Read service name from AndroidManifest - android

I want to write Firebase's InstanceId service like service in my project. The project is an SDK where the developer who integrates it has the provision to override this service. In this case, I should be able to read the name of the new service specified by the developer with a particular action in their AndroidManifest.xml file.
So the real question here is, how can I read the name of the service declared in the AndroidManifest.xml file with a specific action?

Use below utility method
public static void startService(Context context, String lookupAction) {
Intent serviceIntent = new Intent();
List<ResolveInfo> resInfo = context.getPackageManager().queryIntentServices(serviceIntent, 0);
if (resInfo != null && !resInfo.isEmpty()) {
ServiceInfo service = resInfo.get(0).serviceInfo;
ComponentName cmpService = new ComponentName(service.applicationInfo.packageName,;
Intent serviceToStart = new Intent(lookupAction);
} else {
// Handle error
I will add documentation soon


Implicit Internal Intent vulnerability showing up when Android app is deployed to the Playstore

Recently I have uploaded my android apk on the app store and its been told that the next upload to Google play store will get rejected and we need to check and resolve it. Below is the screenshot of the message:
They are referring to package name also. Below is the code:
public void onDestroy() {
Intent intent = new Intent("com.test.dummyapp");
Please assist me how to resolve this.
Below is the code where the component is triggered:
IntentFilter restartFilter = new IntentFilter("com.test.dummyapp");
registerReceiver(restartBroadcastReciver, restartFilter);
private BroadcastReceiver restartBroadcastReciver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
When you do this, you are broadcasting an "implicit Intent". This is dangerous because any app can register to get this (potential leak of information) and any app can also broadcast this Intent (triggering your app).
Intent intent = new Intent("com.test.dummyapp");
To fix this you can use LocalBroadcastManager (it is deprecated, but still works). Using a local broadcast ensures that other apps cannot see your broadcast Intent and other apps cannot trigger your app this way.
As an alternative, you should be able to make the Intent explicit by setting the package name:
Intent intent = new Intent("com.test.dummyapp");
It seems really weird to send a Broadcast in onDestroy. I can't possibly see a use for that, and I can see a lot of problems due to onDestroy being called unexpectedly (rotation, screen size change, etc).
But if you have to do it, use new Intent(getPackageName()). What they're looking for is a hardcoded package name like that. The problem is that if you run 'com.facebook.whateveritscalled' and a piece of malware is installed that named itself that, you would be sending the intent to it. Which if you have extras in the intent could be leaking information to it.
Thanks for the information.
I made some changes to the posted code. Let me know if this works fine.
public void onDestroy() {
openApp((Context) context,"com.test.dummyapp");
public static boolean openApp(Context context, String packageName) {
PackageManager manager = context.getPackageManager();
try {
Intent i = manager.getLaunchIntentForPackage(packageName);
if (i == null) {
return false;
return true;
} catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
return false;

How do you use bindService() in Android to bind to a Service in another apk?

How do I make an Intent in my client that refers to the Service class in my(a) service that is packaged in another apk? In an a service is defined:
public class SSMservice extends Service {
<service android:name=".SSMservice"
android:exported="true" android:label="SSMsvc" />
In another apk, I have a client that wants to bind to that service:
public static ServiceConnection ssmConn;
public static Messenger ssmMsngr;
if (ssmConn == null) {
ssmConn = new ServiceConnection() {
public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
ssmMsngr = null;
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {
// We are connected to the service
ssmMsngr = new Messenger(service);
// We bind to the service
bindService(new Intent(app, SSMservice.class), ssmConn, <--SSMservice class is unknown
The bindService() method needs and Intent (which I made a 'component' Intent, ie, not an implicit Intent). To identify the class that contains the service in the other apk, I need a reference to the class that is in the service apk (and not known to client apk)
Solution, per comments from MikeM and CommonWare:
Intent ssmIntent = new Intent().setClassName("ribo.ssm",
app.bindService(ssmIntent, ssmConn, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
Rather than trying to use Intent with a specific class, or Intent.setClass(...)
the Itent.setClassName(String pkgName, String className) method allows effectively identifying the requested class without needing to have access to the class directly.
I may try another technique by having an with an in the definition in the service's AndroidManifest.xml and searching with an intent created with Intent.addAction(String). That way the client doesn't need to know something as intimate as the name of the package or a class in that package.
Per Mike M, this sort of code:
PackageManager pm = app.getPackageManager();
Intent it = new
List<ResolveInfo> acts = pm.queryIntentActivities(it, 0);
for (ResolveInfo ri : acts) {
prt("actRI "+ri);
it = new Intent().setClassName("ribo.ssm", "ribo.ssm.SSMservice");
List<ResolveInfo> svcs = pm.queryIntentServices(it, 0);
for (ResolveInfo ri : svcs) {
prt("RI "+ri);
helped me to see what activites and services Android would find when it tried to do a startActivity or bindService.

