Dagger 2.11 Dependency Cycle - android

Using Dagger 2.11, the following code returns "Error:[dagger.android.AndroidInjector.inject(T)] Found a dependency cycle:". This is happening because the provideApp method has the argument "App app". If I remove it and do a dirty hack that provides the application instance directly, the code compiles and works.
From examples I've seen before, it used to be common practice to keep an instance of the application in the module and using that for other providers, but since this module class is now abstract, this doesn't work as the #Provide methods need to be static.
How can I solve this?
#Module(includes = AndroidInjectionModule.class)
public abstract class AppModule {
static App provideApp(App app) {
return app;
static Authenticator provideAuthenticator(App app) {
return new AuthenticatorImpl(app);
What I need to achieve is basically this behaviour:
#Module(includes = AndroidInjectionModule.class)
public class AppModule {
private App application;
AppModule(App app) {
application = app;
Authenticator provideAuthenticator() {
return new AuthenticatorImpl(application);
However, this doesn't work since the AppModule is now an abstract class and the app wouldn't compile if I use #Provides Authenticator provideAuthenticator() without the static keyword. If I use the static keyword, then I can't access the non-static application field.

Your code:
static App provideApp(App app) {
return app;
means "provide App using App as a dependency". In other words, you want to provide App but you need App first. Hence your cycle.
The best solution to this problem is to follow the Rule of Demeter and not to provide the Application singleton at all.
Why does your AuthenticatorImpl need to know the concrete type of your Application subclass? I bet you can refactor that class so that Application is no longer a direct dependency for it - perhaps you merely need a Context. If you merely need singletons at app-scope, you can simply make a module with #Singleton #Provides methods and install it in your application component.
If, after all this, you find you must #Provide your subclass you can create a new module that doesn't include any others:
#Module //don't include other modules here
class AppModule {
private final App app;
public AppModule(App app) {
this.app = app;
App app() {
return app;
And install it in your app-level component:
//inside your App class
.appModule(new AppModule(this))

You would not need the AppModule if you implemented the following in your Application:
public class App extends DaggerApplication {
private AndroidInjector<App> appInjector;
#dagger.Component(modules = {
public interface Component extends AndroidInjector<App> {
abstract class Builder extends AndroidInjector.Builder<App> {}
protected AndroidInjector<? extends DaggerApplication> applicationInjector() {
return DaggerApp_Component
.username("Username from application")
Now App will be a dependency on the global scope and can be used in every module linked to the #Component.


