Firestore - How create DocumentReference using path String - android

Firebase realtime database allowed to create refrence using
var reference = db.ref(path);
Is there any method exist in firestore so that I can create document refrence using path String.
If method exists how can I find path string in android and then how create document reference in node.js using that path.

Yes, you can achieve this also in Cloud Firestore. So these are your options:
FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance();
First option:
DocumentReference userRef = db.collection("company/users");
Second option:
DocumentReference userRef = db.document("company/users");
Third option:
DocumentReference userRef = db.collection("company").document("users");

For web/javascript, db.doc() will create a DocumentReference from a string:
let docRef = db.doc(pathString)
e.g. let userRef = db.doc('users/' + userId)

You can use FirebaseFirestore.document() and pass it the path of the document you want. Each document must be located within a collection. If you're looking for a document called documentId in a collection called collectionId, the path string will be collectionId/documentId.

you just need to define the path :
.then(function () {
message = { message: "document added", type: ErrorType.success };
.catch(function (error) {
message = { message: error, type: ErrorType.error };

For Firestore web version 9 (after August 25, 2021) you can use doc() to generate a reference with an id:
import { collection, doc, setDoc, getFirestore } from "firebase/firestore";
// Add a new document with a generated id
const newRef = doc(collection(getFirestore(), "user"));
const data = {
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe'
await setDoc(newRef, data);

Use "." instead of "/" for path
FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance();
.whereEqualTo("rating.$id", true)


Why is array empty when running Android Studio?

I am using react native and firebase realtime database to store and query a list of properties. It seems that when I run the below query in XCode for iOS the array created here shows a list of the property objects. However, when I run this android studio the array is empty. Do you know what may be causing this? Can someone please help here I am very new to react native and using firebase realtime database?
I really do apologies for the poor code formatting:
const array = []
await db.ref(`users/`).on(`value`, snapshot => {
if (snapshot.exists()) {
userSnapshot.child("properties").forEach((propertySnapshot) => {
key: userSnapshot.key,
property: propertySnapshot.val(),
username: userSnapshot.val().username,
email: userSnapshot.val().email,
phoneNumber: (userSnapshot.val().phoneNumber != null)?userSnapshot.val().phoneNumber:null,
propertyName: propertySnapshot.key,
profile_pic: userSnapshot.val().profile_pic,
connectedAccount_id: (userSnapshot.val().connectedAccount_id != null)?userSnapshot.val().connectedAccount_id:null,
customer: (userSnapshot.val().customer != null)?userSnapshot.val().customer:null,
await database().ref(`users/${auth().currentUser.uid}/your_location`).once(`value`, function(snap){
.then(json => {
var location = json.results[0].geometry.location;
global.latitude =;
global.longtitude = location.lng;
.catch(error => console.warn(error));
console.log("array result "+array)
The log array shows an array of objects for iOS:
array result [object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
but for android it's empty:
array result

how to search through all documents for a specific field value

how to search through all documents for a specific field value
for eg: if i want the field: blood_group 'A+' from all documents and show me all documents which has 'A+' in it
source code
You can use the .where filter on the collection reference's query like below:
final QuerySnapshot querySnapshot = await FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('users').where('blood_group', isEqualTo: 'A+').get();
final List<QueryDocumentSnapshot> documentSnapshotList =;
for (QueryDocumentSnapshot snapshot in documentSnapshotList) {
You can use the .where option. Based on your firebase structure in the picture, you can use the following code, to get a list of all documents that satisfy your request.
Future<QuerySnapshot> bloodgroup (String bloodGroup) async {
return await FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('Donation').where('blood_group', isEqualTo: bloodGroup).get();
void getDocs() async {
QuerySnapshot allResults = await bloodgroup('A+');
for (var item in allResults){
print(; //this will print the id of all the documents which are A+.

Flutter Firestore [cloud_firestore/not-found] Some requested document was not found

In my flutter app I need to update my current user data but I have this issue [cloud_firestore/not-found] Some requested document was not found. how can I fix this
here my updateData() code
void updateData() {
final FirebaseAuth auth = FirebaseAuth.instance;
final User user = auth.currentUser;
final uid = user.uid;
update({"height": heightTextEditingController.text}).
catchError((e) {
Take a screenshot of your Firestore so that we can see what's your Firestore directory names. Could be a spelling mistake.
Edit 1:
Found the mistake. It should be FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('users') instead of ('user'). See below codes
update({"height": heightTextEditingController.text}).
catchError((e) {
You need to add the uid as a document id when saving data to the database:
var firestoreInstance = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
var firebaseUser = FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser;
"name" : "john",
"email" : "",
"height": 180
Inside doc() pass the uid and then use set() to add the fields to the document.

