Dynamic Listview opens a Dynamic ListView - android

I have a main activity which has a listview and a Fab by which user adds new things to the list view then after clicking the dynamically added listview the user can add more elements into the inner listview.
Think of an app like which has blank initial then a person adds two three countries clicks on a country then he can states/cities to it in a dynamical list view how do i achieve this.

This is a normal situation later I realized it. The first listview retrieves all the countries from the data base and you can add it to the databases too. Then touching on the listview gives set on item click listener then that particular list can be easily taken from the list. This list now contains all from that particular database.


How can I send a new list view from a listview to another activity?

I have a listview with 5 items. Each item has a listview with 5 items. I would like to have this in a single activity using adapter. Is it possible?
Expandable lists let you create lists within lists.
They’re ideal for list items that have sub-categories. The user selects an item from a scrollable list and another list pops open. They can then make another selection from this list. Here is the example and tutorial about this:
You can use the Expandable lists.
it will help whatever you want like in your main listview have 5 item and each item have number of more item it will child of that item.

Dynamically adding place holder list items to ListView AND updating source data set with user input

I have an empty ListView where the user should be able to add each list item manually at the press of a button. When the user clicks on the button, I have a place holder list item appear which contains an EditText. When the user edits the text and it loses focus, I want the source data set to be updated with the users input.
Dynamically add elements to a listView Android
Up to now, I found this answer which uses an ArrayAdapter that connects an ArrayList and my ListView but from my understanding, this only updates the ListView when the ArrayList is updated. To clarify, I want to do the opposite, i.e when the list item is changed within the ListView, I want the appropriate ArrayList (or whatever data source which would make this easier) item to be updated.
I'd appreciate any help with this.
Thanks in advance!
I would suggest storing the position you focus on, then when it loses focus, write the new data to the item in your arraylist by calling getItem(position); followed up by notifyDatasetChanged();

Custom List View multiple item selecting

Am new to development and have doubt in selecting listview items using android.
I have an listview with list of data from mysql and also have checkbox for selecting items and have button to pass the selected items to next screen.
What i want to know is how to select multiple items and send to next activity using the button.
Awaiting for your kind reply.
Perfect tutorial for your problem, might it will help you

Android: How to dynamically replace a list view with another list view like Instagram with onClick?

I'm building an android app and I'm trying to replace a list view with another list view if you click a button, like the notifications page on Instagram. On that page, if you click on the top "following" button it will show you a listview of what your followers have liked. If you click on the "you" button it will show you a listview of what people have liked your photos.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You can do it by following ways,
1. add Two listviews and can change the visibility as per your requirement.
2. On button click you can load the other data into same list view and can update your adapter in the same list view.
in 1 you have to load two list view at first which will consume more time if data is larger sure you can write a login in asynctask to load list views in background thread.
in 2 you have to update your adapter at the button so you will have to provide some progress bar of dialog for user while you list view is getting update.
You can use either of this whichever suites you best.
Simply , You don't need to switch Listview , you only need to switch adapters .
eg, you can switch to mFollowingAdapter when clicked on Following button and switch to mYouAdapter when you select "You" tab. that's it.
You should write a list, that has a custom adapter. This adapter will be able to display BOTH views you want to display.
If the data to be displayed is the same format (ie. both have an imageview next to a textview), you are in good shape.
When you want to switch to a different list, get the information you would like to display, replace the data in your the collection backing your list, then notify the list that the data has changed, and it should redraw.
So, this might look like:
create ArrayList() with data A
setup List, with this data and display
replace the ArrayList() with data B
call listView.notifyDataSetChanged
You can still do this if the Data A, and Data B have different views, in this case, you would need to handle this logic in your custom adapter.

Creating a floating, editable and scrollable list in Android

I want to show a list of items when the user clicks an overlay item on a map. The user should be able to select any of these items and edit them. The list can have many items (more than that can fit in one active screen) therefore it needs to be scrollable.
You could do it with an activity with a transparent background, then launch that activity on top. From there you can make the list editable, by using a custom list adapter & updating the data contained within the adapter.

