Thanks in advance for your help first.
I have found so many examples using Gyroscope. But I couldn't find adequate one for me.
I'd like to make a simple quiz game that do actions when I tilt VM to 90 degrees forward and backward. Many examples said I might use "pitch" value of Gyroscope. Could you give some advices for me??
I have done a similar thing where i need draw a rectangle with includes nearby places and must point it to the place and show details.
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
final Handler handler = new Handler();
switch (event.sensor.getType()) {
mAcceleromterReading =
SensorUtilities.filterSensors(event.values, mAcceleromterReading);
mMagnetometerReading =
SensorUtilities.filterSensors(event.values, mMagnetometerReading);
float[] orientation =
SensorUtilities.computeDeviceOrientation(mAcceleromterReading, mMagnetometerReading);
if (orientation != null) {
float azimuth = (float) Math.toDegrees(orientation[0]);
if (azimuth < 0) {
azimuth += 360f;
// Convert pitch and roll from radians to degrees
float pitch = (float) Math.toDegrees(orientation[1]);
float roll = (float) Math.toDegrees(orientation[2]);
if (abs(pitch - pitchPrev) > PITCH_THRESHOLD && abs(roll - rollPrev) > ROLL_THRESHOLD
&& abs(azimuth - azimuthPrev) > AZIMUTH_THRESHOLD) { // && abs(roll - rollPrev) > rollThreshold
if (DashplexManager.getInstance().mlocation != null) {
// Update the OverlayDisplayView to red raw when sensor dataLogin changes,
// redrawing only when the camera is not pointing straight up or down
if (pitch <= 75 && pitch >= -75) {
//Log.d("issueAR", "invalidate: ");
pitchPrev = pitch;
rollPrev = roll;
azimuthPrev = azimuth;
computeDeviceOrientation method
public static float[] computeDeviceOrientation(float[] accelerometerReading, float[] magnetometerReading) {
if (accelerometerReading == null || magnetometerReading == null) {
return null;
final float[] rotationMatrix = new float[9];
SensorManager.getRotationMatrix(rotationMatrix, null, accelerometerReading, magnetometerReading);
// Remap the coordinates with the camera pointing along the Y axis.
// This way, portrait and landscape orientation return the same azimuth to magnetic north.
final float cameraRotationMatrix[] = new float[9];
SensorManager.remapCoordinateSystem(rotationMatrix, SensorManager.AXIS_X,
SensorManager.AXIS_Z, cameraRotationMatrix);
final float[] orientationAngles = new float[3];
SensorManager.getOrientation(cameraRotationMatrix, orientationAngles);
// Return a float array containing [azimuth, pitch, roll]
return orientationAngles;
onDraw method
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// Log.d("issueAR", "onDraw: ");
// Log.d("issueAR", "mVerticalFOV: "+mVerticalFOV+" "+"mHorizontalFOV"+mHorizontalFOV);
// Get the viewports only once
if (!mGotViewports && mVerticalFOV > 0 && mHorizontalFOV > 0) {
mViewportHeight = canvas.getHeight() / mVerticalFOV;
mViewportWidth = canvas.getWidth() / mHorizontalFOV;
mGotViewports = true;
//Log.d("onDraw", "mViewportHeight: " + mViewportHeight);
if (!mGotViewports) {
// Set the paints that remain constant only once
if (!mSetPaints) {
mSetPaints = true;
// Center of view
float x = canvas.getWidth() / 2;
float y = canvas.getHeight() / 2;
* Uncomment line below to allow rotation of display around the center point
* based on the roll. However, this "feature" is not very intuitive, and requires
* locking device orientation to portrait or changes the sensor rotation matrix
* on device rotation. It's really quite a nightmare.
