How to update an app you created? - android

I made my first app, it's a simple to-do list app.
The problem is that the app I created is a very simple and basic app and I want to build on it to give extra features to it but I don't know how.
It would be helpful if you could point me in the right direction, any articles or guides will be very much appreciated.

simply make changes to the project i.e add new features etc.
go to build.gradle file and update version code and version name
generate the signed apk with the same keystore that you used
previously for this app.
finaly go google play console and update the apk and you are done.
hope this will help you in someway.


Is it possible to upgrade more apps at once in Google play console?

we have about 50 apps in our project in Google play developer console and we would like to optimize upgrade process. When we create new version, we always have to upgrade all apps one by one.
Those apps are similar, only few images and colors are differents (apps are clones of main app).
My question is, if this is even possible? And if yes, how?
Thanks so much
You can automate color and image changes through a simple plain Java/Kotlin
Clean and generate release build for new application programmatically.
Finally once you complete above steps and you get a release build refer below
link to automate apk/bundle upload.
Even you can do coding in plain Java/Kotlin for upgrading apk/bundle to Google Play console.
Hope this is helpful.

I paid for a .APK to be developed. What additional files should they send me?

They have sent me a finished .APK . What other files do I need to request so that somebody else can develop it further in future?
Depending on your contract with the developer, you could also need the source code of the application.
If you ever want to switch to another company or developer, in order for them to continue where the others left, they will need the source code of your app. Without the source code, you cannot make any changes to app and publish new versions of it to the Play Store.
For completeness, mentioning what people said in the comments:
the build files of your project (e.g. Gradle configs)
the signing key used to publish the app on the Play Store

Will Google Developer Console accept an app created in a different package with same name as the old one for an update?

to clarify my question, and What I'm trying to do. I have an app at google play and it has been a very long time since I did update for it. What I want is to create a new project with same package name as my app in Google Play. However, I'm not sure if it will get accept by Google Developer Console, since I changed the original package.
Thank you in advance,
P.S. I know that can do the update within the original project but I don't want to because my last update was in 2015 so you could imagine what am talking about :)
Name doesn't matter you should not upload the app with old package name, if you do so, it should match the same SHA-1.

When and how do I specify my AdMob App ID in my app when my entire project is on GitHub?

According to this,
I'm told not to use my actual ID while testing my app, until I put the app into production. But, my project is on GitHub, so all code that I write will be open for anyone to see.
So, what am I supposed to do with my AdMob ID?
Checkout a commit, replace the ID with my own, build an apk, upload to playstore, then revert to my commit?
I feel this is too complex, and actual developers don't do this. FYI, I'm entirely new to Android Development, and I have just seen how to put ads.

Android - compiled APK version change

I have a an updated APK that another developer (hired 3rd party) compiled and sent my way to upload to my Google Play Developers Console to update the previous version. The issue is that he didn't change the version code before sending it to me and leaving the country for several months (without contact). I'm not able to change the manifest (as far as I know) and I get this error when I attempt to upload:
Upload failed
You need to use a different version code for your APK because you already have one with version code 1.
Any thoughts or suggestions as to the best way around this issue? I can't wait for the developer to get back in a few months as the app is only half usable at this point. I'm WAY out of my element - hence the hiring of a third party developer.
Thanks in advance!
There is a tool called apktool located here
that may be able to help you. Essentially what it does, is it decompiles the APK file, allowing you to see the files that are inside. Once you decompile the APK, you will see a file called
where you can change the version code / version name. The tricky part will now be recompiling the APK back to the original state. Apktool can help with that, as long as you have the keystore file and credentials the original developer used to sign the APK with. If you need any help with the specifics of Apktool, let me know!