dagger-android custom scopes

I'm confused about scoped dependencies in Dagger using dagger-android.
Using #ContributesAndroidInjetor I have a code something like the following:
public abstract class ActivityBindingModule {
#ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = PotatoesModule.class)
public abstract MainActivity contributeMainActivityInjector();
public abstract UserActivity contributeUserActivity();
The ActivityBindingModule is defined as a module in my AppComponent. But the problem is. How can I do something like
#Component(dependencies = AppComponent.class)
public interface UserComponent {...}
And annotate an Activity to use that scope? Is all my dependencies inside activity "local singletons"? Because each Activity injector is a subcomponent of AppComponent.
Maybe I'm not understanding the concept of "scopes" using dagger-android, I would be glad if someone could explain it.
Here's some clarification on scopes:
Say you had an AppComponent and you Annotate it with the #Singleton annotation:
#Component(modules = {
public interface AppComponent extends AndroidInjector<BaseApplication> {
interface Builder{
Builder application(Application application);
AppComponent build();
And you had an AppModule which provide App level dependencies (i.e. a Retrofit Instance for example that you annotate with #Singleton):
public class AppModule {
static Retrofit provideRetrofitInstance(){
return new Retrofit.Builder()
Then we can say that AppComponent owns the #Singleton scope and therefore the #Singleton annotation that you put on the Retrofit instance that you provided now has the same scope as the AppComponent - i.e. it's an application level scope.
If you want to scope to Activities - you should make a custom scope like this:
public #interface UserScope {
Then in your ActivityBindingModule (that you've written), annotate the UserActivity with #UserScope if you want the UserActivity to "own" the #UserScope scope. Also, add a module next to the #ContributesAndroidInjector - let's call it UserModule.class:
public abstract class ActivityBindingModule {
#ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = PotatoesModule.class)
public abstract MainActivity contributeMainActivityInjector();
#ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = UserModule.class)
public abstract UserActivity contributeUserActivity();
And now, creating UserModule.class and annotating a provided dependency with #UserScope:
public class UserModule {
static User provideUser(){
return new User();
This dependency now has the same scope as the UserActivity. So when UserActivity is destroyed and re-created, the dependency provided will also be destroyed and recreated.
To finish up:
Create a POJO User:
public class User {
public User() {
and now, if you go to your UserActivity and do:
public class UserActivity extends DaggerAppCompatActivity {
private static final String TAG = "UserActivity";
User aUser;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Log.d(TAG, "onCreate: " + aUser);
If you run your App now you will see a memory address being printed to the log. Rotate the device to destroy and re-create the activity and you'll see that the memory address changes. This is how we know that the #UserScope is working correctly.
If you want to see your Application scope in action i.e. #Singleton, then create an AppModule, add it to your AppComponent and provide a User dependency in that module and annotate it with #Singleton. Remember to use the #Named annotation too since you now have 2 dependencies that are provided with the same return type (that can both be accessed within the Activity Scope).
Go to your UserActivity again and Inject both Users (remember to use #Named). Log it in another logging statement and after rotating the device you will notice you have the same memory address for the Application scoped dependency.
I hope this cleared things up.
Is all my dependencies inside activity "local singletons"? Because each Activity injector is a subcomponent of AppComponent.
The subcomponents generated by dagger-android are unscoped, unless you annotate the #ContributesAndroidInjector-annotated method with a scope.
But the problem is. How can I do something like ... #Component(dependencies = AppComponent.class) ... And annotate an Activity to use that scope?
As far as I know, you can only use subcomponents with dagger-android. Furthermore activity subcomponents must be declared in modules installed in the application component, while fragment subcomponents may be declared in modules installed in either application, activity or fragment components.
I'm not sure what you mean by "annotate an Activity to use that scope" though.

Dagger - Getting Same Instance On Different Component

I'm having a similar problem like the one in this question.
While the accepted answer does help, but I'm missing final piece to solve the problem.
I have 2 android library modules: common and exp which depends on common.
Everything under common:
public class CommonModule {
public Repository providesRepository() {
return new Repository();
public interface CommonComponent {
void inject(CommonClass commonClass);
CommonClass needs instance of Repository
public class CommonDIHolder {
public static CommonComponent sComponent;
public static void init() {
sComponent = DaggerCommonComponent.builder().build();
Everything under exp:
public class ExpModule {
public ExpResource provideExpResource() {
return new ExpResource();
#Component(modules={ExpModule.class}, dependencies={CommonComponent.class})
public interface ExpComponent {
void inject(ExpClass expClass);
ExpClass needs instance of Repository and ExpResource
public class ExpDIHolder {
public static ExpComponent sComponent;
public static void init() {
sComponent = DaggerExpComponent.builder()
I need both CommonClass and ExpClass receive the same instance of Repository.
The problem with this approach is that #Singleton can't depends on #Singleton. So I have to change the scope of ExpComponent into self-defined scope called #ExpScope. Then I changed the provideExpResource into #ExpScope as well.
Then I encountered an error saying that ExpComponent may not reference bindings with different scopes. It refers to the provideRepository which has different scope (#Singleton) on it. If I changed the scope into ExpScope then the CommonComponent will have different scope with provideRepository.
If I changed all #Singleton into #ExpScope then I receive this error message: depends on scoped components in a non-hierarchical scope ordering
What should I do? Or I'm doing the wrong approach here?
Use one and only one #Singleton scoped component
You should have one and only one #Singleton scoped component like this:
#Component(modules={CommonModule.class, ExpModule.class})
public interface CommonComponent {
Only specify Activities, Fragments, and Services as explicit injection targets for Components
In an Android app, you should only list Activities, Fragments and Services as injection sites. You should configure Dagger 2 to inject the rest of your dependencies without having to resort to calling component.inject(this) inside them.
For example, if your CommonClass looks like this:
public class CommonClass {
#Inject Repository repository;
public class CommonClass() {
Refactor it like this:
public class CommonClass {
private final Repository repository;
public class CommonClass(Repository repository) {
this.repository = repository;
Now when you have an Activity or Fragment that needs CommonClass and you are injecting with CommonComponent or one of its sub-components or dependent components, they can obtain instances of CommonClass wired with the correct dependencies:
public class MyActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
#Inject CommonClass commonClass;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Use subcomponents or dependent components to specify the injection targets
Now you have a #Singleton scoped component, you'll probably want to create a component for a narrower scope for your Activity or Fragment. You'll have to connect it to your CommonComponent, so use dependent components or subcomponents (subcomponents are preferred as of Dagger 2.10). Since you say you have already tried defining a #ExpScope, I think the missing piece is to make subcomponent or dependent component with the #ExpScope that injects your Activity or Fragment.
Something like the following for the top-level singleton component:
#Component(modules={CommonModule.class, ExpModule.class})
public interface CommonComponent {
ExpComponent.Builder exComponent();
And then for the subcomponent:
#Subcomponent(modules = {NarrowerScopedModule.class})
public interface ExpComponent {
public interface Builder {
Builder narrowerScopedModule(NarrowerScopedModule narrowerScopedModule);
ExpComponent build();
There are good working examples of Android projects in the Google Android Architecture Blueprints Github repo

