Hide keyboard in ion-input - android

How can I get the keyboard never show in ionic ion-input?, even when it have the focus. I try with keyboard pluging but when it take the focus, the keyboard appears.
Thank you.

Add disabled="true in ion-input
<ion-input **disabled="true**" type="text" name="DOB" (click)="openDatepicker()" [(ngModel)]="today" ng-readonly></ion-input>
Refer this :How to hide native android keyboard in IONIC 2 when clicking on a text box?


How to open Android and IOS keyboard in React Native without pressing the TextInput

I am working on the comment section of an Android and iOS application in react native, the problem is that I try to open the keyboard when the user clicks on the "Reply to comment" button. If you can help me by guiding me how to bring up the keyboard just by tapping on a button, or by tapping anywhere but not on the TextInput. the best would be to link a TextInput with a button to display the keyboard which will enter the data in the TextInput
This is related to https://stackoverflow.com/a/42456639/20717090
The keyboard should open automatically when a <TextField/> is
focused. You can use the autoFocus prop to make it focus when the
element mounts (doc)

jquery focus conflicts with android keyboard

<input type="text" class="numberonly">
I want to change the type of this html input from text to number on focus.
this jquery works fine but when the webpage is embedded inside the android webview, the android keyboard wont show up on focus. Does jquery .focus prevents default behavior or what? Should I trigger the focus programmaticaly?
The second click in the input, brings up the keyboard.
The android default browser has no problem. But the webview inside the android app fails to load keyboard.

DateTime-local how to prevent keyboard from appearing in android webview

I currently have a cordova android application that uses the following html5 tag:
<input type="datetime-local"/>
On android this triggers the keyboard to show up. However, I want to disable the keyboard because it doesn't make sense because the widget itself is sufficient. You don't need the keyboard showing.
However, I can't figure out how to disable the keyboard from popping up.
Add "readonly" attribute to your input tag. It will prevent the triggering of keyboard.

AS3 Air for Android programatically show soft keyboard

Is there a way in AS3 Air for Android to show the soft keyboard programatically?
I have a project where when the user clicks a button, it pops up a form for them to enter their email address. I have it set to programatically focus on the "TextInput", but unfortunately this doesn't automatically bring up the keyboard. So the user has to tap the "TextInput" field again to bring up the keyboard.
Is there a way to just call a "show keyboard" function? I tried adding:
email_txt.needsSoftKeyboard = true;
But that doesn't seem to help.
Figured it out. I just had to call requestSoftKeyboard(); on the TextInput component.
Not sure why that was so hard to search for the answer.

How to change IME Action dynamically in android for webkit

When I tap on input[type=number] element in HTML page (Note: html page has only one input element), the keyboard appear with "NEXT" button.
How can I change this NEXT button to DONE/OK or hide it in android 2.3, is it possible to change/hide it?
you can change the ime options by using below code:
input type="text" style="-ms-image-mode: active; ime-mode: active;
Hope it will help. Thanks