//canvas.rotate((0.0f - mRoll), x, y);
float dy = mPitch * mViewportHeight;
if (mNearbyPlaces != null) {
//Log.d("OverlayDisplayView", "mNearbyPlaces: "+mNearbyPlaces.size());
// Iterate backwards to draw more distant places first
for (int i = mNearbyPlaces.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
NearbyPlace nearbyPlace = mNearbyPlaces.get(i);
float xDegreesToTarget = mAzimuth - nearbyPlace.getBearingToPlace();
float dx = mViewportWidth * xDegreesToTarget;
float iconX = x - dx;
float iconY = y - dy;
if (isOverlapping(iconX, iconX).isOverlapped()) {
PointF point = calculateNewXY(new PointF(iconX, iconY + mViewportHeight));
iconX = point.x;
iconY = point.y;
Bitmap icon = getIcon(nearbyPlace.getIcon_id());
float width = icon.getWidth() + mTextPaint.measureText(nearbyPlace.getName()) + mMargin;
RectF recf=new RectF(iconX, iconY, width, icon.getHeight());
float angleToTarget = xDegreesToTarget;
if (xDegreesToTarget < 0) {
angleToTarget = 360 + xDegreesToTarget;
if (angleToTarget >= 0 && angleToTarget < 90) {
} else if (angleToTarget >= 90 && angleToTarget < 180) {
} else if (angleToTarget >= 180 && angleToTarget < 270) {
} else {
//Log.d("TAG", " - X: " + iconX + " y: " + iconY + " angle: " + angleToTarget + " display: " + nearbyPlace.getIcon_id());
drawQuadrant(mQuad1Places, canvas);
drawQuadrant(mQuad2Places, canvas);
drawQuadrant(mQuad3Places, canvas);
drawQuadrant(mQuad4Places, canvas);
It doesnot contain full code, but you may understand how pitch and azimuth with roll is used.. Best of luck
I am trying to figure out how to point the device marker where the user is heading. I tried the code below to get the bearing angle between the true north and where the user is heading. Once the bearing is found, I would apply it to the device marker and rotate it based on that bearing, but it only works when the device is not moving.
I tried out the code I found from the link below.
Code Source Link
// raw inputs from Android sensors
float m_Norm_Gravity; // length of raw gravity vector received in onSensorChanged(...). NB: should be about 10
float[] m_NormGravityVector = m_NormMagFieldValues = null;; // Normalised gravity vector, (i.e. length of this vector is 1), which points straight up into space
float m_Norm_MagField; // length of raw magnetic field vector received in onSensorChanged(...).
float[] m_NormMagFieldValues; // Normalised magnetic field vector, (i.e. length of this vector is 1)
int m_GravityAccuracy; // accuracy of gravity sensor
int m_MagneticFieldAccuracy; // accuracy of magnetic field sensor
// values calculated once gravity and magnetic field vectors are available
float[] m_NormEastVector = new float[3]; // normalised cross product of raw gravity vector with magnetic field values, points east
float[] m_NormNorthVector = new float[3]; // Normalised vector pointing to magnetic north
boolean m_OrientationOK = false; // set true if m_azimuth_radians and m_pitch_radians have successfully been calculated following a call to onSensorChanged(...)
float m_azimuth_radians; // angle of the device from magnetic north
float m_pitch_radians; // tilt angle of the device from the horizontal. m_pitch_radians = 0 if the device if flat, m_pitch_radians = Math.PI/2 means the device is upright.
