Have Activity A and B in activity - android

I Have Activity A and B. In activity A , I load data then when click on the list it move me to activity B. When go back to activity A the data load again. How to prevent this ?

When you move from one activity to another, say from activity A to activity B, then the data which you have loaded gets lost. To prevent the data reloading, you need to override onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstance).
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Save UI state changes to the savedInstanceState.
// This bundle will be passed to onCreate if the process is
// killed and restarted.
savedInstanceState.putBoolean("MyBoolean", true);
savedInstanceState.putDouble("myDouble", 1.9);
savedInstanceState.putInt("MyInt", 1);
savedInstanceState.putString("MyString", "Welcome back to Android");
// etc.
And you can extract those values by overriding onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstance).
public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Restore UI state from the savedInstanceState.
// This bundle has also been passed to onCreate.
boolean myBoolean = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("MyBoolean");
double myDouble = savedInstanceState.getDouble("myDouble");
int myInt = savedInstanceState.getInt("MyInt");
String myString = savedInstanceState.getString("MyString");
Also you can store and retrieve the arraylist.


Button text gets reset on orientation change

In my android app, I am trying to solve an issue with orientation change.
I have a main layout where I have two buttons. On click of the first button (default text on this button is "Select a category"), a dialog box appears with a category list with categories displayed as radio buttons. After the user selects a category, the selected category name appears on the button. Now when I change the orientation in the emulator, the Button text gets reset again.
I have used onSaveInstanceState() like below.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Initialization code
if (savedInstanceState != null)
// remaining code
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)
// Save selected category name
System.out.println("saving category name "+categoryName);
outState.putString("bundle_category_name", categoryName);
I am able to get the category name back in onCreate(), the sysout prints correctly. But it is not getting set as the button text after change in orientation.
Please let me know if I am doing anything wrong.
Add android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize" in your Android Manifest file.
<activity android:name="YourActivity"
Saving and restoring the data works using two Activity lifecycle methods called onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState().
To save the state information override onSaveInstanceState() method and add key-value pairs to the Bundle object that is saved in the event that your activity is destroyed unexpectedly. This method gets called before onStop().
To recover your saved state from the Bundle override onRestoreInstanceState() method. This is called after onStart() and before onResume(). Check the below code
public class MainActivity extends Activity{
private static final String SELECTED_ITEM_POSITION = "ItemPosition";
private int mPosition;
protected void onSaveInstanceState(final Bundle outState) {
// Save the state of item position
outState.putInt(SELECTED_ITEM_POSITION, mPosition);
protected void onRestoreInstanceState(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Read the state of item position
mPosition = savedInstanceState.gettInt(SELECTED_ITEM_POSITION);
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Save UI state changes to the savedInstanceState.
// This bundle will be passed to onCreate if the process is
// killed and restarted.
savedInstanceState.putBoolean("MyBoolean", true);
savedInstanceState.putDouble("myDouble", 1.9);
savedInstanceState.putInt("MyInt", 1);
savedInstanceState.putString("MyString", "back to Android");
// etc.
To Retrieve the data
public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Restore UI state from the savedInstanceState.
// This bundle has also been passed to onCreate.
boolean myBoolean = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("MyBoolean");
double myDouble = savedInstanceState.getDouble("myDouble");
int myInt = savedInstanceState.getInt("MyInt");
String myString = savedInstanceState.getString("MyString");

Saving the activity to a static variable in order to avoid garbage collection

Will saving the activity to a static variable guarantee that its existing elements will not be garbage collected and that the variables in the activity will still be accessible?
No, Static variables maynot persist forever.
Use SharedPreferences to persist variable values and activity state.
You can also try onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState() methods as explained below.
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Save UI state changes to the savedInstanceState.
// This bundle will be passed to onCreate if the process is
// killed and restarted.
savedInstanceState.putBoolean("MyBoolean", true);
savedInstanceState.putDouble("myDouble", 1.9);
savedInstanceState.putInt("MyInt", 1);
savedInstanceState.putString("MyString", "Welcome back to Android");
public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Restore UI state from the savedInstanceState.
// This bundle has also been passed to onCreate.
boolean myBoolean = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("MyBoolean");
double myDouble = savedInstanceState.getDouble("myDouble");
int myInt = savedInstanceState.getInt("MyInt");
String myString = savedInstanceState.getString("MyString");
You can read more from here