Android - How to receive shortcut create result

Looking at the code sample here - I find the following comment puzzling:
// ... We assume here that the
// app has implemented a method called createShortcutResultIntent() that
// returns a broadcast intent.
what does it mean the app has implemented ... where is this implementation done?
is it a broadcast receiver? registered to which intent filter?
is this an abstract method? of which class?
and then I see this code sample - which handles a completely different flow (I think) and I'm lost again
You can obtain feedback via catching the broadcast event which you setup while use requestPinShortcut function.
At first you need a usual broadcast receiver (in the code below it has name ShortcutReceiver). You can even use existing broadcast receiver and simple add new action which it should catch.
Lets the action will be "general.intent.action.SHORTCUT_ADDED" and it will be stored in ShortcutReceiver.kInstalledAction constant. In this case in the manifest you should have:
<receiver android:name=".ShortcutReceiver" >
<action android:name="general.intent.action.SHORTCUT_ADDED"/>
After this you can use following code in the activity for create a pinned shortcut (in other places change this on object of Context class):
ShortcutManager manager = this.getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class);
Intent targetIntent = new Intent(ShortcutReceiver.kInstalledAction);
PendingIntent intent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, targetIntent, 0);
manager.requestPinShortcut(info, intent.getIntentSender());
In this code info is correct object of ShortcutInfo class.
You can handle the event while catch the broadcast:
public class ShortcutReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public static final String kInstalledAction = "general.intent.action.SHORTCUT_ADDED";
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (kInstalledAction.equals(intent.getAction())) {
// Handle the event after the shortcut has been added
Toast.makeText(context, "The shortcut has been added", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Please take into account that from my experience the broadcast event happens after the shortcut has been added but sometimes there can be some delays (at about some minutes). But may be there is some dependency on the launcher.
As described in other answers on Android 8 catching of implicit intent via broadcast in general doesn't work.
So I simple changed the intent to explicit via set package name of the current app. So only our broadcast receiver can catch the intent.
First things first. Implicit intents on Android 8.0 Oreo:
Because Android 8.0 (API level 26) introduces new limitations for broadcast receivers, you should remove any broadcast receivers that are registered for implicit broadcast intents. Leaving them in place does not break your app at build-time or runtime, but they have no effect when your app runs on Android 8.0.
Explicit broadcast intents—those that only your app can respond to—continue to work the same on Android 8.0.
There are exceptions to this new restriction. For a list of implicit broadcasts that still work in apps targeting Android 8.0, see Implicit Broadcast Exceptions.
Note: there are some exceptions: (very few)
Instead, we will use the so-called context-registered receiver, it will last as long as our app lives, or until we unregister it.
Also, ShortcutManager requires API 25 that's why we will use it's compat version in order not to duplicate the code for old and new versions. (ShortcutManagerCompat was added in version 26.1.0)
Code to create a pinned shortcut on the Home screen:
public static void addShortcut(Context context, String id) {
if(context == null || note == null)
//there may be various Home screen apps, better check it
if (ShortcutManagerCompat.isRequestPinShortcutSupported(context)){
Intent shortcutIntent = new Intent(context, MainActivity.class);
shortcutIntent.setAction(Constants.ACTION_SHORTCUT); // !!! intent's action must be set on oreo
ShortcutInfoCompat shortcutInfo = new ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder(context, note.get_id().toString())
.setShortLabel("MyShortcut") //recommend max 10 chars
.setLongLabel("Long shortcut name")//recommend max 25 chars
.setIcon(IconCompat.createWithResource(context, R.drawable.ic_shortcut))
//callback if user allowed to place the shortcut
Intent pinnedShortcutCallbackIntent = new Intent(ACTION_SHORTCUT_ADDED_CALLBACK);
PendingIntent successCallback = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, REQ_CODE_SHORTCUT_ADDED_CALLBACK,
pinnedShortcutCallbackIntent, 0);
ShortcutManagerCompat.requestPinShortcut(context, shortcutInfo, successCallback.getIntentSender());
And here is the code to receive the broadcast in your Activity, for example. Note that this "callback" will be called only if your app is running, receiver is registered and the user allowed the shortcut:
private ShortcutAddedReceiver shortcutAddedReceiver;
private void registerShortcutAddedReceiver(){
if(shortcutAddedReceiver == null){
shortcutAddedReceiver = new ShortcutAddedReceiver();
IntentFilter shortcutAddedFilter = new IntentFilter(ShortcutHelper.ACTION_SHORTCUT_ADDED_CALLBACK);
registerReceiver(shortcutAddedReceiver, shortcutAddedFilter);
private void unregisterShortcutAddedReceiver(){
if(shortcutAddedReceiver != null){
shortcutAddedReceiver = null;
public void onStart() {
public void onStop() {
private class ShortcutAddedReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver{
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Snackbar.make(view, "Shortcut added", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Hope this helps!

