Can't debug variable received from Channel in Kotlin - android

A have a Kotlin Channel like below. When I put a breakpoint at the Log line I want to be able to see the test variable in Android Studio, but I can not.
val channel = Channel<Int>()
launch {
val test = channel.receive()
Log.d(test.toString()) <--- Breakpoint set here
launch {
This is shown in the Android Studio debugger when I stop at the breakpoint.
this = {Test$test$8#7232}
$channel = {RendezvousChannel#7435}
p$ = {StandaloneCoroutine#7478}
_context = {CombinedContext#7483}
_facade = {DispatchedContinuation#7484}
completion = {StandaloneCoroutine#7478}
label = 1
arity = 2
shadow$_klass_ = {Class#7194} ""
shadow$_monitor_ = -1282289382


Add 802.1x suggested network

I am trying to add an 802.1x network as a suggested network in Android 10.
When I do the addSuggestedNetwork it returns a code of 0 indicating that it did add it.
I even checked it by trying to add a second time. That returned 3 - network already exists.
Nevertheless, it doesn't fill in any of the parameters of the AP definition:
WifiManager wifiManager = getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE));
WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder suggestionBuilder = new WifiNetworkSuggestion.Builder();
String ssid = c8021XAP.getSsid();
WifiNetworkSuggestion suggestion = suggestionBuilder
List<WifiNetworkSuggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<>();
status = wifiManager.addNetworkSuggestions(suggestions);
Following is the code that creates the eapConfig object:
fun eapConfig(): WifiEnterpriseConfig {
val eap = WifiEnterpriseConfig()
eap.identity = username
eap.password = Base64.encode(password.toByteArray(), Base64.DEFAULT).toString()
eap.anonymousIdentity = anonymousIdentity
eap.phase2Method = phase2
eap.eapMethod = eapMethod
eap.domainSuffixMatch = domainName
return eap
I tried changing setWpa3EnterpriseConfig to setWpa2EnterpriseConfig but no change.

How to remove all references from a Dialog on dismiss in Xamarin.Android (potential memory leak)?

