android - what does it mean to override packages? - android

To be clear on what i am asking i will provide a real world example. take look at this and notice the following section:
Hotline - Android SDK Integration Steps Modified on: Fri, 6 Oct, 2017 at 8:21 PM
Integrate Hotline SDK (Using Gradle) Pre Requisites :
Hotline SDK clients require devices running Android 2.3 or higher
Hotline App Id and App Key from here: Where to find App ID and App Key
Android Studio and Gradle
If you have any queries during the integration, please send it to us - Submit a Query
1. Add Hotline SDK to your app
Add the maven URL to the root build.gradle (project/build.gradle)
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
Add the following dependency to your app module's build.gradle file
apply plugin: ''
android {
// ...
dependencies {
// ...
compile 'com.github.freshdesk:hotline-android:1.2.+'
1.1 Android target version supported
Hotline SDK supports apps targeting Android version 5.0+. The SDK
itself is compatible all the way down to Gingerbread (API Level 10).
When app targets Android 7.0+
When FileProvider is not configured for Hotline SDK, the following
error code is displayed
"Missing/Bad FileProvider for Hotline. Camera capture will fail in devices running Nougat or later versions of OS (error code 354)"
To fix this, please include the provider in the
AndroidManifest.xml as below and specify the authority in strings.xml.
Assuming, com.example.demoapp is the package name of your app, the
declaration would be
android:resource="#xml/hotline_file_provider_paths" />
<string name="hotline_file_provider_authority">com.example.demoapp.provider</string>
When app targets Android 8.0+
When the app's target is Android 8.0 or later, and by extension includes appcompat-v7 r26.0.0.+, you'll see the following errors
E/UncaughtException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/freshdesk/hotline/activity/InterstitialActivity;
Hotline SDK's activities extends ActionBarActivity to keep the SDK
compatible with app's targeting older Android versions/appcompat-v7
revisions. It can be resolved by adding a proxy class
(ActionBarActivity was replaced by AppCompatActivity and was proxied
by lib itself since 24.2.0 of appcomapt-v7, until it was removed in
26.0.0) manually if you are building with support library 26.x.x.
Add the following class in the appropriate package
public class ActionBarActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
my question has nothing to do with Hotline. But after i did what they asked my package structure looks like this:
now that you have some background let me tell you what i dont understand. Does this mean that i am overriding any calls in package ? so does this mean that for any 3rd party build i have i can override its classes this way as long as i know the package and class name ?
Basically what does it mean to put package name of something i do not own into my package structure ? what does it do ?
UPDATE: look at this article here as another example . if you read solution 3 you see we can do the same thing with facebook.login. i personally implemented this and it works. my test package structure looks like this and it overrides facebooks loginCreator etc:
even though i implemented it, i still dont get whats happening. can someone explain ?


Xamarin.Forms add Google AdMob integration

I have in the past successfully implement the Google AdMob, but this time with a new project, it's impossible!
I have error with Google AdMob integration in a blank Xamarin.Forms project.
In the standard project :
Have theres Nuget packages already installed :
NETStandard.Library 2.0.3
Xamarin.Essentials 1.3.1
Create AdmobControl class
In the MainPage.xaml.cs add the AdmobControl with the banner ad id for Android TEST : "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111"
In the Android project :
Have theres Nuget packages already installed :
Xamarin.Essentials 1.3.1
Then install the Nuget package Xamarin.Firebase.Ads 71.1601.0
In the MainActivity, inititialize Ads before Xamarin.Forms.Init, with App id for Android TEST : "" -> empty string
Add INTERNET permission
Add the line in the AndroidManifest.xml between the tag
Create AdMobRenderer class
The problem :
The compilation is ok BUT, when I deploy on app on my device, I have 2 errors :
error: MediationRewardedVideoAdListenerImplementor is not abstract and does not override abstract method zzc(Bundle) in MediationRewardedVideoAdListener
public class MediationRewardedVideoAdListenerImplementor TestAdMob.Android C:\Users\TheFloods\source\repos\TestAdMob\TestAdMob\TestAdMob.Android\obj\Debug\90\android\src\mono\com\google\android\gms\ads\reward\mediation\ 4
JAVAC0000: error: MediationRewardedVideoAdListenerImplementor is not abstract and does not override abstract method zzc(Bundle) in MediationRewardedVideoAdListener
public class MediationRewardedVideoAdListenerImplementor 0
Source code available here :
I have try following theres tutorials :
Others informations :
Visual Studio Community 2019 16.5.4
Windows 10 PRO 1803
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for your help you two.
I have solved the problem like this :
Uninstall the Xamarin.Firebase.Ads
Install the Xamarin.Firebase.Ads.Lite
Add the app ip in the AndroidManifest.xml, after the activity tag
Install the Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Ads.Lite, then it works!

