How do I keep from leaving the screen? - android

I do not speak English well.
We apologize if you do not understand the question.
LinearLayout _Main_Contact_Layout;
FrameLayout _Main_Frame;
ImageView _Main_Background;
private List<string> _DrawerList_Item;
private ListView _DrawerList;
float _X, _Y;
float _XX, _YY;
int offset = 0, duration = 100;
float scaleX = 1.0f, scaleY = 1.0f;
float maxZoomLimit = 2.6f, minZoomLimit = 1.0f;
public bool OnTouch(View v, MotionEvent e)
switch (e.Action)
case MotionEventActions.Down:
_X = e.GetX();
_Y = e.GetY();
float _Start_X = 760, _Start_Y = 160;
float _End_X = 1150, _End_Y = 490;
WindowManagerLayoutParams _Params = new WindowManagerLayoutParams();
_Params.X = (int)e.RawX;
_Params.Y = (int)e.RawY;
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater)this.GetSystemService(Context.LayoutInflaterService);
View _Popup = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.Custom_Popup, null);
PopupWindow _Window = new PopupWindow(_Popup, WindowManagerLayoutParams.WrapContent, WindowManagerLayoutParams.WrapContent);
_Window.SetBackgroundDrawable(new BitmapDrawable());
_Window.OutsideTouchable = true;
TextView _SetupX = (TextView)_Popup.FindViewById(Resource.Id.x_text);
TextView _SetupY = (TextView)_Popup.FindViewById(Resource.Id.y_text);
_SetupX.Text = "X 좌표 : " + _X.ToString("#.##");
_SetupY.Text = "Y 좌표 : " + _Y.ToString("#.##");
DrawerLayout _lstDrawer = (DrawerLayout)v.FindViewById(Resource.Id._DrawerLayout);
if(_Start_X > _X | _Start_Y > _Y | _End_X < _X | _End_Y < _Y )
_Window.Focusable = true;
_Window.ShowAsDropDown(_Popup, _Params.X, _Params.Y);
_Window.ShowAtLocation(_Popup, GravityFlags.Left | GravityFlags.Top, 0, 0);
else if (_Start_X < _X & _Start_Y < _Y & _End_X > _X & _End_Y > _Y & !_lstDrawer.IsDrawerOpen((int)GravityFlags.Left))
_Window.ShowAsDropDown(_Popup, _Params.X, _Params.Y);
_Window.ShowAtLocation(_Popup, GravityFlags.Left | GravityFlags.Top, 0, 0);
else if (_lstDrawer.IsDrawerOpen((int)GravityFlags.Left))
case MotionEventActions.Move:
_XX = e.GetX() - _X;
_YY = e.GetY() - _Y;
//_Main_Background.SetX(_Main_Background.GetX() + _XX);
//_Main_Background.SetY(_Main_Background.GetY() + _YY);
_X = e.GetX();
_Y = e.GetY();
if (scaleX > 1.0f && scaleY > 1.0f)
Console.WriteLine("_XX : " + _XX.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("_YY : " + _YY.ToString());
return true;
private void _MoveToX(float xX)
float futureX = _Main_Background.GetX() + _XX;
if (futureX > 0 | futureX < 500)
private void _MoveToY(float yY)
float futureY = _Main_Background.GetY() + _YY;
if (futureY > 0 | futureY < 500)
private void _Zoom_In(View v)
if (scaleX < maxZoomLimit && scaleY < maxZoomLimit)
Animation animation = new ScaleAnimation(scaleX, (scaleX + 0.2f), scaleY, (scaleY + 0.2f), _X, _Y);
scaleX += 0.2f;
scaleY += 0.2f;
animation.Interpolator = new DecelerateInterpolator();
animation.Duration = duration;
animation.StartOffset = offset;
animation.FillAfter = true;
private void _Zoom_Out(View v)
if (scaleX > minZoomLimit && scaleY > minZoomLimit)
Animation animation = new ScaleAnimation(scaleX, (scaleX - 0.2f), scaleY, (scaleY - 0.2f), _X, _Y);
scaleY -= 0.2f;
scaleX -= 0.2f;
animation.Interpolator = new DecelerateInterpolator();
animation.Duration = duration;
animation.StartOffset = offset;
animation.FillAfter = true;
I am worried about this for about a week.
How do I keep from leaving the screen?
Adjusting the scale? How do I touch the scale?
Zoom in and Zoom out using the Button
-> resolution
Moving images with Zoom in using Button
-> resolution
If you move it after Zoom in, start with moving the image to a strange place.
-> resolution
Layout out of range
-> resolution
Move only within layout range (Unresolved)

Modify the if condition in your _MoveTo method. The x, y is the coordinate of the top left corner of your view. Calculate the width and height of the imageview, make sure the x and y value is smaller than 0 and not smaller than the value of screenwidth minus the imageview width.
