With the boot option set to "quick boot", when I try to launch an Android emulator, the emulator window pops up but the screen remains black with an information message at the top saying : "Cold boot : snapshot doesn't exist". A "dismiss" button is at the right of this text.
With the "cold boot" option, no message is displayed but the screen remains desesperatly black as well.
Even if I close the window, the qemu process remains alive. I have to kill it and remove the ".lock" files to be able to retry launching the emulator.
Additionnaly, my computer informs me that the graphics driver (AMD) was not responding anymore and had to be restarted.
Any idea about the source of the problem?
I had an emulator frozen with application screen. No buttons worked. Screen didn't respond at all. This helped in my case:
AVD Manager -> Arrow down in action section of preferred emulator -> Wipe Data
A workaround is to start it from command line using -no-snapshot argument. Similar to wiping the data out, just less work.
Doing that it will go into Cold Boot and it will work - similar to what #JohnnyFive suggested, but a bit less work.
Despite a driver supposed to be up-to-date (that's what Windows used to tell me...), after installing the latest software from AMD (Crimson relive 17.7.1), the emulator now successfully works.
In my case, the emulator freezes every time startup if not cold boot.
I dig into it and finally find the reason.
I find that the SD card simulating function is relevant to this situation. If "No SDCard" is set, the emulator freezes at startup 100%!! So I revert the SD Card settings to the default then... voĆla!
SD Card
I have Android on a Pixel 5 on the standard Android Emulator inside Android Studio. I just want to restart the phone using the power button like a normal Android user. However, clicking the power button just makes the screen go blank like this:
Clicking it again just wakes it up, and holding it down brings this up:
Most of the documentation I've seen tells me to do a cold boot, but when I do, I see this.
So, I delete these two files and try cold boot again. Android Studio displays some text that says something like "Start AVD now" but nothing happens. The phone does not restart.
I cannot find any way to restart the OS. It's jammed in one spot. I've deleted and recreated image after image without any way to restart the phone. Any help would be much appreciated.
Clicking on the dots menu on the emulator row on Device Manager you will find the option Cold Boot Now.
Alternatively, you can use
adb reboot
I am developing an Android app in Android Studio. When I try to run it on an AVD, the AVD screen shows nothing.
The device frame is visible, but there is nothing inside it. The message "waiting for target device to come online" doesn't show up either.
Furthermore, I am unable to edit the graphics in the AVD settings. I have tried running the program both normally and from the AVD manager, but it doesn't work either way.
Other solutions which I have tried (and failed) are removing C:\Windows\System32\Wbem from the PATH environment variable, ending the ADB process in Task Manager, and wiping data from the AVD in AVD manager. Oh, and I even uninstalled and reinstalled Android Studio but it still doesn't work, even for a basic Hello World program. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I faced this problem due to my ram several times and even after upgrading I had to make several changes. The best solution is to set up a new avd. use Nexus S, and a light image. Start with API 16 and when it works go ahead and create your desired AVD. Keep your eye on the pop up errors AVD shows like HAXM
It may seem silly but have you checked if the emulator is not locked?
Ok, when Emulator is not displaying anything and saying like, waiting for online,
after click on power button then what you have to do is Go to,
AVD Manager then in Actions section click on bottom triangle button and click on "Cold Boot Now" to make working your Emulator.
I created a brand new emulator today but it is behaving weird today. Here is my setting:
When i start it up, it loads fine. Until it gets to the lock screen. I keep on dragging/swiping from bottom to top to unlock, but it wont! This is the first time I encountered such behaviour. I tried with target Android 6.0 - API Level 23 but was able to unlock. I want to test my app on Google API 23. Please help to figure out the proper setting values.
Happened to me as well.
Another solution in addition to what #TTRansmit suggested is as below:
Close emulator.
Go to AVD manager screen, edit your Emulator and go to Advanced Settings.
Select Cold boot as Boot option located in Emulated Performance section. This way you will be able to restart your emulator and get it unlocked without loosing data.
Power off (via holding power) on the device buttons and wipe data (from Android Virtual Device Manager) worked for me. It was turning off the Device Frame from the edit/Virtual Device Configuration screen of AVD that seemed to cause the problem.
