Couchbase SubDocument API for android - android

I want to develop an android app to change the content of a document from what this tutorial says:
DocumentFragment<Lookup> result = bucket
String subValue = result.content("sub.value", String.class);
boolean fruitsExist = result.content("fruits", Boolean.class);
boolean fooExist = bucket.exists("");
System.out.println(subValue + ", " +
fruitsExist + ", " +
but android does not recognize Lookup symbol.
1-does SubDocument API exist for android?
2-does Couchbase Server API exist for android?

As noted in the forum post:
The Android API is provided by Couchbase Lite and doesn’t necessarily have the same featureset. You may want to post to the Couchbase Lite category to inquire about this. It has a bit of a different API, and I don’t think SubDocument is supported there, but there may be an alternative approach.


How to Ebay oauth process for Android?

I have managed to achieve HTTP requests with Volley to an API without auth, but with Ebay API things are becoming harder.
The above link has the an example, yet it is not filled with a real case scenario.
apiEnvironment = ApiEnvironment.PRODUCTION,
apiConfiguration = ApiConfiguration(
"<Client ID>",
"<Redirect Uri>",
"<space separated scopes>"
Client ID appears on Ebay Developer Account as is and i guess "XXXX-XXXX-PRD-XXXX-XXXX" something on that lines is correct.
Redirect Uri on the other hand seems more confusing. Which string needs to be placed there? The "RuName" that is similar to the Client ID XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX? Or something like "http://..."?
Space separated scopes hopefully are; "" + " " + "" ... and so on.
I have further doubts about the part that requires having a second activity to be overriden on the manifest but i guess that will be better asked separatedly.

Xamarin SqlServer cant get a connection

I'm building an app with the Entity Framework on Xamarin that lets me compare some data. But when I start my "fetchdata" function, I receive the Error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Snix_Connect (provider: SNI_PN7, error: 35 - SNI_ERROR_35)Snix_Connect (provider: SNI_PN7, error: 35 - SNI_ERROR_35)
I see many posts about Xamarin / Android & that it is not possible to get a connection to a SQL Server. Is there any way to fetch data from a SQL Server with .NET Core on Xamarin?
This is the string I put into SQL_Class folder with Sql_Common.cs
Fill up the brace brackets with actual parameters (removing the brace brakets too).
public static string SQL_connection_string = #"data source={server_address};initial catalog={database_name};user id={user_id};password={password};Connect Timeout={seconds}";
Then I access whenever I need it from any xamarin code just like we use in our c#
This works for me on my app without any issues.
using (SqlConnection Sql_Connection = new SqlConnection(Sql_Common.saralEHR_connection_string))
But as #Jason mentioned in his first reply, I too would get once again check the security part. I fexperienced before publishing Package to Google Play, they encrypt the App files with Hash Key Code and then only it gets upload to server
Yes it is possible (HuurrAYY!):
Im new in .net core, c# and so on and for me it was a hell of a work to get it working..
So here for the other noobs who are seeking for Help:
Guide´s i used:
Building Android Apps with Entity Framework
How i did it:
Build your normal Xamarin app.
create new .net solution like in the tutorials (DONT WRITE YOUR Entity Framework CLASSES)
create a third solution what has to be a .net core console application
Scaffold your DB in your CONSOLE application move all created classes & folders in your "xamarin .net" solution & change the namespaces
Ready to Go!
Side Node: NuGets you need in every solution:
[EDIT: NuGets you need in every solution]
I am doing this way (working snippet):
string connectionString = #"data source={server};initial catalog={database};user id={user};password={password};Connect Timeout=10";
string databaseTable = "{table name}";
string selectQuery = String.Format("SELECT count(*) as Orders FROM {0}", databaseTable);
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
//open connection
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(selectQuery, connection);
command.Connection = connection;
command.CommandText = selectQuery;
var result = command.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
//check if there is result
if(result != null)
OrdersLabel.Text = result;
catch (Exception ex)
OrdersLabel.Text = ex.Message;
It is working fine, but API call more elegant.
I hope it helps.

How to access the OSM API

I am making an app where I need access to the maxspeed in the OSM database. I found the api in the OSM wiki but I can't find a way to access it and when I search the api online it reaturns the Forbidden error.
How can I program my app to access the api so I can query the database json to find the maxspeed for my android app.
OSMBonusPack (an addon lib to osmdroid) has an OverpassAPIProvider, ready to use, without your "Forbidden" issue.
If it doesn't exactly fit your need, looking at the source code should help you to implement what you want.
Using OverpassAPI may not be straightforward to get the "current" maxspeed ...
Following mmd suggestion, here is the piece of code from velociraptor to build their OverpassAPI request string:
private String getOsmQuery(Location location) {
return "[out:json];" +
+ location.getLatitude() + ","
+ location.getLongitude() +
")" +
"[\"highway\"];out body geom;";
This may help...

EXTRA_AVAILABLE_VOICES always returns eng-GBR only. Why?