For example:
private void _MoveToX(float xX)
float futureX = _Main_Background.GetX() + xX;
if (futureX <=0 && futureX >=YourScreenWidth -(_Main_Background.Width * scaleX))
Console.WriteLine("futureY : " + (_Main_Background.Height * scaleX).ToString());
Console.WriteLine("futureX : " + futureX.ToString());
private void _MoveToY(float yY)
float futureY = _Main_Background.GetY() + yY;
if (futureY <= 0 && futureY >=YourScreenHeight- (_Main_Background.Height * scaleY))
Console.WriteLine("futureY : " + (_Main_Background.Height * scaleY).ToString());
Console.WriteLine("futureY : " + futureY.ToString());


Pinch to zoom MyTextureView just to screen dimension(width, height)

Recently I used an implementation for a pinch to zoom in my TextureView using a SurfaceView. The zoom works perfectly but the view does not grow to the dimensions of the screen. In my case the TextureView is always in the dimensions 1080, 612. I would like to modify this zoom so that the view is filling the screen as I do the pinch.
Here is the code for my class that receives TextureView:
public class ScaleManager extends BaseInputManager {
private final TextureView mTargetView;
private final ScaleGestureDetector mScaleDetector;
private static final float MIN_SCALE = 1.0f;
private static final float MAX_SCALE = 5.0f;
private float mCurrentScale = MIN_SCALE;
private Matrix mMatrix = new Matrix();
private float[] mMatrixValues = new float[9];
private float mPreviousX;
private float mPreviousY;
private boolean mIsDragInProgress = false;
public ScaleManager(TextureView view) {
mTargetView = view;
mScaleDetector = new ScaleGestureDetector(view.getContext(), new ScaleListener());
public boolean handle(KeyEvent event) {
return false;
public boolean handle(MotionEvent event) {
final int index = event.getActionIndex();
final int type = event.getToolType(index);
if (type == MotionEvent.TOOL_TYPE_FINGER || type == MotionEvent.TOOL_TYPE_STYLUS) {
boolean isScaling = (mMatrixValues[Matrix.MSCALE_X] != 1.0f && mMatrixValues[Matrix.MSCALE_Y] != 1.0f);
if (isScaling || mScaleDetector.isInProgress()) {
switch (event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
if (event.getPointerCount() <= 2) {
mPreviousX = event.getX();
mPreviousY = event.getY();
if (event.getPointerCount() == 2) {
mIsDragInProgress = true;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
if (event.getPointerCount() == 2) {
float x = mMatrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_X];
float y = mMatrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];
float width = mTargetView.getWidth();
float height = mTargetView.getHeight();
float right = width * mCurrentScale - width;
float bottom = height * mCurrentScale - height;
float deltaX = event.getX() - mPreviousX;// x difference
float deltaY = event.getY() - mPreviousY;// y difference
float scaledWidth = Math.round(width * mCurrentScale);// width after applying current scale
float scaledHeight = Math.round(height * mCurrentScale);// height after applying current scale
//if scaledWidth is smaller than the views width
//in other words if the image width fits in the view
//limit left and right movement
if (scaledWidth < width) {
deltaX = 0;
if (y + deltaY > 0) {
deltaY = -y;
} else if (y + deltaY < -bottom) {
deltaY = -(y + bottom);
//if scaledHeight is smaller than the views height
//in other words if the image height fits in the view
//limit up and down movement
} else if (scaledHeight < height) {
deltaY = 0;
if (x + deltaX > 0) {
deltaX = -x;
} else if (x + deltaX < -right) {
deltaX = -(x + right);
//if the image doesn't fit in the width or height
//limit both up and down and left and right
} else {
if (x + deltaX > 0) {
deltaX = -x;
} else if (x + deltaX < -right) {
deltaX = -(x + right);
if (y + deltaY > 0) {
deltaY = -y;
} else if (y + deltaY < -bottom) {
deltaY = -(y + bottom);
//move the image with the matrix
mMatrix.postTranslate(deltaX, deltaY);
mPreviousX = event.getX();
mPreviousY = event.getY();
case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
if (event.getPointerCount() == 1) {
mIsDragInProgress = false;
return mScaleDetector.isInProgress() || mIsDragInProgress;
return false;
private class ScaleListener implements ScaleGestureDetector.OnScaleGestureListener {
public boolean onScaleBegin(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
return true;
public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
float width = mTargetView.getWidth();
float height = mTargetView.getHeight();
float factor = detector.getScaleFactor();
float scale = mCurrentScale * factor;
if (scale > MAX_SCALE) {
factor = MAX_SCALE / mCurrentScale;
mCurrentScale = MAX_SCALE;
} else if (scale < MIN_SCALE) {
factor = MIN_SCALE / mCurrentScale;
mCurrentScale = MIN_SCALE;
} else {
mCurrentScale = scale;
if (width * scale <= width || height * scale <= height) {
mMatrix.postScale(factor, factor, width / 2, height / 2);
} else {
mMatrix.postScale(factor, factor, detector.getFocusX(), detector.getFocusY());
if (factor < 1) {
float right = width * mCurrentScale - width;
float bottom = height * mCurrentScale - height;
float x = mMatrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_X];
float y = mMatrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];
if (x < -right) {
mMatrix.postTranslate(-(x + right), 0);
} else if (x > 0) {
mMatrix.postTranslate(-x, 0);
if (y < -bottom) {
mMatrix.postTranslate(0, -(y + bottom));
} else if (y > 0) {
mMatrix.postTranslate(0, -y);
return true;
public void onScaleEnd(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
When I start the view I use a class called AspectFrameLayout to determine the initial ratio of the view. And this AspectFrameLayout is called each time the view is being modified to maintain the aspect ratio. Follow the code:
android:focusableInTouchMode="true" />
mSurfaceView = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.texture_view,
player_video_frame, false)
This is the AspectFrameLayout class that I use to keep the aspect ratio:
public final class AspectRatioFrameLayout extends FrameLayout {
private static final float MAX_ASPECT_RATIO_DEFORMATION_FRACTION = 0.01f;
private float mVideoAspectRatio;
public AspectRatioFrameLayout(Context context) {
public AspectRatioFrameLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
public void setAspectRatio(float ratio) {
if (this.mVideoAspectRatio != ratio) {
this.mVideoAspectRatio = ratio;
protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);
if (mVideoAspectRatio == 0) {
// Aspect ratio not set.