How to get the class name that fired an Activity? [duplicate]

Is there a way for an Activity to find out who (i.e. class name) has sent an Intent? I'm looking for a generic way for my Activity to respond to a received intent by sending one back to the sender, whoever that may be.
There may be another way, but the only solution I know of is having Activity A invoke Activity B via startActivityForResult(). Then Activity B can use getCallingActivity() to retrieve Activity A's identity.
Is it an external app you receive the intent from? You could use the getReferrer() method of the activity class
A simple example: I opened google map app to share some location with my app by using the share option of google maps. Then my app opens and this method call in the Activity:
will return:
see documentation here:
Note that this requires API 22. For older Android versions see answer from ajwillliams
A technique I use is to require the application sending the relevant Intent to add a PendingIntent as a Parcelable extra; the PendingIntent can be of any type (service, broadcast, etc.). The only thing my service does is call PendingIntent.getCreatorUid() and getCreatorPackage(); this information is populated when the PendingIntent is created and cannot be forged by the app so I can get the info about an Intent's sender.
Only caveat is that solution only works from Jellybean and later which is my case.
Hope this helps,
This isn't incredibly direct but you can get a list of the recent tasks from ActivityManager. So the caller would essentially be the task before yours and you can fetch info on that task.
Example usage:
ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) this.getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
List<ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo> recentTasks = am.getRecentTasks(10000,ActivityManager.RECENT_WITH_EXCLUDED);
The above will return a list of all the tasks from most recent (yours) to the limit specified. See docs here for the type of info you can get from a RecentTaskInfo object.
Generally you don't need to know this. If the calling activity uses startActivityForResult(Intent, int), the callee can use setResult(int, Intent) to specify an Intent to send back to the caller. The caller will receive this Intent in its onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) method.
Based on your question, since you want to send an intent back to the sender startActivityForResult is a better choice than what I am going to suggest. But I needed to start activity B when a notification is clicked by the user and execute some code in activity B only if the sender activity is activity A. This is how I did it quite simply.
Inside Activity A:
String senderName = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
Intent clickIntent = new Intent(ActivityA.this, ActivityB.class);
clickIntent.putExtra("SENDER_CLASS_NAME", senderName);
//I use PendingIntent to start Activity B but you can use what you like such as this.startActivity(clickIntent);
PendingIntent.getActivity(ActivityA.this, NOTIFICATION_ID, clickIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT);
Inside Activity B:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();
if (bundle != null) {
String senderName = bundle.getString("SENDER_CLASS_NAME");
//Execute some code
Log.d("GCM", "Notifications clicked");
In my case, neither the accepted here and another most voted answer works perfectly.
Activity.getCallerActivity() works only for the sender which starts your activity by startActivityForResult, meaning that if the sender is also in your app and you have full control, it works, but not every external app starts others in that way.
Another most voted answer provides the solution for external app, but it too has issue. First I would prefer getAuthority() instead of getHost(), secondly, if the sender is a browser kind of app, like Chrome, both host and authority will give you the browsing web page's address host, such as, instead of the app itself. So it depends on how you define 'sender', if you need to find out which web page starts you, the authority/host is good enough, but if you need to find out which app starts you, I am afraid authority/host can be trusted only when getScheme() gives you android-app instead of http.
Use UsageStatsManager and the old RecentTaskInfo to get the intent sender for OnCreate or onNewIntent:
public static String getTopMostThirdPartyPackage(Context context) {
String thisPak = null, tmp, top = null;
try {
thisPak = context.getPackageName();
UsageStatsManager man = (UsageStatsManager) context.getSystemService(Context.USAGE_STATS_SERVICE);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
UsageEvents uEvts = man.queryEvents(now - 5000,now); // query in 5 sec
UsageEvents.Event e = new UsageEvents.Event();
while (uEvts.getNextEvent(e)){
tmp = e.getPackageName();
if (!thisPak.equals(tmp)) {
top = tmp;
} else {
ActivityManager man = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
List<ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo> tasks = man.getRecentTasks(3, 0);
for(ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo info:tasks) {
tmp = info.baseIntent.getComponent().getPackageName();
if (!thisPak.equals(tmp)) {
top = tmp;
} catch (Exception e) {
return top;
permissions :
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_TASKS" />
intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_USAGE_ACCESS_SETTINGS);

How to get the sender of an Intent?

