Unit testing RxJava + Retrofit call inside the method - android

The method I want to test contains of two calls to the retrofit service:
internal fun poll(): Completable {
return presenceService.askForFrequency(true).toObservable()
.flatMap { it -> Observable.interval(it.frequency, TimeUnit.SECONDS, Schedulers.io()) }
.flatMapCompletable { _ -> presenceService.sendHeartbeat() }
The presenceService is injected in the class, so I provide the mocked one for the test:
val frequency = PublishSubject.create<Presence>()
val heartbeat = PublishSubject.create<Unit>()
val mockPresenceService = mock<PresenceService> {
on { askForFrequency(any()) } doReturn frequency
on { sendHeartbeat() } doReturn heartbeat
The test, that checks that askForFrequency method is called works correctly, but test that checks that the polling request is sent never works:
fun presenceService_sentHeartbeat() {
RxJavaPlugins.setIoSchedulerHandler { scheduler }
frequency.onNext(Presence(1)) //polls with 1s interval
scheduler.advanceTimeBy(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
verify(mockPresenceService).askForFrequency(true) //works correctly
verify(mockPresenceService).sendHeartbeat() //never works
The logs from the unit test run are:
Wanted but not invoked:
However, there was exactly 1 interaction with this mock:
The question is: how to test that the second method (sendHeartbeat) is also called (possibly several times)?
Meanwhile I found out that the problem lies in the second flatmap, because the test for this method works correctly (verifies that method was called 60 times):
internal fun pollTest(): Observable<Presence> {
return Observable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS, Schedulers.io())
.flatMap { it -> presenceService.askForFrequency(true).toObservable() }
fun presenceService_sentHeartbeat() {
val result = arrayListOf<Unit>()
presenceMaintainer.pollTest().subscribe({ t -> result.add(Unit) })
verify(mockPresenceService, Times(60)).askForFrequency(true)
But when I change the order of the calls to askForFrequency -> map to interval -> map each tick to poll call, test stops working and mock is called only once.

By default, Observable.interval() runs on the computation scheduler, and not the io scheduler. That means, that the 2 second wait will be run in real time, so your test will finish 2 seconds before the call to sendHeartBeat().


Unit test RxJava with timeout not subscribe

I have Unit test function RxJava with timeout but it doesn't subscribe for unit test.
Function on viewModel
fun loadData() {
.timeout(30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, schedulers)
.doOnSubscribe {
onShowLoading.value = true
onShowError.value = false
onShowContent.value = false
onConnected.value = true
onShowContent.value = true
onShowError.value = false
onShowLoading.value = false
onShowError.value = true
onShowLoading.value = false
onShowContent.value = false
Function on unit test
fun `Load data is success`() {
// given
// when
// then
I try to debug this function but it doesn't invoke subscribe
I am a bit confused, what is onShowError() does it return a LiveData?
If I run the same code the test doesn't even finish (well I use only io dispatchers and postValue), for you it might be finished before the subscription even happens:
Since you rely on Schedulers.io() it is possible that your whole Subscription is finished before you get to even test your LiveData.
An other option is that your LiveData already has a false value: .assertValue(false). then the next .doOnSubscribe setting already triggers .awaitNextValue() and your whole test finishes, before the subscription can even be called.
Your tests should be fixed and not dependent on timing. Or if it is unavoidable then you have to synchronize your test somehow, an example of this is here:
#Timeout(1, unit = TimeUnit.SECONDS)
fun `Load data is success`() {
// given
val testObserver = liveData.test()
testObserver.assertNoValue() // assert in correct state before actions
// when
loadData(liveData, mock)
.assertValueHistory(false, false)
fun <T> TestObserver<T>.awaitValueHistorySize(count: Int, delay: Long = 10): TestObserver<T> {
while (valueHistory().size < count) {
// we need to recheck and don't block, the value we are trying to wait might already arrived between the while condition and the awaitNextValue in the next line, so we use some delay instead.
awaitNextValue(delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
return this