I guess I have a memory leak because after I open a specific Dialog and change to a new Activity, the app crashes without any warning and Visual Studio/App stops without any warning or specific line where it happens as you can see in the animated gif:
This second animated gif is where I'm debugging the app in Visual Studio and then suddenly stops. The app finished in line that doesn't make sense base.OnDrawerSlide(drawerView, slideOffset):
Now, the Dialog, is quite heavy because it does some mathematical calculations in real-time:
private void BtnCompareAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
GravityPlanets gInfo = new();
View dialogView = LayoutInflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.CompareAll, null);
var Dialog = new Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder(Context);
int firstCelestialLoc = GetItemPosition(planets, SpinnerFirstCelestial.Text);
var gravity = new Supernova.Core.Gravity();
var listView = dialogView.FindViewById<ListView>(Resource.Id.lstCelestialObjects);
var textObject1 = dialogView.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.textObject1);
var imgView = dialogView.FindViewById<ImageView>(Resource.Id.imgCObject);
var yourWeight = dialogView.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.yourWeight);
textObject1.Text = SpinnerGravityUnits.Text == gUnits[0]
? $"{planets[firstCelestialLoc]}, {GetCelestialObject(gInfo.CelestialObjectType(firstCelestialLoc))}, {gInfo.GetGravity(firstCelestialLoc)} {SpinnerGravityUnits.Text}"
: $"{planets[firstCelestialLoc]}, {GetCelestialObject(gInfo.CelestialObjectType(firstCelestialLoc))}, {Math.Round(gravity.ChangeToFeet(gInfo.GetGravity(firstCelestialLoc)), 3)} {SpinnerGravityUnits.Text}";
List<DrawerData> currentObjects = compareAllList.DeepClone();
bool isNumeric = double.TryParse(TxtWeight.Text, out double earthWeight);
if (isNumeric && earthWeight > 0)
yourWeight.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;
yourWeight.Text = $"{GetString(Resource.String.lblYourWeight)} {TxtWeight.Text}{SpinnerWeightUnits.Text}";
yourWeight.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone;
yourWeight.Text = "";
GravityPlanets gPlanets = new();
for (int i = 0; i < currentObjects.Count(); i++)
var secondG = GetItemPosition(planets, currentObjects[i].name);
var gPercentage = Math.Round(gInfo.PercentageGravity(firstCelestialLoc, secondG), 0);
switch (gInfo.ComparedGravity(firstCelestialLoc, secondG))
case 0:
gravType = GetString(Resource.String.gravLower);
currentObjects[i].color = "#43A047";
gravType = GetString(Resource.String.gravGreater);
currentObjects[i].color = "#F44336";
var gravVal = SpinnerGravityUnits.Text == gUnits[0] ? gInfo.GetGravity(secondG) : Math.Round(gravity.ChangeToFeet(gInfo.GetGravity(secondG)), 3);
currentObjects[i].name = $"<b>{currentObjects[i].name}, {GetCelestialObject(gInfo.CelestialObjectType(secondG))}</b><br>{gravVal} {SpinnerGravityUnits.Text}, {string.Format(gravType, gPercentage)}";
if (isNumeric && earthWeight > 0)
currentObjects[i].name += $"<br>{GetString(Resource.String.lblYourWeightCO)} {GetNewWeight(gPlanets, double.Parse(TxtWeight.Text), firstCelestialLoc, secondG)} {SpinnerWeightUnits.Text}";
var adapter = new CompareAllAdapter(currentObjects);
listView.Adapter = adapter;
Dialog.SetOnDismissListener(new OnDismissListener());
And I use this class to "dispose" of the dialog:
Dismiss class:
private class OnDismissListener : Java.Lang.Object, IDialogInterfaceOnDismissListener
public void OnDismiss(IDialogInterface dialog)
Oddly, it seems it wasn't properly disposed of because I can open other dialogs and nothing happens, this is the only one that causes this abnormal behavior.
Additionally, I tried to remove its reference by making the dialog's value null while making it a property and failed. I also tried to use the garbage collector and also failed because it crashed the app.
I even tried avoiding to store any history using this in the MainActivity class:
[Android.App.Activity(Label = "Gravity Now!", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "#drawable/ic_icon", NoHistory = true)]
I even created an additional OnCancelListener where I'm even disposing of the DialogView without any result:
Dialog.SetOnCancelListener(new OnCancelListener(dialogView));
private class OnCancelListener : Java.Lang.Object, IDialogInterfaceOnCancelListener
private View dialogView;
public OnCancelListener(View dialogView)
this.dialogView = dialogView;
public void OnCancel(IDialogInterface dialog)
dialogView = null;
dialog = null;
For more info, here is the full source code:
Also, I got this crash file, but I cannot find anything useful:
These are the last lines:
09-11 18:19:26.889 28140 31014 I ActivityManager: Force stopping
tk.supernova.gnow appid=10156 user=0: from pid 13171 09-11
18:19:26.892 28785 28785 I AppBase : AppBase.onTrimMemory():615
onTrimMemory(): 5 09-11 18:19:26.894 13171 13174 I cmd : oneway
function results will be dropped but finished with status OK and
parcel size 4 09-11 18:19:26.935 28785 28785 I
GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onTrimMemory():4225
onTrimMemory(): 5 09-11 18:19:26.951 28140 28158 W ActivityManager:
setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 12844 09-11 18:19:26.953 28140
28158 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity top resumed state loss timeout
for ActivityRecord{3c51759 u0
tk.supernova.gnow/crc64c3564668e399e885.Help t-1 f}}
At this point, I don't know what else to do. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
I have tested it on physical devices also (Oppo A91 and Nexus 7 - 2013).
Here is the link if you want to test the error in your physical device:
I got this answer from another forum:
In the
DefinitionFragment.cs file on line 36 in the LoadGif() function, you
could try to use the GetBuffer() method in-place of the ToArray()
Please refer to this document for further explanations:
MemoryStream.ToArray Method (System.IO) | Microsoft Docs
Now, it loads the help but crashes without a reason again between tabs. By the way, I changed to GetBuffer() in both tabs.
I found that the bug was here:
List<DrawerData> currentObjects = compareAllList.DeepClone();
I had to change the logic and create the temp data in a different way:
private List<DrawerData> GetPlanetsData()
return new List<DrawerData>()
new DrawerData() {
name = GetString(Resource.String.itemSun),
image = GetCelestialObjectDrawable(Resource.Drawable.sun),
url = GetString(Resource.String.itemWikiSun)
new DrawerData() {
name = GetString(Resource.String.itemMercury),
image = GetCelestialObjectDrawable(Resource.Drawable.mercury),
url = GetString(Resource.String.itemWikiMercury)
new DrawerData() {
name = GetString(Resource.String.itemVenus),
image = GetCelestialObjectDrawable(Resource.Drawable.venus),
url = GetString(Resource.String.itemWikiVenus)
List<DrawerData> currentObjects = GetPlanetsData();
It seems somehow the Deep Cloner data created cannot be removed somehow.

