Any way to specify the View ID to the tracking ID? - android

Currently I have implemented google analytics in my app to track specific user views and events. It is set up so that anyone that logs in with a user ID can show up in my 'userIDview'. Since google analytics doesn't query user data I was trying to figure out a way around it. I was wondering if there is any way to assign a specific view to the trackingId? Say for instance I set up a view 'MaleUserID' so I could track all the userIDs for men and look at their data separately from women, but I also had a 'WomenUserID' so I could look at their data as well. I was wondering if there is a way to set the trackingId and view together like:
trackingId: 'UA-XXXXX-1.MaleUserID',
so that all of their data would go only to the 'MaleUserID' view and none would go to the 'WomanUserID' view.
That is a pretty simple example, in actuality I will need more than two because I plan on filtering it by the subdomains that the users sign in to.

Data is collected at the property level. Views are for displaying data. Specifying a view id would not make sense, since by default the same data goes into all the views. GA cannot separate data for you, you have to do it yourself via view filters.
If you want to have different types of data in different views you send all of the data to a property and then create view filters that separate data according to your criteria (which must refer to some data field that is send along in the GA tracking call). You cannot separate views at collection time.


Firebase Realtime Database Android ChildEventListener Functionality

In an effort to reduce data transfer (since it's costing us a lot of money), we're in the process of updating our Firebase Realtime Database value listener to use child listeners. Since most of the fields don't change, and the ones that change most frequently we only care about in certain app states, using only child added and child removed listeners seems to fit the bill.
Adding listeners for just child_added and child_removed appears to work perfectly on web. And iOS seems to be set up that way as well, though I admittedly haven't tested there yet. Android, however, appears to require that we add one massive listener that will listen for child moved and child changed too.
Listening for these, to my understanding, mostly defeats the purpose of using the child listeners over the value listener. Since any time any of the child's data changes (most of which we don't care about most of the time), it will send the entire child's snapshot again. We're trying to avoid data transfer by only listening for added/removed and circumstantially specific child properties, but this requires we basically listen to all of it at all times? Is there another way to implement this, to get what I'm hoping for?
To summarize our object, we have:
--child A
----child A property 1
----child A property 2
--child B
----child B property 1
----child B property 2
etc. And we want to know when a child is added or removed, but most of the time we don't care about keeping the child's properties updated and would prefer to avoid re-transferring that data. How is that accomplished on Android (using Java, specifically)? Thanks!
There is no difference between the data transferred for a ValueEventListener vs a ChildEventListener when they are used on the same query/path in the database.
If you only want to know when a child is added/remove, but not about their contents, consider adding an additional top-level branch to your tree, where you keep just the key of the child node and then true as its value.

Best practice for loose coupling between data & UI in Android - Adapter, Filter, CursorLoader and ContentProvider

Assume we have an Activity with n TextViews that represent one line notes. These notes are stored somewhere (local database, network etc), and each time onResume() being called, the proper number of TextViews are drawn according to that stored data.
Now, lets say the user want to delete a note, what would be the best way the resolve the specific TextView, back to its storage entity?
At the moment, the only way I know is by using View.Tag, and having some manager to translate it to data entity, but it look rather messy.
Are there any other options?
In Android, the Adapter acts a bridge between the view and the data model. You could display the n TextViews in either a ListView or a GridView, and when the user adds or deletes a note, the local or server database is first updated. Upon completion of the web service call and/or the local database update, the new data is added to the underlying Adapter. The View is then refreshed by calling adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(). This would be the way to do it.
If updating the local SQLite database, you could consider using a
to hold the data for the View, as it directly maps the entries in
the local database to the View.
If making use of a ContentProvider, it is even possible to combine
a CursorAdapter with a
and a
these plug into the Activity / Fragment life-cycle and monitor
the underlying ContentProvider for changes that are published
automatically to the View on a separate thread.
It is also possible to use a
in conjunction with the Adapter to define a dynamic mechanism that
sorts the data entries on-the-fly. The filtering is performed by the
Filter on a separate thread, as per a query entered by the user,
possibly in an
See the Retrieving a List of
tutorial. The example here retrieves a set of contacts from the
contacts ContentProvider based on a dynamic, alphabetical search by
the user. It makes use of CursorAdapter, CursorLoader and
LoaderManager to monitor and update the data, and it displays the
search results in a ListView.
See also the Android Realtime (Instant) Search with Filter Class example, which shows how a Filter is to be used.
Android AutoCompleteTextView with Custom Adapter filtering.
Android AutocompleteTextView using ArrayAdapter and Filter.

Why Table Views (UITableView) have to have standalone source object that provide them data?

