Configure Tabs with Buttons in react-navigation? - android

This may not be possible in react-navigation. But asking, just in case, there are some work-arounds or ways which I am not aware of.
In the above screenshot, I have two tabs - Trending and Watchlist. And on the right corner, are two buttons - search icon and filter icon to do some actions.
Is this kind of tabbed layout possible with react-navigation? Is this possible using Android SDK (Java code)? If possible, I like to know how (at high level).


How can I have a tabbed app in Android like Spotify does?

I'm totally new to Android development. I even don't know the name of components yet, something that make a bit harder to find how can I reach my goals.
Now my main goal is to desing a screen with a bottom tabbed bar, where the user can click in the tabs and the body of the screen changes, like the Spotify's do.
This image shows exactly what I'm looking for with those five icons at the bottom.
You are looking for navigation bottom bar.
Link for design guidelines:
Link for example library implementation:

Is there a library for Floating Action Buttons (FAB) with Labels?

Is there a library for creating Floating Action Buttons with labels (similar to the Evernote app)?
Evernote Screenshot
The popular libraries seem to be (closest to what I want... ability to expand hide "sub" actions) (Primary function is to hide/show with a scrollview, recyclerview, or listview) (library which has been around pre-lollipop)
Neither of these, to my knowledge, have this capability. Before re-inventing the wheel, has somebody already done this?
This feature request ended up being implemented in This includes labels on both the left and right sides.
If you're interested, see the discussion here:
Disclaimer: I haven't used this (yet).
I'd recommend this library over others that I've seen.
Nowadays there are available techniques of manipulating behaviour of the view that enable you to program FloatinActionButton as you want and to have joy that you have made it by yourself!
Fade in/out FloatingActionButton while scrolling RecyclerView . DETAILS
Slide down/up , beside it blog says how to:
Expand floatingActionButton and show subFloatingButtons. DETAILS HERE
There is to much details, "how to do". Therefore I've attached just links to blogs. Anyway I encourage you guys to take a look at those blogs. You will have total control over your application. Currenty I use all solutions from both blog's. Enjoy!
Especially the last library you mentioned looks quite sophisticated. To my knowledge, you can set any kind of View you want to be shown as a Button.
This View could simply be a custom-view of yours that shows an image as well as a label.
In case anyone is still looking for this functionality: I made an Android library that has this ability and much more, called ExpandableFab (
The Material Design spec refers to this functionality as 'Speed Dial' and ExpandableFab implements it along with many additional features.
Nearly everything is customizable (colors, text, size, placement, margins, animations and more) and optional (don't need an Overlay, or FabOptions, or Labels, or icons, etc). Every property can be accessed or set through XML layouts or programmatically - whatever you prefer.
Written 100% in Kotlin but comes with full JavaDoc and KDoc (published API is well documented). Also comes with an example app so you can see different use cases with 0 coding.
Library website (w/ links to full documentation):

ubuntu (or Glovebox) like sidebar in android

Glovebox popsup one sidebar (concept taken from Ubuntu OS)at the left edge of the screen. What UI component should I use to replicate the same feature inside my application.
There is the ActionBar which can contain custom items with custom icons. though its meant to be on top (expanding on bottom too), and not on right or left side..
..OR.. can have a look on Drawers, which you can find HERE.
There are several different types of drawers, maybe the navigation-drawer suits your expectations.

Tips on how to build a layout like this one

Could anyone give me a tip on how to build a layout like in the following picture?
The application i'm working on has absolutely nothing to do with VoIP but I'm trying to build something like this. One fixed toolbar at the bottom, an interchangeable middle pane with listviews, scrollviews or other, and another toolbar at the top which would change depending on the button selected on the bottom bar.
Also, would it be possible and good practice to keep all of this within a single activity?
You should NOT build an interface like this. Don't use bottom bars! Don't use labelled back buttons on action views!
You should read the Android design guidelines and then work with tab views... and other stuff referenced there and build an Android app.
Also, would it be possible and good practice to keep all of this within a single activity?
-Yes for sure, and yes with a slight catch, depending on what you mean.
One approach would be to create your top and bottom bars inside their own XML. Then in your activity onCreate() inflate and add at the top and bottom of your Layout.
If the bottom bar will not change ever, then you could actually add that into the layouts you already have. If you do it that way, to handle the listeners you could create an Activity that contains just the bottom bar click listeners and then extend that with all of your other activities.
Since the top bar can change though you'll probably have to inflate and add the views to that at run time, that way you can react to what is going on to add / remove / present the appropriate views in the top bar.
Also just because it is somewhat of a pet peeve of mine:
When designing your bottom bar please seriously consider the fact that some devices have soft buttons directly underneath the touch screen. And they are rather close to the screen on some devices. Applications with a bottom bar that is not tall enough create an opportunity for the user to hit one of the system buttons instead of one of the bottom bar buttons as they are intending (or vice versa). Which from a users perspective I must say is VERY aggravating.
Do not use bottom bars. To give a more familiar UI, put all of those functions into the top bar. Start by looking at the source code for the ActionBarCompat project in your android sdk sample folder.
The Android developer site is a good place to start. See
UI Guide
I also agree with the poster who recommended against this specific layout. It seems to have been developed for an iPhone and shouldn't be used "as is".

Android Icons: Home Screen vs Applications Menu

On my Samsung Galaxy, application icons displayed on my Home Screen often don't match those displayed on the Applications Menu.
Firstly, I want to know if this is peculiar to Samsung/Galaxy (or some subset of Android phones), or if this is across the platform? Secondly, I'd like to know how to set this up in my Android project.
To illustrate what I'm asking, please refer to the following image:
Icons 1 and 2 are typical of a lot of third-party apps: on the Home Screen the icon transparency is honoured, but on the Applications Menu the icon is over-layed onto a button graphic. On my phone the latter is more-often-than-not a dirty-green, radial pattern.
Some apps have over-ridden this behaviour, however: icons 3 and 4 show that MapQuest has been able to specify a different base colour for the button (same radial pattern, though); and icons 5 and 6 show what appears to be a complete replacement of the button image or Application Menu icon.
Can anyone explain what I need to do to specify both forms of the icon in my project?
Thanks, in advance.
That particular effect is part of the Samsung Homescreen UI. It does something similar on the Galaxy Tablets.
icons 3 and 4 show that MapQuest has been able to specify a different base colour for the button
I don't think that they specified that I imagine that it is either luck of the draw(on Galaxy Tab there are many colors blue,green, orange, pinkish, etc...they don't appear to have any sort of pattern for which icons get which color), or it can tell that their icon is green also, and because of that it changes colors so that you don't end up with a green icon on top of a green backdrop.
and icons 5 and 6 show what appears to be a complete replacement of the button image or Application Menu icon.
I don't think they had control over that. I think it is just another one of the possible backdrops that the system uses.
Can anyone explain what I need to do to specify both forms of the icon in my project?
As far as I know you can't the backdrops are up to the 3rd part home/launcher replacement app. In this case Samsung's (but there are other home and launcher replacements on the market that could also use an effect like this if they wanted.)
Thanks, Tim - further playing around has revealed more...
As a result of refactoring my package names, I ended up with two copies of my app (with identical icons) on my Applications Menu.
As Tim suggested might happen, the second icon has a different, apparently randomly allocated, background. It would appear that the button colour is unrelated to any colour in my icon, however, as the same icon got allocated a different background.

