Keyboard from EditText destroing Layout - android

I have EditText, when i toutch this, keyboard will show, but instead of covering the bottom part of the application, it shifts all the elements at the top and makes them smaller, everything looks distorted ...
How do I display the keyboard so that it does not affect our layout?

Please check this Link:
You can add in your menifest for the activity you want to prevent such issue.
Also make sure if you are having a bit more content use scrollView as a parent.
And soft input mode as "adjustResize"
you can use as per your need.
to ensure that the system resizes your layout to the available space—which ensures that all of your layout content is accessible (even though it probably requires scrolling)—use this one.
The activity's main window is not resized to make room for the soft keyboard, and the contents of the window are automatically panned so that the current focus is never obscured by the keyboard and users can always see what they are typing.
Do nothing with layouts


Do not resize UI layout elements when keyboard displayed

When the on-screen keyboard is displayed some UI elements in my layout shrink and/or disappear.
I do not want the underlying UI to change at all when the keyboard displays or hides.
Try try to prevent this I have added keyboardHidden to the configuration changes declaration in my Activity manifest believing that this would tell the system that I will handle any resizing required, but it has made no difference.
Is there a simple way to prevent any resizing when the keyboard displays and is hidden?
It sounds like you want the adjustPan option for the windowSoftInputMode attribute in the manifest:
The activity's main window is not resized to make room for the soft keyboard. Rather, the contents of the window are automatically panned so that the current focus is never obscured by the keyboard and users can always see what they are typing. This is generally less desirable than resizing, because the user may need to close the soft keyboard to get at and interact with obscured parts of the window.
The details of the different options can be found here
You add it to the activity definition in the manifest like this:
As above it's worth noting that using this will sometimes push part of your Activity off screen if there is a 'focused' element which would otherwise be hidden by the keyboard.

Scroll to position in recyclerview when keyboard opens

I have an edittext as a password field in a viewholderin a recyclerview. If the user clicks on it, the keyboard will appear below it.
Below the password field is a textview that gives feedback if the password the user has entered is valid. But this textview is not visible, because it is hidden because of the softkeyboard. Only after closing the softkeyboard, it is visible and he will see if the password he entered is correct.
Is there a way to let the softkeyboard scroll below the textview when the edittext is clicked or is there another way to make the password feedback visible to the user?
I would just put it in a scrollview. Then add bottom padding to the height of the soft board
In this case you have a recycler view. There is a Nested scrollview
but without seeing your code I cannot recommend it. You can also add padding to the recyclerviews last element with the passwords for the same effect. But this design is starting to sound funky.. Maybe its time to break this into its own fragment / activity?
That said this SO looks like your solution
What you're looking for is the Activity's windowSoftInputMode
attribute. You set this in your AndroidManifest.xml file, and give it
a value such as:
adjustResize: "The activity's main window is always resized to make
room for the soft keyboard on screen."
adjustPan: "The activity's main window is not resized to make room for
the soft keyboard. Rather, the contents of the window are
automatically panned so that the current focus is never obscured by
the keyboard and users can always see what they are typing. This is
generally less desirable than resizing, because the user may need to
close the soft keyboard to get at and interact with obscured parts of
the window." adjustResize will probably work for you, as long as you
wrap the layout in a ScrollView. It may have negative effects if you
have a bitmap image in the background, as it will be resized as well,
in which case you may want to use adjustPan instead.
More information
is available at the above link.

How to keep android parent view stay on position when keyboard appears?

How to make my layout stay on position, when keyboard appears?
Whenever android soft keyboard appears layout view push to up
According to this Android developer guide,
The activity's main window is not resized to make room for the soft keyboard. Rather, the contents of the window are automatically panned so that the current focus is never obscured by the keyboard and users can always see what they are typing. This is generally less desirable than resizing, because the user may need to close the soft keyboard to get at and interact with obscured parts of the window.
So add this in your AndroidManifest.xml
<activity android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" > </activity>
You can try setting a Dummy layout below your layout with the width and height of your preference and Set the visibility of the Dummy layout to invisible.

How to prevent the background image to get resized on soft keypad launch while other screen components are movable on keypad launch

I have Login Activity with a background image and a frame layout.
The framelayout will be replaced by a relative layout which contains three edit text boxes in the relative layout and a button at relative layout's bottom i.e., alignParentBottom = true.
When I focus on any of the edit text boxes the keypad raises ans I want all of them to move accordingly and the button at bottom should be immediately above the keypad so I am using adjustResize in my manifest, but this is making my background image to get resized i.e., compressed and displaying it within the visible space of the screen.
I need my background image not to move while all other components should be moving according to the screen.
If I use adjustPan the button which is aligned at parent bottom is not getting placed above the keypad and is invisible behind the softpad.
Please help me in this regard if anyone knows the way to resolve this requirement.
Try adding android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible|adjustPan" to your activity in the manifest file.
Explained here:
The activity's main window is not resized to make room for the soft
keyboard. Rather, the contents of the window are automatically panned
so that the current focus is never obscured by the keyboard and users
can always see what they are typing. This is generally less desirable
than resizing, because the user may need to close the soft keyboard to
get at and interact with obscured parts of the window.
If it's top layer just instead of setting that layer background you set that activity custom theme with that background. That way it does't resize. At least that worked for me.

Get soft keypad to stop modifying my LinearLayout on display?

In my android application, I have an EditText. When I click in this field, the soft keyboard appears, expanding from the bottom of the screen. It seems to actually modify my layout, pushing contents upwards. When I dismiss the keypad, it retracts, and I see my layout re-expand to take up the space it previously occupied.
Is there a way to get the keyboard to simply appear "on top" of my layout, so that I don't get this somewhat unpleasant relayout animation? The EditText is pinned to the very top of the screen, so I don't have to worry about the keypad hiding it.
By default, Android should be using "Pan and Scan", which would work more or less how you described. The keyboard is displayed over your view, and you can scroll your view in the background. If you override the windowInputMode for you Activity, or Android determines that your Activity is resizable (because of the presence of a resizable field... ListView, ScrollViews, etc), it may resize your view instead, and it sounds like that's what you're running into. To force it to Pan and Scan try adding:
as an attribute to the Activity element in your xml layout.
There's a third option as well. You can specify that when an EditText is selected it will be edited in full screen mode. The other controls in your view will be hidden, the user will be presented with just the keyboard, an EditText control, and optionally some other limited controls. If your EditText doesn't require a lot of context from other elements of your view, it may prevent a cleaner user interface. For more details, see:
to your activity attr in manifest.xml. Hope it will help.
This questions seems to state a resize is not desirable. I had the same issue, but adding
to the manifest file instead solved my problem.

