I have the following on onBindViewHolder() in Adapter Class for RecyclerView:
holder.answerEditText.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {
public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {
String answer = holder.answerEditText.getText().toString();
The above only returns input from the first editText in the recyclerview. What could I be doing wrong?
I would like it to return text from all EditTexts in the recyclerview.
This happens because of the keyboard which pops up once you click on any Edit box in a recyclerview because onbindview is called and the focus changes to the first box in the recyclerview as all rows are reinflated again.
Hence, monitor for on focus gain and do ur stuff first before keyboard pops up. Hope this helps.
Try to add these lines:
With these lines you make sure that the component can capture the focus.
So I'm working on a list of check boxes. I'm using the OnClickListener to catch the touch event. I've also tried the OnTouch listener and the OnCheckChanged listener. The issue I've come across is the fact that the check box IsChecked value is set to true before it reaches any of these event listeners. So if I were to do something like this:
checkBox.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if (checkBox.isChecked())
It will always hit this if statement and immediately set the checkbox to unchecked because it's setting it as ischecked true before it reaches OnClickListener. The easiest way around this I've found is:
checkBox.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if (checkBox.isChecked()) {
But this is what I would call hackish. The other option I see being to create a new checkbox class and override the preformClick method.
public boolean performClick() {
final boolean handled = super.performClick();
if (!handled) {
// View only makes a sound effect if the onClickListener was
// called, so we'll need to make one here instead.
return handled;
But that seems like a lot more work than should need to go in to accomplishing this task.
So, essentially my question is: Is there a method where I can override and intercept the setting of the checkbox before it is actually changed?
The OnClickListener of the CheckBox always gets called after it changed its checked state (as you can see in the performClick() method you copied, the toggle() method changes the checked state, before calling super's performClick(), which will call the OnClickListener).
If you don't want to always change the checked state of the CheckBox, then you can override performClick() and leave out the toggle() method (or only call it if some condition is true).
But if you want to change the state every time a click happens, then the easiest way is to use the OnClickListener, and just negate your conditions (e.g. if you want to do something when the checkbox was empty, then you check if the checkbox's new state is not empty).
I used a very similar piece of code as below to setOnClickListener on a button and the view was passed through.
((Switch) convertView.findViewById(R.id.push_switch)).setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {
public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton compoundButton, boolean b) {
((Switch) convertView.findViewById(R.id.push_switch)).toggle();
else if(rowItem.getPush().equals("Y")){
((Switch) convertView.findViewById(R.id.push_switch)).toggle();
Within the code above, there view isn't passed through so how can I access it to change where I have put convertView.
A side query that isn't crucial to the question is why the first line of this was cast to (Switch) when that didn't happen on a button. Just intrigued on that one!
Thanks :)
As #Mike M commented, compoundButton is the Switch. The callback method onCheckedChanged is passing you a reference to the CompoundButton which triggered the callback...in this case, your Switch.
You can do this:
I need to use a checkbox to add a show password feature in my android app. is there a particular way i could do this. I saw there is a method that can be used called SetTransformationMethod or something.
Can anyone help me with this please thanks
Use an EditText to enter password. And a CheckBox to show password or not.
When it checked, it show password. But when it not checked, it does show stars.
this code should work for you:
checkbox.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new OnCheckedChangeListener() {
public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) {
if(isChecked) {
} else {
129 is the input type set when setting android:inputType="textPassword"
Hope this helps you.
I have this code here
ToggleButton toggleAlarm = (ToggleButton) d.findViewById(R.id.toggle_alarm);
toggleAlarm.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new OnCheckedChangeListener() {
public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) {
Log.d("alarmCheck","ALARM SET TO TRUE");
Log.d("alarmCheck","ALARM SET TO FALSE");
I have to keep track if its ON or OFF. But when I logged something to logcat where it is on or off, it won't do a thing. I don't know, what is wrong, because on my other code same, syntax but it works I just copy paste it and change only the ToggleButton variable.
I have observed, with the help of cdr. Powell of course, that when you put this code block, the one that I have posted, inside another anonymous listener, say listener for a save button, the checkOnChangedListener is broken, it doesn't function well inside another anonymous listener, but the one thing that I don't understand is that, there is also a outer listener in my code, it is like a button to display a dialog box and inside that dialog box, there is an add button that opens another dialog box which has that toggle button and another button for save or add which closes that dialog and returns to the previous dialog which will then display the newly added record, so anyone of you have an idea why is it broken when i put it inside a listener for a save button but works fine in a outer listener.
try this, May be the problem is with import
toggleAlarm.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {
public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) {
Log.d("alarmCheck","ALARM SET TO TRUE");
Log.d("alarmCheck","ALARM SET TO FALSE");
Try toggleAlarm.isChecked() too see if the button is checked or not.
In case toggleAlarm.isChecked() does not work for you you could always.
boolean _isChecked = false;
((ToggleButton) d.findViewById(R.id.toggle_alarm)).setOnClickListener(new OnOnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View arg0) {
_isChecked = !isChecked;
if(_isChecked()) {
Log.d("alarmCheck","ALARM SET TO TRUE");
else {
Log.d("alarmCheck","ALARM SET TO FALSE");
So i have observed, with the help of cdr. powell of course, that when u put this code block, the one that i have posted, inside another anonymous listener, say listener for a save button, the checkOnChangedListener is broken, it doesn't function well inside another anonymous listener, but the one thing that i don't understand is that, there is also a outer listener in my code, its like a button to display a dialog box and inside that dialog box, there is an add button that opens another dialog box which has that toggle button and another button for save or add which closes that dialog and returns to the previous dialog which will then display the newly added record, so anyone of you have an idea why is it broken when i put it inside a listener for a save button but works fine in a outer listener.