How to run an Apache-Mina SSHD-Server (2.2.0) on Android Pie?

I'm trying to run an Apache MINA SSHD Server (v. 2.2.0) on an Android Pie (API 28.0) device. I found various post about it running on Android 4 devices, but none of them seems to work on my Android 9 device. So I tried to implement it myself but got stuck at the initialization of the Server with a ReflectionException/NoClassDefFoundError.
When I try to set up the server with SshServer.setUpDefaultServer(); I get this exception:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Ljavax/management/ReflectionException;
at org.apache.sshd.common.util.GenericUtils.peelException(
at org.apache.sshd.common.util.GenericUtils.peelException(
at org.apache.sshd.common.digest.DigestUtils.checkSupported(
at org.apache.sshd.common.digest.BuiltinDigests.<init>(
at org.apache.sshd.common.digest.BuiltinDigests.<clinit>(
at org.apache.sshd.common.cipher.ECCurves.<clinit>(
at org.apache.sshd.common.keyprovider.KeyPairProvider.<clinit>(
at org.apache.sshd.common.signature.BuiltinSignatures.<clinit>(
at org.apache.sshd.common.BaseBuilder.<clinit>(
at org.apache.sshd.server.ServerBuilder.builder(
at org.apache.sshd.server.SshServer.setUpDefaultServer(
at ch.zhaw.init.sshshell.SshShellService.<init>(
From some older posts for Android 4 it seems that this is was a known problem and the solution there was to add $useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy' to gradle and add to the manifest.xml. I did that but the exception still occurs.
build.gradle file:
android {
compileSdkVersion 28
useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'
dependencies {
implementation 'org.apache.sshd:sshd-core:2.2.0'
implementation 'org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.6.2'
implementation 'org.apache.mina:mina-core:2.1.2'
implementation "org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk16:1.46"
<manifest xmlns:android=""
<uses-library android:name="org.apache.http.legacy"
android:required="false" />
<service android:name=".SshShellService">
<action android:name="StartSshServer"/>
My Java-Code:
import org.apache.sshd.server.SshServer;
import org.apache.sshd.server.keyprovider.SimpleGeneratorHostKeyProvider;
private static final int PORT = 8022;
private final SshServer sshd = SshServer.setUpDefaultServer(); // Here I get the error
private final SimplePasswordAuthenticator passwordAuth = new SimplePasswordAuthenticator();
private final SimplePublicKeyAuthenticator publicKeyAuth = new SimplePublicKeyAuthenticator();
private final SimpleForwardingFilter forwardingFilter = new SimpleForwardingFilter();
It seems that older versions worked, but I search for days and did not find any working example for the newest version. Does anyone has a working example which runs the latest version of Apache Mina SSHD (2.2.0) on Android 9 (without rooting the device)?
or if not is there an alternative SSH-Server (not client - there are many of them) for Android Pie?
Thank you for any help.
For this specific failure, it suffices to create a dummy ReflectionException class (example). Given that the class doesn't even exist, nothing outside of your own code would ever instantiate it, so SSHD's instanceof ReflectionException check would never match, and you don't need to program any of its members.
You'll also want to create a dummy MBeanException (example).
the error because of BouncyCastle lib has been deprecated as android9(api level 28).
you can get detail tips from aosp:
to solve this problem ,you can follow steps:
uninstall BouncyCastleProvider from system default
install new "BC" custom provider
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
init your mina sshd Service
SshServer sshd = SshServer.setUpDefaultServer();
aosp just compare object to decide if bc provider object is system default provider,so just replace with new bc provider object
notes: you must uninstall provider with :Security.removeProvider("BC"),before install provider