int width = getMeasuredWidth();
int height = getMeasuredHeight();
float viewAspectRatio = (float) width / height;
float aspectDeformation = mVideoAspectRatio / viewAspectRatio - 1;
if (Math.abs(aspectDeformation) <= MAX_ASPECT_RATIO_DEFORMATION_FRACTION) {
// We're within the allowed tolerance.
if (aspectDeformation > 0) {
height = (int) (width / mVideoAspectRatio);
} else {
width = (int) (height * mVideoAspectRatio);
MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(width, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY),
MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(height, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY)

Bitmap Bounding RectF Collision

I have been trying to create a simple breakout type game. I have a ball and a bat and want to invert the ball's direction when it collides with the bat. The bat is controlled by the user's touch and can freely move around the screen.
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
x = (int) event.getX();
y = (int) event.getY();
return true;
In my game loop:
int cx = -1;
int cy = -1;
private int xVelocity = -11;
private int yVelocity = -14;
Bitmap player, ball;
RectF boundsPlayer, boundsBall;
float boundCX, boundCY;
boundCX = (float) cx;
boundCY = (float) cy;
player = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.nightplayer);
canvas.drawBitmap(player, x - (player.getWidth() / 2), y - (player.getHeight() + 100), null);
ball = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ball);
boundsPlayer = new RectF((x - (player.getWidth()/2)), (y - (player.getHeight() + 150)), ((x - (player.getWidth()/2)) + player.getWidth()), ((y - (player.getHeight() + 150)) + player.getHeight()));
boundsBall = new RectF(boundCX, boundCY, boundCX + ball.getWidth(), boundCY + ball.getHeight());
if (RectF.intersects(boundsBall, boundsPlayer)) {
private void collision() {
yVelocity = yVelocity * -1;
score = score + 1;
//Log.d(TAG, String.valueOf(score));
yVelocity = yVelocity - 2;
if(xVelocity < 0) {
xVelocity = xVelocity - 2;
} else if (xVelocity > 0) {
xVelocity = xVelocity + 2;
collision = false;
The issue I am having is that when the ball collides with the bat it seems to collide multiple times and repeatedly inverts the direction instead of "bouncing off" of the bat.

Place a Canvas Circle within the nearest Canvas Circle Point

I am currently developing a tree shaped structure using Canvas Circles and I have almost brought about the layouts using Canvas but facing problem while implementing Drag and Drop in Canvas. The code is as follows for better understanding :
private HashSet<CircleArea> mCircles = new HashSet<CircleArea>(CIRCLES_LIMIT);
private SparseArray<CircleArea> mCirclePointer = new SparseArray<CircleArea>(CIRCLES_LIMIT);
private static class CircleArea {
int radius;
int centerX;
int centerY;
CircleArea(int centerX, int centerY, int radius) {
this.radius = radius;
this.centerX = centerX;
this.centerY = centerY;
public int getCenterX()
return centerX;
public int getCenterY()
return centerY;
public int getRadius()
return radius;
public String toString() {
return "Circle[" + centerX + ", " + centerY + ", " + radius + "]";
private void init(final Context ct) {
Display display = ((Activity) getContext()).getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
Point size = new Point();
int width = size.x;
int height = size.y;
System.out.println("Width is " + width + "Height is " + height);
scrWidth = width;
scrHeight = height;
public void onDraw(final Canvas canv) {
// setWillNotDraw(false);
for (int i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
for (int j = 0; j < latitude_0.length; j++) {
x = (int) ((scrWidth / 360.0) * (90 + longitude_0[j]));
y = (int) ((scrHeight / 180.0) * (90 - latitude_0[j]));
mCircles.add(new CircleArea(x,y,RADIUS_LIMIT));
} else if (i == 1) {
for (int k = 0; k < latitude_1.length; k++) {
x = (int) ((scrWidth / 360.0) * (90 + longitude_1[k]));
y = (int) ((scrHeight / 180.0) * (90 - latitude_1[k]));
mCircles.add(new CircleArea(x,y,RADIUS_LIMIT));
} else if (i == 2) {
for (int l = 0; l < latitude_2.length; l++) {
x = (int) ((scrWidth / 360.0) * (90 + longitude_2[l]));
y = (int) ((scrHeight / 180.0) * (90 - latitude_2[l]));
mCircles.add(new CircleArea(x,y,RADIUS_LIMIT));
} else if (i == 3) {
for (int l = 0; l < latitude_3.length; l++) {
x = (int) ((scrWidth / 360.0) * (90 + longitude_3[l]));
y = (int) ((scrHeight / 180.0) * (90 - latitude_3[l]));
mCircles.add(new CircleArea(x, y, RADIUS_LIMIT));
} else if (i == 4) {
for (int l = 0; l < latitude_4.length; l++) {
x = (int) ((scrWidth / 360.0) * (90 + longitude_4[l]));
y = (int) ((scrHeight / 180.0) * (90 - latitude_4[l]));
mCircles.add(new CircleArea(x,y,RADIUS_LIMIT));
}else if (i == 5) {
for (int l = 0; l < latitude_5.length; l++) {
