I have implemented the AndroidSlidingUpPanel library in my app, everything works but i want the sliding layout to slide until it goes under my appbar.
Thank you
Link to the Library
You can Use toolbar instead of appbar, You will find examples in google easily.
I want to include a drawer that slides up (using gestures) over the main activity in my app, but I don't know how I would implement this.
I've tried searching, but it seems as though Sliding Drawer was deprecated in API 17. I do not want to use third party libraries.
How should I go about this? Will a fragment with custom animations work?
You can use the design support library to help you achieve this.
There's more on the blog post but essentially you would be using a BottomSheetBehavior on a CoordinatorLayout (the root ViewGroup of that layout).
reading this this article I see two images of two components/layouts that I would like to implement in my android application.
CoordinatorLayout with map and details
How can I implement these layout structures?
There is some easy way to implement these components or I have to create them myself? In that case could anyone post here some examples?
Thanks all in advance :)
There is an open source library AndroidSlidingUpPanel provided by the Umano team. That seems to be exactly what you are looking for.
Here is the link
With the new Design Support Library 23.2, adding Bottom Sheets has become very easy. By attaching a BottomSheetBehavior to a child View of a CoordinatorLayout (i.e., adding app:layout_behavior=”android.support.design.widget.BottomSheetBehavior”), you can get the desired bottom sheet effect.
How can i get a toolbar that hides/shows when scrolling a webview down/up, that is also able to refresh by scrolling the listview up when the webview is at the top already (pulldownrefresh), just like the google chrome app for android .
For collapsing toolbar you will have to use the CollapsingToolbarLayout as explained in the android design support library that has the collapsing toolbar.
And for pull down to refresh take a look at SwipeRefreshLayout.
You can have a look at this wonderfull tutorial that explains it in a better way.
And for api details you can refer to this.
And for SwipeRefreshLayout you can check this.
These features are not so hard to implement.
I hope it would help you.
I tried many times to create a layout that contain multiple layouts and switch between these layouts by sliding left or right like on WhatsApp or Facebook apps.
I have used some LinearLayout, TableLayout and ScrollView but I didn't found the way to achieve it.
Do you have any solution please ?
What do you want to do is a Material Design Sliding Tabs ? I implemented that functionality in my app following this guide
You probably want to use Androids ViewPager and set up your views as fragments, it has built in swipe gestures to transition through pages so should cover what you need.
Check out this example, it's also got a sample app you can download and test out:
I don't think these examples use viewpager, but visually they look a little like viewpager.
See Evernote's settings:
And Pocket Casts' handheld control pane:
Basically, a panel is swiped in from left, but the left edge of the previous panel is still visible.
So my question is, is this UI pattern featured in an example you have seen, or did these two make it out of whole cloth and now I have to, too?
Edit for posterity:
As of Google I/O 2013, this is now built into Android. They call it the Navigation Drawer: http://developer.android.com/training/implementing-navigation/nav-drawer.html
This library might help you out. I think this is what you're trying to achieve.
I've updated the link to another SlidingMenu library but as of 2015/09/16, I wouldn't use the library referenced here anyway. Google has provided the DrawerLayout in the v4 support library to achieve this. Inside the drawer, for a more standard structured navigation, the design support library has also provided the NavigationView that can be placed inside the DrawerLayout and use standard menu resource to inflate the items contained within. This SO can help out with the details of the implementation.