Steps to integrate flurry ad in android application

I have to integrate the flurry ad in my android application. Can anybody provide the steps to integrate the flurry ad. I have gone through official sdk for flurry but not get any idea. I have followed the link android: Flurry Ads Banner taking Full screen
I have used the code not get any results
FlurryAgent.onStartSession(this, getString(R.string.flurry_api_key));
FlurryAds.fetchAd(this, "ANDROID_BANNER_TOP", mBanner,
Flurry Analytics requires a minimum Android API level 10.
Flurry Analytics uses the Android Advertising ID provided by Google Play Services and will check for and respect the user’s ad tracking preference.
Get your API Keys
Start by creating an app. Once you create the app, you’ll receive a Flurry API Key, which you’ll need when using the SDK.
Download the Flurry Android SDK
There are currently two ways of getting the Flurry Android SDK into your application:
Install via jCenter (Recommended):
The Flurry SDK is available via jCenter. You can add it to your application by including the following in your build.gradle file:
// In your top level Gradle config file:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
allprojects {
repositories {
// In your main app's Gradle config file:
dependencies {
compile ''
* Optional library to help in monetizing your app with ads.
* If you include the ads library, you do not need to include
* the analytics library as it is a transitive dependency.
// compile ''
//... other dependencies
Download .jar files from Flurry Dev Portal
The downloaded archive should contain these files for use with Flurry Analytics:
FlurryAnalytics_x.y.z.jar: The library containing Flurry’s analytic collection and reporting code (where x.y.x denotes the latest version of Flurry SDK).
FlurryAds_x.y.z.jar: The optional library to incorporate Flurry’s ads into your application (where x.y.x denotes the latest version of Flurry SDK).
ProjectApiKey.txt: This file contains the name of your project and your project’s API key.
FlurryAndroidAnalyticsReadmevx.y.z.pdf: A PDF file with instructions (where x.y.x denotes the latest version of Flurry SDK).
Add the FlurryAnalytics_x.y.z.jar to your classpath¶
Using Android Studio:
If using Android Studio, you do not need to do anything further to include the Flurry SDK in your project, as long as you have installed the SDK through jCenter in your Gradle configuration.
However, if you prefer to use the downloaded .jar files, follow these procedures:
Add FlurryAnalytics-­5.x.x.jar to your project’s libs folder.
Navigate to File > Project Structure > Module > Dependencies. Click the ‘+’ button in the bottom of the ‘Project Structure’ popup to add dependencies. Select ‘File dependency’ and add libs/FlurryAnalytics­-5.x.x.jar.
Add Google Play Services library. If selectively compiling individual Google Play Service APIs, you should include the Google Analytics API.
Using Eclipse
Add FlurryAnalytics-­5.x.x.jar to your project’s libs folder. Right-click on each JAR file and select Build Path > Add to Build Path.
Add the Google Play Service library jar file.
Configure your AndroidManifest.xml
- Have access to the Internet and allow the Flurry SDK to check state of the network connectivity.
- Specify a versionName attribute in the manifest to have data reported under that version name.
- Declare min version of that Android OS that the app supports. Flurry supports Android OS versions 10 and above.
<manifest xmlns:android=""
android:versionName="1.0" >
android:targetSdkVersion="21" />
<!--required permission-->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<!--optional permission - highly recommended-->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<!--optional permission -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<!--your activities -->
Add calls to init, onStartSession and onEndSession
Follow these steps, adding these calls:
If you are shipping an app, insert a call to FlurryAgent.init(Context, String) in your Application class, passing it a reference to your application Context and your project’s API key:
//If you are shipping an app, extend the Application class if you are not already doing so:
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
new FlurryAgent.Builder()
.build(this, FLURRY_API_KEY);
Alternatively, you may call init() just before onStartSession(). It is safe to call init() more than once, provided that you use the same API key throughout the application. You may use any type of Context you wish.
If you are writing an app and the minimum target is Ice Cream Sandwich or above (minSdkVersion is set to API level 14 or greater), session handling is completely automatic, and you may skip steps 3 and 4. If you are instrumenting another type of Context, such as a Service, or your minimum target is Gingerbread, proceed with steps 3 or 4.
Insert a call to FlurryAgent.onStartSession(Context) in the Activity’s onStart() method, passing it a reference to a Context object (such as an Activity or Service). If you are targeting Gingerbread, Flurry recommends using the onStart() method of each Activity in your app, and passing the Activity itself as the Context object. For services (or other Contexts), use the Service or the relevant Context as the Context object. Do not pass in the global Application context.
Insert a call to FlurryAgent.onEndSession(Context) in the Activity’s onStop() method, when a session is complete. If you are targeting Gingerbread, we recommend using the onStop method of each Activity in your app. For services (or other Contexts), ensure that onStop is called in each instrumented Service. Make sure to match up a call to onEndSession for each call of onStartSession, passing in the same Context object that was used to call onStartSession. Do not pass in the global Application context.
As long as there is any Context that has called onStartSession() but not onEndSession(), the session will be continued. Also, if a new Context calls onStartSession() within 10 seconds of the last Context calling onEndSession(), then the session will be resumed, instead of a new session being created. Session length, usage frequency, events and errors will continue to be tracked as part of the same session. This ensures that as a user transitions from one Activity to another in your app that they will not have a separate session tracked for each Activity, but will have a single session that spans many activities. If you want to track Activity usage, Flurry recommends using logEvent(), as described in the Custom Events section.
If you wish to change the window during which a session can be resumed, call FlurryAgent.setContinueSessionMillis(long milliseconds) before the call to FlurryAgent.init().
The Flurry SDK automatically transfers the data captured during the session once the SDK determines the session completed. In case the device is not connected, the data is saved on the device and transferred once the device is connected again. The SDK manages the entire process. Currently, there is no way for the app to schedule the data transfer.
You’re done! That’s all you need to do to begin receiving basic metric

