The Android BLE API seems odd, maybe I'm missing something. What I need to do, is to make a connection to a BLE device, then if things are idle for a while disconnect temporarily, but when the user wants to do something new I want to reconnect.
To connect initially, I call:
Gatt1 = Device.ConnectGatt (Android.App.Application.Context, false, GattCallback);
Then I'm thinking to do my temporary disconnect I call
And then when I want to re-connect, I call ConnectGatt() again, which gives me a new BluetoothGatt object:
Gatt2 = Device.ConnectGatt (Android.App.Application.Context, false, GattCallback);
So once I've called Gatt1.Disconnect(), I should just throw away Gatt1? It's not useful anymore, since when I re-connect I get a new BluetoothGatt object? Do I need to call some function to tell the API that I'm not using Gatt1 anymore?
(no, I wouldn't actually have two variables, Gatt1 and Gatt2, I'm just using those names to indicate there are two different objects happening)
When I eventually decided I'm completely done with this BLE device, I'm not planning on ever re-connecting, then I need to call Gatt.Close() (right?)
So maybe the code looks more like this?
BluetoothDevice Device = stuff();
BluetoothGatt Gatt = null;
if (connecting)
Gatt = Device.ConnectGatt(...);
else if (disconnecting temporarily)
else if (reconnecting after a temporary disconnection)
Gatt = null; // Yes? Do I need to specifically Dispose() this previous object?
Gatt = Device.ConnectGatt(...);
else if (disconnecting permanently)
Gatt = null;
(again, no, I wouldn't write such a function, it's just to illustrate the lifespan of the various BluetoothGatt objects)
You need to also dispose the first BluetoothGatt object (Gatt1) when you are done with it, by calling the close() method on it. Just leaving the garbage collection to clean it up will not work I guess since it has no finalizer which calls the internal Bluetooth stack to clean it. If you don't close the object and just drop the reference, you will eventually run out of BluetoothGatt objects (there can be max 32 totally on the device for all apps together).
Gatt1 = Device.ConnectGatt (Android.App.Application.Context, false, GattCallback);
should be followed by:
Gatt1.disconnect() is correct for your purposes. When reconnecting, Gatt1 = null is unnecessary. Just call device.connectGatt() and Gatt1.connect() again. When you're completely done:
if(Gatt1!=null) {
After reading these suggestions, and doing some more research, I think the answer is this:
BluetoothDevice Device = stuff();
BluetoothGatt Gatt = null;
if (connecting)
Gatt = Device.ConnectGatt(...);
else if (disconnecting temporarily)
else if (reconnecting after a temporary disconnection)
else if (disconnecting permanently)
Gatt = null;
with a bunch of additional code to wait for the connect/disconnect actions to finish.
I seem to be having a small problem with MulticastSocket on Android: writing an SSDP-related application. The socket works just fine when I set everything up the first time, but when I stop discovery, and try to restart things, I just get a SocketException: Socket Closed. I'm not closing the socket, I'm simply stopping the Kotlin Coroutine that is responsible for calling socket.receive() in a loop. Example:
fun listenForPackets(): Flow<DatagramPacket> {
return flow {
multicastSocket.use {
val incomingBuffer = ByteArray(MULTICAST_DATAGRAM_SIZE)
while (true) {
val incomingPacket = DatagramPacket(incomingBuffer, incomingBuffer.size)
incomingPacket.length = incomingBuffer.size
The problem
So the problem is that when I try to call that function again, I get a SocketException: Socket Closed. The socket initialization code is run once, meaning that toggling discovery on/off will use the same socket multiple times; the following code is run once throughout the whole application:
multicastSocket = MulticastSocket(MULTICAST_PORT)
multicastSocket.reuseAddress = true
What I have tried
My first thought was that I was not cancelling the Kotlin Coroutine correctly. As a result, I switched to using typical Java Threads, to no avail. Starting the thread the first time works, but, restarting discovery yields the same problem. I have also tried to not leave the group, and keep the multicastLock acquired - same problem.
What works
What works is having the initialization code (where I assign the socket, join the group, and acquire lock) run every time I need to start a scan. At the end of the scan, I reset all of the variables (leave group, release lock, close socket). So my question becomes - is this the correct approach? Or am I simply doing something else wrong?
Just to re-iterate, I'm discovering packets just fine, the issue is with restarting the discovery. Thank you in advance for any help!
I am implementing a service that uses the autoconnect feature of bluetoothGatt to connect to the device and monitor it while it is being connected.
