How to import android library from GitHub to eclipse - android

How to add gradle library in android project.
We download the project from github.
We follow these step but it showing the error.
Import the library folder from above zip as Android project.
It create folder of main with blank src, so we copy the data from folder java
to src.
After refresh in eclips it's showing error in src folder of functions.
We also import example folder and follow the same step as above, but no luck.
Let me know if i do something wrong or can you test this library on your eclips.

Download archive android.jar from in Downloads folder. Then connect it to android project in Eclipse by means of project Properties/Java build path. That is all.
This will be the universal solution for all your eclipse android projects while android.jar is in Downloads folder.


Android Studio: Jar library use by import line

I was reading It said to download libraries which happened to be jar files. I've found how to add jar to my project in Android Studio. The question is
1) Can I add them to Studio so that in next projects I can use the libraries by just adding "import" line and how?
2) For the example it says "git clone". I don't know Git. I downloaded the example which is zip of file directory. Can I just open it in Studio without the "git clone" command and how (by the way, example contains jar libraries mentioned in point 1)?
Thank you very much!
You can work with project without using "git clone".
Download project archive, unpack it and open in AS with File - New - Import Project.

How to import in eclipse

I am learning the android tab with swipe functionality using material theme. I have a sample tutorials from here and it is build from Android studio.
I am currently using eclipse for my project.
I am following the tutorial and i can't import the TabLayout from
Below is the code,
Showing the error, The import cannot be resolved
I downloaded support:design:23.0.1 from here and imported to eclipse, even then the error appears.
Can any one tell me where to download and import the in eclipse.
Install Android SDK 23.0.1
Import design library from sdk\extras\android\support\design into eclipse workspace
To mark the design project as Library, open properties -> Select Android ->Check Library
Now import this design Library to your Project from project properties.
This worked for me in Tab material design.
If the design folder is not found in the said location, try to locate it in sdk\extras\android\m2repository\com\android\support\design instead, especially for the later version.
I have also face same problem then find solution like this.
It work for me hope same for You.
First Step:- find .aar file for design-23.0.1.aar
E:\new sdk\sdk\android-sdk-windows\extras\android\m2repository\com\android\support\design\23.0.1
Second Step:- copy that file and rename it like design-23.0.1.jar to be extract this.
After unzip it you find classes.jar, res, AndroidManifest etc.
Third Step:- Create Library project in eclipse Named design and copy
classes.jar in libs folder
all res in res/
replace AndroidManifest.xml
and last add lib appcompat-v7 by right click on lib project -> properties-> Android -> add -> appcompat-v7
Most important do not forgot clean project and can be restart eclipse for refreshing eclipse.
And more deep details follow steps Guided by commonsware's blog
Create an empty directory that will be the home for the Android
library project. For the rest of these steps, I will refer to this as
“the output directory”.
Copy the AndroidManifest.xml, res/, and assets/ directories from the
AAR into the output directory.
Create a libs/ directory in the output directory. Copy into libs/ the
classes.jar from the root of the unZIPped AAR, plus anything in libs/
in the AAR (e.g., mediarouter-v7 has its own JAR of proprietary
Decide what build SDK you want to try to use. You might just choose
the highest SDK version you have installed. Or, you can use the
android:minSdkVersion and the -vNN resource set qualifiers to get
clues as to what a good build SDK might be. If desired, create a file with a target=android-NNN line, where NNN is
your chosen build SDK. Or, you can address this in Eclipse later on.
Import the resulting project into Eclipse, and if needed adjust the
build SDK (Project > Properties > Android). Also, you will need to
attach to this library project any library projects it depends upon
(e.g., mediarouter-v7 depends upon appcompat-v7).
Good Luck!
And Special thanks to commonsware !!
A great fix to that problem is that you copy the sdk\extras\android\support\design\libs\android-support-design.jar file to "libs" folder of your project

Import "MPChartLib" Library to Eclipse

I tried to add "MPAndroidChart" library in Eclipse but when I try to import this lib:( .
Amongst the downloaded files , I found a folder called "MPChartLib". This is the actual library folder, I need to add this folder to my project to be able to use the full functionality of the library.
I tried to import the library folder into my workspace, using File-->Import-->Android-->Existing Android but I have this message " Select at least one project eclipse import" !!!!
The lib uses gradle, because of that you can't "import a eclipse project"
You have 2 options, install a gradle plugin for eclipse, or use the lib as a jar
From the lib README:
Download the latest .jar file from the releases section
Copy the mpandroidchartlibrary-.jar file into the libs folder of your Android application project
Start using the library
I hope the same named file is already there or else you can do one thing check the file name to the New Project Name column and check the same file name in your workspace. I must say you that the same named file is definitely there.
So once you will find this, just rename your file name into your workspace and try again importing this.
I hope this will work for you. Any help will be needed, do let me know.
"Select at least one project eclipse import" this message inform you that you have already added Lib in Work Space check for already added "MPChartLib" Lib followed this step:-
Write click on your project and select Properties.
On left select Android.
In Android->Library section click Add
Select for "MPChartLib" (note: name can be change).
Or If you unable to find lib please make new workspace if possible then import MPAndroidChart on workspace.

How do I import twitter4j into eclipse?

I have downloaded from the twitter4j page and from github in eclipse I unzip then file>import>Existing Android Code Into Workspace>next>browse file location, and eclipse does not find any projects. This says to copy the jar file into the lib folder, but am I supposed to import as a library first? Not sure what I am doing wrong.
This was correct. Right click your project>Properties>Java Build Path>Add External JARS>twitter4j-core

How do I build these libraries from GitHub

I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out how to build a jar of the Showcase View library so that I can import it into my application.
I've searched all around but can't find a process for it. I tried importing into Eclipse but I can't get it in there since it isn't a project and I'm not sure what type of project to create from source with.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Easiest way is:
Create an empty Android Application project in your Eclipse workspace.
Copy files in ShowcaseView/library/ folder of github to your new project base folder.
Refresh project in Eclipse.
Goto project properties - Android and select "Is Library"
Clean unnecessary stuff and build.
It should be ready to add as dependency of your app.
Alternatively you can pick another library project .project file and copy it inside this library folder, edit it to match your new project name, etc... And then import in Eclipse. But this is more hardcore if you don't know what you're doing.

