Android.bp and ninja: error: unknown target - android

I have an application in packages/apps under my vendor dir in Android O.
The application relies on a HIDL interface, which is added as a java library.
If I build the app with file, it builds just fine.
If I build the app with Android.bp file, hiding the, it doesn't build and fails with an error:
ninja: error: unknown target 'MODULES-IN-vendor-${vendor_name}-apps-${app_name}', did you mean 'MODULES-IN-vendor-${vendor_name}-apps-${another_app_name}'?
Or it can be just
ninja: error: unknown target 'MODULES-IN-vendor-${vendor_name}-apps-${app_name}'
My Android.bp looks like:
android_app {
java_libs: ["some.hidl.lib-V1.0-java"],
java_static_libs: ["android.hidl.base-V1.0-java-static"],
srcs: ["**/*.java"],
android_resource_dirs: ["res/**"],
name: "MyApplication",
module_name: "MyApplication",
package_name: "me.myself.MyApplication", // also tried just the name as it is done in
enabled: true,
proguard_enabled: disabled
Any ideas?

Not sure if you have resolved this issue, I also met such issue. This is caused by Android only tries to include the "Android.bp" file from the level 3 folder which is defined in "Android.bp" under root folder:
optional_subdirs = [
So you need to add one "Android.bp" into vendor/vendor_name/packages with specified optional_subdirs or just wildcard as above.

In my case, I was using file only but by mistake I used arm64 in
But I was building for x86_64 target. So I changed to
And I worked. Might be this answer is not directly related to it but If someone would have done same mistake then it would help.


ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: unsupported include in Android.bp

Am trying to add the include fwk/base/pkgs/SettingsLib/ onto Settings App, But am unsure how to use it on Android.bp file.
I used the androidmk conversion tool which comes with the AOSP build system to convert to Android.bp
What I DID :
1. On AOSPSource code, check build/soong/androidmk and make full build.
2. After compiling the source code, the androidmk generation tool located :
# out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/androidmk
3. Using the androidmk command try converting my to Android.bp
# androidmk > Android.bp
Error inside Android.bp
20 // **ANDROIDMK TRANSLATION ERROR: unsupported include**
21 // include frameworks/base/packages/SettingsLib/search/$
Any suggestions ? Thanks in advance.
Found way to convert to Android.bp and import on App.
Core AOSP androidmk tool does NOT help, We need to manually create a SettingsLibDefaults on SettingsLibs ( create a Defaults on any libs) . Referred AOSP SettingsLib Android.bp file.
// NOTE: Keep this module in sync with ./
java_defaults {
name: "SettingsLibDefaults",
static_libs: [
Usage of SettingsLibDefaults on Settings App Android.bp file
android_library {
name: "Settings-core",
platform_apis: true,
defaults: [
Same way we need to create a Defaults on any libs Android.bp file and import on Apps.