float m_pitch_axis_radians; // angle which defines the axis for the rotation m_pitch_radians
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent sensorEvent) {
int SensorType = sensorEvent.sensor.getType();
switch(SensorType) {
case Sensor.TYPE_GRAVITY:
if (m_NormGravityVector == null) m_NormGravityVector = new float[3];
System.arraycopy(sensorEvent.values, 0, m_NormGravityVector, 0, m_NormGravityVector.length);
m_Norm_Gravity = (float)Math.sqrt(m_NormGravityVector[0]*m_NormGravityVector[0] + m_NormGravityVector[1]*m_NormGravityVector[1] + m_NormGravityVector[2]*m_NormGravityVector[2]);
for(int i=0; i < m_NormGravityVector.length; i++) m_NormGravityVector[i] /= m_Norm_Gravity;
if (m_NormMagFieldValues == null) m_NormMagFieldValues = new float[3];
System.arraycopy(sensorEvent.values, 0, m_NormMagFieldValues, 0, m_NormMagFieldValues.length);
m_Norm_MagField = (float)Math.sqrt(m_NormMagFieldValues[0]*m_NormMagFieldValues[0] + m_NormMagFieldValues[1]*m_NormMagFieldValues[1] + m_NormMagFieldValues[2]*m_NormMagFieldValues[2]);
for(int i=0; i < m_NormMagFieldValues.length; i++) m_NormMagFieldValues[i] /= m_Norm_MagField;
if (m_NormGravityVector != null && m_NormMagFieldValues != null) {
// first calculate the horizontal vector that points due east
float East_x = m_NormMagFieldValues[1] * m_NormGravityVector[2] - m_NormMagFieldValues[2] * m_NormGravityVector[1];
float East_y = m_NormMagFieldValues[2] * m_NormGravityVector[0] - m_NormMagFieldValues[0] * m_NormGravityVector[2];
float East_z = m_NormMagFieldValues[0] * m_NormGravityVector[1] - m_NormMagFieldValues[1] * m_NormGravityVector[0];
float norm_East = (float) Math.sqrt(East_x * East_x + East_y * East_y + East_z * East_z);
if (m_Norm_Gravity * m_Norm_MagField * norm_East < 0.1f) { // Typical values are > 100.
m_OrientationOK = false; // device is close to free fall (or in space?), or close to magnetic north pole.
} else {
m_NormEastVector[0] = East_x / norm_East;
m_NormEastVector[1] = East_y / norm_East;
m_NormEastVector[2] = East_z / norm_East;
// next calculate the horizontal vector that points due north
float M_dot_G = (m_NormGravityVector[0] * m_NormMagFieldValues[0] + m_NormGravityVector[1] * m_NormMagFieldValues[1] + m_NormGravityVector[2] * m_NormMagFieldValues[2]);
float North_x = m_NormMagFieldValues[0] - m_NormGravityVector[0] * M_dot_G;
float North_y = m_NormMagFieldValues[1] - m_NormGravityVector[1] * M_dot_G;
float North_z = m_NormMagFieldValues[2] - m_NormGravityVector[2] * M_dot_G;
float norm_North = (float) Math.sqrt(North_x * North_x + North_y * North_y + North_z * North_z);
m_NormNorthVector[0] = North_x / norm_North;
m_NormNorthVector[1] = North_y / norm_North;
m_NormNorthVector[2] = North_z / norm_North;
// take account of screen rotation away from its natural rotation
int rotation = getActivity().getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRotation();
float screen_adjustment = 0;
switch (rotation) {
case Surface.ROTATION_0:
screen_adjustment = 0;
case Surface.ROTATION_90:
screen_adjustment = (float) Math.PI / 2;
case Surface.ROTATION_180:
screen_adjustment = (float) Math.PI;
case Surface.ROTATION_270:
screen_adjustment = 3 * (float) Math.PI / 2;
// NB: the rotation matrix has now effectively been calculated. It consists of the three vectors m_NormEastVector[], m_NormNorthVector[] and m_NormGravityVector[]
// calculate all the required angles from the rotation matrix
// NB: see
float sin = m_NormEastVector[1] - m_NormNorthVector[0], cos = m_NormEastVector[0] + m_NormNorthVector[1];
m_azimuth_radians = (float) (sin != 0 && cos != 0 ? Math.atan2(sin, cos) : 0);
m_pitch_radians = (float) Math.acos(m_NormGravityVector[2]);
sin = -m_NormEastVector[1] - m_NormNorthVector[0];
cos = m_NormEastVector[0] - m_NormNorthVector[1];
float aximuth_plus_two_pitch_axis_radians = (float) (sin != 0 && cos != 0 ? Math.atan2(sin, cos) : 0);
m_pitch_axis_radians = (float) (aximuth_plus_two_pitch_axis_radians - m_azimuth_radians) / 2;
m_azimuth_radians += screen_adjustment;
m_pitch_axis_radians += screen_adjustment;
m_OrientationOK = true;
currentAzimuth = (float) Math.toDegrees(m_azimuth_radians);
public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {
int SensorType = sensor.getType();
switch(SensorType) {
case Sensor.TYPE_GRAVITY: m_GravityAccuracy = accuracy; break;
case Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD: m_MagneticFieldAccuracy = accuracy; break;
I'm feeling that this Question is already solved many times, but I cannot figure it out. I was basically following this little Tutorial about mobile vision and completed it. After that I tried to detect Objects myself starting with a ColorBlob and drawing its borders.
