:
string file = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "File.text");
Pretty straight-forward, but when I display the variable "file" using a Pizel 5 simulator I get a weird path: /data/user/0/com.companyname.aikidohours/files/.local/share/File.text. I can write new data to the file and read from it. but I now want to read from an existing file and I can't figure out where to put the file. Can someone tell where to put a text file full of basic information that I need to read from in Xamarin for adnroid?
If you want to deploy that file with your application, you can add it to the 'Assets' folder inside your_project_name.Android project.
WARNING!!! File put in this folder are READONLY!
In case this is ok for you,this is the code to access the file:
using Xamarin.Essentials;
using (var reader = new StreamReader(await FileSystem.OpenAppPackageFileAsync("file_path")))
string content = reader.ReadToEnd();

Python: push file to Android device pass but the file is empty

I have application that i am testing and i want to push file into my android device (real device)
This is what i have try:
self.driver.push_file('/mnt/sdcard/Pictures/photo.png', r'C:\photo.png')
So this operation is pass and i can see the file on my device but its size is 1kb and when i try to open it i have this message:
Its looks like we dont support this file format
What i am doing wrong ?
Pay attention that using Appium with the Python language, when you call the self.driver.push_file() method, the second parameter is the Contents of file in base64 (and not the path of the file on your machine).
That means that you first have to read the file, convert it to base64 (and decode it using utf-8) and only then pass it to this method:
import base64
with open(r'C:\photo.png','rb') as file:
Alternatively, you can simply use the following command (adding just source_path= to your snippet):
self.driver.push_file('/mnt/sdcard/Pictures/photo.png', source_path=r'C:\photo.png')
..since the push_file() method was recently updated to support also source path (see Pull #270):
def push_file(self, destination_path, base64data=None, source_path=None)
I would recommend on the source_path parameter of course :)

Android replaces certain characters in the filename with ASCII hex value

I'm creating files in my app with '{' and '}' in the filename (e.g. {foo}.xml). However, the special characters are being replaced with the ASCII hex values instead (i.e. {foo}.xml is created as %7Bfoo%7D.xml). Any thoughts on how to get around this and have it actually create '{foo}.xml' ?
new File("/sdcard/{file name}.xml").createNewFile() successfully creates a file with name "{file name}.xml" on SD card in my case.
new File(context.getFilesDir() + "/{file name}.xml").createNewFile() successfully creates such file in private app files area.
I checked that all right using ADB shell and file explorer.

Titanium 3.X getFile() from local storage

Using Titanium on Android 4+ I want to access a jpeg file which has been taken with the camera. I need to achieve 2 objectives, namely, return the EXIF data and transfer the bytes to an API endpoint. My problem is I'm unable to access the file...
I'm using a 3rd party module to handle the file selection (Multi Image Picker) which returns a list of file locations, using the File Manager app on the emulator (GenyMotion) I can confirm the location on disk is correct. However, the following always returns false...
var file = Ti.Filesystem.getFile('/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20140901_083735.jpg');
Ti.API.info('Do we have a file? ' (file.exists()? 'YES' : 'NO'));
The output for the above would be... Do we have a file? NO
Further reading shows Titanium has 5 predefined folder locations which can be passed into the getFile() method and one possible reason for the above code not working would be it is defaulting to the 'Resouces' folder location? That said all but one folder location is app specific, the exception being externalStorageLocation. Now my understanding of an Android device is that any image taken with the camera will be stored on the internal storage system unless an SD card is present. This is true in my case as the following lists 0 files...
var extDir = Ti.Filesystem.getExternalStorageDirectory();
var dir = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(extDir);
var dir_files = dir.getDirectoryListing();
Ti.API.info('External files... ' + dir_files.length);
The output for the above would be... External files... 0
So am I right in thinking Appcelerator have simply not included the ability to access local storage (outside of any app specific folders) within their API? Or am I missing something and there is in fact another way?
Thanks to #Bharal I was able to find a solution...
By using the Ti.Media.openPhotoGallery() method I was able to identify the correct native path for the image by inspecting the event object returned from the success callback.
The path was missing 'file://' at the beginning, I couldn't be 100% sure but I suspect this forces the getFile() method to use an absolute path and not a relative path from within the Resources folder.
To confirm, the following will return a file object...
var file = Ti.Filesystem.getFile('file://[path]');
Where [path] is the folder location as reported within the File Manager app on the device, for example '/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20140901_083735.jpg'
Yah mon, i dunno.
Here is wat i used when i was doin pictures on my Ti app, but then i got rid of that section because i realised i didn't need to be doin pictures. Pictures mon, dey ain' what you want sometimes, yo?
Ti.Media.openPhotoGallery({ //dissall jus' open up a piccha selectin' ting. ez.
var image = event.media;
if (event.mediaType==Ti.Media.MEDIA_TYPE_PHOTO){
//so image.nativePath is the path to the image.
// profileImg be jus' some Ti.UI.createImageView ting yo be puttin in yo' page.
//meyybe yo be wantin' alert(image.nativePath); here too, dat be helpin?
profileImg.image = image.nativePath;
//we cancelled out, why we doin' that?
Now that isn't going to really be helpin' you, but yo can use that to see wat the native path yo piccha be usin' be, and then be seein' if maybe what yo be puttin' in yo code be sam ting.
Jus' wrap the above as an addEventListener("click", function(){ ... } ); on sam ting in yo page, and jus' add sam element to put th' piccha in if yo be wantin' to see the piccha but i be tellin' you picchas mon, sometimes dey ain' worth time.
But meyybe yo wantin' use not an emulator for dis ting, dey can be actin' weird yo should be usin some small phone maybe? Dat way you can be findin' if yo got dem memory leeks and meyybe some memory sprouts, an memory onions too.

How to save a file on Android? (Firemonkey)

How can I save a file locally on an Android device,
using Delphi (XE5, Firemonkey)?
Something as simple as
does not seem to work.
It results in the following error message:
"Cannot create file "/test.txt". Not a directory."
According to the document Creating an Android App, get the documents path like this:
System.IOUtils.TPath.GetDocumentsPath + System.SysUtils.PathDelim + 'myfile';
Instead of using System.SysUtils.PathDelim, you may use
Combine chooses between the windows \ and the Linux /
System.IOUtils must be used in this line instead of setup in the uses clause because there are probably more Tpath initials.
GetHomePath, return a string with the path.
-> 'data/data//files'
You can to use:
Memo.Lines.SaveToFile(format('%s/test.txt', [GetHomePath]));
Or this form
Memo.Lines.SaveToFile(GetHomePath + '/test.txt');
on my device (and presumably all android devices?) GetHomePath incorrectly gives me /storage/emulated/0/... whereas I need /storage/sdcard0/... to get to the storage visible in Windows Explorer via USB.
so the full path to my files may be
'/storage/sdcard0/Android/data/com.embarcadero.(my app name)/files/'
Presumably if you have a plug in SD card this might be sdcard1 or whatever.
You can list the contents of your device storage folder with code like this
P := '/storage/';
if (FindFirst(P + '*', faAnyFile, Sr) = 0) then
until (FindNext(Sr) <> 0);
On my device this gives me:
then change S when you want to explore subfolders
Note that the files folder gets emptied each time you recompile and deploy.

