How to tell when fragment is not visible in a NavigationDrawer - android

I am trying to tell when a user selects a different fragment in my navigation drawer. I was trying to use
override fun setUserVisibleHint(isVisibleToUser: Boolean) {
How i switch fragments in my MainActivity:
override fun onNavigationItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {
// Handle navigation view item clicks here.
when (item.itemId) { -> {
// Handle the camera action
val fragment: HomeFragment = HomeFragment()
supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(, fragment).commit()
} -> {
val fragment: SettingFragment = SettingFragment()
fragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(, fragment).commit()
} -> {
} -> {
val emailIntent: Intent = Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND)
emailIntent.type = Constants.FEEDBACK_EMAIL_TYPE
emailIntent, Constants.FEEDBACK_TITLE))
val drawer: DrawerLayout = findViewById(
return true
However this does not seem to get called at all. For example, in my NavigationDrawer activity, it shows Fragment A. The user opens the navigation drawer and selects Fragment B. setUserVisibleHint() does not get called in fragment A so my code can know it is no longer shown. I need my code that is isolated in fragment A to know when it is not shown so it can call .stop() on some variables. This is the same use case as onPause() in an activity.

You can simply call
if (myFragment.isVisible()) {...}
or another way is
public boolean isFragmentUIActive() {
return isAdded() && !isDetached() && !isRemoving();

Here are a few things I can think of...
Use a consistent fragment, either Support or Native, not both. And, some say the Support fragment is preferable (better maintained).
Make sure the fragment container is not hard coded in XML. If you intend to replace a fragment, then the initial fragment should be loaded dynamically by your code (you typically will load into a FrameLayout using the id as your{frameLayoutId}).
Do Use the Frament lifecycle events. onPause fires when you replace a fragment, so does onDetach. That will tell you when your old fragment is no longer visible (or will be invisible shortly). If it does not fire, then you have another issue in your code, possibly mixing of Fragment types, or a hardcoded fragment in XML?
Use setUserVisibleHint only in a fragment pager, or be prepared to set it manually. this answer has a little more to say about the use of setUserVisibleHint. When using a pager, multiple fragments can be attached at once, so an additional means (some call it lifecycle event) was needed to tell if a fragment was "really, truly" visible, hence setUserVisibleHint was introduced.
Bonus: If appropriate for your app, use the back stack for backing up by calling addToBackStack after replace. I add this mainly as an addition lifecycle item one would typically want in their app. The code looks like this...
// to initialize your fragment container
.add(, fragment)
// to update your fragment container
.replace(, fragment)
//in your XML, it can be as simple as adding the FrameLayout below,
// if you start with the Android Studio template for Navigation drawer,
// you can replace the call that includes the "content_main" layout
<!--<include layout="#layout/content_main" /> -->
android:id="#+id/content_fragment" />
I hope this helps.


Listen when a shared element is back on original Fragment

Hello Android community,
I have a very simple app, composed of two fragments A & B and there is a shared element between those two fragments.
When I open Fragment B, the transition is working well, and I'm able to listen when the element has finished the transition. However, when I pop FragmentB, I'd like FragmentA to be informed that the return transition is over.
I made a project example here:
As you can see, I've tried many different things without success.
Do you know if that's something possible?
Thank you so much :)
I think issue has been solved. First change goToB() method as below :
fun goToB(view: View) {
.addSharedElement(view, "view_transition")
.replace(findViewById<ViewGroup>(, FragmentB())
.disallowAddToBackStack() // Prevent from adding this fragment to Back stack
Right now, we are inside Fragment B. If back button is clicked now, then I have used call back to handle it programmatically by adding callback in Fragment B. Like :
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
val transitionView = requireView().findViewById<View>(
transitionView.setOnClickListener {
(activity as MainActivity).goToC(transitionView)
// This callback will only be called when Fragment B is at least Started.
requireActivity().onBackPressedDispatcher.addCallback(this) {
(activity as MainActivity).goFromBToA(transitionView)
I have put another method in Activity.
fun goFromBToA(view: View){
.addSharedElement(view, "view_transition")
.replace(findViewById<ViewGroup>(, FragmentA())
Now I can see transition end log when pop up to Fragment A from B.

Navigate between fragments using button in toolbar

In my app, I want the process of creating a new record to be divided into several steps in which users are queried about different information. So I created an activity with NavHostFragment and want to use a navigation graph to switch between fragments using a next button in the toolbar of this activity.
Is it possible to configure the button to navigate between fragments based on a navigation graph? Is this a good approach? Should I rather use a new activity for each step? I am new to android development so I am not sure what is the best way to do this.
You can handle it with your navigation graph
Handle toolbar click events in your fragments:
While handling each fragment's next button click event implement your navigation code
findNavController().navigate(Your action)
Handle all navigation process in your Activity's OnItemOpotionsSelected Listener
override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem): Boolean {
val navHostFragment = supportFragmentManager.primaryNavigationFragment
val fragment = navHostFragment?.childFragmentManager?.fragments?.get(0)
{>super.onBackPressed()> {
if(fragment is Fragment1)
fragment.findNavController().navigate(Fragment1toFragmen2 action)}
if(fragment is Fragment2)
fragment.findNavController().navigate(Fragment2toFragmen3 action)}
return true

How to navigate back from fragments inside NavHostFragment of ViewPager2?

