So, I have an Android app that uses I have to run queries asynchronously like this :
public static void getProductsByCategoryId(Realm realm,
String categoryId,
OrderedRealmCollectionChangeListener<RealmResults<Product>> callback) {
RealmResults<Product> result = realm.where(Product.class)
.equalTo(CATEGORY, categoryId)
The callback will process this response, but then I need to run another query in sequence. So, you'll have queryA => process response => queryB => process response. So, the callback may have code like this
getProductsByCategoryId(app.getRealmInstance(), "ABC123", firstCallback);
private OrderedRealmCollectionChangeListener<RealmResults<Product>> firstCallback = new OrderedRealmCollectionChangeListener<RealmResults<Product>>() {
public void onChange(RealmResults<Product> realmProducts, OrderedCollectionChangeSet changeSet) {
// get more product info (2nd call)
MainApplication.getMoreProductInfo(mRealm, mCatId, false, secondCallback);
Currently, my understanding is that you would run queryB in the callback of queryA ? Looking at the requirements for the app, I will end up with chains of 3 or 4 queries. Is this an appropriate approach, or is there a specific pattern I should be using ? I haven't found any guidance yet in the Realm documentation.
It's generally an indication of bad schema design if you need to do multiple queries in order to retrieve your result set, because the way Realm works is that if you can define your query results with one query (and you don't use realm.copyFromRealm() which you generally don't need to use anyways), then its elements and the results itself are all lazy-loaded.
If you cannot accomplish that, then even then, generally you probably shouldn't chain find*Async calls, because any RealmResults that you don't store as a field variable has a chance of being consumed by GC, and its change listener won't be called when isLoaded() is true (because said RealmResults no longer exists).
So what you really seem to want to do is just execute multiple queries on a background thread then return copied results to the main thread, in which case it'd just look like this
Executor executor = Executors.newSingleThreadedPool(); // or some other pool
Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
public void getQueryResults(DataLoadedCallback callback) {
executor.execute(() -> {
try(Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance()) {
realm.refresh(); // <-- might not be necessary
RealmResults<XYZ> results1 = realm.where(XYZ.class)./*...*/.findAll();
RealmResults<ZXY> results2 = realm.where(ZXY.class)./*...*/.findAll();
RealmResults<YZX> results3 = realm.where(YZX.class)./*...*/.findAll();
List<Something> someList = new LinkedList<>();
for/*do magic transform things*/
someList.add(blah /* blah is not a managed RealmObject */);
} -> {
callback.onDataLoaded(Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(someList)));
Chaining queries in the callbacks are fine and "should just work", but it would be far more efficient if you can express what you want is as few queries as possible.
Ideally, we should have a query language that is powerful enough to express everything you want in one query. We are not fully there yet, but we would be very interested to hear more about what specific requirements you have.
Also, it isn't clear why you are using copyFromRealm in the method you posted, but in an ideal situation that shouldn't be necessary.
I'm creating some SDK library, and I want to offer some liveData as a returned object for a function, that will allow to monitor data on the DB.
The problem
I don't want to reveal the real objects from the DB and their fields (like the ID), and so I wanted to use a transformation of them.
So, suppose I have this liveData from the DB:
val dbLiveData = Database.getInstance(context).getSomeDao().getAllAsLiveData()
What I did to get the liveData to provide outside, is:
val resultLiveData: LiveData<List<SomeClass>> =
dbLiveData) { data -> { SomeClass(it) }
This works very well.
However, the problem is that the first line (to get dbLiveData) should work on a background thread, as the DB might need to initialize/update, and yet the part is supposed to be on the UI thread (including the mapping itself, sadly).
What I've tried
This lead me to this kind of ugly solution, of having a listener to a live data, to be run on the UI thread:
fun getAsLiveData(someContext: Context,listener: OnLiveDataReadyListener) {
val context = someContext.applicationContext ?: someContext
val handler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())
Executors.storageExecutor.execute {
val dbLiveData = Database.getInstance(context).getSomeDao().getAllAsLiveData() {
val resultLiveData: LiveData<List<SomeClass>> =
dbLiveData) { data -> { SomeClass(it) }
Note: I use simple threading solution because it's an SDK, so I wanted to avoid importing libraries when possible. Plus it's quite a simple case anyway.
The question
Is there some way to offer the transformed live data on the UI thread even when it's all not prepared yet, without any listener ?