Android App Users Get "App not installed" When Attempting to Update

UPDATE: To those who asked about which error codes the users are receiving: there are no error codes. It just opens a blank, post-installation page that says "The app was not installed" with a big 'X' next to it. It's possible different versions of Android could have different messages. There is no indication for what went wrong during the installation.
UPDATE 2: Some users reported that they receive error code "-504" when they try to install/update from the Play Store, and the "app not installed" message when manually trying to install the .apk. I don't know what correlation this error has with users being unable to install, but the solutions from the only 2 questions on SO on this topic did not fix anything for me. I've included the updated manifests and build files.
UPDATE 3: It appears as users report this issue in versions after IAB has been successfully installed, which further de-legitimatizes the concept that this issue is caused by introducing IAB.
UPDATE 4: It looks like the problem is with old users trying to update to a new version, and not with new users. With that in mind, there is a high likelihood that this issue is result of INSTALL_FAILED_UID_CHANGED. Looking through the version history, the significant change I made in the problematic version that users cannot update from is removing drawables that I no longer intended of using.
Asking users to go through the procedure to fix this isn't plausible. If there is a solution that I can enforce which would fix it for faulty users, wonderful... if not, the least I can do at this point is damage control and ensure this doesn't happen in the future.
NOTE: Below is the original post speculating that the problem is the result of introducing IAB into the app. Since then, it has become more and more unlikely for that to be the cause. Regardless, the post still has relevant information.
Original Title: Android App Users Get "App not installed" After Introducing IAB
I recently introduced IAB in my app that was published on Google Play. After a while, I've started to get reports from some users that they get an "installation unsuccessful" error when they try to install or update it.
What makes me think it's caused by introducing IAB is that one particular long-time user e-mailed me that when he's attempting to update to the version with IAB, the installer mentions that new permissions were introduced and requires the user's permission. Once granted, it says that the app failed to install.
I've done some Googling and it appears to be a problem from their end, one user even tried to manually install an .apk with said permissions removed without any success. I wan't to make sure that it's not something I've done wrong, but an inevitability that I have to accept with some users.
Note that the vast majority has no problem of installing the app, and I haven't received any reports of this until after IAB was introduced. It wouldn't bother me so much were it a small amount of lost users, but the problem is, those users hurt my app's rating. Users have also mentioned that they can install apps, excluding my own, perfectly well.
I don't rule out the possibility that users may have been getting these errors even before IAB was introduced, and the linkage could be a mistaken one.
Here is my manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest package = "com.jjsoftware.fullscientificcalculator"
xmlns:android = "">
<uses-permission android:name = "android.permission.VIBRATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name = ""/>
android:allowBackup = "true"
android:fullBackupContent = "true"
android:icon = "#drawable/logo"
android:label = "#string/app_name">
android:name = ".MainActivity"
android:hardwareAccelerated = "false"
android:label = "#string/app_name"
android:screenOrientation = "portrait"