Unit Test for RxJava and Retrofit

I have This method that calls a Rest API and returns the result as an Observable (Single):
fun resetPassword(email: String): Single<ResetPassword> {
return Single.create { emitter ->
val subscription = mApiInterfacePanda.resetPassword(email)
.subscribe({ resetPasswordResponse ->
when(resetPasswordResponse.code()) {
200 -> {
resetPasswordResponse?.body()?.let { resetPassword ->
else -> emitter.onError(Exception("Server Error"))
}, { throwable ->
Unit Test:
fun resetPassword_200() {
val response = Response.success(200, sMockResetPasswordResponse)
val observer = mApiInterfacePanda.resetPassword(MOCK_EMAIL)
val testObserver = TestObserver.create<Response<ResetPassword>>()
My Problem is only this line gets covered and the other lines won't run and that has a lot of impact on my total test coverage:
return Single.create { emitter ->
There's more than one thing going on here if I'm not mistaken. Let's take it in parts.
First, your "internal" observer:
.subscribe({ resetPasswordResponse -> ... })
Is observing on the android main thread and executing on a background thread. To the best of my knowledge, in most cases, the test thread will end before your mApiInterfacePanda .resetPassword has a chance to finish and run. You didn't really post the test setup, so I'm not sure if this is an actual issue, but in any case it's worth mentioning. Here's 2 ways to fix this:
RxJavaPlugins and RxAndroidPlugins
RxJava already provides a way to change the schedulers that are provided. An example is RxAndroidPlugins.setMainThreadSchedulerHandler. Here's how it could help:
fun setUp() {
RxAndroidPlugins.setInitMainThreadSchedulerHandler { Schedulers.trampoline() }
RxJavaPlugins.setInitIoSchedulerHandler { Schedulers.trampoline() }
The above methods make sure that everywhere you use the main thread scheduler and the io scheduler, it'll instead return the trampoline scheduler. This is a scheduler that guarantees that the code is executed in the same thread that was executing previously. In other words, it'll make sure you run it on the unit test main thread.
You will have to undo these:
fun tearDown() {
You can also change other schedulers.
Inject the schedulers
You can use kotlin's default arguments to help out with injecting schedulers:
fun resetPassword(
email: String,
obsScheduler: Scheduler = AndroidSchedulers.mainThread(),
subScheduler: Scheduler = Schedulers.io()
): Single<ResetPassword> {
return Single.create { emitter ->
val subscription = mApiInterfacePanda.resetPassword(email)
.subscribe({ resetPasswordResponse ->
when(resetPasswordResponse.code()) {
200 -> {
resetPasswordResponse?.body()?.let { resetPassword ->
else -> emitter.onError(Exception("Server Error"))
}, { throwable ->
At test time you can just call it like resetPassword("foo#bar.com", Schedulers.trampoline(), Schedulers.trampoline() and for the application just pass in the email.
The other thing I see here is maybe not related to the problem, but I think it's still good to know. First, you're creating a single, but you don't need to do this.
Single.create is usually used when you don't have reactive code. However, mApiInterfacePanda.resetPassword(email) already returns a reactive component and although I'm not sure, let's just assume it's a single. If not, it should be fairly simple to convert it to something else.
You're also holding on to a disposable, which from what I can tell shouldn't be necessary.
Lastly, you're using retrofit according to your tags so you don't need to make the call return a raw response unless extremely necessary. This is true because retrofit checks the status code for you and will deliver the errors inside onError with an http exception. This is the Rx way of handling the errors.
With all this in mind, I'd rewrite the entire method like this:
fun resetPassword(email: String) = mApiInterfacePanda.resetPassword(email)
(note that resetPassword must not return a raw response, but Single<ResetPassword>
It actually shouldn't need anything else. Retrofit will make sure things end up in either onSuccess or onError. You don't need to subscribe to the result of the api here and handle disposables - let whoever is calling this code handle it.
You may also notice that if this is the case, then the solution for the schedulers is not needed. I guess this is true in this case, just remember some operators operate in some default schedulers and you may need to override them in some cases.
So how would I test the above method?
Personally I'd just check if the method calls the api with the right parameters:
fun resetPassword() {
I don't think there's much more needed here. There's no more logic I can see in the rewritten method.

How to skip network call with repeating events in test?

I'm not sure if I miss something in MvRx, MvRxTestRule or in RxJava.
It's common that in a ViewModel I want to test a network call and if it triggers another call.
So when I have something like this:
fun fetchResult() {
.execute {
That works in Unit tests:
withState(viewModel!!) {
assert(it.someOtherRequest == Uninitialized)
However if the call is repeating:
fun fetchResult() {
withState { state ->
disposable = Observable.interval(0L, 6L, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.flatMapSingle {
.execute {
I cannot get past viewModel?.fetchResult() in the test. How can I make it work?
MvRxTestRule() is in the companion object of the tests.
I moved the call with the interval to the repo and mocked that. That solved the problem.