Meaning some kind of "lazy" initialization of the transformed live data. One that only when some observer is active, it will initialize/update the DB and start the real fetching&conversion (both in the background thread, of course).
The Problem
You are an SDK that has no UX/UI, or no context to derive Lifecycle.
You need to offer some data, but in an asynchronous way because it's data you need to fetch from the source.
You also need time to initialize your own internal dependencies.
You don't want to expose your Database objects/internal models to the outside world.
Your Solution
You have your data as LiveData directly from your Source (in this particular, albeit irrelevant case, from Room Database).
What you COULD do
Use Coroutines, it's the preferred documented way these days (and smaller than a beast like RxJava).
Don't offer a List<TransformedData>. Instead have a state:
sealed class SomeClassState {
object NotReady : SomeClassState()
data class DataFetchedSuccessfully(val data: List<TransformedData>): SomeClassState()
// add other states if/as you see fit, e.g.: "Loading" "Error" Etc.
Then Expose your LiveData differently:
private val _state: MutableLiveData<SomeClassState> = MutableLiveData(SomeClassState.NotReady) // init with a default value
val observeState(): LiveData<SomeClassState) = _state
Now, whoever is consuming the data, can observe it with their own lifecycle.
Then, you can proceed to have your fetch public method:
Somewhere in your SomeClassRepository (where you have your DB), accept a Dispatcher (or a CoroutineScope):
suspend fun fetchSomeClassThingy(val defaultDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default) {
return withContext(defaultDispatcher) {
// Notify you're fetching...
// get your DB or initialize it (should probably be injected in an already working state, but doesn't matter)
val db = ...
//fetch the data and transform at will
val result = db.dao().doesntmatter().what().you().do()
// Finally, post it.
What else I would do.
The fact that the data is coming from a Database is or should be absolutely irrelevant.
I would not return LiveData from Room directly (I find that a very bad decision on Google that goes against their own architecture that if anything, gives you the ability to shoot your own feet).
I would look at exposing a flow which allows you to emit values N times.
Last but not least, I do recommend you spend 15 minutes reading the recently (2021) published by Google Coroutines Best Practices, as it will give you an insight you may not have (I certainly didn't do some of those).
Notice I have not involved a single ViewModel, this is all for a lower layer of the architecture onion. By injecting (via param or DI) the Dispatcher, you facilitate testing this (by later in the test using a Testdispatcher), also doesn't make any assumption on the Threading, nor imposes any restriction; it's also a suspend function, so you have that covered there.
Hope this gives you a new perspective. Good luck!
OK I got it as such:
fun getSavedReportsLiveData(someContext: Context): LiveData<List<SomeClass>> {
val context = someContext.applicationContext ?: someContext
val dbLiveData =
val result = MediatorLiveData<List<SomeClass>>()
result.addSource(dbLiveData) { list ->
Executors.storageExecutor.execute {
result.postValue( { SomeClass(it) })
return result
internal object Executors {
/**used only for things that are related to storage on the device, including DB */
val storageExecutor: ExecutorService = ForkJoinPool(1)
The way I've found this solution is actually via a very similar question (here), which I think it's based on the code of :
public static <X, Y> LiveData<Y> map(
#NonNull LiveData<X> source,
#NonNull final Function<X, Y> mapFunction) {
final MediatorLiveData<Y> result = new MediatorLiveData<>();
result.addSource(source, new Observer<X>() {
public void onChanged(#Nullable X x) {
return result;
Do note though, that if you have migration code (from other DBs) on Room, it might be a problem as this should be on a background thread.
For this I have no idea how to solve, other than trying to do the migrations as soon as possible, or use the callback of "onCreate" (docs here) of the DB somehow, but sadly you won't have a reference to your class though. Instead you will get a reference to SupportSQLiteDatabase, so you might need to do a lot of manual migrations...
In an Android app using Architecture Components I have the following view model:
public class MainViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {
private final MutableLiveData<List<String>> mUnchecked = new MutableLiveData<>();
private LiveData<List<String>> mChecked;
public void setUnchecked(List<String> list) {
public LiveData<List<String>> getChecked() { // OBSERVED BY A FRAGMENT
return mChecked;
public MainViewModel(Application app) {
mChecked = Transformations.switchMap(mUnchecked,
list-> myDao().checkWords(list));
The purpose of the above switchMap is to check, which of the words passed as a list of strings, do exist in a Room table:
public interface MyDao {
#Query("SELECT word FROM dictionary WHERE word IN (:words)")
LiveData<List<String>> checkWords(List<String> words);
The above code works well for me!