<action android:name = "android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
<category android:name = "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
android:name = ".SettingsActivity"
android:theme = "#style/PreferencesTheme">
<action android:name = ".SettingsActivity"/>
<category android:name = "android.intent.category.PREFERENCE"/>
Here is the Gradle file:
apply plugin: ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 23
buildToolsVersion "23.0.1"
defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.jjsoftware.fullscientificcalculator"
minSdkVersion 14
targetSdkVersion 23
versionCode 102
versionName "1.679"
sourceSets { main { assets.srcDirs = ['src/main/assets', 'src/main/assets/'] } }
dependencies {
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
compile files('libs/exp4j-0.4.5.jar')
compile files('libs/EJML-core-0.28.jar')
compile files('libs/EJML-dense64-0.28.jar')
compile files('libs/Jama-1.0.3.jar')
compile files('libs/EJML-simple-0.28.jar')
And, if need be, the top-level build:
// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
// NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
// in the individual module build.gradle files
allprojects {
repositories {
There is a typo in the manifest file on line android:largeHeap="true">>. xml line ends with >>. This may be causing the error.
it could be the phones have a lower version of the Google play services than the minimum you defined in the APK.
There is nothing much you can do if that is the case, other than for the users to upgrade their google services ( or you reduce your version.
also you may need to add the following to your manifest. (i think this is used to compare the versions installed in the phones with the versions required by the apk)
<application ...>
<!-- This meta-data tag is required to use Google Play Services. -->
android:value="#integer/google_play_services_version" />
I got this error while installing on my Android device a new APK for the app I am developing.
I checked the debug log on the device (using "adb -d logcat > log.txt") and found an entry saying "PackageManager: Downgrade detected: Update version code 2 is older than current 10000". Obviously something went wrong with the versioning somehow.
I uninstalled the package and then was able to install the APK with no problems.
Remember that the latest installment of Android (Marshmallow version) has changed the permissions to give more access to permissions to the user. Hence it is not enough to define the permissions in the manifest anymore.
Through code you need to make sure that the billing permission is enabled by the users when they use the app. The simplest way to go around this is to set the target SDK to v-22. This should temporarily solve your issue.
The real solution however is to handle the new permissions introduced in Marshmallow. Here is how to do it:
public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults) {
switch(requestCode) {
if (canAccessBilling()) {
private void callBillingPerms() {
Toast.makeText(this, "We need your permission to access Billing", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
private boolean canAccessSMS() {
private boolean hasPermission(String perm) {
Hope this helps :)
Perhaps the error is on the user's side.
This article states the following:
Google Play - Error 504
App could not be downloaded due to an error.
First solution
The usual, please: go to Settings > Apps > All > Google Play Store and Clear cache and Clear data. Also Clear cache and Clear data for Google Services Framework.
Second solution
Try removing your GMail account
This Stack Exchange answer discussed similar ideas.
According to the list of status codes at Wikipedia, a 504 error means the following:
504 Gateway Timeout
The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and did not receive a timely response from the upstream server.
Ask your users if doing the above solves their issue.