x = (int) ((scrWidth / 360.0) * (90 + longitude_5[l]));
y = (int) ((scrHeight / 180.0) * (90 - latitude_5[l]));
mCircles.add(new CircleArea(x,y,RADIUS_LIMIT));
}else if (i == 6) {
for (int l = 0; l < latitude_6.length; l++) {
x = (int) ((scrWidth / 360.0) * (90 + longitude_6[l]));
y = (int) ((scrHeight / 180.0) * (90 - latitude_6[l]));
mCircles.add(new CircleArea(x,y,RADIUS_LIMIT));
for (CircleArea circle : mCircles) {
canv.drawCircle(circle.getCenterX(),circle.getCenterY(),RADIUS_LIMIT, mCirclePaint);
// invalidate();;
public boolean onTouchEvent(final MotionEvent event) {
boolean handled = false;
CircleArea touchedCircle;
int xTouch;
int yTouch;
int pointerId;
int actionIndex = event.getActionIndex();
// get touch event coordinates and make transparent circle from it
switch (event.getActionMasked()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
xTouch = (int) event.getX(0);
yTouch = (int) event.getY(0);
touchedCircle = obtainTouchedCircle(xTouch, yTouch);
touchedCircle.centerX = xTouch;
touchedCircle.centerY = yTouch;
mCirclePointer.put(event.getPointerId(0), touchedCircle);
handled = true;
Log.w(TAG, "Pointer down");
// It secondary pointers, so obtain their ids and check circles
pointerId = event.getPointerId(actionIndex);
xTouch = (int) event.getX(actionIndex);
yTouch = (int) event.getY(actionIndex);
// check if we've touched inside some circle
for(CircleArea circle: mCircles)
touchedCircle = obtainTouchedCircle(circle.getCenterX(), circle.getCenterY());
mCirclePointer.put(pointerId, touchedCircle);
touchedCircle.centerX = circle.getCenterX();
touchedCircle.centerY = circle.getCenterY();
handled = true;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
final int pointerCount = event.getPointerCount();
Log.w(TAG, "Move");
for (actionIndex = 0; actionIndex < pointerCount; actionIndex++) {
// Some pointer has moved, search it by pointer id
pointerId = event.getPointerId(actionIndex);
for(CircleArea circle: mCircles)
xTouch = (int) event.getX(actionIndex);
yTouch = (int) event.getY(actionIndex);
float dx = xTouch - circle.getCenterX();
float dy = yTouch - circle.getCenterY();
float r = FloatMath.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
touchedCircle = mCirclePointer.get(pointerId);
if (null != touchedCircle) {
touchedCircle.centerX = xTouch;
touchedCircle.centerY = yTouch;
handled = true;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
handled = true;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
// not general pointer was up
pointerId = event.getPointerId(actionIndex);
// invalidate();
handled = true;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
handled = true;
// do nothing
return super.onTouchEvent(event) || handled;
private CircleArea obtainTouchedCircle(final int xTouch, final int yTouch) {
CircleArea touchedCircle = getTouchedCircle(xTouch, yTouch);
if (null == touchedCircle) {
touchedCircle = new CircleArea(xTouch, yTouch, RADIUS_LIMIT);
return touchedCircle;
private CircleArea getTouchedCircle(final int xTouch, final int yTouch) {
CircleArea touched = null;
for (CircleArea circle : mCircles) {
if ((circle.centerX - xTouch) * (circle.centerX - xTouch) + (circle.centerY - yTouch) * (circle.centerY - yTouch) <= circle.radius * circle.radius) {
touched = circle;
return touched;
I am well aware of the shabby code that I've written but highly helpless to generate a mathematical calculation on how to place the dragged circle to the nearest available canvas circle. Below depicted is a screenshot which helps in more understanding.
Points to be noted :
The function obtainTouchedCircle and getTouchedCircle are vital.
The MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE helps me in moving a circle but what it does is that it generates a new circle with the same dimensions every time which is totally fine but when a user drags and drops in somewhere, it should get placed in the nearest available circle.
Consider the below image where the yellow circles need to be moved around and placed in the blue circles according to the user's wish. That is my objective.
If someone can help me with the calculation on how I should figure out the nearest available circle while dragging would be of great help !!!! Thanks in advance.

rotate and resize the image view with single finger in android

I am developing an app which has feature that resizing and rotating the imageview by dragging its bottom right corner button.
I saw one app which has feature that if we drag the bottom right corner button diagonally imageview size had resized or else if we drag the button left or right side direction imageview had rotated as per direction. I wish to implement this feature in my app
I am struggling to implement single finger rotation as well as resizing the imageview.
Please guide me in right way.