However I am stuck with wanting something slightly different -
Instead of the list of strings, I would prefer to pass a map of strings (words) -> integers (scores):
public void setUnchecked(Map<String,Integer> map) {
The integers would be word scores in my game. And once the checkWords() has returned the results, I would like to set the scores to null for the words not found in the Room table and leave the other scores as they are.
The programming code would be easy (iterate through mChecked.getValue() and set to null for the words not found in the list returned by the DAO method) - but how to "marry" it with my LiveData members?
I would like to change my view model to hold maps instead of the lists:
public class MainViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {
private final MutableLiveData<Map<String,Integer>> mUnchecked = new MutableLiveData<>();
private final MutableLiveData<Map<String,Integer>> mChecked = new MutableLiveData<>();
public void setUnchecked(Map<String,Integer> map) {
public LiveData<Map<String,Integer>> getChecked() { // OBSERVED BY A FRAGMENT
return mChecked;
public MainViewModel(Application app) {
// HOW TO OBSERVE mUnchecked
// AND RUN myDao().checkWords(new ArrayList<>(mUnchecked.getValue().keys()))
// WRAPPED IN Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor().execute( ... )
// AND THEN CALL mChecked.postValue() ?
How to achieve that please? Should I extend MutableLiveData or maybe use MediatorLiveData or maybe use Transformations.switchMap()?
I will try the following tomorrow (today is too late in the evening) -
The Dao method I will change to return a list instead of LiveData:
#Query("SELECT word FROM dictionary WHERE word IN (:words)")
List<String> checkWords(List<String> words);
And then I will try to extend the MutableLiveData:
private final MutableLiveData<Map<String,Integer>> mChecked = new MutableLiveData<>();
private final MutableLiveData<Map<String,Integer>> mUnchecked = new MutableLiveData<Map<String,Integer>>() {
public void setValue(Map<String,Integer> uncheckedMap) {
Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor().execute(() -> {
List<String> uncheckedList = new ArrayList<>(uncheckedMap.keySet());
List<String> checkedList = WordsDatabase.getInstance(mApp).wordsDao().checkWords(uncheckedList);
Map<String,Integer> checkedMap = new HashMap<>();
for (String word: uncheckedList) {
Integer score = (checkedList.contains(word) ? uncheckedMap.get(word) : null);
checkedMap.put(word, score);
Well, what you have there in the update probably works, though I wouldn't create a new Executor for every setValue() call — create just one and hold onto it in your MutableLiveData subclass. Also, depending on your minSdkVersion, you might use some of the Java 8 stuff on HashMap (e.g., replaceAll()) to simplify the code a bit.
You could use MediatorLiveData, though in the end I think it would result in more code, not less. So, while from a purity standpoint MediatorLiveData is a better answer, that may not be a good reason for you to use it.
Frankly, this sort of thing isn't what LiveData is really set up for, IMHO. If this were my code that I were working on right now, I'd be using RxJava for the bulk of it, converting to LiveData in the end. And, I'd have as much of this as possible in a repository, rather than in a viewmodel. While your unchecked-to-checked stuff would be a tricky RxJava chain to work out, I'd still prefer it to the MutableLiveData subclass.
What EpicPandaForce suggests is an ideal sort of LiveData-only approach, though I don't think he is implementing your algorithm quite correctly, and I am skeptical that it can be adapted easily to your desired algorithm.
In the end, though, the decision kinda comes down to: who is going to see this code?
If this code is for your eyes only, or will live in a dusty GitHub repo that few are likely to look at, then if you feel that you can maintain the MutableLiveData subclass, we can't really complain.
If this code is going to be reviewed by co-workers, ask your co-workers what they think.
If this code is going to be reviewed by prospective employers... consider RxJava. Yes, it has a learning curve, but for the purposes of getting interest from employers, they will be more impressed by you knowing how to use RxJava than by you knowing how to hack LiveData to get what you want.
Tricky question!
