Images don't get displayed on Android with Ionic 3 - android

My html file contains:
<ion-content class="card-background-page">
<ion-card ion-item *ngFor="let item of items" (click)="itemTapped($event,item) ">
<img src="{{item.image}}"/>
<div class="card-title">{{item.title}}</div>
<div class="card-subtitle">{{item.subTitle}}</div>
the controller contains this code:
{title:"Item 1",subTitle:"one",image:"assets/img/preview_1.png"},
{title:"Item 2",subTitle:"two",image:"assets/img/panorama_2.png"}
it works well when running in the browser using ionic serve, but once built for Android (with the Ionic Cloud service) the images don't get displayed on the device.
I tried:
1)./assets/img/panorama_2.png instead of assets/img/panorama_2.png
2)<img src="url({{item.image}})"/> instead of <img src="{{item.image}}"/>
but still nothing

Make sure your assets are inside src/assets/img and not inside www/assets/img


Ionic App not showing assets and ionic components properly on iOS

I have an ionic 3 app working in production on Android.
Now I just build the iOS version but I have a problem with the assets and some ionic components like ion-input.
For example I expect to see that screens:
But, instead I got these:
I already checked the absolute and relative paths for images but I don't have relative paths.
For example I have this type of paths:
<ion-slide class="third-slide">
<div class="flex-container">
<div class="image-container">
<img class="corner-image" src="/assets/img/corner_plants.png" alt="corner">
<img class="center-image" src="/assets/img/mariposa.png" alt="corner">
<div class="title-container">
<h1 class="title">
Regístrate para comenzar.
<div class="description-container">
<ion-grid class="description-grid">
<ion-col col-2 class="nav-button-column">
<button class="previous" (click)="onPreviousButtonClick()">
<img src="/assets/img/icons8-chevron_left.png" alt="next">
</button> </ion-col>
<ion-col col-8 class="description-column">
<p class="description">
Meditar te ayudará a cultivar la paciencia, mejorar tu capacidad de adaptación y liberar tensiones.
<ion-col col-2></ion-col>
<div class="access-buttons-container">
<button class="register-button" ion-button block round (tap)="openCreateAccountPage()">
{{ texts.btn_register }}
<button class="login-button" (tap)="openLoginOptionsPage()">
{{ texts.btn_login }}
And another weird thing is that the ionic components are not showing neither. You can see that the register page has three inputs and in the iPhone they don't appear. And I can't see the background image neither.
I researched about this but I could not find anything, because the most of the people only have problems with relative paths. I don't know what is the problem.
PD: Sorry for using images, but it's the only way I can share that.
Anyone can help me, please?
Thanks in advance.
The app works fine if, for example, I do login with facebook and navigate through it. It connects to firebase and then.. the problem is only that I mentioned.
In browsers works fine too.

ionic 3 URL images showing up in iOS but not android

I'm trying to load images from http://admin:1234# on my local network
Here are iOS and android screenshots from the emulators respectively
For some reason the images only show up on iOS and not on android.
Here is the relevant typescript code
this.cameras = ["http://admin:1234#","http://admin:1234#","http://admin:1234#" ]
and the relevant html code
<ion-col col-6 col-md-4 col-xl-3 *ngFor="let item of cameras; let id = index">
<div align="center" style="flex-wrap: wrap" class="camera">
<img [src]="item" #imageToView (click)="presentProfileModal(item)" />
<p id="text" text-wrap >Camera {{id + 1}}</p>
I've tried using iframes instead of img tags as well as sanitising the URL's with domsanitizer to no avail.
any help or pointers in the right direction would be highly appreciated

ionic href inside ion-item not working in android real device

I have a <ion-item> with <a> inside it. I want the apps go to specific href when the <ion-item> is clicked.
The code is working perfectly in browser emulator (ionic serve), but it cant be clicked on the android real device.
This is my <ion-item> :
<a href="">
<img src="img/ionic.png">
Note that the above href goes to external html.
The href is working if i try to go to local html :
<a href="#/jobs">
<img src="img/ionic.png">
<p>Jobs List</p>
I have tried change href to ng-href, i also tried specify the href inside the ion-item tag. None of them is working.
I also tried to change the order of the html :
<a href="">
<img src="img/ionic.png">
Its still not working.
Please kindly help me, Thanks for your help
I also tried to use inappbrowser :
<a href="#"
onclick="'', '_system', 'location=yes'); return false;">
<img src="img/ionic.png">
But no luck on the real device
you can install in-app browser plugin in your cordova
or if you don't want, just use $'', '_system'); in your controller
source :

Can’t get ng-show/ng-hide to work in ion-header inside ion-modal-view ionic

I am using ng-show/ng-hide to switch between two different header titles. It works in the browser but does not work in android (4.1) in a cordova app. I also tried using ng-switch and also ng-if, but the same net result.
<ion-modal-view> <<<<< it works OK when not in an $ionicModal
<h1 class="title" >
<span ng-hide="clipboardMsg">{{title()}}</span>
<span ng-show="clipboardMsg" class="clipboard-msg">{{clipboardMsg}}</span>
<button class="button button-clear button-primary" ng-click="close()">Close</button>
Apologies for the cross-post but I will really appreciate some help.

Ionic InAppBrowser not working

how to open external link from a ng-repeat.
I already tried different combinations but not external window opens.
when I put just one link it works but when I use expressions {{event.lermais}} to open links does not work.
this is my code:
<ion-item class="item-text-wrap item-icon-right" ng-repeat="event in">
<img ng-src="{{ event.imagens }}">
<i class="icon ion-chevron-right icon-accessory"></i>
I'm using Android
ng-click ="openLink(event.lermais)"
$scope.openLink= function(url){, "_blank", "location=yes");
Its a cakewalk.
you can do that bu using following eg-
<a href="{{menu.url}}" onclick=",'_self');">
this might work for you.