I work on the assumption that the device is already bonded (a coworker is responsible for that part) so autoconnect should not have any problems
my code is as follows:
//the callback is for the class I have created that actually does the connection
class BTService: Service(), CoroutineScope, BTConnection.Callback {
private val btReceiver by lazy { BluetoothStateReceiver(this::btStateChange) } //receiver for bt adapter changes
private var connection:BTConnection? = null
private var readJob:Job? = null
override fun onCreate() {
registerReceiver(btReceiver, IntentFilter(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_STATE_CHANGED)) //since I can't register this receiver in AndroidManifest any more I did it here
private fun btStateChange(enabled: Boolean) {
if (enabled)
private fun startConnecting() {
val address = prefs.address //get the current saved address
val current = connection //get the current connection
//try to stop the current connection if it is different than the one we want to set up
if (current != null && !current.address.equals(address, true))
if (address.isNullOrBlank())
//then we create a new connection if needed
val new = if (current == null || !current.address.equals(address, true)) {
Injections.buildConnection(application, address, this)
} else {
connection = new
//this is one of the callbacks from BTConnection.Callback
override fun connected(address: String) {
if (address != connection?.address) return
val cn = connection ?: return
val notification = buildForegroundNotification()
startForeground(FOREGROUND_ID, notification)
readJob = launch {
cn.dataFlow //this is a flow that will be emmitting read data
private suspend fun parseData(bytes:ByteArray) { //this is where the parsing and storage etc happens
private fun stopConnection() {
val cn = connection
connection = null
override fun disconnected(address: String) { //another callback from the connection class
my code that stops the connection is
fun stop() {
canceled = true
if (connected)
launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
gatt = null
my code is based (and affected) by this really good article I read:
I have also created a receiver for boot events that will call
just to make sure that the service is created at least once and the bt receiver is registered
my questions are:
a) is there a chance that my service will be destroyed while it is not in foreground mode? i.e. when the device is not near by and bluetoothGat.connect is suspending while autoconnecting? is it enough for me to return START_STICKY from onStartCommand() to make sure that even when my service is destroyed it will start again?
b) if there is such a case, is there a way to at least recreate the service so the btReceiver is at least registered?
c) when should close() be called on bluetoothGatt in case of autoconnect = true? only when creating a new connection (in my example where I call Injections.buildConnection)? do I also call it when the bluetoothadapter is disabled? or can I reuse the same connection and bluetoothGatt if the user turns the bluetooth adapter off and on again?
d) is there a way to find out if autoconnect has failed and will not try again? and is there a way to actually test and reproduce such an effect? the article mentioned above says it can happen when the batteries of the peripheral are almost empty, or when you are on the edge of the Bluetooth range
thanks in advance for any help you can provide
a-b) If your app does not have an activity or a service that is in the foreground, the system may kill it at anytime. Pending or active BLE connections doesn't affect the system's point of view when to kill the app whatsoever. (When it comes to scanning for advertisements, the story is completely different though.)
The general approach to make sure autoConnects stay alive is to have a foreground service running at all the time. So don't stop it while the device is currently not connected, if you want to have a pending connection. There is no point in using Job Scheduler, WorkManagers etc. since having a foreground service should be enough to keep the app process alive, and pending/active connections are kept alive as long as the app is. The app does not use any cpu% at all when waiting for pending BLE connections. However some Chinese phone makers are known to not follow the Android documentation, by sometimes killing apps even though they have running foreground services.
c) Each BluetoothGatt object represents and refers to an object inside the Bluetooth process running on the same phone. By default the system allows a total of 32 such objects (last time I checked). In order to release these precious resources, you call close(). If you forget, you will have a leak, meaning your app or some other app might not be able to create a BluetoothGatt object. (When app processes exit, their BluetoothGatt objects are however closed automatically). The API is a bit strangely designed, that there is both a disconnect method and a close method. But anyway, the disconnect method gracefully initiates a disconnection of the connection and you will then get an onConnectionStateChange callback telling when the disconnection is complete. You must however call close in order to free the resource, or call connect if you'd like to re-connect, or you can take an action a bit later. Calling close on a connected BluetoothGatt object will also disconnect, but you won't get any callback due to the object is being destroyed at the same time.