If we check the source code for Transformations.switchMap, we see that:
1.) it wraps the provided live data with a MediatorLiveData
2.) if the wrapped live data emits an event, then it invokes a function that receives the new value of wrapped live data, and returns a "new" live data of a different type
3.) if the "new" live data of a different type differs from the previous one, then the observer of the previous one is removed, and it's added to the new one instead (so that you only observe the newest LiveData and don't accidentally end up observing an old one)
With that in mind, I think we can chain your switchMap calls and create a new LiveData whenever myDao().checkWords(words) changes.
LiveData<List<String>> foundInDb = Transformations.switchMap(mWords, words -> myDao().checkWords(words));
LiveData<Map<String, Integer>> found = Transformations.switchMap(foundInDb, (words) -> {
MutableLiveData<Map<String, Integer>> scoreMap = new MutableLiveData<>();
// calculate the score map from `words` list
return scoreMap;
this.mFound = found;
Please verify if what I'm telling you is correct, though.
Also if there are a bunch of words, consider using some async mechanism and scoreMap.postValue(map).
Is there a simple way to mock observers in Objectbox? More specifically, I want my observer to be called when data is changed. Example:
private DataSubscription listen() {
return addressBoxStore.query()
.equal(Address_.address, address)
private DataObserver<List<Address>> observeAddress() {
return addresses -> {
// should only be one address
if (!addresses.isEmpty()) {
// Run some code here
Given the above observer is registered, I want to add a junit test to make sure that my custom piece of code is called by Objectbox when data is changed. Is there a way to trigger events to occur in junit unit tests with some custom data so that I can verify some custom behaviour?
One approach is to mock the builder objects (example below), but that becomes ugly. Is there a better solution?
private void givenAddress(Answer answers) {
when(queryBuilder.equal(any(Property.class), eq(ADDRESS))).thenReturn(queryBuilder);
underTest = new ClassToTest(addressBox);
This means that as soon as the observers are added, the data in the Answer is passed directly to it, but this solution is hard to read.
I have 2 tables in database, Course and Lecture. They are 1:N relationship. My problem is I want to delete multiple courses, before that I have to make sure all its relative Lectures are deleted, as well as some files along with the lecture. That is, I want to delete multiple course, for every course, the following steps should be perform:
delete lecture file and record delete course
delete course
How to do it with RxJava 1.x? Thanks.
I think it would be like :
ArrayList<Course> courses = new ArrayList<>();
.doAfterNext(new Consumer<Course>() {
public void accept(Course course) throws Exception {
//DELETE this Course
}).flatMap(new Function<Course, ObservableSource<ArrayList<Lecture>>>() {
public ObservableSource<ArrayList<Lecture>> apply(Course course) throws Exception {
return Observable.fromArray(course.getAllLecture());
.subscribe(new Consumer<ArrayList<Lecture>>() {
public void accept(ArrayList<Lecture> lectures) throws Exception {
//delete all lectures
If you're using GreenDao, I don't think that using RxJava in this way is your best bet. Your major problem here is that you're not in a transaction, which leaves you at risk of your data ending up in an inconsistent state. While it can be a great exercise to consider, "how can I write this code in Rx style?" I suggest that it doesn't gain you anything to use it for every step of this process. Therefore, I suggest you write your delete code as procedural (not Rx) code inside of a GreenDao transaction, and only use RxJava to be notified when it is completed. When you are inside of a GreenDao transaction block, all of the database calls inside of it are made synchronously, one after another, in guaranteed order.
In addition, for the greatest consistency, I would delete all of the files at once only after the transaction block is committed (because you may not want to delete the files if part of the DB transaction fails and the database doesn't update). In addition, there are two major ways of doing deletes in GreenDao: directly, session.delete(entity) and queries, query.buildDelete().tableDeleteQuery.executeDeleteWithoutDetachingEntities(). Direct deletes are much simpler to code, but could be slower if you have huge amounts of data. If you have less than 1000 very simple entities, direct deletes are probably good enough.
So, your code might look like this:
final DaoSession daoSession = getDaoSession();
final List<Course> courses = getCoursesToDelete();
// rxTx() creates a tx that runs on RxJava's 'io' scheduler.
daoSession.rxTx().call(() -> {
List<File> filesToDelete = new ArrayList<>();
for(Course course : courses) {
for(Lecture lecture : course.getLectures()) {
return filesToDelete;
// potentially handle DB errors here
// .flatMapIterable here if you want each File as an Rx event
.doOnNext(filesToDelete -> {
for(File f : filesToDelete) {
// Throw on failed delete here if needed
// handle file delete errors if desired.