Is there a way for an Activity to find out who (i.e. class name) has sent an Intent? I'm looking for a generic way for my Activity to respond to a received intent by sending one back to the sender, whoever that may be.
There may be another way, but the only solution I know of is having Activity A invoke Activity B via startActivityForResult(). Then Activity B can use getCallingActivity() to retrieve Activity A's identity.
Is it an external app you receive the intent from? You could use the getReferrer() method of the activity class
A simple example: I opened google map app to share some location with my app by using the share option of google maps. Then my app opens and this method call in the Activity:
will return:
see documentation here:
Note that this requires API 22. For older Android versions see answer from ajwillliams
A technique I use is to require the application sending the relevant Intent to add a PendingIntent as a Parcelable extra; the PendingIntent can be of any type (service, broadcast, etc.). The only thing my service does is call PendingIntent.getCreatorUid() and getCreatorPackage(); this information is populated when the PendingIntent is created and cannot be forged by the app so I can get the info about an Intent's sender.
Only caveat is that solution only works from Jellybean and later which is my case.
Hope this helps,
This isn't incredibly direct but you can get a list of the recent tasks from ActivityManager. So the caller would essentially be the task before yours and you can fetch info on that task.
Example usage:
ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) this.getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
List<ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo> recentTasks = am.getRecentTasks(10000,ActivityManager.RECENT_WITH_EXCLUDED);
The above will return a list of all the tasks from most recent (yours) to the limit specified. See docs here for the type of info you can get from a RecentTaskInfo object.
Generally you don't need to know this. If the calling activity uses startActivityForResult(Intent, int), the callee can use setResult(int, Intent) to specify an Intent to send back to the caller. The caller will receive this Intent in its onActivityResult(int, int, Intent) method.
Based on your question, since you want to send an intent back to the sender startActivityForResult is a better choice than what I am going to suggest. But I needed to start activity B when a notification is clicked by the user and execute some code in activity B only if the sender activity is activity A. This is how I did it quite simply.
Inside Activity A:
String senderName = this.getClass().getSimpleName();
Intent clickIntent = new Intent(ActivityA.this, ActivityB.class);
clickIntent.putExtra("SENDER_CLASS_NAME", senderName);
//I use PendingIntent to start Activity B but you can use what you like such as this.startActivity(clickIntent);
PendingIntent.getActivity(ActivityA.this, NOTIFICATION_ID, clickIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT);
Inside Activity B:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (savedInstanceState == null) {
Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();
if (bundle != null) {
String senderName = bundle.getString("SENDER_CLASS_NAME");
//Execute some code
Log.d("GCM", "Notifications clicked");
In my case, neither the accepted here and another most voted answer works perfectly.
Activity.getCallerActivity() works only for the sender which starts your activity by startActivityForResult, meaning that if the sender is also in your app and you have full control, it works, but not every external app starts others in that way.
Another most voted answer provides the solution for external app, but it too has issue. First I would prefer getAuthority() instead of getHost(), secondly, if the sender is a browser kind of app, like Chrome, both host and authority will give you the browsing web page's address host, such as, instead of the app itself. So it depends on how you define 'sender', if you need to find out which web page starts you, the authority/host is good enough, but if you need to find out which app starts you, I am afraid authority/host can be trusted only when getScheme() gives you android-app instead of http.
Use UsageStatsManager and the old RecentTaskInfo to get the intent sender for OnCreate or onNewIntent:
public static String getTopMostThirdPartyPackage(Context context) {
String thisPak = null, tmp, top = null;
try {
thisPak = context.getPackageName();
UsageStatsManager man = (UsageStatsManager) context.getSystemService(Context.USAGE_STATS_SERVICE);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
UsageEvents uEvts = man.queryEvents(now - 5000,now); // query in 5 sec
UsageEvents.Event e = new UsageEvents.Event();
while (uEvts.getNextEvent(e)){
tmp = e.getPackageName();
if (!thisPak.equals(tmp)) {
top = tmp;
} else {
ActivityManager man = (ActivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
List<ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo> tasks = man.getRecentTasks(3, 0);
for(ActivityManager.RecentTaskInfo info:tasks) {
tmp = info.baseIntent.getComponent().getPackageName();
if (!thisPak.equals(tmp)) {
top = tmp;
} catch (Exception e) {
return top;
permissions :
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_TASKS" />
intent = new Intent(Settings.ACTION_USAGE_ACCESS_SETTINGS);