Since all BluetoothGatt objects represents objects in the Bluetooth process, these will "die" or stop working when you turn off Bluetooth, since that involves shutting down the Bluetooth process. This means you need to recreate all BluetoothGatt objects when Bluetooth is restarted. You can call close on the old objects, but it won't do anything since they're dead. Since the documentation doesn't say anything about this, I suggest you call close anyway to be on the safe side if the behaviour is changed in the future.
d) To detect if a connectGatt call fails and will not try again, you can listen to the onConnectionStateChange callback. If this gives an error code, such as 257, it usually means that the system has reached maximum number of connections, or maximum number of some resource. You can test this out by simply initiating pending connections to a bunch of different Bluetooth device addresses.
I would not trust the statement that new connection attempts would be aborted if the peripheral is low on battery or being on the "edge of Bluetooth range". I'd be glad to see a pin point to Android's Bluetooth source code where this happens, since I really believe this is not true at all.
First of all, if you are intending to distribute your app to Google Play Store, you need to be targeting minimum api level 29 if I'm not mistaken, hence you should be using either JobService along with JobScheduler or WorkManager, instead of Service. This is to support the background limitations from Oreo(26) onwards.
a) if you properly implement any of the two options I mentioned above, you can write a proper service that will not terminate unless you stop it. Here are some resources on JobService : (resource1, resource2, resource3)
b) You can re-register as you please upon the onStartJob() method of your JobService, which will recreate your app.
c) Each time you are done with the peripheral ble device, you need to close the gatt connection with it. Here is a snippet from the BluetoothGatt class
* Close this Bluetooth GATT client.
* Application should call this method as early as possible after it is done with
* this GATT client.
public void close() {
Also, from the BluetoothAdapter class javadoc, you can see that all the connections are terminated gracefully when ble is disabled.
* Turn off the local Bluetooth adapter—do not use without explicit
* user action to turn off Bluetooth.
* <p>This gracefully shuts down all Bluetooth connections, stops Bluetooth
* system services, and powers down the underlying Bluetooth hardware.
* <p class="caution"><strong>Bluetooth should never be disabled without
* direct user consent</strong>. The {#link #disable()} method is
* provided only for applications that include a user interface for changing
* system settings, such as a "power manager" app.</p>
* <p>This is an asynchronous call: it will return immediately, and
* clients should listen for {#link #ACTION_STATE_CHANGED}
* to be notified of subsequent adapter state changes. If this call returns
* true, then the adapter state will immediately transition from {#link
* #STATE_ON} to {#link #STATE_TURNING_OFF}, and some time
* later transition to either {#link #STATE_OFF} or {#link
* #STATE_ON}. If this call returns false then there was an
* immediate problem that will prevent the adapter from being turned off -
* such as the adapter already being turned off.
* #return true to indicate adapter shutdown has begun, or false on immediate error
public boolean disable() {
d) I am not sure on what callback will be triggered. To reproduce, the two items you mentioned seem like valid cases to try.
I hope this helps you perfect your project!
I am trying to control a Hands-Free link with my device. The following works just fine:
UUID HFP_UUID_GET_HF = UUID.fromString("0000111E-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB");
BluetoothSocket aBluetoothSocket = mDevice
and I get a socket that I can read and right to. No problem. However, I also want to listen for an incoming connection and get that socket. I tried this:
UUID HFP_UUID = UUID.fromString("0000111F-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB");
UUID HFP_UUID_GET_HF = UUID.fromString("0000111E-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB");
BluetoothServerSocket tmp = mBluetoothAdapter.listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord("HFP", HFP_UUID);
BluetoothSocket aBluetoothSocket = tmp.accept();
However, even though the two devices connect I never get a socket back. BTW if I use the UUID that starts with 111E in this second code block here I get a service discovery io error, which makes sense -- I know that my device is using uuid 111F and the other device uses UUID 111E.
Has anyone ran into this issue before? I need to be able to have complete control over all data that gets sent from the phone on that rfcomm channel. I cannot use reflection ; i.e.
Class<?>[] args = new Class[] { int.class };
int HFP_CHANNEL = 10;
Method listenOn = BluetoothAdapter.class.getDeclaredMethod("listenUsingRfcommOn", args);
BluetoothServerSocket my_server = (BluetoothServerSocket) (listenOn.invoke(mBluetoothAdapter,
new Object[] { HFP_CHANNEL }));
BluetoothSocket m_BluetoothSocket = my_server.accept();
because that also throws an io error -- channel already in use, unless anyone knows a way to turn off the hands-free system service. Afaik that is part of bluetoothd (Im using Android 4.1 here) and I need that to remain running (Im not sure if I even can turn it off)
My Question is: Can Android 4.3 (client) have active connections with multiple BLE devices (servers)? If so, how can I achieve it?
