Convert string to an object - android

I have 3 string list and I want to add all values to menus but it gives error which is "Invalid index 0, size is 0". Briefly, menus is null and how can I add them?
private List<List<Restaurant.Menu>> menus = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> MenuName = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> FoodName = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> FoodPrice = new ArrayList<>();
//I get values in DB. DB is full.
MenusName = tinydb.getListString("MenuName");
FoodName = tinydb.getListString("FoodName");
FoodPrice = tinydb.getListString("FoodPrice");
int restaurantCounter = 0;
int menuCounter = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < MenusName.size(); j++)
menus.get(restaurantCounter).get(j).name = MenusName.get(j))
Example, I created them for each value, it works but if string is long, it enforces app and I wait 10 sec. for this process. I need efficient way. Thanks in advance.
menus.get(resCounter).add(new Restaurant.Menu());
menus.get(resCounter).get(menuCounter).foods.add(new Restaurant.Food());
menus.get(resCounter).get(menuCounter).name = MenuName.get(i));
menus.get(resCounter).get(menuCounter).foods.get(foodCounter).name = FoodName.get(i);
menus.get(resCounter).get(menuCounter).foods.get(foodCounter).price = FoodPrice.get(i);

You seem to be confusing arrays with lists here. Arrays have a fixed size once initialised, Lists don't. You need to add something to your menus list using menus.add(/*Add Menu Object here*/);

You haven't add any values to the object doesn't contain value at the index 0. This might be a reason.

I couldn't find a solution so I changed structure. I get all strings in restaurants and I used gson to convert them before store them. Also you can use gson for each string. It it same logic.
Gson gson = new Gson();
ArrayList<String> gsonString = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=0; i<restaurants.size(); i++)
Convert again...
Gson gson = new Gson();
for(int i=0; i<tinydb.getListString("tinyRestaurant").size(); i++)
restaurants.add(gson.fromJson(tinydb.getListString("tinyRestaurant").get(i), Restaurant.class));


Split strings on string array

i have String Array like this:
String[] q1={"AAA-BBB","AAA-CCC","AAA-DDD"}
and i want result like this
i tried below code but the result is wrong
for(int i=0;i<q1.length;i++){
ArrayList<String> temp=new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(q1[i].split("AAA-")));
Try like this:
ArrayList<String> temp=new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=0;i<q1.length;i++){
String[] array = q1[i].split("-");
You could use substring:
ArrayList<String> temp = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=0; i<q1.length; i++){
temp.add(q[i].substring(q[i].indexOf('-') + 1, q[i].length()))
you find error Because you use split
Splits this string around matches of the given regular expression.
in this line you got 2 result splited 0 = "" AND 1 = "BBB"
so you need to pick the sec result
you have multi Solution
like said
String[] array = q1[i].split("-");
//change this q1[i].split("AAA-") to
if your AAA- is not going to change
Have you tried creating the ArrayList outside of the loop? As previously you were creating a new ArrayList for every element in your string array
ArrayList<String> temp = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=0;i<q1.length;i++){
Assuming that "AAA-" is not going to change.

Two separate ASyncTasks wrongly combining data when processing JSON

I have a project with a TabLayout + ViewPager to scroll through two different fragments (one shows data happening currently and the other shows all data).
In the onCreateView's of both of these I call the same ASyncTask class with the only difference being the params changing.
FetchItems asyncTask = new FetchItems(getContext(), this);
The JSON result is then processed here:
try {
LinkedList<LeagueItem> leagues = new LinkedList<>();
LeagueItem newLeague;
//For every league in the array
for (int i = 0; i < jsonBody.length(); i++) {
newLeague = new LeagueItem();
//Hold the league games
JSONObject jsonLeagueInfo = jsonBody.getJSONObject(i);
JSONArray leagueMatches = jsonLeagueInfo.getJSONArray("matches");
//For every match in that league
for(int j = 0;j<leagueMatches.length();j++){
JSONObject matchInformation = leagueMatches.getJSONObject(j);
JSONArray teamsArray = matchInformation.getJSONArray("teams");
MatchItem currentMatch = new MatchItem();
//For both teams in the match
for(int k=0;k<2;k++){
JSONObject teamInfo = teamsArray.getJSONObject(k);
String name = teamInfo.getString("name");
String logoUrl = teamInfo.getString("logo");
JSONObject scores = teamInfo.getJSONObject("results");
String runningScore = scores.getString("runningscore");
TeamItem currentTeam = new TeamItem(shortName, logoUrl, Integer.parseInt(runningScore), homeNum);
return leagues;
I'm finding that both objects returned have crossover data which shouldn't be there. Both of the parent objects are correct in that they add the correct number of league items, however every league contains pretty much all the data that I'm iterating over. Am I missing something huge here? I thought that by calling executeOnExecuter I would be getting two completely separate threads with different objects.

