Package Xamarin.Android.Support.v4 supports: monoandroid70 (MonoAndroid,Version=v7.0) - android

I have Visual Studio 2017 Full Package.
I am using Xamarin for making android app but I have an error when I making blank page
see photo
What error is it?
How to solve it?
I want to run my android app with minSdk 23 (Android 6.0)


Xamarin.Forms - firebase is not compatible with monoandroid81?

when i try to install "App center push" nuget package, this require Xamarin.firebase.messaging
and when i try to install Xamarin.firebase.messaging , show me this error
For resolution, i try to change target framework of android , but not working.
Can you help me? this is the error:
The package Xamarin.Firebase.Messaging 71.1740.0 is not compatible with
monoandroid81 (MonoAndroid,Version=v8.1). The package Xamarin.Firebase.Messaging 71.1740.0 support:
monoandroid90 (MonoAndroid,Version=v9.0)
I can reproduce your issue when my Target Framework version is Android 8.1.
I then double-click Android Properties, choose Application tab, and set Compile using Android version: (Target Framework) as Android 9.0.
Then you go to Android Manifest tab, will find the Target Android Version (in Android Manifest) also become Android 9.0, now you can install Xamarin.firebase.messaging for Android project, it works fine.
If the Target Android version is not Android 9.0 when you have change Compile using Android Version: (Target Framework), you can change this as Android 9.0, then see if still having same issue.

gradle in android studio is not selecting the installed sdk

I have started learning android and i'm stuck at something.
I have installed android sdk api 22 and when i'm syncing it with gradle , the following error is popping up:
Failed to find target with hash string 'android-27' in: C:\Users\user
it says that it is missing android sdk api 27 but i have installed android sdk api 22
why is it not selecting the installed sdk
1.>Uninstall your android studio. remove all folders. and sdk from c drive.just remove all file folder related to android studio.
2.>Download latest android studio from android developer site using below link.
3.Install android studio from downloaded .exe file.
will work fine if android studio will install successfully.
android studio don't need sdk externally.
Check the app/build.gradle file, maybe you specified sdk version 27 on it, you can change it with api 22. does not exist

I just switched from IntelliJ to Xamarin and, man, am I regretting it. Can anyone help me with this error?
I have a Xamarin.Forms project with .NET standard sharing strategy. I'm receiving the error: does not exist
followed by about 100 errors:
... cannot find symbol.
If I create a new project, the errors still occur.
Android manifest
Minimum version is Android 8.0 (API Level 26 -Oreo)
Target version is the same.
I have also tried each and both with Use Compile using SDK version.
Android SDK
Installed platforms are Android SDK Platform 27 and Android 8.0 - Oreo
Installed Tools are Android SDK 26.1.1 and 27.0.1.
Build tools are all from 26.0.0 to 27.0.3.
Emulator 27.1.7
NuGet - Solution
All packages updated.
Xamarin.Forms version v2.5.0.280555
Android Emulator Manager
Operating System is Android 8.0 - Oreo(API 26)
The only advice I can find is on SO ... and it is to check manifest versions. I'm at a loss now and am unable to work on any project, have lost three days trying to solve it ... and am very close to switching back to IntelliJ. Does anyone have any ideas?

Visual Studio not showing installed Android api levels

I am developing an Android app in Visual Studio. In the Android SDK manager, all API's from API level 23 (Android 6.0) to API level 25 (Android 7.1) are installed.
But when I open the project properties in Visual Studio, the "Compile using Android version" option is showing apis only till 23(Android 6.0). I want to target 7.1 as most of the smartphones will now have it.
There are another problem if I go with Android 6.0. Some packages like Xamarin.Firebase.Messaging fails to install with the following error.
Install-Package: Could not install package 'Xamarin.Firebase.Messaging 42.1001.0'.
You are trying to install this package into a
project that targets 'MonoAndroid,Version=v6.0', but the package does not contain
any assembly references or content files that are
compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.
I can see that all options available under API level 25 are installed in SDK manager. Kindly help me so that i can target Android 7.1 from the Visual Studio Android app. Thanks
Is your Xamarin installation up to date? I suspect that your version of Xamarin.Android is 6.x which means that you won't be able to target Android 7.0 or 7.1 even if they are installed through the SDK manager. You can check the version from Help > About Microsoft Visual Studio.
For example, my version is and I'm able to target Androd 7.1 just fine.
To check for updates, you should open Tools > Options > Xamarin > Other and click Check now.
Update for Visual Studio 2017:
If you're using Visual Studio 2017 or newer, Xamarin updates are delivered as part of Visual Studio updates. To manually check for updates, go to Tools > Extensions and Updates... In the left hand menu, open Updates and select Product Updates. If there are updates available, they will be shown on this list.
In Visual Studio 2017 preview there is an improved Google Android emulation support with a new Android emulator that's built into Visual Studio (this supercedes the Visual Studio Emulator for Android):
I checked it this morning and it had Android emulators up to API 27 including Oreo.
However, I did try to trigger API 28 P-Type even switching the SDK Manager from the Microsoft repository to the Google repository but it still didn't show up, but, at least you got everything you need up to API 27.

Android layout designer in VS dont work

Using Xamarin I can't solve the error when open even the default layout.
Something weng wrong
The installed Android SDK it to old. Version 25.1.3 or newer is
required. Please update to the latest version.
As seen in the image below I already installed the latest tools.
Using Java 1.8. Did I miss something?
Thank you very much.
I had a similar problem. Here a solution that worked for me:
1) delete the one package appearing in the screenshot of the Android SDK Manager in the url below. Nota bene: At this stage VS 2015 greyed out the Android SDK manager buttons, even after a restart.
2) download installer_r24.4.1-windows.exe for windows
3) launch the Android SDK Manager outside of VS and install the proposed 19 packages. This time I could go through the installation.
4) Launch VS 2015 and create Xamarin Android project. Launching Main.axml would launch the designer properly on an android project.
More details here
How to resolve : unexpected error occured Initializing Android Designer" in VS 2015 with Xamarin