I wonder why all Table Views (also in Android) have to have special object that provide them data ?
Why Table Views can't be populated from controllers (or Activity class in the case of Android) ?
For example UILabel in iOS can be populated just by setting "text" property
Could you explain what is the purpose of such design ?
This is a really great question.
We can break this into two reasons - a general one and a specific one that is a common example of it.
First, though, notice that it's even more than that. A UITableView can have two delegate controller objects, a UITableViewDataSourceDelegate and a UITableViewDelegate. The first provides the data; the second responds to actions taken on the displayed data. Why all these layers of abstraction? Why not just stick it in the UIViewController?
The general reason not to is suggested by the name 'UIViewController'. It's meant to control views. In iOS and I expect in android-land, there is a strong temptation to just 'stick it in the view controller' - leading to the Very Large View Controller antipattern, which you can read about a lot (eg here).
Far better for maintenance and organization for the view controller to lay out views and handle button presses, and some other controller object to handle the well-defined and really quite separate responsibility of providing the data.
It's not uncommon to have some sort of object that handles the data anyway - a shopping cart, or list of real estate properties, etc - that encapsulates additional business logic (providing subtotals, for example) but fundamentally already 'has' the data. In that case, provide a category or a lightweight controller that can 'bridge' between that data and the table view, and pass the model object, instead of an array, between view controllers.
This gets into the specific: in iOS, we have things like NSFetchedResultsController. This is a fantastic class that does a tremendous amount of data sorting, pagination, addition, deletion, slicing, dicing, folding, spindling, and mutilating for you - and it also speaks UITableView's language natively. Pass one of those around and you keep your view controllers clean and tidy and separate from your data.
TableViews do need a special or separate object but they do require an object implement the correct protocol so that it can find the data. In Apple's default implementation, it Uses a UTableViewCotnroller that is a new object responds to these methods as well as does some other things such as making the UITableView the root view of the view controller.
If you do not want to use that object for whatever reason you can still manually add a UITableView to your view controller, then sets its delegate to the view controller. Although it is a good to move it out of the view controller if possible to help keep the view controller small and the data reusable.

Add to arraylist everytime time activity starts or add account

I am developing an app where I can Add Accounts, View Accounts and View Balances and View Transactions.
It is like a bankaccount for kids.
I want to be able to add the account name, account starting balance.
After that I want the names of the account in a listview when I click on View Accounts and the when I click on the list items I want to do some transactions (deposit and withdraw).
Also on ViewBalances, I want the same list view to pop up and I want to see the balances.
Each transaction, with a description, balance and date must be stored in a different array.
How can I save everything to arraylists and make it visible in the other activities?
Please help! :)
You want to have a central location where your arraylist is available to every Activity.
So you can have a central Object with static access methods to get the ArrayList and any other info you want to store. If you want to store it persistently you should use a Database or similar.
For that have a look at
You can make you custom object class and make that parcelable. see here

Android Patterns: A Spinner where every item launches a different Activity

I'm trying to build a complex form where almost all of the elements are optional. It starts with just a single field and an "add element" button. When you click add, the form shows a Spinner of the types of elements you can add to the form (location, photo, detailed note, timestamp other than "now", etc). When you select an item, it will launch an Activity, and each item has a different associated Activity.
In addition, each choice will have several bits of data, which it would be nice to store "with" the Activity somehow:
An icon and the displayed name in the Spinner
A key for storing the data in the db (as well as passing to a webservice)
A layout for how to display the result on the original form (i.e. a thumbnail for the photo, the lat/lon for the location, etc)
I was considering a set of classes that all extend an abstract FormElement class, and would have static elements for each of the above extra pieces of data. (An additional bump for this solution is how much of a pain Resources are in a static context.)
How can I make this as clean and maintainable as possible? I'd really not enjoy editing five different files to add a new type of element to this form. (Mostly because I can guarantee I'll miss one and spend hours chasing down unbugs.)
A few tips...
Unit tests will prevent "unbugs" :)
When each Activity has obtained the information it needs from the user, call Activity#setResult() with an Intent that contains your per-type data. Intent supports all the Bundle methods, so you can set different types of data as needed.
To support #2, make sure you're using Activity#startActivityForResult(Intent,int) to launch it, and listen for the result in Activity#onActivityResult(int,Intent)
I would probably maintain the list of available "element" types for use with the SpinnerAdapter (e.g., ArrayList<Class<? extends AbstractFormElement>>, and invoke static methods like .getDisplayName(), .getActivityClass(), etc, in the Adapter's getView() method, in order to determine what to display and what Activity to launch.
In this way, your list would actually contain things like { MyPhotoElement.class, MyTextElement.class, MyDateElement.class, ...}).
As each element is added to the form, add it to an ArrayList<AbstractFormElement>, which will be used to back another Adapter for a ListView. That adapter will dispatch the inflation of a custom view layout, as well as the creation of a ViewHolder, based on what type of object it is -- that will require that each distinct AbstractFormElement will have its own "view type", according to the Adapter. See BaseAdapter#getItemViewType(int) and related getViewTypeCount().
It's worth noting that these will need distinct view types only if one cannot be converted to the other... For example, if you have two "Elements" that only need to display a string of text in the list, those can both share a "text-only" view type. Likewise, two elements that only display a photo, or can easily convert one to the other (e.g., an icon with a caption, vs a photo thumbnail with no caption), can share a single "image-plus-caption" view type.
With the above in mind, you actually would end up having to modify different files to add a new type (well, I guess technically you could have them all in one file, as inner classes, but there's really no good argument for doing that), but if you've done your interface API correctly, and follow good OO practices, and implement good unit tests, you'll considerably reduce the amount of effort required to find bugs -- simply because most of the things involved in adding a new type would actually force a compiler error if you do it incorrectly. Add to that the fact that a proper unit test suite will be able to programmatically add all possible types, and ensure that everything displays properly, and you should have a pretty streamlined process for easy extensibility :)
It sounds like a lot of work, and it might seem tedious and verbose at first... But the end result is actually much more maintainable, especially if your list of element types is going to be fairly extensive.