The idea is to start in the middle of the frame (holding the object in the middle of the camera on purpose) and detecting the edges of that object by its color. It works as long as I hold the phone in landscape mode (Frame.ROTATION_0). As soon as I'm in Portrait mode (Frame.Rotation_90) the bounding Rect gets drawn rotated, so an object with more height gets drawn with more width, and also a bit off.
The docs say that a detector always delivers coords to an unrotated upright frame, so how am I supposed to calculate the bounding rectangle coords relative to its rotation?
I don't think it matters much, but here is how I find the color Rect
public Rect getBounds(Frame frame){
int w = frame.getMetadata().getWidth();
int h = frame.getMetadata().getHeight();
int scale = 50;
int scaleX = w / scale;
int scaleY = h / scale;
int midX = w / 2;
int midY = h / 2;
float ratio = 10.0
Rect mBoundary = new Rect();
float[] hsv = new float[3];
Bitmap bmp = frame.getBitmap();
int px = bmp.getPixel(midX, midY);
Color.colorToHSV(px, hsv);
Log.d(TAG, "detect: mid hsv: " + hsv[0] + ", " + hsv[1] + ", " + hsv[2]);
float hue = hsv[0];
float nhue;
int x, y;
for (x = midX + scaleX; x < w; x+=scaleX){
px = bmp.getPixel(x, midY);
Color.colorToHSV(px, hsv);
nhue = hsv[0];
if (nhue <= (hue + ratio) && nhue >= (hue - ratio)){
mBoundary.right = x
} else {
for (x = midX - scaleX; x >= 0; x-= scaleX){
px = bmp.getPixel(x, midY);
Color.colorToHSV(px, hsv);
nhue = hsv[0];
if (nhue <= (hue + ratio) && nhue >= (hue - ratio)){
mBoundary.left = x
} else {
for (y = midY + scaleY; y < h; y+=scaleY){
px = bmp.getPixel(midX, y);
Color.colorToHSV(px, hsv);
nhue = hsv[0];
if (nhue <= (hue + ratio) && nhue >= (hue - ratio)){
mBoundary.bottom = y;
} else {
for (y = midY - scaleY; y >= 0; y-=scaleY){
px = bmp.getPixel(midX, y);
Color.colorToHSV(px, hsv);
nhue = hsv[0];
if (nhue <= (hue + ratio) && nhue >= (hue - ratio)){ = y
} else {
return mBoundary;
Then I simply draw it in the GraphicOverlay.Graphics draw method on the canvas. I already use the transformX/Y methods on the Graphic and thought, that it will also account for the rotation.
I also use the CameraSource and CameraSourcePreview class provided from the samples.
Hello I searched in the forum,but coudn't find a helpful answer.
I'm making a game with AndEngine and I'm stuck for 3 days on shooting from rotating sprite.
That is my code and how I rotate the gun.I tried here to shoot a bullet ,but it shoots from a wrong starting point I would want to shoot a bullet from the end of the gun.