Data not bind as it came from service in android

Data is not binding in array list as it came from the Service, as like first option which added in ArrayList is Lead, second is Qualified, and third is test. When i check list on first position it shows Qualified, Lead, test. But i want as i bind my list as it show in that sequence.
public static HashMap<String,ArrayList<LeadData>> LeadDataMap= new HashMap<String,ArrayList<LeadData>>();
public static ArrayList<String> aList = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < LeadListsJSONArray.length(); i++) {
JSONObject Leadsobj = LeadListsJSONArray.getJSONObject(i);
//get stage name for hashmap key value..
String StageNameString = Leadsobj.getString("StageName");
String StageIdString = Leadsobj.getString("StageId");
System.out.println("stage id........................"+StageIdString);
//get new leads list..
JSONArray jaarr2 = new JSONArray(Leadsobj.getString("Leads"));
ArrayList<LeadData> leadDataList = new ArrayList<LeadData>();
for (int j = 0; j < jaarr2.length(); j++) {
LeadData ld = new LeadData();
JSONObject obj3 = jaarr2.getJSONObject(j);
//here we are puttin the leaddatalist inot map with respect to stage name...
LeadDataMap.put(StageNameString.trim().toString(), leadDataList);
//LeadDataMap.put(StageIdString, leadDataList);
In LeadDataMap data in not in that sequence in that i have put. This is the problem.
I get solution by using LinkedHashmap.

Converting an ArrayAdapter to a List<String>

I have an array adapter(string), and would like to convert it to a List<String>, but after a little googling and a few attempts, I am no closer to figuring out how to do this.
I have tried the following;
for(int i = 0; i < adapter./*what?*/; i++){
//get each item and add it to the list
but this doesn't work because there appears to be no adapter.length or adapter.size() method or variable.
I then tried this type of for loop
for (String s: adapter){
//add s to the list
but adapter can't be used in a foreach loop.
Then I did some googling for a method (in Arrays) that converts from an adapter to a list, but found nothing.
What is the best way to do this? Is it even possible?
for(int i = 0; i < adapter.getCount(); i++){
String str = (String)adapter.getItem(i);
Try this
// Note to the clown who attempted to edit this code.
// this is an input parameter to this code.
ArrayAdapter blammo;
List<String> kapow = new LinkedList<String>(); // ArrayList if you prefer.
for (int index = 0; index < blammo.getCount(); ++index)
String value = (String)blammo.getItem(index);
// Option 2: String value = (blammo.getItem(index)).toString();
// kapow is a List<String> that contains each element in the blammo ArrayAdapter.
Use option 2 if the elements of the ArrayAdapter are not Strings.

How to add one arraylist to other arraylist in android?

I have created 3 arraylists and stored data in it. I need to pass one single arraydata to other page and so I have added my individual arrays to the main array. But when I added one array to other the data is not being aded to that array. Here is my code:
static ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> stringList1=new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
static ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> stringList3;
stringList1 = Mypage.stringList1;
ArrayList<String> optionlist = new ArrayList<String>();
stringList3 = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();stringList3 = dbAdapter.selectRecordsFromDBList(query2, null);
for (int i = 0; i < stringList3.size(); i++) {
optionlist = stringList3.get(i);
System.out.print("option list size");
System.out.println("total stringlist1"+stringList1.get(0));
I am getting the stringList1 array values from Mypage and accessing that in new page. In the new page I am trying to add the optionlist array to stringList1 by giving stringList1.add(optionlist) but the data is not adding. Where I went wrong? Please help me regarding this... Thanks in Advance
Use addAll() It appends all of the elements in the specified ArrayList to the end of this list, in the order that they are returned by the specified Collection's Iterator.
use stringList1.addAll(optionlist); instead of stringList1.add(optionlist);
After seeing your code I can guess that you have problem that elements of arrayList is not copy in another arrayList.If this is your issue then change your code like below
static ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> stringList1=new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
static ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> stringList3;
stringList1 = Mypage.stringList1;
ArrayList<String> optionlist;
stringList3 = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
stringList3 = dbAdapter.selectRecordsFromDBList(query2, null);
for (int i = 0; i < stringList3.size(); i++) {
optionlist = new ArrayList<String>();
optionlist = stringList3.get(i);
System.out.print("option list size");
System.out.println("total stringlist1"+stringList1.get(0));
The problem seems that you are initializing your
ArrayList<String> optionlist;
only once that is outside the loop. So, in that case only the first ArrayList gets stored. So, initialized the ArrayList<String> optionlist inside the loop.
ArrayList<String> optionlist;
for (int i = 0; i < stringList3.size(); i++) {
optionlist = new ArrayList<String>();
optionlist = stringList3.get(i);