Android Studio ndk example build errors

I am new to using an ndk and was trying to use some of the sample projects that came in the android ndk10d folder. For example the hello-jni sample project. I keep getting this error:
Error:Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugNdk'.
> Failed to run command:
C:\Users\Jonathon\android-ndk-r10d\ndk-build.cmd NDK_PROJECT_PATH=null APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=C:\Users\Jonathon\AndroidStudioProjects\hello-jni2\app\build\intermediates\ndk\debug\ APP_PLATFORM=android-21 NDK_OUT=C:\Users\Jonathon\AndroidStudioProjects\hello-jni2\app\build\intermediates\ndk\debug\obj NDK_LIBS_OUT=C:\Users\Jonathon\AndroidStudioProjects\hello-jni2\app\build\intermediates\ndk\debug\lib APP_ABI=all
Error Code: 2 Output:
make.exe: *** No rule to make target `C:\Users\Jonathon\AndroidStudioProjects\hello-jni2\app\build\intermediates\ndk\debug\obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-jni/C_\Users\Jonathon\AndroidStudioProjects\hello-jni2\app\src\main\jni', needed by `C:\Users\Jonathon\AndroidStudioProjects\hello-jni2\app\build\intermediates\ndk\debug\obj/local/arm64-v8a/objs/hello-jni/C_\Users\Jonathon\AndroidStudioProjects\hello-jni2\app\src\main\jni\hello-jni.o'. Stop.
I have checked and the file: ndk-build.cmd is indeed in the location specified. When I try to open it command prompt says that it cannot find the application project directory. Please define the NDK_PROJECT_PATH variable to it
I re-installed and updated my whole environment from 0.8.9 to android studio 0.9.9 and now 1.01 and I get the same error. It seems it can't find the file or file directory and that must mean my configuration isn't right but I can't determine what to do to fix it.
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := hello-jni
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hello-jni.c
Check out this video for building simple NDK projects with Android studio
Alternatively you can also download Intel Native Developer Experience tool that comes with the NDK plugin for Android Studio
You can remove the file: it will be ignored as a new one is generated on the fly from your gradle configuration (build.gradle file). You can get more information on this from my article on NDK support in Android Studio.
The bug you're experiencing is this one:
A simple workaround is to create a empty .c file next to hello-jni.c.
If you have only one .c (or .cpp) file add a dummy .c (or .cpp) file and it works.

Building AOSP master branch fails in Mac OSX

I am trying to build the master branch of AOSP, but it fails with following error:
host C++: validatekeymaps <= frameworks/base/tools/validatekeymaps/Main.cpp
In file included from frameworks/base/tools/validatekeymaps/Main.cpp:17:
In file included from frameworks/native/include/input/KeyCharacterMap.h:26:
In file included from frameworks/native/include/input/Input.h:25:
system/core/include/utils/Vector.h:20:10: fatal error: 'new' file not found
#include <new>
1 error generated.
make: *** [out/host/darwin-x86/obj/EXECUTABLES/validatekeymaps_intermediates/Main.o] Error 1
Does anyone has any idea on this? Where the "new" file should present? How would I solve this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I believe is a clang error. clang does not need .h header extensions. I wouldn't bet my life on it but I will suggest updating your host clang to the newest or newer version. It is definitely a host problem. I've seen it before, but don't remember all, plus I'm on Ubuntu and don't build AOSP. I do see a recent change added -Werror now into system/core so try doing a Host clang update... even if you already have that file, an update may fix HOST include paths.
One more thought. Try: echo $(HOST_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT)
If you don't get a location you may have a clang which is too new... my reason/reference:
# gcc location for clang; to be updated when clang is updated
# HOST_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT is a Darwin-specific define

Android ndk-build not generating gdb.setup file

I am currently trying to debug native code in Android via ndk-gdb but I am having some troubles.
Even if I start a very simple project (let's say for example a default cocos2d-x v3 project) and run
ndk-build NDK_DEBUG=1
I end up with the following folder structure inside my android project
instead of the expected:
In order to use ndk-gdb I need those two gdb files.
I am using cocos version 3.2 and Android NDK version r9d.
Isn't NDK_DEBUG=1enough for the gdb files to be generated? I have also tried withandroid:debuggable="true" inside my manifest file but it didn't work.
After running the command suggested by Digit I found a very suspicious line
Android NDK: Application 'local' forced *not* debuggable through NDK_DEBUG
when running the command ndk-build NDK_LOG=1 NDK_DEBUG=1
if I change to ndk-build NDK_LOG=1 NDK_DEBUG=true I get
Android NDK: Application 'local' forced debuggable through NDK_DEBUG
So it is ok now, really weird though how =1 is not considered true.
Can you paste the output of 'ndk-build NDK_LOG=1 NDK_DEBUG=1', this should contain more information about what ndk-build is doing, and is likely to provide an explanation.