Android Save Instance State

I have created two activities A and B. In the Activity A, using onSaveInstanceState method I am saving bundle value ex(outState.putString("selectSaveDate", this.CalSelectedDate)) and going to the Activity B. When I hit back button to the Activity A , In the oncreate method the bundle value is null. I am unable to get my saved value in the oncreate method.
protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
Log.i("bundleSave", "tester1" + this.CalSelectedDate);
outState.putString("selectSaveDate", this.CalSelectedDate);
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if(savedInstanceState != null){
Log.i("todolist", "dsa" + savedInstanceState.getString("selectSaveDate"));
You only store data in a bundle in the OnSaveInstanceState method to persist data when your activity is destroyed and re-created (such as when rotating the screen or when the android os may decide to kill your activity if it is low on resources). When you launch activity B on top of your currently executing activity A, A is put in to a stopped state (therefore, your A activity is not destroyed). Also, when you come back from onStop, the next method that is called is onStart() (technically onRestart() is called be before onStart() but I find that callback is rarely ever implemented.
In conclusion, if your trying to keep persist data between launching an activity on top of your currently executing activity, you can just store that data in instance variables for that activity. If your trying to persist data between app launches then your going to want to look into storing data in Android's built in sqllite database or Android's SharedPreferences.
You should also obtain a real good understanding of the Activity lifecycle (its tricky but needed to code successfully in android):
please try to Override onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) and write the application state values you want to change to the Bundle parameter like this:
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Save UI state changes to the savedInstanceState.
// This bundle will be passed to onCreate if the process is
// killed and restarted.
savedInstanceState.putDouble("myDouble", 1.9);
savedInstanceState.putInt("MyInt", 1);
savedInstanceState.putString("MyString", "How are you");
// etc.
it will get passed in to onCreate and also onRestoreInstanceState where you'd extract the values like this:
public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Restore UI state from the savedInstanceState.
// This bundle has also been passed to onCreate.
double myDouble = savedInstanceState.getDouble("myDouble");
int myInt = savedInstanceState.getInt("MyInt");
String myString = savedInstanceState.getString("MyString");
or follow activity life cycle for better understanding.

Advanced task killer dont' kill correctly my app

I have create an Android application (functional).
My problem is when people use advanced task killer (what is useless), all my variables are wiped but the application is not to kill completely, it is started again but it misses all the data. I would like that the application is to kill completely and starts again completely.
Does somebody have an idea?
why don't you modify your application that handles these kind of situations by saving all your data and restoring it in methods onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState ?
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Save UI state changes to the savedInstanceState.
// This bundle will be passed to onCreate if the process is
// killed and restarted.
savedInstanceState.putBoolean("MyBoolean", true);
savedInstanceState.putDouble("myDouble", 1.9);
savedInstanceState.putInt("MyInt", 1);
savedInstanceState.putString("MyString", "Welcome back to Android");
// etc.
public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Restore UI state from the savedInstanceState.
// This bundle has also been passed to onCreate.
boolean myBoolean = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("MyBoolean");
double myDouble = savedInstanceState.getDouble("myDouble");
int myInt = savedInstanceState.getInt("MyInt");
String myString = savedInstanceState.getString("MyString");

Saving view values while switching between activities in android

I'm working on a tabbed application in android. In the first tab I've a search engine with textviews, spinners.. and if I filled these params and switch to other tab or to the search results activity, and I return back to this tab (search engine tab) I found that all the fields are reinitialized. But I want to keep their value in order to remember what I searched for..
Is there a way to keep my data when I switch between activities ?
Thanks for your help.
You can override onSaveInstanceState (which will be called before you transition to a new activity) and onRestoreInstanceState (which will be called before your activity is resumed) e.g. :
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Save UI state changes to the savedInstanceState.
// This bundle will be passed to onCreate if the process is
// killed and restarted.
savedInstanceState.putBoolean("MyBoolean", true);
savedInstanceState.putDouble("myDouble", 1.9);
savedInstanceState.putInt("MyInt", 1);
savedInstanceState.putString("MyString", "Welcome back to Android");
// etc.
public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Restore UI state from the savedInstanceState.
// This bundle has also been passed to onCreate.
boolean myBoolean = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("MyBoolean");
double myDouble = savedInstanceState.getDouble("myDouble");
int myInt = savedInstanceState.getInt("MyInt");
String myString = savedInstanceState.getString("MyString");
I guess you are creating intent object to initiate your tab's activity with addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP). Just remove this function if you have done something like this. For example , create intent object like below,
Intent intent = new Intent(this, tabActivity.class);
Not like this,
Intent intent = new Intent(this, tabActivity.class).addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP);
If you do so , your will get the exact state of a tab as u left it before switching to another tab.

