The Qt Quick Application doesn't build a .apk file - android

Using a Qt Quick Application (project name: SimpleUI), I ran this example using the Desktop kit correctly.
Then went for testing the app using both Android for armeabi-v7a (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.9.0 for Android armv7) and Android for x86 (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.9.0 for Android x86) kits in both Debug and Release modes. I don't have an Android device and used emulators for both non-Desktop kits, although they didn't show the output of the app!
Now my folder looks like this, and I searched the .apk file to test it somewhere else and searched the folders by *.apk keyword but I couldn't find such a file!
I searched the web and was asked about my API levels. My SDK looks like below:
I don't use Ant but Gradle instead of that.
Using the SimpleUI project I went through its path and found details for both architectures.
Here is for the Arm and this one for the x86.
What is the problem please?
Qt Creator IDE ver: 4.3.0
Qt ver: 5.9


How to bypass the problem of qt version missing for 64bit android?

I installed Qt 5.11.2( to build an Android app. Qt creator auto-detects 3 Qt versions:
Qt 5.11.2 for Android ARMv7,
Qt 5.11.2 for Android x86,
Qt 5.11.2 MinGW 32bit.
I think they are all 32 bit.
But when I created a project, in the "select Kits" step, it says "Android has not been configured. Create Android kits.". When I clicked the "configure" button, in Device/Android, it says "Cannot create kits for all architectures. Qt versions are missing for the following architectures: arm-linux-android-elf-64bit, x86-linux-android-elf-64bit. To add the Qt version,select Options > Build&Run > Qt Versions". But I do not want to build the 64 bit app. I just want to build the 32bit app using the existing Qt versions. How to bypass this error and build a 32bit Android app? I wonder why it refers to the 64 bit architectures, just because the 32 bit qt is installed on 64 bit machine?

Qt versions for 6 architectures are missing

I have just installed Qt 5.9.1 and want to make an app for Android (I'm using Windows 10).
I have installed the SDK, NDK and ant and specified the paths in the configuration. But Qt gives the following warning:
Qt versions for 6 architectures are missing. To add the Qt versions,
select Options > Build & Run > Qt Versions
When I go to Qt Versions I can only see Qt 5.9.1 MinGW 32bit.
I've googled this and a solution to a similar issue was to download the Android version of Qt from the Qt download page:
But that Android version is only 5.6. I'm gonna use Qt Quick Controls 2, which is not available until version 5.7, according to this:
Qt Quick Controls 2 provides a set of controls that can be used to
build complete interfaces in Qt Quick. The module was introduced in Qt
Does anyone know what is causing this? Is there some other way I can get the files needed to build for Android and keep Qt version 5.9?

Freshly setup Qt build for Android fails on OSX machine

I am doing a fresh installation of Commercial Qt on a new MacOS Sierra machine. I am trying to build a sample Qt app for android & iOS. I am able to build my QtApp for iOS without any trouble.
But on android I get the following error:
Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
Build failed
Building the android package failed!
-- For more information, run this command with --verbose.
19:47:50: The process "/Users/MyComputer/Qt/5.7/android_armv7/bin/androiddeployqt" exited with code 14.
Error while building/deploying project t1 (kit: Android for armeabi-v7a (GCC 4.9, Qt 5.7.1))
When executing step "Build Android APK"
I have downloaded latest ndk r14b from here.
I have installed latest sdk that comes with Android Studio these days from here. And updated android sdkmanager to installed all platforms ranging from android-19 to android-25.
I have installed latest JDK 8 as well. I tested the android setup by building & running an android app from Android Studio which worked flawlessly.
Qt worked with Android pretty nicely. What has changed ? Should I do some tweaks because of some structural changes in Android ?
Copying PathToAndroidStudio/templates into PathToAndroidSDK/templates or PathToAndroidSDK/tools/templates as suggested here & here doesn't seem to be enough.
What more should I do apart from copying the templates folder as suggested in some other answers ?
You are trying to use Ant build system. Change it to using Gradle-based one or take a look here: The ant/ folder is suddenly missing from Android SDK. Did Google remove it?

how to configure Qt for android

I am using Debian Linux and I want to configure Qt for Android application.
I downloaded Qt from the Qt site and configured JDK, SDK and NDK and gave the path of SDK and NDK path to Qt option, then I restarted Qt creator. But in Debuggers option Qt says:
/home/user/Qtrequirement/android-ndk-r10e/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gdb not exist.
I searched in Google and I found out another NDK at Qt official that has a gdb file but not have every file for NDK. Qt says this is not top level NDK folder.
I googled everything and installed every dependency package that Qt uses.
Can anyone give me any solution that makes apk file and run in any Android device?
FYI any other application that does not use Android will run successfully, but I can not make an apk file using Qt.
Does anyone know the answer for this problem for Debian Linux?

How Do You Configure IBM Worklight Studio to Build for ARM and MIPS devices?

I'm using Worklight Studio Developer Edition plugin for the Eclipse IDE Juno JAVA EE to test building hybrid apps and I'm trying to build and deploy to an Android MIPS based device. ARM devices and emulators work fine but the MIPS device will not install.
I receive the following errors from the console and logcat.
[2013-03-05 00:27:36 - Project1App1Android] Installation failed due to invalid APK file!
[2013-03-05 00:27:36 - Project1App1Android] Please check logcat output for more details.
[2013-03-05 00:27:36 - Project1App1Android] Launch canceled!
03-05 00:28:18.607: W/PackageManager(90): Native ABI mismatch from package file
I think the problem is the build is not including MIPS support for older device SDKs like Froyo 2.2.1 which is on the devce I'm having problems with. How can I configure Worklight to build for ARM and older MIPS? I have the MDS Eclipse plugin for PhoneGap installed as well and it builds and deploys to the same MIPS device without any problems.
Android applications are built and run with help of Android Development Tools. The unified support for all processor architectures is included in Release 21 of Android SDK. You can read the announcement here: Official Android SDK, Installation instructions
This is outside of the Worklight scope. You should open the Android SDK Manager, and make sure to install any support by Google related to MIPS and/or ARM.
The generated .apk is generated via Google's Android Developer Tools.