Dagger 2: Unable to inject singleton in other scope

I have Singleton scoped module that provides some standard singletons: Application, DB services, etc.
But for Activity I have separate module that should create Presenter for he Activity and I need to pass Application context to it. However I get following error when trying to compile the project:
Error:(13, 1) error: xxx.SplashComponent scoped with #xxx.ViewScope may not reference bindings with different scopes:
#Provides #Singleton xxx.ApplicationModule.provideAppContext()
Here is snippet of my Application module:
public class ApplicationModule {
private Application app;
public ApplicationModule(Application app) {
this.app = app;
Scheduler provideUIScheduler() {
return AndroidSchedulers.mainThread();
Scheduler provideIOScheduler() {
return Schedulers.io();
Application provideApplication() {
return app;
Context provideAppContext() {
return app;
And here is Activity module and Component:
public class SplashModule {
private final FragmentManager fragmentManager;
public SplashModule(FragmentManager fragmentManager) {
this.fragmentManager = fragmentManager;
Presenter getPresenter(Context context) {
return new SplashPresenter(context, fragmentManager);
#Component(modules = {SplashModule.class, ApplicationModule.class})
public interface SplashComponent {
void inject(SplashActivity activity);
What am I doing wrong?
What am I doing wrong?
#Component(modules = {SplashModule.class /*View scoped*/,
ApplicationModule.class/*Singleton scoped*/})
You can only include unscoped or modules scoped with the same scope in your components. You will need to use more than one component.
To include the dependencies from your application, you need to have them in a different component, e.g. ApplicationComponent. If yo do this, you have 2 options: either declare SplashComponent as a SubComponent of ApplicationComponent or add ApplicationComponent as a dependency to your component. If you add it as a dependency, be sure to also provide methods in your ApplicationComponent, so that it can access the dependencies.
e.g. if you were to use component dependencies:
#Component(modules = {ApplicationModule.class})
public interface ApplicationComponent {
void inject(MyApplication app);
// todo: also add getters for your other dependencies you need further down the graph
Application getApplication();
#Component(modules = {SplashModule.class}, dependencies={ApplicationComponent.class})
public interface SplashComponent {
// as before
I want to explain some key points of Dagger 2 from my understanding.
Main actors:
"Component" is the bridge between modules and places where injection happens.
"Module" is the place where we declare our objects which will be injected.
"Scope" is like the life-time of related injection story.
How does it work?
Declare component with a scope ("Singleton").
Define modules that can inject the required objects in the component's modules list.
void inject(BaseFragment baseFragment);
*******Expose the provided objects in the component's module to sub components****
DbHelper dbHelper();
Declare module and provides objects to be injected via component.
#Component(modules = { ApplicationModule.class, NetworkModule.class })
public interface ApplicationComponent {
void inject(BaseActivity baseActivity);
DbHelper dbHelper();
#PerService #Component(dependencies = ApplicationComponent.class, modules = ServiceModule.class)
public interface ServiceComponent {
void inject(SyncService service);
// SyncService.java
#Inject DbHelper dbHelper; (even Singleton scoped)
private void setupInjector() {
ServiceComponent mServiceComponent = DaggerServiceComponent.builder()
.serviceModule(new ServiceModule(this))
ok then...
You can inject both unscoped and (Singleton and PerService) scoped objects to your SyncService.class
Scoping rules:
When a type is marked with a scope annotation, it can only be used by Components that are annotated with the same scope.
When a Component is marked with a scope annotation, it can only provide types with that annotation or types that have no annotation.
A subcomponent cannot use a scope annotation used by one of its parent Components.
Components also involve subcomponents in this context.
Caution:- Modules that use a scope annotation can only be used in components that are annotated with the same scope. Check Here.
For more information on Dagger in Android go through this training and practise it here.

