Here is a sample Rx chain using RxBindings:
.flatMap { Observable.error<Throwable>(IllegalArgumentException()) }
{ Timber.d("onNext")},
{ error -> Timber.d("onError") })
After clicking my refresh icon once, this chain will not run again as a terminal event took place. I am guessing I was under the wrong impression that the subscription takes place whenever a click event is detected, and that it in fact subscribes whenever that block of code gets executed.
Question is how can I make my chain execute/re-execute on every click, even after it hits a terminal event? Looking for something intuitive.
Observable must complete when the first error occur, it's in their contract. In order to have your Observable survive terminal event, you will have to dig in RxJava Error handling operators. retry() seems a good fit in your case:
.flatMap { ... }
It is part of the Rx contract when an error occurred the stream will receive a onError event and will terminate.
Unless you actively handle the error, using for example: onErrorResumeNext()
I have an issue with Espresso not waiting for Completable to finish, so my UI test is Failing
.flatMap { data ->
is there a way to hold the Espresso thread until having the cacheDataSource.saveData(data) complete?
Thank you in advance
The reason is that you call cacheDataSource.getData() right when you assemble the save sequence inside flatMap. From the documentation of just:
Note that the item is taken and re-emitted as is and not computed by any means by just. Use fromCallable(Callable) to generate a single item on demand (when Observers subscribe to it).
.flatMap { data ->
.andThen(Observable.fromCallable { cacheDataSource.getData() })
I am trying to implement cache then network strategy for my API call using Kotlin Flows.
Here is what I am trying right now
remoteDataSource.getDataFromCache() // suspending function returning Flow<Data>
.catch { error -> Timber.e(error) },
remoteDataSource.getDataFromServer() // suspending function returning Flow<Data>
).flattenConcat().collect {
Timber.i("Response Received")
Problem here is collect is only called when getDataFromServer returns. My expectation is that I should get first event from cache and then second event from server after a few milliseconds. In this case "Response Received"gets printed twice but immediately one after other.
In this other variant "Response Received" only gets printed once that is after getDataFromServer() returns.
remoteDataSource.getDataFromCache() // suspending function returning Flow<Data>
.catch { error -> Timber.e(error) }
.flatMapConcat {
remoteDataSource.getDataFromServer() // suspending function returning Flow<Data>
.collect {
Timber.i("Response Received")
I was using RxJava's Flowable.concat() before and it was working perfectly. Is there something in Kotlin Flows which can emulate that behaviour?
Problem here is collect is only called when getDataFromServer returns.
The first problematic thing with your design is that the Flow-returning function is also suspendable. That's two layers of suspendability. Functions should return flows without any delays and the flows themselves should emit items as they come in. If you followed this guideline, your initial code would already work.
The way you wrote these functions, they can still work if you write this:
flow<String> {
This statement completes immediately, returning a cold flow. When you call collect on it, it first calls getCached() and emits the cached value, and then calls getFromServer() and emits the server response.
The above solution starts the server call only after you consume the cached value. If you need the two flows to be active concurrently, use flatMapMerge.
Assuming you fixed the above basic problem and made your Flow-returning functions non-suspending, all you need is this:
flowOf(getCached(), getFromServer()).flattenMerge()
If for some reason you can't do that, you have to add the emitAll wrapper around each call:
flow { emitAll(getCached()) },
flow { emitAll(getFromServer()) }
Recently, merge operator was added to the Kotlin coroutines version 1.3.3. Here is the merged PR.
Using the merge operator, you should be able to get the result as and when it arrives.
Turns out in case of flowOf(someOperation()) someOperation() needs to be completed for downstream to start processing. Its like Observable.just(someOperation()) in RxJava world.
In second scenario flatMapConcat is actually a transform operator so it obviously returns final processed output.
There seems to be lack of native concat like operators in Flow world. This is how I solved this problem in the end
flow {
.catch { error -> Timber.e(error) }
.onCompletion {
.collect {
}.collect { emit(it) }
I'm trying for some time now to implement an extension function (just becuse it's easier to me) that is capable of delaying both normal item emissions and errors. The existing delay operators only delays normal item emissions, errors are delivered ASAP.
For context, I'm trying to immitate an Android LiveData's behavior (kinda). LiveDatas are a observable pattern implementation that is lifecycle aware. Their observers are only notified if they are in a state where they can process that emission. If they are not ready, the emission is cached in the livedata and delivered as soon as they become ready.