.subscribeOn( // technically redundant
From what i have read Room doesn’t allow you to issue database queries on the main thread (as can cause delays on the main thread)). so imagine i am trying to update a textview on the UI main thread which some data how would i get a call back. Let me show you an example. Imagine i want to store my business model data into a object called Events. We would therefore have a EventDao object:
imagine we have this DAO object below:
public interface EventDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM " + Event.TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + Event.DATE_FIELD + " > :minDate" limit 1)
LiveData<List<Event>> getEvent(LocalDateTime minDate);
#Insert(onConflict = REPLACE)
void addEvent(Event event);
void deleteEvent(Event event);
#Update(onConflict = REPLACE)
void updateEvent(Event event);
and now in some activity i have a textview and i'd like to update its value so i do this:
myTextView.setText(EventDao.getEvent(someDate));/*i think this is illegal as im trying to call room dao on mainthread, therefore how is this done correctly ? would i need to show a spinner while it updates ?*/
since the fetching is occuring off of the main thread i dont think i can call it like this and expect a smooth update. Whats the best approach here ?
Some more information: i wanted to use the room database as mechanism for retrieving model information instead of keeping it statically in memory. so the model would be available to me locally through the db after i download it through a rest service.
UPDATE: so since i am returning a livedata then i can do this:
eventDao = eventDatabase.eventDao();
eventDao.getEvent().observe(this, event -> {
and that works for something very small. but imagine my database has a million items. then when i do this call, there will be a delay retrieving the data. The very first time this gets called it will be visible to the user that there is a delay. How to avoid this ? So to be clear , there are times i do not want live data, i just need to update once the view. I need to know how to do this ? even if its not with liveData.
If you want to do your query synchronously and not receive notifications of updates on the dataset, just don't wrap you return value in a LiveData object. Check out the sample code from Google.
Take a look at loadProductSync() here
There is a way to turn off async and allow synchronous access.
when building the database you can use :allowMainThreadQueries()
and for in memory use: Room.inMemoryDatabaseBuilder()
Although its not recommended. So in the end i can use a in memory database and main thread access if i wanted super fast access. i guess it depends how big my data is and in this case is very small.
but if you did want to use a callback.... using rxJava here is one i made for a list of countries i wanted to store in a database:
public Observable<CountryModel> queryCountryInfoFor(final String isoCode) {
return Observable.fromCallable(new Callable<CountryModel>() {
public CountryModel call() throws Exception {
return db.countriesDao().getCountry(isoCode);
you can then easily add a subscriber to this function to get the callback with Rxjava.
As Bohsen suggested use livedata for query synchronously. But in some special case, we want to do some asynchronous operation based on logic.
In below example case, I need to fetch some child comments for the parent comments. It is already available in DB, but need to fetch based on its parent_id in recyclerview adapter. To do this I used return concept of AsyncTask to get back the result. (Return in Kotlin)
Repositor Class
fun getChildDiscussions(parentId: Int): List<DiscussionEntity>? {
return GetChildDiscussionAsyncTask(discussionDao).execute(parentId).get()
private class GetChildDiscussionAsyncTask constructor(private val discussionDao: DiscussionDao?): AsyncTask<Int, Void, List<DiscussionEntity>?>() {
override fun doInBackground(vararg params: Int?): List<DiscussionEntity>? {
return discussionDao?.getChildDiscussionList(params[0]!!)
Dao Class
#Query("SELECT * FROM discussion_table WHERE parent_id = :parentId")
fun getChildDiscussionList(parentId: Int): List<DiscussionEntity>?
Well, the right answer is to use ListenableFuture or Observable depending if you need one shot query or a new value emitted after database change and the framework you want to use.
From the doc "To prevent queries from blocking the UI, Room does not allow database access on the main thread. This restriction means that you must make your DAO queries asynchronous. The Room library includes integrations with several different frameworks to provide asynchronous query execution."
Exemple with a one shot query. You just have to add this in your gradle file.
// optional - Guava support for Room, including Optional and ListenableFuture
implementation "$room_version"
Then your SQL query in your DAO become.
#Query("SELECT * FROM " + Event.TABLE_NAME)
ListenableFuture<List<Event>> getEventList();
Last step is the future call itself.
ListenableFuture<List<Event>> future = dao.getEventList();
future.addListener(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
List<Event>> result = future.get();
} catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException e) {
}, Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor());
Source :