What I did so far
I try to evaluate what throughput you can achieve using BLE and Android 4.3 BLE API. In addition I also try to find out how many devices can be connected and active at the same time. I use a Nexus 7 (2013), Android 4.4 as master and TI CC2540 Keyfob as slaves.
I wrote a simple server software for the slaves, which transmits 10000 20Byte packets through BLE notifications. I based my Android App on the Application Accelerator from the Bluetooth SIG.
It works well for one device and I can achieve around 56 kBits payload throughput at a Connection Interval of 7.5 ms. To connect to multiple slaves I followed the advice of a Nordic Employee who wrote in the Nordic Developer Zone:
Yes it's possible to handle multiple slaves with a single app. You would need to handle each slave with one BluetoothGatt instance. You would also need specific BluetoothGattCallback for each slave you connect to.
So I tried that and it partly works. I can connect to multiple slaves. I can also register for notifications on multiple slaves. The problem begins when I start the test. I receive at first notifications from all slaves, but after a couple Connection Intervals just the notifications from one device come trough. After about 10 seconds the other slaves disconnect, because they seem to reach the connection time-out. Sometimes I receive right from the start of the test just notifications from one slave.
I also tried accessing the attribute over a read operation with the same result. After a couple of reads just the answers from one device came trough.
I am aware that there are a few similar questions on this forum: Does Android 4.3 support multiple BLE device connections?, Has native Android BLE GATT implementation synchronous nature? or Ble multiple connection. But none of this answers made it clear for me, if it is possible and how to do it.
I would be very grateful for advice.
I suspect everyone adding delays is just allowing the BLE system to complete the action you have asked before you submit another one. Android's BLE system has no form of queueing. If you do
BluetoothGatt g;
then the first write operation will immediately be overwritten with the second one. Yes it's really stupid and the documentation should probably actually mention this.
If you insert a wait, it allows the first operation to complete before doing the second. That is a huge ugly hack though. A better solution is to implement your own queue (like Google should have). Fortunately Nordic have released one for us.
Edit: By the way this is the universal behaviour for BLE APIs. WebBluetooth behaves the same way (but Javascript does make it easier to use), and I believe iOS's BLE API also behaves the same.
Re visting the bluetooth-lowenergy problem on android: I am still using delays.
The concept: after every major action that provokes the BluetoothGattCallback (e.g. conenction, service discovery, write, read) a dealy is needed. P.S. have a look at Google example on BLE API level 19 sample for connectivity to understand how Broadcasts should be sent and get some general understanding etc...
Firstly, scan (or scan) for BluetoothDevices, populate the connectionQueue with desired devices and call initConnection().
Have a look on the following example.
private Queue<BluetoothDevice> connectionQueue = new LinkedList<BluetoothDevice>();
public void initConnection(){
if(connectionThread == null){
connectionThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
connectionThread = null;
private void connectionLoop(){
connectionQueue.poll().connectGatt(context, false, bleInterface.mGattCallback);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
Now if all is good, you have made connections and BluetoothGattCallback.onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status, int newState) has been called.
public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status, int newState) {
case BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS:
if (newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED) {
broadcastUpdate(BluetoothConstants.ACTION_GATT_CONNECTED, gatt);
}else if(newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED){
broadcastUpdate(BluetoothConstants.ACTION_GATT_DISCONNECTED, gatt);
protected void broadcastUpdate(String action, BluetoothGatt gatt) {
final Intent intent = new Intent(action);
intent.putExtra(BluetoothConstants.EXTRA_MAC, gatt.getDevice().getAddress());
P.S. sendBroadcast(intent) might need to be done like this:
Context context = activity.getBaseContext();
Then the broadcast is received by BroadcastReceiver.onReceive(...)
public BroadcastReceiver myUpdateReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver(){
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
final String action = intent.getAction();
//Connection made, here you can make a decision: do you want to initiate service discovery.
// P.S. If you are working with multiple devices,
// make sure that you start the service discovery
// after all desired connections are made
After doing whatever you want in the broadcast receiver, here is how I continue:
private Queue<BluetoothGatt> serviceDiscoveryQueue = new LinkedList<BluetoothGatt>();
private void initServiceDiscovery(){
if(serviceDiscoveryThread == null){
serviceDiscoveryThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
serviceDiscoveryThread = null;
private void serviceDiscovery(){
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e){}
Again, after a successful service discovery, BluetoothGattCallback.onServicesDiscovered(...) is called. Again, I send an intent to the BroadcastReceiver (this time with different action String) and it is now that you can start reading, writing and enabling notifications/indications...