I am trying this code, and try to apply zoom and rotate but not able to do please help me.
belove code to do zoom and rotate finger base action.
public class ScaleActivity extends Activity {
ViewGroup lLayout;
static ImageView img, backgrndImg;
Canvas mCanvas;
float d;
private float mAspectQuotient;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
lLayout = (FrameLayout) findViewById(;
final CropView cv = new CropView(this);
public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
// Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
return true;
public class CropView extends ImageView {
private static final int SELECTION_RECT_PAINT_COLOR = 0xFF000000;
private static final int SELECTION_RECT_FILL_COLOR = 0x70FFFFFF;
private static final int TOUCH_TOLERANCE = 25;
private static final int xInc = 25;
private static final int yInc = 25;
Paint paint = new Paint();
private int initial_size = 200;
private Point leftTop, rightBottom, center, previous, currentPoint,
private Paint fillPaint;
private Paint rectPaint;
protected Rect selection, dest;
private boolean isAffectedBottom = false;
Bitmap bitmap, backgroundBitmap;
Rect rectf;
Rect knobRect;
private Context mContext;
int width, height;
private Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
Bitmap resizedBitmap;
// Adding parent class constructors
public CropView(Context context) {
mContext = context;
backgroundBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getContext()
.getResources(), R.drawable.toast_bkgrd);
bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getContext().getResources(),
rectPaint = new Paint();
fillPaint = new Paint();
currentPoint = new Point(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2);
width = backgroundBitmap.getWidth();
height = backgroundBitmap.getHeight();
public CropView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs, 0);
public CropView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
super(context, attrs, defStyle);
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
mCanvas = canvas;
if (leftTop.equals(0, 0))
resizedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(backgroundBitmap, 0, 0,
backgroundBitmap.getWidth(), backgroundBitmap.getHeight(),
matrix, true);
// mCanvas.drawBitmap(backgroundBitmap, matrix, rectPaint);
mCanvas.drawBitmap(resizedBitmap, null, selection, rectPaint);
mCanvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, selection.right - 25,
selection.bottom - 25, null);
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
int eventaction = event.getAction();
switch (eventaction) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
touchDown((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY());
previous.set((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY());
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
touchMove((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY());
if (isActionInsideRectangle(event.getX(), event.getY())
&& !isAffectedBottom) {
drag((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY());
invalidate(); // redraw rectangle
previous.set((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY());
previous.set((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY());
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
touchUp((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY());
previous = new Point();
return true;
private void initCropView() {
leftTop = new Point();
rightBottom = new Point();
center = new Point();
previous = new Point();
rectPos = new Point();
public void resetPoints() {
center.set(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2);
leftTop.set((getWidth() - initial_size) / 2,
(getHeight() - initial_size) / 2);
rightBottom.set(leftTop.x + initial_size, leftTop.y + initial_size);
selection = new Rect(leftTop.x, leftTop.y, rightBottom.x,
knobRect = new Rect(selection.right, selection.bottom,
bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight());
dest = selection;
private boolean isActionInsideRectangle(float x, float y) {
int buffer = 10;
return (x >= (selection.left) && x <= (selection.right)
&& y >= ( && y <= (selection.bottom)) ? true
: false;
void touchDown(int x, int y) {
System.out.println("selection " + selection);
int dx = (previous.x - x) / 2;
int dy = (previous.y - y) / 2;
// d= rotation(dx,dy);
currentPoint.set(x, y);
if (pointsAreClose(x, y, selection.right, selection.bottom)) {
isAffectedBottom = true;
System.out.println("isAffectedBottom " + isAffectedBottom);
void touchMove(int x, int y) {
currentPoint.set(x, y);
if (isAffectedBottom) {
int dx = (previous.x - x) / 2;
int dy = (previous.y - y) / 2;
double startAngle = getAngle(previous.x, previous.y);
double currentAngle = getAngle(x, y);
matrix.postRotate((float) (startAngle - currentAngle),
selection.width() / 2.0f, selection.height() / 2.0f);
// selection.inset(dx, dy);
void touchUp(int x, int y) {
currentPoint.set(x, y);
isAffectedBottom = false;
private boolean pointsAreClose(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
return Math.hypot(x1 - x2, y1 - y2) < TOUCH_TOLERANCE;
private void drag(int x, int y) {
int movement;
movement = x - previous.x;
int movementY = y - previous.y;
selection.set(selection.left + movement, + movementY,
selection.right + movement, selection.bottom + movementY);
* Calculate the degree to be rotated by.
* #param event
* #return Degrees
// private float rotation(float dx, float dy) {
// // double delta_x = (dx);
// // double delta_y = (dy);
// double radians = Math.atan2((selection.left) - (previous.y),
// ( - (previous.x));
// double radians2 = Math.atan2((selection.left) - (dy),
// ( - (dx));
// System.out.println("radians" + radians);
// System.out.println("" + radians2);
// System.out.println("radians2-radians" + (radians2 - radians));
// System.out.println(Math.toDegrees(radians2 - radians));
// return (float) Math.toDegrees(radians2 - radians);
// }
private double getAngle(double xTouch, double yTouch) {
double x = xTouch - (getWidth() / 2d);
double y = getHeight() - yTouch - (getHeight() / 2d);
switch (getQuadrant(x, y)) {
case 1:
return Math.asin(y / Math.hypot(x, y)) * 180 / Math.PI;
case 2:
case 3:
return 180 - (Math.asin(y / Math.hypot(x, y)) * 180 / Math.PI);
case 4:
return 360 + Math.asin(y / Math.hypot(x, y)) * 180 / Math.PI;
// ignore, does not happen
return 0;
* #return The selected quadrant.
private int getQuadrant(double x, double y) {
if (x >= 0) {
return y >= 0 ? 1 : 4;
} else {
return y >= 0 ? 2 : 3;
I have Design A Layout that may work as your need.