The setter 'featureFlag' isn't defined for the type 'JitsiMeetingOptions'

I am using the jitsi meet package for flutter and I have typed the code as per the documentation of the package, but still, there is some error in the app. The error says
The setter 'featureFlag' isn't defined for the type 'JitsiMeetingOptions'.
Try importing the library that defines 'featureFlag', correcting the name to the name of an existing setter, or defining a setter or field named 'featureFlag'.
And this is the joinMeeting function
joinMeeting() async {
try {
FeatureFlag featureFlag = FeatureFlag();
featureFlag.welcomePageEnabled = false;
featureFlag.resolution = FeatureFlagVideoResolution.MD_RESOLUTION;
featureFlag.addPeopleEnabled = false;
featureFlag.calendarEnabled = false;
featureFlag.callIntegrationEnabled = false;
featureFlag.inviteEnabled = false;
featureFlag.kickOutEnabled = false;
featureFlag.liveStreamingEnabled = false;
featureFlag.meetingPasswordEnabled = false;
featureFlag.recordingEnabled = false;
featureFlag.serverURLChangeEnabled = false;
featureFlag.tileViewEnabled = false;
featureFlag.videoShareButtonEnabled = false;
if (Platform.isIOS) {
featureFlag.pipEnabled = false;
var options = JitsiMeetingOptions() = code // Required, spaces will be trimmed
..userDisplayName = username == null ? 'Unidentified' : username
..audioMuted = false
..videoMuted = false
..featureFlag = featureFlag;
await JitsiMeet.joinMeeting(options);
} catch (err) {
The error is in the line ..featureFlag = featureFlag; which says
The setter 'featureFlag' isn't defined for the type 'JitsiMeetingOptions'.
Try importing the library that defines 'featureFlag', correcting the name to the name of an existing setter, or defining a setter or field named 'featureFlag'.
I have typed everything as per the documentation of the package but still the code does not seems to work. Any help on how to fix this error and make the code working would be of great help.
The featureflag has been changed in new version of jitsi meet plugin 3.0.0, but the changed code hasn't been mentioned in the main page of pub dev I.e So please check out the example page where new changed syntax has been mentioned i.e .
For example your code should look like this, find out which syntax needs to be changed according to new version:-
_joinMeeting() async {
String serverUrl =
serverText.text?.trim()?.isEmpty ?? "" ? null : serverText.text;
// Enable or disable any feature flag here
// If feature flag are not provided, default values will be used
// Full list of feature flags (and defaults) available in the README
Map<FeatureFlagEnum, bool> featureFlags = {
FeatureFlagEnum.WELCOME_PAGE_ENABLED: false,
if (!kIsWeb) {
// Here is an example, disabling features for each platform
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
// Disable ConnectionService usage on Android to avoid issues (see README)
featureFlags[FeatureFlagEnum.CALL_INTEGRATION_ENABLED] = false;
} else if (Platform.isIOS) {
// Disable PIP on iOS as it looks weird
featureFlags[FeatureFlagEnum.PIP_ENABLED] = false;
// Define meetings options here
var options = JitsiMeetingOptions() = roomText.text
..serverURL = serverUrl
..subject = subjectText.text
..userDisplayName = nameText.text
..userEmail = emailText.text
..iosAppBarRGBAColor = iosAppBarRGBAColor.text
..audioOnly = isAudioOnly
..audioMuted = isAudioMuted
..videoMuted = isVideoMuted
..webOptions = {
"roomName": roomText.text,
"width": "100%",
"height": "100%",
"enableWelcomePage": false,
"chromeExtensionBanner": null,
"userInfo": {"displayName": nameText.text}

