Publishing KoBoToolbox apk to playstore - android

I am new to kobotoolBox, I was required to add some changes to kobotoolBox project. I have successfully run the project in android studio and have applied changes and now need to publish that.
I want to ask that I have cloned this project from GitHub means it has the same package name with which already an APK is published on play-store. What should I do to publish APK that I have created. Should I need to change the package name or there is another alternative way aside from changing package name??

You may check this guide to help you started.
Publishing is the general process that makes your Android applications
available to users. When you publish an Android application you
perform two main tasks:
You prepare the application for release.
During the preparation step you build a release version of your
application, which users can download and install on their
Android-powered devices.
You release the application to users.
During the release step you publicize, sell, and distribute the
release version of your application to users.
Explore the page for you to get the proper steps when publishing an application.
Hope this helps.


Installation failed with message INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE: Package signatures do not match the previously installed version

I want to run my application in phone but I get following message:
Installation failed with message:
INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE: Package signatures do not match
the previously installed version; ignoring!.
It is possible that this issue is resolved by uninstalling an existing version of the apk if it is present, and then re-installing.
WARNING: Uninstalling will remove the application data!
Do you want to uninstall the existing application?
In my phone I have installed previous version of app from google play. I know that uninstalling old version of app from my phone can fix the problem but I don't want to do this because then I might lose all app specific data.
What I tried:
generating signed version of app using the same keystore.jks like previously
changing versionCode and versionName in build.grandle file and then generating new version of app
And still I have the same problem. What should I do to update my app without losing data?
There are two possibilities I can think of
You use Google Play App Signing. If you use Google Play App Signing then the signature in apps coming from Google Play will always be different to the app coming from your IDE. The only way you can get the update to work is to update the app from Google Play. The best way to do this during development is to use an "Internal test track". Google launched these at Google I/O this year and they let you update your app in seconds from Google Play. So when you have an update, don't install from your IDE, upload to Google Play internal test track, republish, and then update from Google Play. It is really quick.
You don't use Google Play App Signing, but you are trying to install your debug build instead of your release/production build. Make sure you are building the production release APK, so it is signed with the same key as the one uploaded to Google Play.
If I'm understanding correctly you want to re install the "same" apk in your phone but with some changes in the code (updates) but Android Studio can't install the new apk.
I can only think in one thing, this is the explanation:
Please remember that android has different "Build Variants" there could be many but you will always have "debug" and "production" build variants, as I can read, you have installed the one in Play Store this means that you have a "production" build variant already installed in your phone, so you need a new "production" variant version of your app with the same build data (code and name version) and the updates in the code.
Build a signed apk with the same data as the previous version (code and name version) (Just like the one you used to upload to Play Store).
Find the signed apk.
Use adb to check your connected devices, expect a list
adb devices
Use adb to install this new apk.
adb -s <device_identifier> install <apk_name_include_apk>
Following those steps should let you install what you need.
Go in your React Native > Android >app
in the app folder,
you can see a build just delete this folder and Clear React Native project by npm cache clean cmd/Terminal Command.
Now try to run I hope it will Run for some of you.
It's working for me.

Manually updating installed signed APK

I have an app on google play store right now.I just move my previous java code to kotlin since It is much easier for me. The package are all the same. Problem is on my android studio, when I try to execute the release variant I keep having this install_failed_update_incompatible error. On my searching, I have to remove the old app. Now I am a bit worried. I don't my user base to uninstall the app let alone erase all their data. Is there a way I could update the app without uninstalling it? Sort of like when you update an app from google play store? The data and information are retained except that the old apk is remove?
Everything is the same with my previous java project except that now I am using kotlin. package and even the apk signed key are all the same.
PS on emulator(genymotion) the updating works and even retained the previous information data. but on real device it won't
Turns out the apk file release from google play store is a bit different. I don't the difference. I have my old java project executed on release variant on my device and then execute the kotlin version release variant. The update went okay. However when I downloaded my app on google play store and then updated it with my new kotlin version release variant, it failed. Im not sure why but it seems that apk submitted to google play store is being modified.

Android publishing two apps with same package id

Inside of the Android Developer Console I would like to have 2 applications, MyAppName and MyAppName-Staging. The only differences between these two apps would be:
The API environment they point (prod vs. staging)
One would be for external Play Store release while the other (MyAppName-Staging) would be intended only for internal users in my company.
Would I be allowed to use the same package/app ID for both of these or would I need to change the package ID for each one? My assumption is I would need to change it, if thats the case can I use the same code base but just change the app ID and rebuild the apk to achieve this?
For additional context I've built this app using Nativescript. So all packaging info is handled through a package.json file and code signing must be done through the CLI. I just want to make sure I can't code sign myself into a situation where I can't release my build to production (the MyAppName build) Thanks for any guidance.
From my experience, Google Play Store doesn't allow 2 apps having the same package name to be published. You would need to either:
Change your package name
or if you want to have the same package name regardless,
Upload your staging app (with the same package name) to the beta channel of your live app then select users to be invited to the beta.
The developer console has the concept of beta builds that you can distribute to list of members or open to play store. You could build with same package name but pointing at different environment and distribute through there.
Then point back to prod when you release your official build.

Rename package name in android using commands

I want to change package name of an android project/apk so that i can have different version's of an application.
For this i have gone through some stackoverflow' questions for this { link1 , link2}. My project is build with gradle. In these stack's answer's i was not cleared where to change in [roject's build.xml or sdk's build.xml.
Is this possible to change package name with "–rename-manifest-package" and release application on google play store? or i need to do somthing else.
For different version, change version on gradle file and make another apk then release it on google plays store. There is an option on google store it should be release new version or something like that.
However, it is not possible to change current application's package name which is on google play store.
If you cannot do, I'll try to add step by step guide.
At first you need to change your app's version in here which is build.gradle(Module: app)
and then you need to create new signed apk since you want to publish it;
After creating signed apk you need to access your developer account and click APK section first and then upload new version of your application.

Building multiple apks from on android app source

The application reads a key from a file to hit production vs test server.
I want to create a test apk build that will pick test key and second build apk for release that will pick the production key
I am currently building app using eclipse
I'm not sure if it is related with what you mention, but it sounds to me like you could perhaps include such functionality through the usage of License Verification Library (LVL), consequently having a single app and still being able to deal with the key issues.
Hope that helps.