P.S. If you are working with multiple devices, make sure that you start the reading, writing etc... stuff after all devices have reported that their services have been discovered.
private Queue<BluetoothGattCharacteristic> characteristicReadQueue = new LinkedList<BluetoothGattCharacteristic>();
private void startThread(){
if(initialisationThread == null){
initialisationThread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
initialisationThread = null;
private void loopQueues() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
// A loop for starting indications and all other stuff goes here!
BluetoothGattCallback will have all your incoming data from the BLE sensor. A good practice is to send a broadcast with the data to your BroadcastReceiver and handle it over there.
I am developing an app with BLE features myself. The way I managed to connect to multiple devices and turn on notifications was to implement delays.
So I make a new thread (in order not to block UI thread) and in the new thread connect and turn on notifications.
For example, after BluetoothDevice.connectGatt(); call Thread.sleep();
And add the same delay for read/write and enable/dissable notifications.
Use wait like this so that Android dindn't reaise ANR
public static boolean waitIdle() {
int i = 300;
i /= 10;
while (--i > 0) {
if (true)
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return i > 0;
Unfortunately notifications in the current Android BLE stack are a bit buggy. There are some hardcoded limits and I've found some stability issues even with a single device. (I read at one point that you could only have 4 notifications... not sure if that's across all devices or per device. Trying to find the source for that info now.)
I would try switching to a polling loop (say, poll the items in question 1/sec) and seeing if you find your stability increases. I would also consider switching to a different slave device (say a HRM or the TI SensorTag) to see if there is perhaps an issue with the slave-side code (unless you can test that against iOS or another platform and confirm it isn't part of the issue).
Edit: Reference for notification limitation
Rain is right in his answer, you need delays for pretty much everything when you work with BLE in Android. I developed several apps with it and it is really necessary. By using them you avoid a lot of crashes.
In my case, I use delays after every read/write command. Doing so, you ensure you receive the response from the BLE device almost always. I do something like this: (of course everything is done in a separate thread to avoid to much work on the main thread)
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
This is really useful when you read/write several characteristics in a row... As Android is enough fast to execute the commands almost instantly, if you don't use a delay between them you may get errors or incoherent values...
Hope it helps even if it is not exactly the answer to your question.
I'm writing an Android app which receives information from a Bluetooth device. Our client has suggested that the Bluetooth device (which they produce) will change its name depending on certain conditions - for the simplest example its name will sometimes be "xxx-ON" and sometimes "xxx-OFF". My app is just supposed to seek this BT transmitter (I use BluetoothAdapter.startDiscovery() ) and do different things depending on the name it finds. I am NOT pairing with the Bluetooth device (though I suppose it might be possible, the app is supposed to eventually work with multiple Android devices and multiple BT transmitters so I'm not sure it would be a good idea).
My code works fine to detect BT devices and find their names. Also, if the device goes off, I can detect the next time I seek, that it is not there. But it seems that if it is there and it changes name, I pick up the old name - presumably it is cached somewhere. Even if the bluetooth device goes off, and we notice that, the next time I detect it, I still see the old name.
I found this issue in Google Code: here but it was unclear to me even how to use the workaround given ("try to connect"). Has anyone done this and had any luck? Can you share code?
Is there a simple way to just delete the cached names and search again so I always find the newest names? Even a non-simple way would be good (I am writing for a rooted device).
I would suggest 'fetchUuidsWithSdp()'. It's significance is that, unlike the similar getUuids() method, fetchUuidsWithSdp causes the device to update cached information about the remote device. And I believe this includes the remote name as well as the SPD.
Note that both the methods I mentioned are hidden prior to 4.0.3, so your code would look l ike this:
public static void startServiceDiscovery( BluetoothDevice device ) {
// Need to use reflection prior to API 15
Class cl = null;
try {
cl = Class.forName("android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice");
} catch( ClassNotFoundException exc ) {
Log.e(CTAG, "android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice not found." );
if (null != cl) {
Class[] param = {};
Method method = null;
try {
method = cl.getMethod("fetchUuidsWithSdp", param);
} catch( NoSuchMethodException exc ) {
Log.e(CTAG, "fetchUuidsWithSdp not found." );
if (null != method) {
Object[] args = {};
try {
method.invoke(device, args);
} catch (Exception exc) {
Log.e(CTAG, "Failed to invoke fetchUuidsWithSdp method." );
You'll then need to listen for the BluetoothDevice.ACTION_NAME_CHANGED intent, and extract BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_NAME from it.
Let me know if that helps.