public boolean onSceneTouchEvent(Scene pScene, TouchEvent pSceneTouchEvent) {
final float dX = pSceneTouchEvent.getX() - machine.getX();
final float dY = pSceneTouchEvent.getY() - machine.getY();
float angle = (float) Math.atan2(dX,dY);
float rotation = MathUtils.radToDeg(angle) + 1;
machine.setRotation(rotation - 90);
Log.d("BUG",machine.getRotation() + "");
if(machine.getRotation() >= 84 ){
if(machine.getRotation() <= -54 ){
final int incrementXValue = 15;
long sElapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastFire;
if(bulletsAmout > 0 && sElapsed > cooldownBetweenShoot * cdModd){
e = new Entity(0,machine.getY());
float x2 = (float) (machine.getSceneCenterCoordinates()[0] + machine.getWidth() /2 * Math.cos(machine.getRotation()));
float y2 = (float) (machine.getSceneCenterCoordinates()[1] + machine.getWidth() /2 * Math.sin(machine.getRotation()));
float realX = (float) (Math.toRadians(x2) + machine.getWidth());
realY = (float) Math.toRadians(y2);
bullets = new Sprite(realX,realY, resourcesManager.bulletRegion.deepCopy(), vbom){
protected void onManagedUpdate(float pSecondsElapsed) {
float currentX = this.getX();
this.setX(currentX + incrementXValue);
lastFire = System.currentTimeMillis();
return true;
return false;
Assuming you are using GLES2-AnchorCenter:
You can position the bullet by setting it to the position of the end of the gun that you can get by calling gun.convertLocalToSceneCoordinates(gunMuzzleX, gunMuzzleY).
Then set the bullets rotation to the rotation of the gun.
apply velocity to the bullet. Calculate the speed-vector as follows FloatMath.sin(rotationOfBulletInRadians) * speed and FloatMath.cos(rotationOfBulletInRadians) * speed.
Be aware that you have to pass the rotation in radians to the sin and cos function NOT in degrees!
So I found how to fix that.
The problem is in this line of code :
e = new Entity(0,machine.getY());
Should be :
e = new Entity(machine.getX() - (machine.getHeight() / 2),machine.getY())
My app needs to show the current bearing of the device using its compass. The code I'm using (below) works perfectly fine on my Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy One, but the compass is spinning around wildly on a Samsung Galaxy S III. I've tried doing a figure-8 to recalibrate the device, but that doesn't change anything. The weird thing is that other compass apps downloaded from Google Play work just fine on the SIII. What could be the issue here?
float[] mGravity;
float[] mGeomagnetic;
public void onSensorChanged( SensorEvent event ) {
float azimuth = 0f;
if (event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)
mGravity = event.values;
if (event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD)
mGeomagnetic = event.values;
if (mGravity != null && mGeomagnetic != null) {
float R[] = new float[9];
float I[] = new float[9];
boolean success = SensorManager.getRotationMatrix(R, I, mGravity, mGeomagnetic);
if (success) {
float orientation[] = new float[3];
SensorManager.getOrientation(R, orientation);
azimuth = orientation[0]; // orientation contains: azimut, pitch and roll
//Discard 0.0-values
if(azimuth == 0.0) { return; }
//Convert the sensor value to degrees
azimuth = (float) Math.toDegrees(azimuth); //same as azimuth = -azimuth*360/(2*3.14159f);
//Smooth the sensor-output
azimuth = smoothValues(azimuth);
//SmoothFactorCompass: The easing float that defines how smooth the movement will be (1 is no smoothing and 0 is never updating, my default is 0.5).
//SmoothThresholdCompass: The threshold in which the distance is big enough to turn immediately (0 is jump always, 360 is never jumping, my default is 30).
static final float SmoothFactorCompass = 0.5f;
static final float SmoothThresholdCompass = 30.0f;
float oldCompass = 0.0f;
private float smoothValues (float newCompass){
if (Math.abs(newCompass - oldCompass) < 180) {
if (Math.abs(newCompass - oldCompass) > SmoothThresholdCompass) {
oldCompass = newCompass;
else {
oldCompass = oldCompass + SmoothFactorCompass * (newCompass - oldCompass);
else {
if (360.0 - Math.abs(newCompass - oldCompass) > SmoothThresholdCompass) {
oldCompass = newCompass;
else {
if (oldCompass > newCompass) {
oldCompass = (oldCompass + SmoothFactorCompass * ((360 + newCompass - oldCompass) % 360) + 360) % 360;
else {
oldCompass = (oldCompass - SmoothFactorCompass * ((360 - newCompass + oldCompass) % 360) + 360) % 360;
return oldCompass;
Currently I am investigating compass mechanism on Android and I would recommend to start with low-pass filter in your case.