Build with moverio BT-2000 library

I'm trying to develop apps for EPSON Moverio BT-2000.
I'm new to android studio and I don't understand why I can't use some methods from a library which I have imported (correctly, I supposed).
So, I have add my lib in a folder name libs, right click on it, add as Library.
I checked in builds.gradle
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile files('libs/H725Ctrl.jar') // this lib
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
compile ''
Moreover, I can use some elements (Methods, String definitions etc..) but some not. I don't understand why and how it's possible.
If it's necessary I can publish my source code.
Have you some ideas.?
NB: the lib I use is depreciated by android
NB2: Exemple
Camera.Parameters params = l_pCamera.getParameters();
// I can do this and getParameters() works
List<String> Supported = params.getSupportedEpsonCameraModes();
//I can't invoke getSupportedEpsonCameraModes() or methods are in the same file
I contacted EPSON and they said it's a common problem.
So they send me a pdf which indicate how solve the problem..
It's strange..
NB the content of the PDF: sorry for the presentation but it will be helpful for someone..
Remark for using Android Studio
In case of using BT-2000 SDK with Android Studio, there may happen to have a failure during a build process. It may cause the conflict of the name between standard SDK and Epson expanded SDK. It is happened especially with “android.hardware.Camera” class.
It may resolve a failure with following action.
1. Sore H725Ctrl.jar at designated folder which is created by user like C:\Users\<user name\AndroidStudioProjects\<application name>\app\libs
2. Set change of gradle by selecting “Sync Project with Gradle Files” button which is located upper of Android Studio screen.
3. Open “build.gradle” for specified project with specified application name by selecting left side button on Android Studio screen. Then edit with following contents.
allprojects { repositories { jcenter() } gradle.projectsEvaluated { tasks.withType(JavaCompile) { options.compilerArgs.add('-Xbootclasspath/p:C:/Users/<user name>/AndroidStudioProjects/<application name>/app/libs/H725Ctrl.jar') } } }
4. Execute “Clean Project” then “Make Project” in Android Studio Build menu.
5. If error occurs in Make project process, end Android Studio and restart it.
6. There may still remain several name conflicts with Android standard API like “getSupportedEpsonCameraModes()”. Ignore and “run application” to set it into target BT-2000.
[ Caution ]
It works temporally with following action;
C:\Users\<user name>\AndroidStudioProjects\<application name>\app\app.iml
Move line of
<orderEntry type="library" exported="" name="H725Ctrl" level="project" />
to upper line of
<orderEntry type="jdk" jdkName="Android API 23 Platform" jdkType="Android SDK" />
This will help H725Ctrl.jar to be higher priority, however performing rebuild function will affect to reset name conflict issue.
Object which is performed build function already works well.
It's weird. Epson tries to override some Android specific classes in their jar:
These classes are part of the Android SDK ( I do not know Epson would like to achieve, if they bundle the classes with their SDK. Maybe you could change the packagename in the H725Ctrl.jar to something like
with JarJar (
Add the following code to your build.gradle file. The problem could be that the Moverio Camera class uses the same namespace as the Android sdk and there is an ordering issue
allprojects {
repositories {
gradle.projectsEvaluated {
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {

