so I need to create a notes app, in which user opens and sees a RecyclerView-grid of notes. on clicking any note, it opens a new activity SecondActivity with 2 edit texts title and data.
On closing secondActivity, I want the user to see the title he had set in secondActivity on the grid he clicked on the main page.HOW?
After searching for a white, i got this startActivityForResult(). i understood its working, but it is not available in the adapter/holder, where my onitemclicklistener is present.
So how can i get to recieve this title? can I use the saveInstanceState bundle for this work?I also researched and observed that a child Acticvity's(SecondActivity) onSaveInstanceState is not called when the secondActivity is destroyed. so maybe that bundle thing would be a wrong path.In my OnBindHolder() function, i was using myholder.itemview.getContext().startActivity(...,...) for calling the secondActivity. I also tried passing the context for main Activity in adapter and using it for starting activity, but it still didn't show startActivityForResult() ...
here are the java classes from my app(I have explained in detail about my problem in a comment in Main
(Reycler View Files:)
You need to cast Context to Activity because it has startActivityForResult.
((Activity) context).startActivityForResult()
(((Activity) itemView.getContext()).startActivityForResult()
I have a database and adapter for the first activity showing the name and description. There is a button on each list item which takes you to the second activity displaying a unique image related to that item.
I have included an Intent from the first activity to the second activity.
So on the second activity I would like to add the image related to the item clicked.
(a)Do I include the image in the same database for the first activity or do I need a separate database and adapter for the second activity?
(b)Also do I need to create a separate intent for each item in the first activity as each item has a separate image that it will link to via the button which will be displayed on the second activity.
Your click listener will be one and generic as same lite item view is inflated for all items of adapter.
2.on click you need to pass the Uri string to second activity via intent and display the image Uri in second activity after receiving it from getIntent() in oncreateview() of second activity.
I would like to answer this in two parts.
Part 1: the database: You should use the same table for the image as well. You can always talk to the same database and all the tables from any activity, so no need to have a separate database. So the name, description and image in the same activity.
Part 2: The intent
If you are in a scenario where you have to add any action on click of an adapter item, always use a callback.
When you click on any item, this callback will tell you in the activity that which item in the adapter is clicked.
This medium blog is a very good example to demonstrate this.
In this blog's code, there is a block in adapter where you pass the values from the activity. It is the constructor.
RecyclerViewAdapter(RecyclerViewClickListener listener) {
mListener = listener;
If you had added some code, it would help, but I am sure you also have this constructor in your code, so add this listener along with the other data and see how it works out.
I have 2 list views :
- The first one is instantiated in a fragment
- The second one in a activity.
They display the same information
On click on a list item, I open another activity to display item detail.
Depending on the calling activity/fragment, I want to render a different layout, so I need to know in the activity that render the detail of a item, which activity created the intent ?
getCallingActivity and getParentActivityIntent seems to be declarative and fixe, isn"t it ? in my case there are both null.
How can I do that ?
You can pass an argument with your intent as:
intent.putExtra("ParentActivity", "ActivityA");
intent.putExtra("ParentActivity", "ActivityB");
In your next activity, use this:
String parentActivity = getIntent().getStringExtra("ParentActivity");
And render the layout according to result.
Hope it helps.
So I currently have an app that has 4 tabs (fragments). They are fragments A,B,C,D, in that order.
Fragment A is the first view opened (along with B because viewPager loads the view before and after the current view).
When I click a button in Fragment A, it sends Data back to MainActivity and then sends that data out to Fragments B and C.
However, this is where the issue comes into play. Since Fragment B was already called, the View isn't updated once I click the button and send the data over, but Fragment C is because the view wasn't called before.
Is there any way that I can remedy this?
You can do it a few ways right.
Just set the data to the fragment and have it update its views
Have all the fragments like B and C register themselves to recieve data from the MainActivity and when MainActivity gets it's data set you tell all the registered receivers of the new data
Recreate the fragment
Use an event bus and tell all subsribers of the new data and MainActivity, Fragment B would get notified of new data. Fragment C would get its data when created by MainActivity
I think this list is pretty endless tbh
The key here is the fragments need to fetch the data from the actvitiy aswell as be updated by the activity. In which case you need to break your UI update behaviour out of onCreateView and into its own updateUI() function. updateUI(MyData) can then be called from onCreateView and also called in a setMyData() on the fragment. Just make sure you check the isAdded flag in setMyData.