Download Demo here
Java File
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.GestureDetector;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.ImageButton;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.RelativeLayout;
public class ClipArt extends RelativeLayout {
int baseh;
int basew;
int basex;
int basey;
ImageButton btndel;
ImageButton btnrot;
ImageButton btnscl;
RelativeLayout clip;
Context cntx;
boolean freeze = false;
int h;
int i;
ImageView image;
String imageUri;
boolean isShadow;
int iv;
RelativeLayout layBg;
RelativeLayout layGroup;
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams;
public LayoutInflater mInflater;
int margl;
int margt;
float opacity = 1.0F;
Bitmap originalBitmap;
int pivx;
int pivy;
int pos;
Bitmap shadowBitmap;
float startDegree;
String[] v;
public ClipArt(Context paramContext) {
cntx = paramContext;
layGroup = this;
basex = 0;
basey = 0;
pivx = 0;
pivy = 0;
mInflater = ((LayoutInflater) paramContext.getSystemService("layout_inflater"));
mInflater.inflate(R.layout.clipart, this, true);
btndel = ((ImageButton) findViewById(;
btnrot = ((ImageButton) findViewById(;
btnscl = ((ImageButton) findViewById(;
layoutParams = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(250, 250);
image = ((ImageView) findViewById(;
setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
final GestureDetector gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(ClipArt.this.cntx,
new GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener() {
public boolean onDoubleTap(MotionEvent paramAnonymous2MotionEvent) {
return false;
public boolean onTouch(View paramAnonymousView, MotionEvent event) {
if (!ClipArt.this.freeze) {
switch (event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
basex = ((int) (event.getRawX() - layoutParams.leftMargin));
basey = ((int) (event.getRawY() - layoutParams.topMargin));
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
int i = (int) event.getRawX();
int j = (int) event.getRawY();
layBg = ((RelativeLayout) getParent());
if ((i - basex > -(layGroup.getWidth() * 2 / 3))
&& (i - basex < layBg.getWidth() - layGroup.getWidth() / 3)) {
layoutParams.leftMargin = (i - basex);
if ((j - basey > -(layGroup.getHeight() * 2 / 3))
&& (j - basey < layBg.getHeight() - layGroup.getHeight() / 3)) {
layoutParams.topMargin = (j - basey);
layoutParams.rightMargin = -1000;
layoutParams.bottomMargin = -1000;
return true;
return true;
this.btnscl.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
#SuppressLint({ "NewApi" })
public boolean onTouch(View paramAnonymousView, MotionEvent event) {
if (!ClipArt.this.freeze) {
int j = (int) event.getRawX();
int i = (int) event.getRawY();
layoutParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) layGroup.getLayoutParams();
switch (event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
ClipArt.this.basex = j;
ClipArt.this.basey = i;
ClipArt.this.basew = ClipArt.this.layGroup.getWidth();
ClipArt.this.baseh = ClipArt.this.layGroup.getHeight();
int[] loaction = new int[2];
margl = layoutParams.leftMargin;
margt = layoutParams.topMargin;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
float f2 = (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(i - ClipArt.this.basey, j - ClipArt.this.basex));
float f1 = f2;
if (f2 < 0.0F) {
f1 = f2 + 360.0F;
j -= ClipArt.this.basex;
int k = i - ClipArt.this.basey;
i = (int) (Math.sqrt(j * j + k * k)
* Math.cos(Math.toRadians(f1 - ClipArt.this.layGroup.getRotation())));
j = (int) (Math.sqrt(i * i + k * k)
* Math.sin(Math.toRadians(f1 - ClipArt.this.layGroup.getRotation())));
k = i * 2 + ClipArt.this.basew;
int m = j * 2 + ClipArt.this.baseh;
if (k > 150) {
layoutParams.width = k;
layoutParams.leftMargin = (ClipArt.this.margl - i);
if (m > 150) {
layoutParams.height = m;
layoutParams.topMargin = (ClipArt.this.margt - j);
return true;
return ClipArt.this.freeze;
this.btnrot.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
#SuppressLint({ "NewApi" })
public boolean onTouch(View paramAnonymousView, MotionEvent event) {
if (!ClipArt.this.freeze) {
layoutParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) ClipArt.this.layGroup.getLayoutParams();
ClipArt.this.layBg = ((RelativeLayout) ClipArt.this.getParent());
int[] arrayOfInt = new int[2];
int i = (int) event.getRawX() - arrayOfInt[0];
int j = (int) event.getRawY() - arrayOfInt[1];
switch (event.getAction()) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
ClipArt.this.startDegree = layGroup.getRotation();
ClipArt.this.pivx = (layoutParams.leftMargin + ClipArt.this.getWidth() / 2);
ClipArt.this.pivy = (layoutParams.topMargin + ClipArt.this.getHeight() / 2);
ClipArt.this.basex = (i - ClipArt.this.pivx);
ClipArt.this.basey = (ClipArt.this.pivy - j);
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
int k = ClipArt.this.pivx;
int m = ClipArt.this.pivy;
j = (int) (Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(ClipArt.this.basey, ClipArt.this.basex))
- Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(m - j, i - k)));
i = j;
if (j < 0) {
i = j + 360;
ClipArt.this.layGroup.setRotation((ClipArt.this.startDegree + i) % 360.0F);
return true;
return ClipArt.this.freeze;
this.btndel.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View paramAnonymousView) {
if (!ClipArt.this.freeze) {
layBg = ((RelativeLayout) ClipArt.this.getParent());
public void disableAll() {
public ImageView getImageView() {
return this.image;
public void setFreeze(boolean paramBoolean) {
this.freeze = paramBoolean;
Layout file
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent">
<ImageButton android:id="#+id/rotate" android:layout_width="50dp" android:layout_height="50dp" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" android:layout_alignParentLeft="true" android:adjustViewBounds="true" android:background="#android:color/transparent" android:scaleType="fitCenter" android:src="#drawable/rotation"/>
<ImageButton android:id="#+id/sacle" android:layout_width="50dp" android:layout_height="50dp" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" android:layout_alignParentRight="true" android:adjustViewBounds="true" android:background="#android:color/transparent" android:scaleType="fitCenter" android:src="#drawable/pointer"/>
<ImageButton android:id="#+id/del" android:layout_width="50dp" android:layout_height="50dp" android:layout_alignParentRight="true" android:layout_alignParentTop="true" android:adjustViewBounds="true" android:background="#android:color/transparent" android:scaleType="fitCenter" android:src="#drawable/close"/>
<ImageView android:id="#+id/clipart" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:padding="10dp"/>
and images put in drawable
please check the repository in github i create it .