What you need to do - is to apply low-pass filter to both ACCELEROMETER and MAGNETIC_FIELD sensors data.
Here is how I implemented that:
private float[] accel;
private float[] geomagnetic;
float R[] = new float[9];
float I[] = new float[9];
float orientation[] = new float[3];
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event)
synchronized (this)
float azimuth = -1f;
if (event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER)
accel = lowPass( event.values.clone(), accel );
if (event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD)
geomagnetic = lowPass(event.values.clone(), geomagnetic);
if (accel != null && geomagnetic != null)
boolean success = SensorManager.getRotationMatrix(R, I,
accel, geomagnetic);
SensorManager.AXIS_X, SensorManager.AXIS_Z, R);
if (success)
SensorManager.getOrientation(R, orientation);
azimuth = orientation[0]; // orientation contains:
// azimuth, pitch
// and roll
float newHeading = azimuth * 360 / (2 * 3.14159f);
//do what you need to do with new heading
* time smoothing constant for low-pass filter 0 ≤ alpha ≤ 1 ; a smaller
* value basically means more smoothing See:
static final float ALPHA = 0.15f;
* #see http
* ://
* #see http
* ://
* #values
protected float[] lowPass(float[] input, float[] output)
if (output == null)
return input;
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++)
output[i] = output[i] + ALPHA * (input[i] - output[i]);
return output;
may be you should clone the value from the sensor reading first and then lowpass the filter if this does not work , I know SONY XPeria phone is very sensitive unlike samsung which is quite stable .
In my view , S3 reading is quite ok under android OS 4.3
My recent experience couple data feedback force me to apply rotation vector logic on SONY phone loaded with Invesense sensor and it seemed to be working , although I still do not like the choppy response but I have live with that kind of response on SONY android 4.3 OS . It is also appear to me that any phone loaded invensense sensor need to apply the rotation vector for it to work properly
I have a SurfaceView that is resposible for drawing a Bitmap as a background and another one that will be used as an overlay. So I've decided to do all transformations using a Matrix that can be used for both bitmaps as it is (I think) one of the fastest ways to do it without using OpenGL.
I've been able to implement panning around and zooming but I have some problems with what I've came with:
I wasn't able to find a way how to focus on the center of the two
fingers while zooming, the image always resets to its initial state
(that is, without panning nor scalling) before the new scale being
applied. Besides looking wrong, that doesn't allow the user to zoom
out to see the whole image and then zoom in on the part that is
After the scalling operation the image won't be at the
same place after the new draw pass because the translation value will
be different.
Is there a way to achieve that using a Matrix or is there another solution?
Code is below (I use a SurfaceHolder in a separate thread do lock the SurfaceView canvas and call its doDraw method):
public class MapSurfaceView extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback {
public void doDraw(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawBitmap(mBitmap, mTransformationMatrix, mPaintAA);
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
switch (event.getAction() & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: {
if (event.getPointerCount() == 2) {
mOriginalDistance = MathUtils.distanceBetween(event.getX(0), event.getX(1), event.getY(0), event.getY(1));
mScreenMidpoint = MathUtils.midpoint(event.getX(0), event.getX(1), event.getY(0), event.getY(1));
mImageMidpoint = MathUtils.midpoint((mXPosition+event.getX(0))/mScale, (mXPosition+event.getX(1))/mScale, (mYPosition+event.getY(0))/mScale, (mYPosition+event.getY(1))/mScale);
mOriginalScale = mScale;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {
mOriginalTouchPoint = new Point((int)event.getX(), (int)event.getY());