Testing RxJava infinite interval

I have a simple view that displays currencies as list. App fetches currencies from web service every 1 second. So I have following method in my ViewModel:
fun onViewAppeared() {
currenciesViewStateUpdates.onNext(CurrenciesViewState(true, null))
Flowable.interval(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.flatMapSingle { _ -> currenciesService.calculateCurrencies(Currency("EUR", 10.0)) }
.doOnError { error -> Log.d("LOG", error.message) }
.subscribe { currencies ->
currenciesViewStateUpdates.onNext(CurrenciesViewState(false, currencies))
Now I need to unit test this behavior:
fun viewAppearedAndCurrenciesRequestSucceeded_currenciesDisplayed() {
val currencies = listOf(Currency("", 0.0))
testObserver.values()[1].currencies?.let { assertTrue(it.isNotEmpty()) }
All RxSchedulers set up for immediate. Problem: with test awaits forever when observable finishes subscription, but it will never finish cause it is infinite interval. How can I test it?
You will have problems running your tests in the way that you have fashioned.
Make your schedulers into class parameters, so that they can be injected in the proper fashion, both during testing and production.
Use test schedulers instead of Schedulers.immediate() because you can end up in a deadlock.
Always have your timed operations (interval(), timeout(), etc) operate on explicit schedulers, usually ones that you have injected.

android rxjava repeating a request

I am trying to achieve the following. I load a list of objects I want to get values to put in a list later.
First I gather all the values into an array (to mountain order) using flatmap and then when everything is done I populate an adapter.
The thing I am unable to do is to repeat the operation ever xxx seconds. I understand its done using an interval. Still I get no result at all, or only none repeating one result.
Here’s my code:
.concatMap(url -> standartRequest(App.getInstance().getApi().getService().getData(currency.getUrl())))
.timeout(Constants.TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.subscribe(this::success, this::error, this::valuesRetrieved);
recyclerView = ((CurrencyListFragment) controller).getRecyclerView();
LinearLayoutManager linearManager = new LinearLayoutManager(controller.getContext());
private void valuesRetrieved() {
listAdapter adapter = new listAdapter(valuesFromResponse);
private void success(Object response) {
Where do I put
.interval(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS).timeInterval()
Well actually, you do not put interval anywhere, for repeating the operation every x interval, you should use repeat operator variant called repeatWhen where you can provide your interval logic in this way:
.repeatWhen(completed -> completed.delay(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
repeatWhen() will hand to you an Observable that transform your source Observable onCompleted() events as onNext() (with void), you should return Observable that emits onNext() which signals to resubscribe to your source Observable - meaning repeat the operation. While onCompleted()/onError() will be delivered as onCompleted()/onError() on your source Observable.
recommended reading regarding repeatWhen/retryWhen.
One thing to consider, as repeatWhen() will basically swallows all your onCompleted events (as you're repeating the operation there is no onCompleted(), your Observable will not stop from by itself!), then you should gather and update the adapter differently, I guess you can simply use toList() to gather all items to single onNext() (a replacement to your success() logic) and then on each onNext updates the list (what you're doing on onCompleted right now), to sum it up:
.concatMap(url -> standartRequest(App.getInstance().getApi().getService().getData(currency.getUrl())))
.timeout(Constants.TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.repeatWhen(completed -> completed.delay(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
.subscribe(this::valuesRetrieved, this::error);
Your timeout and retry logic are applied to the entire operation chain, so if all the network requests together take more than Constants.TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS you will get timeout exception, you probably just want to retry and time out each individual request. like this:
.concatMap(url -> standartRequest(App.getInstance()
.timeout(Constants.TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS)))
.repeatWhen(completed -> completed.delay(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
.subscribe(this::valuesRetrieved, this::error);
I am repeating my retrofit call every 2 second after it is completed
//Retrofit Builder
val retrofitBuilder = Retrofit.Builder()
val timeApi = retrofitBuilder.create(TimeApi::class.java)
val timeObservable = timeApi.getTime()
.repeatWhen { completed -> completed.delay(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS) }
.subscribe(object : Observer<Time> {
override fun onComplete() {
Log.e("MainActivity", "It is completed")
override fun onSubscribe(d: Disposable) {
Log.e("MainActivity", "you have successfully subscribed ")
override fun onNext(t: Time) {
progress.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
txtTime.text = t.unixtime
Log.e("MainActivity", "OnNext Called" + t.unixtime)
override fun onError(e: Throwable) {
Log.e("MainActivity", "ERROR")
See the Log Cat , onNext is called after every 2 second.
The repeatWhen can do the job, but in my sense, the interval could do the job as well, just like :
Observalbe.interval(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.flatMap( /* Your Observabler.fromItere().concatMap().retry().timeout()*/)
.subscribe{ /* refresh RecyclerView* / }
In this way, you use flatMap to switch one stream (interval) to another stream (your business logic).