count the distance from center point in the rotate and zoom view to the push point.
just use :
private float getDistance(Point a, Point b) {
float v = ((a.x - b.x) * (a.x - b.x)) + ((a.y - b.y) * (a.y - b.y));
return ((int) (Math.sqrt(v) * 100)) / 100f;
and count the OA/OB that value can count the view new height and width
count the angle AOB, the A is the first push point , the B is the last move point ,the O is the center of the View Point .
and then just set new height and width for view ,and count the left and top for view .
souce link :
the code:
Point pushPoint;
int lastImgWidth;
int lastImgHeight;
int lastImgLeft;
int lastImgTop;
int lastImgAngle;
double lastComAngle;
int pushImgWidth;
int pushImgHeight;
int lastPushBtnLeft;
int lastPushBtnTop;
private View mView;
private Point mViewCenter;
private static final double PI = 3.14159265359;
public PushBtnTouchListener(View mView) {
this.mView = mView;
private FrameLayout.LayoutParams pushBtnLP;
private FrameLayout.LayoutParams imgLP;
float lastX = -1;
float lastY = -1;
public boolean onTouch(View pushView, MotionEvent event) {
switch (event.getAction() & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) {
// 主点按下
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
pushBtnLP = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) pushView.getLayoutParams();
imgLP = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) mView.getLayoutParams();
pushPoint = getPushPoint(pushBtnLP, event);
lastImgWidth = imgLP.width;
lastImgHeight = imgLP.height;
lastImgLeft = imgLP.leftMargin;
lastImgTop = imgLP.topMargin;
lastImgAngle = (int) mView.getRotation();
lastPushBtnLeft = pushBtnLP.leftMargin;
lastPushBtnTop = pushBtnLP.topMargin;
pushImgWidth = pushBtnLP.width;
pushImgHeight = pushBtnLP.height;
lastX = event.getRawX();
lastY = event.getRawY();
// 副点按下
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
float rawX = event.getRawX();
float rawY = event.getRawY();
if (lastX != -1) {
if (Math.abs(rawX - lastX) < 5 && Math.abs(rawY - lastY) < 5) {
return false;
lastX = rawX;
lastY = rawY;
Point O = mViewCenter, A = pushPoint, B = getPushPoint(pushBtnLP, event);
float dOA = getDistance(O, A);
float dOB = getDistance(O, B);
float f = dOB / dOA;
int newWidth = (int) (lastImgWidth * f);
int newHeight = (int) (lastImgHeight * f);
imgLP.leftMargin = lastImgLeft - ((newWidth - lastImgWidth) / 2);
imgLP.topMargin = lastImgTop - ((newHeight - lastImgHeight) / 2);
imgLP.width = newWidth;
imgLP.height = newHeight;
float fz = (((A.x - O.x) * (B.x - O.x)) + ((A.y - O.y) * (B.y - O.y)));
float fm = dOA * dOB;
double comAngle = (180 * Math.acos(fz / fm) / PI);
if (Double.isNaN(comAngle)) {
comAngle = (lastComAngle < 90 || lastComAngle > 270) ? 0 : 180;
} else if ((B.y - O.y) * (A.x - O.x) < (A.y - O.y) * (B.x - O.x)) {
comAngle = 360 - comAngle;
lastComAngle = comAngle;
float angle = (float) (lastImgAngle + comAngle);
angle = angle % 360;
Point imageRB = new Point(mView.getLeft() + mView.getWidth(), mView.getTop() + mView.getHeight());
Point anglePoint = getAnglePoint(O, imageRB, angle);
pushBtnLP.leftMargin = (int) (anglePoint.x - pushImgWidth / 2);
pushBtnLP.topMargin = (int) (anglePoint.y - pushImgHeight / 2);
return false;
private void refreshImageCenter() {
int x = mView.getLeft() + mView.getWidth() / 2;
int y = mView.getTop() + mView.getHeight() / 2;
mViewCenter = new Point(x, y);
private Point getPushPoint(FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp, MotionEvent event) {
return new Point(lp.leftMargin + (int) event.getX(), lp.topMargin + (int) event.getY());
private float getDistance(Point a, Point b) {
float v = ((a.x - b.x) * (a.x - b.x)) + ((a.y - b.y) * (a.y - b.y));
return ((int) (Math.sqrt(v) * 100)) / 100f;
private Point getAnglePoint(Point O, Point A, float angle) {
int x, y;
float dOA = getDistance(O, A);
double p1 = angle * PI / 180f;
double p2 = Math.acos((A.x - O.x) / dOA);
x = (int) (O.x + dOA * Math.cos(p1 + p2));
double p3 = Math.acos((A.x - O.x) / dOA);
y = (int) (O.y + dOA * Math.sin(p1 + p3));
return new Point(x, y);
I'm assuming the rotation/scaling happens from the image center? In that case, it's simple trigonometry to find the rotation angle and the size:
Calculate dx and dy of the finger's coordinates minus the center coordinates. Math.atan2(dy, dx) is the rotation angle (in radians) and Math.hypot(dx,dy) can be used for the relative size, or just double the dx/dy and use directly.