andengine compileReleaseNdk error

I want to use andengine in my android studio project but I have ndk error while building.
Error:Execution failed for task ':andEngine:compileReleaseNdk'.
> Failed to run command:
D:\Android\android-ndk-r9d\ndk-build.cmd NDK_PROJECT_PATH=null APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=D:\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\build\intermediates\ndk\release\ APP_PLATFORM=android-19 NDK_OUT=D:\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\build\intermediates\ndk\release\obj NDK_LIBS_OUT=D:\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\build\intermediates\ndk\release\lib APP_ABI=all
Error Code:
D:/Android/android-ndk-r9d/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.6/../../../../arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld.exe: D:\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\build\intermediates\ndk\release\obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/andengine_shared/D_\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\src\main\jni\src\GLES20Fix.o: in function Java_org_andengine_opengl_GLES20Fix_glVertexAttribPointer:GLES20Fix.c(.text.Java_org_andengine_opengl_GLES20Fix_glVertexAttribPointer+0x40): error: undefined reference to 'glVertexAttribPointer'
D:/Android/android-ndk-r9d/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.6/../../../../arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld.exe: D:\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\build\intermediates\ndk\release\obj/local/armeabi-v7a/objs/andengine_shared/D_\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\src\main\jni\src\GLES20Fix.o: in function Java_org_andengine_opengl_GLES20Fix_glDrawElements:GLES20Fix.c(.text.Java_org_andengine_opengl_GLES20Fix_glDrawElements+0x30): error: undefined reference to 'glDrawElements'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make.exe: *** [D:\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\build\intermediates\ndk\release\obj/local/armeabi-v7a/] Error 1
I suppose I'm missing some OpenGL files?
The Android Gradle plugin's NDK task does not actually use any file that you may have provided in your jni/ folder. This was a great source of confusion for me until I figured that out.
It generates a intermediate file during the build, based on parameters that you have set in your Gradle build script and on the content of your jni/ folder.
You can see this for yourself by inspecting the source for its NdkCompile task at
Note the writeMakeFile(...) method on line 126.
This is why the error you are getting from the ndk-build command that runs as part of your Gradle build references the build script APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=D:\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\build\intermediates\ndk\release\, not something like APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=D:\Android\workspace\simpleclock\simple_clock_as\andEngine\src\main\jni\ as you might expect and want it to.
There is no way of getting the Android Gradle plugin's NDK task to use your own file (believe me if there was I would have found it!).
You have two options for getting your NDK code compiling as part of Gradle:
Figure out the correct configuration to put in your build.gradle so that the generated file contains the required LOCAL_LDLIBS := -lGLESv2 line and any of the other lines from that are required.
Write a custom NDK compile task that uses the AndEnginge's file directly. I've recently had to do this myself for an NDK source set that requires more parameters than the Android Gradle plugin currently supports passing via Gradle, so it if comes to this I can provide help.
I think in this case option 1 is open and so of course the preferable solution.
Something like this added to the android defaultConfig block should work:
android {
defaultConfig {
ndk {
moduleName "myNDKModule"
stl "stlport_shared"
ldLibs "lGLESv2"
cFlags "-Werror"
Unfortunately I am very much not a C/native code expert (I know practically nothing) so cannot guess whether AndEngine needs LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME and LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDES to be set to build correctly. If it does, you'll need to go with approach 2 (at least until if/when the Android Gradle NDK task supports configuring them). Though I have just checked out the AndEngine git repo and successfully run ndk-build after having removed them from its file, which is promising.
(I found which NDK properties can be parametrised via inspection of
I had a similar issue, and this video helped me to fix the build issues. Basically, you need to download (and extract) NDK from here: and specify the NDK location in Module Settings. Also, you need to alter the andEngine's build.gradle file to include
jni.srcDirs = []
} actually includes the line?
These errors indicate it.
error: undefined reference to 'glVertexAttribPointer'
error: undefined reference to 'glDrawElements'