I still did not solve this problem, somewhat. To get thru, what I did was I activated the Camera emulation then relaunched the emulator. On the lock screen, I dragged the Camera icon. The camera would crash and emulator would notify you about it thru a pop up dialog. Once you exit the dialog, it will go back to your homepage UNLOCKED! I know, it was weird but it worked.
Running Your App -> Run on the Emulator clearly explains how to RUN an app from within Android Studio by launching the emulator.
My question is -
Once I've done that: "How should I STOP the emulated app from running?"
Thought #1 - Use the "Run -> Stop (Ctrl + F2)" option on Android Studio's menu. But, when running my simple Hello-World-type application, that option is disabled.
Accordingly, Ctrl+F2 has no effect.
Thought #2 - Close the emulator window, by right-clicking the emulator's icon in my task bar, and selecting "Close window."
That closed the application all right, but then it seemed to leave things in a strange state.
-- When I tried to run the application again, it gave an error and I had to recreate the project.
That happened repeatably.
Thought #3 - Try shutting down the (emulated) Android device.
I tried that on Saturday evening: I held down the (emulated) Power button. Clicked the option in the "Device options" window.
It's now Monday morning, and it still says that it's "Shutting down...".
So, "How should I stop the emulated app from running?"
Thank you for any suggestions/help you can provide.
I now see that I had asked the wrong question.
I should have asked how to stop a running emulator.
Although I had been able to do so by right-clicking the emulator's entry in the task bar, and selecting "Close window", that had SEEMED to cause some problems.
["The selected device is incompatible" was displayed in the "Device Chooser" dialog.]
So, I thought that was the wrong way to do it.
Since then, though, I think I've figured out that something else was causing my problems:
I had an Android emulator process (emulator-arm.ese *32) which
hadn't terminated properly.
When I selected another device, I hadn't
given the (slow) Android emulator enough time to clear the "The
selected device is incompatible" error(s).
The problem process stayed in Windows' Task Manager after I shut down Android Studio, and Task Manager's failed to kill it.
So I rebooted my PC, and now everything seems to work OK.
Use the multitask button on the emulator itself to open the list of running apps, then click the "X" to close your app.
I'm an Android newbie trying to learn how to port one of my apps to the Android platform. I've been following this tutorial:
I'm stuck unable to boot up the emulator :( When I tell it to start, it would just stick at the "Android" boot animation for hours on end. I searched online and found some pages talking about disabling the boot animation. I did so and tried again. There's no boot animation (just the word "Android" flashing), but it's still hours with no sign of booting. 'top' shows an app called 'emulator' using a lot of CPU.
Am I doing something wrong? My system is an AMD Athlon X2 dual-core QL-60, 1900 MHz with 3GB ram.
Thanks for any help you can offer.
I had this problem and fixed it by deleting the emulator and creating a new one.
In eclipse:
Menu Window -> Android SVK and AVD Manager
Select Virtual devices (should be selected already)
Select the emulator giving you problems
Click edit to see the setting and remember them, click cancel.
Click delete to delete the emulator.
CLick create to create a new one that is the same as the old one.
Click start.
It started in about 30 seconds after I did that.
Normally the emulator starts in about 2-3 minutes for me. Then it mysteriously stopped working. I was seeing boot animation for 30 minutes before I gave up.
Note #1: Doing this will wipe your user data.
Note #2: As mentioned else where, it's a good idea to check "Enabled" for the snapshot, this lets you do faster startup next time.
Note #3: Also my new emulator came up in chinese. That's kinda of weird :)
Android emulator release 9 has new "snapshot" feature. You can save state of emulator (make image of emulator) and avoid booting when you start the emulator.
I see a similar problem while attempting to run applications on an emulator while the emulator isn't started yet. I find that starting the emulator manually via the "Window > Android SDK and AVD Manager" will load in just a couple minutes or faster, as expected. After the emulator is started manually in this way, you can load applications into it without issue.
I faced same problem on my laptop using I5 8GB RAM. The only solution that worked for me was connecting the laptop charger when launching the emulator. May sound wierd but this always works for me.