Send data to Realm object server from app - android

I am creating an Android application in which I am using the Realm database to store data, and I am using the Realm object server to login and register user. I am able to log a user in using SyncUser and I am able to see that my login user has been stored in the Realm object server.
But now I have additional fields that I want to store - for instance, mail and age. I know how I'd store it in a different database but I don't know how to do this in Realm.

If you are talking about storing metadata about a user. That is not supported yet, but will be added soon. You can follow For now the workaround would be to save them in your own custom User Object.


Can i access Firebase Storage without Realtime Database&

I'm using Firebase Realtime Database do store and display data inside RecyclerView. Now i have a lot of images(54). I stored them in Firebase Storage. Here is my question, can i access them without created database nodes with they're access token in them to display them in RecyclerView?
Right now i'm using Firebase Realtime Database to get they're access token and to display them in RecyclerView like show in screenshot
Yes, if you make use of the appropriate Cloud Storage methods of the Firebase Client SDK for Android. This would allow you to retrieve download URLs for objects stored in Cloud Storage and then display them in your app without the need of a database.
However, the purpose of using either the Realtime or Cloud Firestore databases is to generate a single access token for that resource that can be shared and reused by multiple users at once. This greatly improves loading times for your application as you don't have to generate an access token for each client accessing the object.
While you could store these URLs inside of Cloud Storage itself in its own static object (e.g. gs:// using the appropriate permissions, it has the trade-off of not being easily editable and if you revoke the access token for it, you may break apps that rely on it.
As you are likely already making use of the Realtime Database in your app already (for user data, preferences, and other information), this benefit of storing these URLs in your database of choice outweighs the negatives.

How firebase store variable in database when there is no internet and deliver these variable later

I want to understand how can firebase store object data for later delivery when the target devices has no internet connection. Because i want to create my one method that store a list of string when there is no connection and send them right after the connection is available.
Firebase has two databases these days: the Firebase Realtime Database, and Cloud Firestore. Luckily for the scope of your question their behavior is quite similar, but you'll typically want to specify which database you're asking about in your question.
When you make a change to the data in your app, Firebase does two things:
It updates its local snapshot of the data, and firebase local events for the change.
It sends the change to the server, to commit it to the permanent storage there.
If your app is not connected to the server, it puts the change in a queue of so-called pending writes. If you have disk persistence enabled that queue is written to disk, but otherwise it just exists in memory.
When the app is running and has a network connection, Firebase sends any pending writes to the server.
You can use a Sqite for store data then if internet available then sent data to firebase. Need some basic logical program.
Create Database in your application and make one class which save data in your database
.when the user went to save data in firebase,checking connection if no save data in firebase and the first time that user open app with connection try to save it in firebase and delete data from data base
look more information at this doc

Prefilled realm object server database

Is it possible to keep initial version(prefilled) of realm database to Realm Object Server which will be synchorized once user authorized first time?
Then users will be able to read/modify their copies. It is not multiediting - every user has it's own database, just prefilled from a server.
Yes, you can. You can setup a Realm function that monitors either when the user is created or when they access the Realm for the first time, and then let the server fill the Realm.

Android SQLite Databases (Explain Like I'm Five)

I'm trying to use SQLite Databases, but as I'm learning (via the internet), I'm getting really confused and I have a few questions.
Where is the data actually stored? For example, let's say I want a database that stores all the usernames and all the passwords for everyone who uses my application. I need to write this information onto the database, but where is it? Is it on the user's phone? Is it on the web somewhere? Whenever the user goes onto the app, I need to read from the database. Does it read from somewhere online or does it only read from the database created on the user's phone? Is there any way to create a static database that all users are able to write to?
If I'm using a SQLite Database to store username and passwords, do I need to secure it with a password? If so, how? I've read on some websites that this information can easily be read if it isn't secured with a password, but others tell me that it can only be accessed by my application.
SQLite Databases are used where you need to store the data of particular user or save his usage or some data which is permanent. This DataBase resides in the Android device. If you want to save the user accounts (say username & password) this should be done in the server (backend) and should get the data by using service calls every time.
Ex: You have a comic book application for which the user has to signup / signin. Then you maintain the user account in the server. After signup / signin, when user downloads a book to read. Make that book stored in the SQLite Database in Android device, so that it will be available forever.
If you try to maintain user accounts in the SQLite DataBase, you cannot get data of all the users an store in one Android device. So global data should be on server and Local data should be stores in SQLite DataBase.
1)straight answer is: When u use SqLite database in android application, in the sense your application have sqliteDatabase, means when u download that application in to your device then all sqlite database data stored in device.
2) For password security u have to encrypt password and store in sqlite database.

how to synchronize between local database and Parse in android?

I am using parse for chat application in android for storing the data I am using both the server and local database(Parse.enableLocalDatastore()) it is working fine, the problem is with fetching data from the database like if network is not available the data will return from local database and if it is available it will return directly from parse so how can i differentiate between them? should i use query.fromLocalDatastore() method while quering the data or not?
You're going to have to build 2 different queries, one for local data and one for network data, and then figure out which one you want to display on screen.
There are a few scenarios you have to account for :
Server side deletion, addition and update
Client side deletion, addition and update
Not all of these need to be accounted for, only those that make sense for your application.
Keep in mind that when an object is pinned (and not saved to the server), it does not have an objectId, but it does have something called a localId (it's private api but you can see it in the debugger). You can check for the existence of objectId to determine if the object was created locally and has never been saved to the server.