How inject the Activity to object that is being injected to the Activity?

I have this module:
public class UserProfileModule {
UserProfileController providesUserProfileController() {
return new UserProfileController();
and this component:
#Component(modules = {UserProfileModule.class})
public interface AppComponent {
void inject(UserProfileActivity activity);
So far, in My UserProfileActivity I can #Injectan UserProfileController. But now, I need to inject the UserProfileActivity to the controller. I mean, inject each other.
I could do it by calling a UserProfileController setter in UserProfileActivity: setActivity(this);, but it would be nice if can be automatic.
How can achieve that?
For starters: add it to the constructor. Then declare that dependency.
UserProfileController providesUserProfileController(UserProfileActivity activity) {
return new UserProfileController(activity);
After doing so dagger will complain about not being able to provide UserProfileActivity unless you already do so. If you don't, add another module, or just provide the dependency from that same module. The actual implementation follows, first we need to fix your code.
#Singleton is a dependency on top of the hierarchy. You can't—or at least should not—have an activity dependency for a #Singleton annotated object, since this will probably cause bad smells and/or memory leaks. Introduce a custom scope #PerActivity to use for dependencies within your activities lifespan.
public #interface PerActivity {}
This will allow for correct scoping of the object. Please also refer to some tutorials about dagger, since this is a really important issue and covering everything in a single answer would be too much. e.g. Tasting dagger 2 on android
The following uses the latter approach of the aforementioned 2 options by expanding your module:
public class UserProfileModule {
private final UserProfileActivity mActivity;
public UserProfileModule(UserProfileActivity activity) {
mActivity = activity;
UserProfileActivity provideActivity() {
return mActivity;
#Provides // as before
UserProfileController providesUserProfileController(UserProfileActivity activity) {
return new UserProfileController(activity);
If you now use your component Builder you can create a new instance of your module with the activity as an argument. The dependency will then correctly be supplied.

Dagger 2 - modules from different components

I am not quite sure how to solve this with dagger 2.
Lets assume we have ApplicationModule that provides us ApplicationContext
then we have ApplicationComponent that uses just this one module.
Then on top of it we have ActivityModule and ActivityComponent that has dependency on ApplicationComponent.
ActivityComponent is build just like
ApplicationComponent component = ((MyApplication) getApplication()).getComponent();
mComponent = Dagger_ActivityComponent.builder()
.activityModule(new ActivityModule(this))
And then I inject my activity:
Now I am able to use everything that is declared inside my ActivityModule, however it is not possible for me to access ApplicationModule.
So the question is how could that be achieved? So that when I build component that depends on another component I can still access module from the first one?
I think I have found solutions, after rewatching Devoxx talk by Jake again, I have had to miss that out, whatever I want to use from another components module I have to provide in that component, for example I want to use Context from ApplicationModule then inside ApplicationComponent I have to state Context provideContext(); and it is going to be available. Pretty cool :)
You have already answered your question, but the answer is to specify the provision methods in your "superscoped" component (ApplicationComponent).
For example,
public class ApplicationModule {
public Something something() {
return new Something.Builder().configure().build();
// if Something can be made with constructor,
// use #Singleton on the class and #Inject on the constructor
// and then the module is not needed
public interface ApplicationComponent {
Something something(); //PROVISION METHOD. YOU NEED THIS.
public #interface ActivityScope {
public class OtherThing {
private final Something something;
public OtherThing(Something something) {
this.something = something;
#Component(dependencies = {ApplicationComponent.class})
public interface ActivityComponent extends ApplicationComponent { //inherit provision methods
OtherThing otherThing();