OrderBy Statement for Subfields on Firebase in Flutter

I have a collection of following;
I want to return every company in ascending order by companyName and this is how I'm trying;
QuerySnapshot usersComp = await _firestore
.where('belongsTo', isEqualTo: curruser.uid)
'properties': {'companyName'}
}, descending: false).getDocuments();
Code doesn't give any errors but it also doesn't return any value as well. The statement without orderBy works fine.
How can I write a this orderBy in a working way?
This is the whole getCompanies function in FirebaseCrud:
Future<List<Company>> getCompanies() async {
FirebaseUser curruser = await _authService.getCurrentUser();
DocumentSnapshot userSnapshot = await Firestore.instance
List partners =['partners'];
QuerySnapshot usersComp = await _firestore
.where('belongsTo', isEqualTo: curruser.uid)
//.orderBy('properties.companyName', descending: false) // code works fine without this line but not as expected
List<Company> companies = new List<Company>();
usersComp.documents.forEach((f) {
int indexOfthis = usersComp.documents.indexOf(f);
companies.add(new Company(
uid: partners[indexOfthis],
personOne: new Person(
personTwo: new Person(
return companies;
Use dot notation to reference properties of objects to use for sorting.
.where('belongsTo', isEqualTo: curruser.uid)
descending: false)
I created a collection with a few documents, each have a top-level field and a nested field. If I then run a query over it like this:
.where("location", isEqualTo: "Bay Area")
.orderBy("properties.companyName", descending: false)
.getDocuments().then((querySnapshot) {
print("Got ${querySnapshot.documents.length} documents");
querySnapshot.documents.forEach((doc) {
print("${doc.documentID}: ${['properties']}");
I have added these three documents in my database:
location: "Bay Area", properties.companyName: "Google"
location: "Bay Area", properties.companyName: "Facebook"
location: "Seattle", properties.companyName: "Microsoft"
With the above query, I get the following output printed:
flutter: KJDLLam4xvCJEyc7Gmnh: {companyName: Facebook}
flutter: TMmrOiKTYQWFBmJpughg: {companyName: Google}
I have no idea why you're getting different output.
Just in case it matters, I run the app in an iOS simulator and use this version of the Firestore plugin:
cloud_firestore: ^0.13.0+1

Get document id from firebase flutter

I trying to get the new created document id after data has been stored to firebase database, but get error
E/flutter (20333): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: NoSuchMethodError: The method 'listen' was called on null.
E/flutter (20333): Receiver: null
E/flutter (20333): Tried calling: listen(Closure: (String) => void)
.listen((documentId) => print(documentId));
Observable<String> addOrder(Order order) {
var a = endpoints.collectionEndpoint.add(order.toJson());
a.then((val) {
return Observable.fromFuture(val.documentID());
get collectionEndpoint => _firestore
Ideally you should return the future from the repository and await for the future on the bloc. Let me try to give a full code snippet here. It would be something like this:
final documentId = await _repository
return documentId;
Future<String> addOrder(Order order) {
return endpoints.collectionEndpoint.add(order.toJson());
get collectionEndpoint => _firestore
a.then((val) {
return Observable.fromFuture(val.documentID());
you are returning the observable within the then function, i believe this is not the expected behavior.
One thing you should do to improve your code quality and readability is to just user async/await. The function on the repository can be rewrited like that:
Observable<String> addOrder(Order order) async {
var documentID = await endpoints.collectionEndpoint.add(order.toJson());
return Observable.fromFuture(val.documentID());
Try this. This should do the trick.
Whats the reason why you are using Observables? Is this a firebase thing?
You could adjust to:
final var documentId = await _repository.addOrder(order);
i had the same problem here is a snippet of how i approached it
//notice im using add while referencing the document reference
final DocumentReference documentReference=await Firestore.instance.collection('jobs').add({
then get your id from documentReference
final String jobIdd=documentReference.documentID;
after getting the id now you can add your document to cloud firestore
'category': category,
'description': description,
'datePosted': formattedDate,
'postedby': userid,