This pretty much says it all:
I used a simple fragment communicator that allows the activity to call the fragment, and the same for a fragment to talk to the activity.
You can change the views with the new data based on calling the method from within the activity. The way I do it is set the fragments in the activity then pass them into the page adapter this way I can call the methods within the fragment and implement the fragmentcommunicator interface on the fragments.
You can honestly even avoid the interface if you want, but if you are going to include the same method in all the fragments to talk to them it is easiest.
If you show code, I can show you a quick example.
Hi All I want to open the "Text-To-Speech output" fragment of Settings from my application. I think first I need to open the settings activity and then its fragment. I tried setting the ComponentName but it was unable to locate the activity.
Should I use FragmentManager; I couldn't find anything specific to my needs. Can somebody give me some link which might explain it well.
You are right, First You need to start the Activity than set the current Fragment in FragmentPager / Manager... Their is no such way to start some foreign fragment from your Activity that would be dangerous see that will lead to zombie fragments floating around the App (or May be I am not aware of that..)
You call the Activity Intent with some parameter for the Fragment name, you want to start i.e. interger, boolean etc...
Intent intent = new Intent(this,SecondActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("fragmentNumber",1); //for example
You check the passed value inside OnCreate of the Second Acitivty and set the desired fragment on top.. inside OnCreate
//set the desired fragment as current fragment to fragment pager
However, I am not getting the problem "It was unable to locate the activity." Have you entered the Activity in manifest file than what was the problem you were facing? Please post the full stack trace.
You can use the following:
Intent ttsSettings = new Intent("");
[Update Solution]
Referring to the post in the link
ViewPager PagerAdapter not updating the View
public void onSomeButtonClicked(View view) { // registered to Button's android:onClick in the layout xml file
Log.w(TAG,"Some button clicked !!");
// And inside my PagerAdapter
public int getItemPosition(Object object) {
return 0;
Fixed all my problems, i just used Intent.setAction().
[Update to below Post]
My problem is i have a ViewPager PagerAdapter in my Main Activity. On clicking one of the 3 buttons., any specific intent will be fired (i used intent, i could have gone with just State variable as well, just that i pass some Uri with the intent). What happens is., i do
public void onSomeButtonClicked(View view) { // registered to Button's android:onClick in the layout xml file
Log.w(TAG,"Some button clicked !!");
This is why i was guessing maybe i should just do startActivity again, with the new Intent Action on the same Activity.
Spawning a new Activity, i would have to redraw every other view in the layout which is basically the same code, for the most part in the current activity.
Any suggestions here? Please help
[Original Post]
I have a PagerAdapter and 3 Buttons in the my Main Activity. This activity is enter from Main Launcher.
When i press any one of the buttons, the Intent Action is changed.
My question:
The changed Intent action reflects some changed view in the ViewPager and does_not spawn a new Activity as such, only the view is updated.
What approach should i take to get this task?
Can i start the currentActivity using startActivity() and different Intent actions on button click?
or is there any other efficient way in android to do this?
[No need code, just explanation of logic / method would suffice]
Thanks in advance
If you are saying that you are trying to use startActivity to bring up the same activity again, and its not working, it could be because you set something like singleTop in your Android manifest.
If you are asking whether or not you should use an intent to change the state of your Activity, then the answer is "it depends". If the user would expect the back button to return your app to its previous state (instead of going back to the home screen), then it might be a good choice for you. If that is the case, however, I would ask why not just make 2 different Activities? Otherwise, just do as Dan S suggested and update the state of your Activity as the user interacts with it.
You can always use the onNewIntent() hook. Do something like this in your activity:
protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent){
//change your activity based on the new intent
Make sure to set the activity to singleTop in your manifest. Now whenever startActivity is called the onNewIntent() will be executed. Also, note that per the documentation:
Note that getIntent() still returns the original Intent. You can use setIntent(Intent) to update it to this new Intent.