mOriginalPosition = new Point(mXPosition, mYPosition);
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: {
if (event.getPointerCount() == 2) {
final double currentDistance = MathUtils.distanceBetween(event.getX(0), event.getX(1), event.getY(0), event.getY(1));
if (mIsZooming || currentDistance - mOriginalDistance > mPinchToZoomTolerance || mOriginalDistance - currentDistance > mPinchToZoomTolerance) {
final float distanceRatio = (float) (currentDistance / mOriginalDistance);
float tempZoom = mOriginalScale * distanceRatio;
mScale = Math.min(10, Math.max(Math.min((float)getHeight()/(float)mBitmap.getHeight(), (float)getWidth()/(float)mBitmap.getWidth()), tempZoom));
mScale = (float) MathUtils.roundToDecimals(mScale, 1);
mIsZooming = true;
mTransformationMatrix = new Matrix();
mTransformationMatrix.setScale(mScale, mScale);//, mImageMidpoint.x, mImageMidpoint.y);
} else {
mIsZooming = false;
final int deltaX = (int) ((int) (mOriginalTouchPoint.x - event.getX()));
final int deltaY = (int) ((int) (mOriginalTouchPoint.y - event.getY()));
mXPosition = mOriginalPosition.x + deltaX;
mYPosition = mOriginalPosition.y + deltaY;
mTransformationMatrix = new Matrix();
mTransformationMatrix.setScale(mScale, mScale);
mTransformationMatrix.postTranslate(-mXPosition, -mYPosition);
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP: {
mIsZooming = false;
mTransformationMatrix = new Matrix();
mTransformationMatrix.setScale(mScale, mScale);
mTransformationMatrix.postTranslate(-mXPosition, -mYPosition);
return true;
private void validatePositions() {
// Lower right corner
mXPosition = Math.min(mXPosition, (int)((mBitmap.getWidth() * mScale)-getWidth()));
mYPosition = Math.min(mYPosition, (int)((mBitmap.getHeight() * mScale)-getHeight()));
// Upper left corner
mXPosition = Math.max(mXPosition, 0);
mYPosition = Math.max(mYPosition, 0);
// Image smaller than the container, should center it
if (mBitmap.getWidth() * mScale <= getWidth()) {
mXPosition = (int) -((getWidth() - (mBitmap.getWidth() * mScale))/2);
if (mBitmap.getHeight() * mScale <= getHeight()) {
mYPosition = (int) -((getHeight() - (mBitmap.getHeight() * mScale))/2);
Instead of resetting the transformation matrix every time using new Matrix(), try updating it using post*(). This way, you do only operations relative to the screen. It is easier to think in terms: "zoom to this point on the screen".
Now some code. Having calculated mScale in zooming part:
mScale = (float) MathUtils.roundToDecimals(mScale, 1);
float ratio = mScale / mOriginalScale;
mTransformationMatrix.postScale(ratio, ratio, mScreenMidpoint.x, mScreenMidpoint.y);
It might be even better to recalculate mScreenMidpoint on each zooming touch event. This would allow user to change the focus point a bit while zooming. For me, it is more natural than having the focus point frozen after first two finger touch.
During dragging, you translate using deltaX and deltaY instead of absolute points:
mTransformationMatrix.postTranslate(-deltaX, -deltaY);
Of course now you have to change your validatePositions() method to:
ensure deltaX and deltaY do not make image move too much, or
use transformation matrix to check if image is off screen and then move it to counter that
I will describe the second method, as it is more flexible and allows to validate zooming as well.
We calculate how much image is off screen and then move it using those values:
void validate() {
mTransformationMatrix.mapRect(new RectF(0, 0, mBitmap.getWidth(), mBitmap.getHeight()));
float height = rect.height();
float width = rect.width();
float deltaX = 0, deltaY = 0;
// Vertical delta
if (height < mScreenHeight) {
deltaY = (mScreenHeight - height) / 2 -;
} else if ( > 0) {
deltaY =;
} else if (rect.bottom < mScreenHeight) {
deltaY = mScreenHeight - rect.bottom;
// Horziontal delta
if (width < mScreenWidth) {
deltaX = (mScreenWidth - width) / 2 - rect.left;
} else if (rect.left > 0) {
deltaX = -rect.left;
} else if (rect.right < mScreenWidth) {
deltaX = mScreenWidth - rect.right;
mTransformationMatrix.postTranslate(deltaX, deltaY)