Web Audio Api biquadFilter in Android needs extra configuration?

Here says the Web audio API works in Chrome for Android, and here I have tested CM Browser, Chrome and CyanogenMod default Android 5.1.1 browsers, and all pass the tests (specially the biquadNode one).
But When I open this codepen with an eq (biquadNode), I can hear the music but not the eq working.
Does biquadNode works in android? any special implementation is needed?
*Code pen required to post
var context = new AudioContext();
var mediaElement = document.getElementById('player');
var sourceNode = context.createMediaElementSource(mediaElement);
// EQ Properties
var gainDb = -40.0;
var bandSplit = [360,3600];
var hBand = context.createBiquadFilter();
hBand.type = "lowshelf";
hBand.frequency.value = bandSplit[0];
hBand.gain.value = gainDb;
var hInvert = context.createGain();
hInvert.gain.value = -1.0;
var mBand = context.createGain();
var lBand = context.createBiquadFilter();
lBand.type = "highshelf";
lBand.frequency.value = bandSplit[1];
lBand.gain.value = gainDb;
var lInvert = context.createGain();
lInvert.gain.value = -1.0;
var lGain = context.createGain();
var mGain = context.createGain();
var hGain = context.createGain();
var sum = context.createGain();
// Input
function changeGain(string,type)
var value = parseFloat(string) / 100.0;
case 'lowGain': lGain.gain.value = value; break;
case 'midGain': mGain.gain.value = value; break;
case 'highGain': hGain.gain.value = value; break;
createMediaElementSource in Chrome on Android doesn't work in general. But if you have a recent build of Chrome (49 and later?), you can go to chrome://flags and enable the unified media pipeline option. That will make createMediaElementSource work like on desktop.

Record Sound in Android using ActionScript 3

i build a application that record sound in Desktop using ActionScript 3 , now i convert the application to Andriod Application but there is a problem that SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA event doesn't receive any data to record
Here is the code :
private var _microphone:Microphone;
private var _buffer:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
private var _difference:uint;
public function record():void
if ( _microphone == null )
_microphone = Microphone.getMicrophone();
_difference = getTimer();
_microphone.setSilenceLevel(_silenceLevel, _timeOut);
_microphone.gain = _gain;
_microphone.rate = _rate;
_buffer.length = 0;
_microphone.addEventListener(SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA, onSampleData);
_microphone.addEventListener(StatusEvent.STATUS, onStatus);
private function onSampleData(event:SampleDataEvent):void
_recordingEvent.time = getTimer() - _difference;
dispatchEvent( _recordingEvent );
var buteData:Number;
while( > 0)
buteData =;
soundBytes.writeFloat( buteData);
anyone can help here
I think, maybe you don't check out about AIR for Android settings. If you not checked in the RECORD_AUDIO. you should check it.
refer a below image.

