Android Studio Layout Editor not working after Clone - android

I am having some issue with Android Studio which is kind Of annoying. Maybe you can help me out.
I did a git commit and push in a Github repo of mine which shows an example of how to work with Fragments.
I would like to build a new example in a new android studio project based on this repo, so i did a clone of this project in a new one with the wizard Android studio avails for this purpose.
It is not the first time that I do it and, meanwhile the clone works properly, Layout design tab for layout edition does not work.
I 've tried Clean and rebuild project but no luck :S
I am working with targetSDKVersion 26 and minSDKVersion 25.

I 've solved it mySelf. If someone encounters with this same problem, i will explain what i did.
I checked out the event Log and saw:
Error Loading Project: Cannot load module <PreviousProjectName>
If you expand the details, you may see a link for delete the old module. Click it.
Then i opened the build.gradle for the module app and changed the applicationID which was the same as the old project. Then I saved my build.gradle for the module and resynced my project:
After syncing and indexing and building... etc, the layout editor started working as usual. ;D


How do I add in a class created in a different android project?

Please forgive the vague sounding title
I am trying to get this project to compile in android studio:
Downloading the github project and compiling it as it is did not work, I am getting this error, and redownloading dependencies and syncing as suggested in the error message did not work
UPDATE: I have upgraded android studio, gradle and kotlin plugin to latest version and it's still the same problem.
I can use the library version of this project just fine, using the steps described in the github page. I want to compile the source code of this component together with my project so that I can tweak the bubble animation itself. Since the github project itself does not compile, I created a Hello World project first, then manually copied in the bubblepicker folder in the Hello World project. Inside the bubblepicker folder, I changed the name of the folder tree java/com/iglata/bubblepicker to java/com/test/app/bubblepicker, and changed the package name of the files inside this folder to reflect this. I then copied the code in DemoActivity.kt to my MainActivity.kt and changed the package names and made few minor adjustments to make the compiler errors go away.
I have made some modifications in the gradle files as well so that gradle syncing does not give any errors. However, anything inside bubblepicker does not seem to be detected in the MainActivity.kt, or it's activity layout xml file. For example,
is marked with red colour in android studio and the error is unresolved reference. If I remove all references to bubblepicker and replace the code in MainActivity.kt with the Hello World code, then it compiles and runs fine, so it's as if bubblepicker is not getting picked up by the compiler at all.
What could be the problem here?
Or at the very least, how can I compile the bubblepicker github project? Simply loading the whole project in Android Studio is giving me compiler errors. I am doing this on Android Studio 3.5 on macOS with Kotlin version latest as of September 4.
I didn't get any error while import Github project.
Kindly update your android studio and kotlin Gradle version and check same.

Github project import into my own project

Here it goes.. I am a bloody beginner in programming! So i am also new to android studio..
Here is what i've got:
I am playing around with those fragments and the navigation drawer, everything works just fine, but is it possible to import, lets call it a "whole" github project as fragment class ? Just copy and paste gave me too many errors for me to understand..
(A bit more detailed, i want to build a calendar app, and the android studio calendarview gives me no access to customize the view, so i wanted to use CompactCalenderView just for some testing..
Greetings PatPat!
Add this line to your app's build.gradle's dependency block
compile 'com.github.sundeepk:compact-calendar-view:1.7.9'
From Gudin's comment:
On the left side in your android studio open the "Project" tab, if its already open then you should see a file/folder structure on the left side, in the same tab there is a drop down which when you open there should be an option called android just click on it, Now you will be able to see a folder called Gradle scripts, expand it and open the build.gradle(Module:app)
First get take a good look the image ive provided
can you see that there are 2 build.gradle files? Saw that ??Good..
Now select that Gradle build with module:app file
Next put the dependencies in the dependency section just as i have done sync or rebuild the project and that pretty much it ..Hope this helps

Android Studio always excludes build/source folder

I'm using an annotation processor to generate code in android studio and ran into t
he problem that with every build android studio re-adds (i manually delete it every now and then) the following line to the module's .iml file:
<excludeFolder url="file://$MODULE_DIR$/build/source" />
Does anyone know a setting or a way to prevent this?
I'm maybe thinking of a gradle task to delete this line from the file but i've never done anything like this. Can someone point me to the right direction?
I'm using the latest android studio version in beta update channel, which is 0.8.2
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Just to clarify: everything builds fine, but android studio shows a lot of errors in the editor and i can't use functions like "find usages" and "jump to definition" properly.
Thanks for guiding me in the right direction, the answer is to use a different source folder or in my case to update android-apt to a version >= 1.3 in build.gradle, like this:
classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.3+'
I still had 1.2.+, see this link to the author's git for more details:

How do I import* in Android Studio using a Gradle build?