What is the proper way of navigating back from nested fragments of ViewPager2?
Despite using app:defaultNavHost="true"with FragmentContainerView pressing back button while in a nested fragment of a page calls Activity's back press instead of navigating back to previous fragment.
As per the Create a NavHostFragment documentation, app:defaultNavHost="true" calls setPrimaryNavigationFragment() when the Fragment is first added - it is setPrimaryNavigationFragment() that routes back button press events to that fragment automatically.
In a ViewPager2 though, it is the ViewPager2 that is responsible for creating and adding the Fragment. Since every level of the Fragment hierarchy needs to be the primary navigation fragment, adding a child fragment via XML still doesn't solve the missing link: that the Fragment in the ViewPager2 needs to be the primary navigation fragment.
Therefore, you need to hook into the callbacks for when a Fragment is made the active Fragment and call setPrimaryNavigationFragment(). ViewPager2 1.1.0-alpha01 adds exactly this API in the FragmentTransactionCallback, specifically, the onFragmentMaxLifecyclePreUpdated(), which is called whenever the Lifecycle state of a Fragment is changed: when it is changed to RESUMED, that Fragment is now the active fragment and should become the primary navigation Fragment as part of the onPost callback.
private class Adapter(parentFragment: Fragment) : FragmentStateAdapter(parentFragment) {
init {
// Add a FragmentTransactionCallback to handle changing
// the primary navigation fragment
registerFragmentTransactionCallback(object : FragmentTransactionCallback() {
override fun onFragmentMaxLifecyclePreUpdated(
fragment: Fragment,
maxLifecycleState: Lifecycle.State
) = if (maxLifecycleState == Lifecycle.State.RESUMED) {
// This fragment is becoming the active Fragment - set it to
// the primary navigation fragment in the OnPostEventListener
OnPostEventListener {
fragment.parentFragmentManager.commitNow {
} else {
super.onFragmentMaxLifecyclePreUpdated(fragment, maxLifecycleState)
// The rest of your FragmentStateAdapter...
You need to override your parent activity's onBackPressed logic, you need to use to navigate up in your nav graph of nested fragment.
Here is the Java version of #ianhanniballake answer (yes im a luddite for not using kotlin yet - i need to know java inside out first before i learn anything else).
I havent unit tested this yet, but it "works"...
public class ViewPagerAdapter extends FragmentStateAdapter {
public ViewPagerAdapter(#NonNull FragmentManager fragmentManager,
#NonNull Lifecycle lifecycle) {
super(fragmentManager, lifecycle);
registerFragmentTransactionCallback(new FragmentTransactionCallback() {
public OnPostEventListener onFragmentMaxLifecyclePreUpdated(#NonNull Fragment fragmentArg,
#NonNull Lifecycle.State maxLifecycleState) {
if (maxLifecycleState == Lifecycle.State.RESUMED) {
return () -> fragmentArg.getParentFragmentManager().beginTransaction()
} else {
return super.onFragmentMaxLifecyclePreUpdated(fragmentArg, maxLifecycleState);
// remainder of your FragmentStateAdapter here

Open a fragment from a recyclerview (which is a fragment) [duplicate]

My application has a Fragment inside its Activity. I would like to programmatically replace the fragment by another one from the current fragment itself.
For example, if I click on a button inside the fragment, the fragment should be replaced with another one, but the activity should remain the same.
Is it possible? If so, how to do it?
It's actually easy to call the activity to replace the fragment.
You need to cast getActivity():
((MyActivity) getActivity())
Then you can call methods from MyActivity, for example:
((MyActivity) getActivity()).replaceFragments(Object... params);
Of course, this assumes you have a replaceFragments() method in your activity that handles the fragment replace process.
Edit: #ismailarilik added the possible code of replaceFragments in this code with the first comment below which was written by #silva96:
The code of replaceFragments could be:
public void replaceFragments(Class fragmentClass) {
Fragment fragment = null;
try {
fragment = (Fragment) fragmentClass.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
// Insert the fragment by replacing any existing fragment
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
fragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(, fragment)
from the official docs:
// Create new fragment and transaction
Fragment newFragment = new ExampleFragment();
FragmentTransaction transaction = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
// Replace whatever is in the fragment_container view with this fragment,
// and add the transaction to the back stack
transaction.replace(, newFragment);
// Commit the transaction
In this example, newFragment replaces whatever fragment (if any) is currently in the layout container identified by the ID. By calling addToBackStack(), the replaced fragment is saved to the back stack so the user can reverse the transaction and bring back the previous fragment by pressing the Back button.
The behavior you have described is exactly what fragments are designed to do. Please go through the official guide for a thorough understanding of fragments which will clear up all your questions.
Please note that fragment should NOT directly replace itself or any other fragments. Fragments should be separate entities. What fragment should do is to notify its parent activity that some event has happened. But it is, again, NOT a fragment job to decide what to do with that! It should be activity to decide to i.e. replace the fragment on phone, but to i.e. add another to existing one on tablets. So you are basically doing something wrong by design.
And, as others already mentioned, your activity should use FragmentManager ("native" or from compatibility library) to do the job (like replace() or add() or remove()):
Just as Marcin said, you shouldn't have a fragment start another fragment or activity. A better way to handle this situation is by creating a callback implementation for the main activity to handle requests such as start a new fragment. Here is a great example in the android developer guide.
There is a way which works; Just (in the fragment) do the following:
.add( container_of_this_frag, new MyNewFragment())
When using nested fragments, we don't want every inner fragment replacement goes to the outer most activity. A mechanism allowing a fragment to notify its parent that it wants to change to another fragment can be useful.
Here is my code in Kotlin, I think it is easy to translate into java.
interface FragmentNavigator {
fun navigateTo(fragment: Fragment)
class NavigableFragment: Fragment() {
var navigator: FragmentNavigator? = null
override fun onDetach() {
navigator = null
Inner fragments need to extend NavigableFragment, and use following code to change itself to another fragment.
Outer activities or fragments need to implement FragmentNavigator, and override navigateTo.
override fun navigateTo(fragment: Fragment) {
supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(view_id, fragment).commit()
//Use childFragmentManager instead of supportFragmentManager a fragment
Finally in outer activities or fragments, override onAttachFragment
override fun onAttachFragment(fragment: Fragment?) {
if(fragment is NavigableFragment) {
fragment.navigator = this
This worked for me:
new MenuFragment()).commit();
For Kotlin.
(activity as YourActivityLauncherFragment)
.replace(, YourFragmentName()).setReorderingAllowed(true)