I created a BehaviourSubject that emits the state of my Activities and Fragments when it changes. With that I created a delay operator like this:
fun <T> Flowable<T>.delayUntilActive(): Flowable<T> = delay { lifecycleSubject.toFlowable(BackpressureStrategy.LATEST).filter { it.isActive } }
and then use it like this
.map { { it.toDisplayModel() } }
}, { }).addTo(disposables)
So even if myUseCase emits when the view is not ready to display somethings, the emission won't reach onNext() until the view does become ready. The problem is that I also want the view to displayError() when onError is triggered, but that too is lifecycle sensitive. If the view isn't ready, the app will crash.
So I'm looking for a way to delay both emissions and errors (onComplete would be good too). Is this possible?
I tried some things with zip, onErrorReturn, delay inside delay, but nothing seemed right. I'd be equally unimpressed if this had a really easy solution I'm overlooking, or is impossible. Any ideas are welcome.
Bonus: any better way to do that for Single and Completable too? currently I'm just converting them to flowable.
Thanks in advance!
You can handle the error via onErrorResumeNext, then taking the same error and delaying it via delaySubscription until your desired signal to emit said error happens:
.onErrorResumeNext({ error ->
.delaySubscription(lifecycleSubject.filter { it.Active } )
I have a number of Observables that are used for network requests in my app. Since so much is the same, I apply an Observable transformation to them:
* Creates a transformer that applies the schedulers and error handling for all of the observables in this ViewModel.
private fun applyTransformations(): Observable.Transformer<NetworkState, NetworkState> {
return Observable.Transformer { observable ->
.onErrorReturn { NetworkState.Error(it) }
.doOnNext { publishState(it) }
The goals I am trying to accomplish with the above:
Apply consistent schedulers
Handle any error by returning an instance of my sealed class.
Handle any onNext by publishing the state returned by the observable.
Start off by sending a Loading state.
This works mostly fine, but what I've noticed is that while I call startWith and a loading state, it is never actually handled by doOnNext(). In other words, publishState() is never called for my loading state.
Where I set up the observables, I don't bother to add a subscriber, because the doOnNext() above is all that I'll need:
val subscription = repository.getInstagramPhotos(count)
.map { mapIGPhotoResponse(it) }
If I were to supply a subscriber above, though, it would handle the loading state. It would also handle two onNext() calls - one for the subscriber supplied, and one for the doOnNext in the transform.
Is there a way to modify this startWith call to emit to whatever I've specified in doOnNext? I'm using RxJava 1.
Edit: Just to clarify some more, if I track what's emitted I expect to see two things. Loading -> Success. What I actually see is just Success. If I supply a subscriber to the observable I see Loading -> Success -> Success.
startWith should be before doOnNext.
Rxjava methods, though they look like they use the builder pattern, actually don't. They return a new observable each time an operator is applied. In your case, your doOnNext observable completes before your start with observable, so it's consumer isn't called with what you supply in startWith.
Ideally, you should go with:
.doOnNext { publishState(it) }
.onErrorReturn { NetworkState.Error(it) }
Also, be careful with subscribing with no Consumer for onEror should it happen. Since you have nothing to consume the onError, RxJava will crash your app since it has nothing to notify for the error. Consider replacing the doOnNext with a Success Consumer in subscribe, and an empty Consumer for the error if you want to ignore it.
Also doOnNext is typically used for side effects, such as logging and the sort, they're more of a convenience than true functional operators.
Hi i am trying to poll a request using rxjava repeatUntil but getting some error on it
below is my code
.repeatUntil { response ->
if (response.isSuccesfull){
return onComplete()
it says it requires a booleanSupplier not a unit?
i am simply trying to repeat the request above until i get a response.isSuccessful and then returning onComplete() as in the rxjava docs it states that to exit a repeatUntil observer, you have to call onComplete
repeatUntil does not provide any items to its BooleanSupplier function which function is expected to indicate whether or not to repeat the upstream. To "exit" it, you have to return true from the function as you can't call onComplete on anything there (nor does it make sense, you likely misinterpreted the documentation).
You could instead use filter and take which can be used to stop an otherwise repeating sequence:
.repeat(/* 100 */)
.filter { response -> response.isSuccessful }
You'd also want to limit the number of retries and/or delay the repetition by some time (so that your code doesn't spam the server just to not succeed) via repeatWhen.
To detail the last sentence about delayed retries, here is a way of doing that:
.repeatWhen { completion -> completion.delay(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS) }
instead of repeat(100). When the upstream completes, an object is signalled through completion which is then delayed by 1 seconds. After that, the other side in repeatWhen receives the object which triggers a resubscription to the upstream.