I have followed the procedure as described here : Setup
I have clicked on the little 'Sync project with Gradle' button. Gradle and Android Studio seem to find everything but then I can't actually use the gms code. If I try to import, I will get autocomplete for but no further. I have updated all the packages with Android SDK Manager.
I'm running Android Studio 0.4.2.
My minSdk is set to 9
my build.gradle includes compile ''
As far as the procedure is concerned I should be ready to code, but it just doesn't work. Any ideas?
[Edit, added info]
I can find the ComGoogleAndroiddGmsPlayServices3265.aar file in my exploded bundles directory. Inside of that file I also find the common directory and inside that I find the GooglePlayServicesUtil.class (which is what's not being found in my app)
I am lost.
[Edit 2]
The problem is not specific to Google Play Services OR Android Studio. I tried adding another library (HoloColorPicker) and had the same results. However, I was able to add the library's resources to my project! I was able to add them in my XML layouts and view them in my application. I was able to interact with them, they worked fine. The problem arose again when I tried to reference them in the code. Exactly like the case with gms, I had code completion when trying to import up to the point of the actual class, and I could not declare the class in the code.
I was able to use the library by cloning it and importing the project.
Also, this is not an Android Studio problem because the same thing happens on the command line with "./gradlew clean build"
This is a current bug in Android Studio: to be fixed this week.
The workaround is to close the project, delete the .iml files and .idea project and re-import the project.
Keep Your compile '' as very first line in build.gradle dependencies like
dependencies {
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
Open File> Project Structure and do the following steps
Select your main module in which you want to add dependency and click on OK.
Now try to import.
I think the most important question is what you want to achieve. Not all code is under this package. Not even sure which one is.
As noted before, this is a bug with Android Studio. It just don't recognize the path for classes and shows you like if there is an error. If you try compiling you'll see that everything just work fine.
A googler recently said it'll be addressed in this week release, so, be patient and lets see whats coming.
The fact that AS is in Preview mode tell us this sort of things are going to happen :)
Android studio is crazy one, I think.
It's removed "Import module" function and you can do "New module" only.
If you are developed on Eclipse, you need export all your projects to Gradle before switch to Androids studio (WTF?)
I prefer "IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition", although It's similar Android studio but it's better than Android studio (at least until now). You just import your project as eclipse format, IntelliJ IDEA will detect dependences libraries automatic (May be you need import jar libraries by hand) and rebuild project. That Done.

Android Studio Gradle error

Everything is ok but when i try to run it gets one error
Gradle: : java.lang.NullPointerException
Please help me, because i wanna to throw all this stuff with my NTB down from the cliff, after about five hours of configuring git, android studio and copying my projects from Eclipse, still got this
I had the same problem. I solved it by going into 'Project Structure' and one of my modules had both 'Android' and 'Android - Gradle'. I deleted the 'Android - Gradle' and rebuilt the project and the error disappeared.
Edit: I had bigger problems than this and ended up creating a new project...
You need to make sure Gradle is installed and properly configured in the preferences.
I had the same problem. It was because the path to android studio contained a whitespace. Installing android studio to the recomended location solved my problem.
As easycheese underlined the problem is related to the presence of the android-gradle item below one or more modules in your project. Go to the "project structure" (from the File menu) and check which module has two sub-items, one of them must be the android-gradle, delete it and rebuild your project. It should fix the J.Romero says...Android Studio is far from being ready for professional use, but what it is really annoying is that Google, with all its resources, gives developers such "immature tools" that make rather waste time than anything else....shame
I wont re-write my whole answer, but check out the following page in which i replied to a Gradle common error with over 10 common solutions across the web including mine.
Long story short, for me it turned out to be system resources were getting low (Google Chrome was the greedy one)
If it works after a fresh reboot, but after a few minutes or hours it starts.. This would indicate this.
Gradle Error In Android Studio