How to replace the activity's fragment from the fragment itself?

My application has a Fragment inside its Activity. I would like to programmatically replace the fragment by another one from the current fragment itself.
For example, if I click on a button inside the fragment, the fragment should be replaced with another one, but the activity should remain the same.
Is it possible? If so, how to do it?
It's actually easy to call the activity to replace the fragment.
You need to cast getActivity():
((MyActivity) getActivity())
Then you can call methods from MyActivity, for example:
((MyActivity) getActivity()).replaceFragments(Object... params);
Of course, this assumes you have a replaceFragments() method in your activity that handles the fragment replace process.
Edit: #ismailarilik added the possible code of replaceFragments in this code with the first comment below which was written by #silva96:
The code of replaceFragments could be:
public void replaceFragments(Class fragmentClass) {
Fragment fragment = null;
try {
fragment = (Fragment) fragmentClass.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
// Insert the fragment by replacing any existing fragment
FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
fragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(, fragment)
from the official docs:
// Create new fragment and transaction
Fragment newFragment = new ExampleFragment();
FragmentTransaction transaction = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
// Replace whatever is in the fragment_container view with this fragment,
// and add the transaction to the back stack
transaction.replace(, newFragment);
// Commit the transaction
In this example, newFragment replaces whatever fragment (if any) is currently in the layout container identified by the ID. By calling addToBackStack(), the replaced fragment is saved to the back stack so the user can reverse the transaction and bring back the previous fragment by pressing the Back button.
The behavior you have described is exactly what fragments are designed to do. Please go through the official guide for a thorough understanding of fragments which will clear up all your questions.
Please note that fragment should NOT directly replace itself or any other fragments. Fragments should be separate entities. What fragment should do is to notify its parent activity that some event has happened. But it is, again, NOT a fragment job to decide what to do with that! It should be activity to decide to i.e. replace the fragment on phone, but to i.e. add another to existing one on tablets. So you are basically doing something wrong by design.
And, as others already mentioned, your activity should use FragmentManager ("native" or from compatibility library) to do the job (like replace() or add() or remove()):
Just as Marcin said, you shouldn't have a fragment start another fragment or activity. A better way to handle this situation is by creating a callback implementation for the main activity to handle requests such as start a new fragment. Here is a great example in the android developer guide.
There is a way which works; Just (in the fragment) do the following:
.add( container_of_this_frag, new MyNewFragment())
When using nested fragments, we don't want every inner fragment replacement goes to the outer most activity. A mechanism allowing a fragment to notify its parent that it wants to change to another fragment can be useful.
Here is my code in Kotlin, I think it is easy to translate into java.
interface FragmentNavigator {
fun navigateTo(fragment: Fragment)
class NavigableFragment: Fragment() {
var navigator: FragmentNavigator? = null
override fun onDetach() {
navigator = null
Inner fragments need to extend NavigableFragment, and use following code to change itself to another fragment.
Outer activities or fragments need to implement FragmentNavigator, and override navigateTo.
override fun navigateTo(fragment: Fragment) {
supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(view_id, fragment).commit()
//Use childFragmentManager instead of supportFragmentManager a fragment
Finally in outer activities or fragments, override onAttachFragment
override fun onAttachFragment(fragment: Fragment?) {
if(fragment is NavigableFragment) {
fragment.navigator = this
This worked for me:
new MenuFragment()).commit();
For Kotlin.
(activity as YourActivityLauncherFragment)
.replace(, YourFragmentName()).setReorderingAllowed(true)