I am using the following snippet to log all available (and unavailable) voices currently on phone:
ArrayList<String> availableVoices = intent.getStringArrayListExtra(TextToSpeech.Engine.EXTRA_AVAILABLE_VOICES);
String availStr = "";
for (String lang : availableVoices)
availStr += (lang + ", ");
Log.i(String.valueOf(availableVoices.size()) + " available langs: ", availStr);
ArrayList<String> unavailableVoices = intent.getStringArrayListExtra(TextToSpeech.Engine.EXTRA_UNAVAILABLE_VOICES);
String unavailStr = "";
for (String lang : unavailableVoices)
unavailStr += (lang + ", ");
Log.w(String.valueOf(unavailableVoices.size()) + " unavailable langs: ", unavailStr);
The logged result is somehwat bewildering, since I know beyond certainty that I have multiple languages installed and I can even hear the TTS speaking in eng-USA, yet the log shows:
1 available langs: eng-GBR,
30 unavailable langs: ara-XXX, ces-CZE, dan-DNK, deu-DEU, ell-GRC,
eng-AUS, eng-GBR, eng-USA, spa-ESP, spa-MEX, fin-FIN, fra-CAN,
fra-FRA, hun-HUN, ita-ITA, jpn-JPN, kor-KOR, nld-NLD, nor-NOR,
pol-POL, por-BRA, por-PRT, rus-RUS, slk-SVK, swe-SWE, tur-TUR,
zho-HKG, zho-CHN, zho-TWN, tha-THA,
Why is this inconsistent behavior? (note that eng-GBR appears in both the available and unavailable lists...)
It turns out that as far as text-to-speech in Android 2.x goes, it's the wild west out there: Every and any installed 3rd-party TTS engine can modify the output of this EXTRA_AVAILABLE_VOICES function however they desire, regardless whether checked/unchecked or selected/unselected as default.
I just tried uninstalling all TTS engines from my phone, leaving only the hard-coded Pico, and the result match exactly what I expected:
6 available voices: deu-DEU, eng-GBR, eng-USA, spa-ESP, fra-FRA,
0 unavailable voices:
I don't mind the output of this function dynamically refer to the currently selected (i.e. default) TTS engine, but the fact is that once a 3rd party TTS engine is installed, this function's output doesn't make any sense, because it ignores any settings.
Also note that the name misleading: It's available languages, not voices!
I am posting this answer with the hope that it will help someone save the time & agony of discovering this the hard way.

PROPFIND and WebDav (JackRabbit)

In an attempt to bypass Box file/folder IDs and supporting a number of other services as well I decided to implement with WebDAV since I'm somewhat familiar with it on my linux box. I chose a library based on JackRabbit modified to work on Android which seemed to suit my needs. However, it wasn't long until I ran into a problem.
When attempting to list Box's root entries, multiStatus.getResponses() returns an empty array. When accessing another webdav server I get the responses as expected. Both servers return status code 207, as expected.
My code is below, any thoughts?
EDIT: I can move a file, though listing a directory's entries won't work :/
String host = "";
//String host = "";
hostConfig = new HostConfiguration();
HttpConnectionManager connectionManager = new MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager();
HttpConnectionManagerParams params = new HttpConnectionManagerParams();
int maxHostConnections = 20;
params.setMaxConnectionsPerHost(hostConfig, maxHostConnections);
client = new HttpClient(connectionManager);
Credentials creds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials("BOXEMAILADDRESS", "MYBOXPASSWORD");
//Credentials creds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials("testuser", "test");
client.getState().setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, creds);
String propfindUri = host;
DavMethod method = new PropFindMethod(propfindUri, DavConstants.PROPFIND_ALL_PROP, DavConstants.DEPTH_1);
Log.i("Status: " + method.getStatusCode());
MultiStatus multiStatus = method.getResponseBodyAsMultiStatus();
MultiStatusResponse[] responses = multiStatus.getResponses();
Log.i("Length: " + responses.length);
for(MultiStatusResponse response : responses)
Log.i("File: " + response.getHref());
catch (Exception e)
While Box has some support for WebDAV, we only officially support it for iOS at the moment. Our testing has shown that our implementation of DAV works pretty well with the Windows native DAV client, as well as the Panic-Transmit Mac-specific client. Though the interactions there are not completely perfect.
Box WebDAV does not work well with the native osX (Mac) webDAV client. Expect huge delays as it looks like that client tries to load the whole tree before it displays anything.
Linux users may be able to tell you here on StackTrace which of the various OS webDAV clients/libs they've tried and which ones have worked better than others.
We do have plans to turn the crank and 10x improve our webDAV support sometime later this year, but we do not have a specific date, and just the nature of webDAV clients is such that even when we fix many of the issues with it, some client experiences on webDAV may still suck. For that reason we may only officially endorse a couple webDAV clients/libs per platform.
Hope that helps.