How to limit image pan boundary in Android imageView

I have an imageView with multitouch roughly based on this tutorial. One of the commenters there put together a semi-dirty method of limiting the image drag to the boundaries of the image, so that the image edge cannot be dragged beyond its edge. This method sorta works, but not entirely. It only limits drag of two edges.
Does anyone know a less messy and actually functional method for limiting image drag?
This is a highly important concept for android app development that is not adequately addressed....
I was thinking of the following ideas:
1) setScaleType(scaleType.fitXY) when zoom = 1.0F (i.e. min zoom), and drag only enabled when zoom > 1.0f
2) when zoom > 1.0f, setScaleType(scaleType.MATRIX), then you determine image bounds and screen dimensions, and in some way that is too smart for me, using an if statement you only allow drag when the image edge is not on the screen. I don't know how to declare that, is the thing.
anyways, for completeness, here is the limit pan code from that link. This seems to be the most popular suggestion on stackoverflow, but I think we can do better:
// limit pan
float currentY = matrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];
float currentX = matrixValues[Matrix.MTRANS_X];
float currentScale = matrixValues[Matrix.MSCALE_X];
float currentHeight = height * currentScale;
float currentWidth = width * currentScale;
float dx = event.getX() - start.x;
float dy = event.getY() - start.y;
float newX = currentX+dx;
float newY = currentY+dy;
RectF drawingRect = new RectF(newX, newY, newX+currentWidth, newY+currentHeight);
float diffUp = Math.min(viewRect.bottom-drawingRect.bottom,;
float diffDown = Math.max(viewRect.bottom-drawingRect.bottom,;
float diffLeft = Math.min(viewRect.left-drawingRect.left, viewRect.right-drawingRect.right);
float diffRight = Math.max(viewRect.left-drawingRect.left, viewRect.right-drawingRect.right);
if(diffUp > 0 ){
dy +=diffUp;
if(diffDown < 0){
dy +=diffDown;
if( diffLeft> 0){
dx += diffLeft;
if(diffRight < 0){
dx += diffRight;
matrix.postTranslate(dx, dy);
private void limitDrag(Matrix m, ImageView view) {
float[] values = new float[9];
float transX = values[Matrix.MTRANS_X];
float transY = values[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];
float scaleX = values[Matrix.MSCALE_X];
float scaleY = values[Matrix.MSCALE_Y];
Rect bounds = view.getDrawable().getBounds();
int viewWidth = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().widthPixels;
int viewHeight = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().heightPixels;
int width = bounds.right - bounds.left;
int height = bounds.bottom -;
int __width=width;
int __height=height;
width = viewWidth / 2;
height = viewHeight / 2;
//height = 200 ;
float minX = (-width) ;//* scaleX;
float minY = (-height) ;//* scaleY;
if ((transX) > (viewWidth)) {
transX = viewWidth;
} else if (transX < minX) {
transX = minX;
if ((-transX) > (viewWidth)) {
// _x_right
transX = -(viewWidth);
} else if (-transX < minX) {
transX = -(minX+30);
if ((transY) > (viewHeight)) {
// _y_up
transY =( viewHeight);
} else if (transY < minY) {
transY = (minY+_y_up);
if ((-transY) > (viewHeight)) {
// _y_down
transY = -(viewHeight);
} else if (-transY < minY) {
transY = -(minY+170);
values[Matrix.MTRANS_X] = transX;
values[Matrix.MTRANS_Y] = transY;
call this above your view.setImageMatrix(matrix) ;
I realize this is rather old now, but try this. imageWidth and imageHeight are unscaled values.
private void limitDrag(Matrix m, ImageView view, int imageWidth, int imageHeight) {
float[] values = new float[9];
float[] orig = new float[] {0,0, imageWidth, imageHeight};
float[] trans = new float[4];
m.mapPoints(trans, orig);
float transLeft = trans[0];
float transTop = trans[1];
float transRight = trans[2];
float transBottom = trans[3];
float transWidth = transRight - transLeft;
float transHeight = transBottom - transTop;
float xOffset = 0;
if (transWidth > view.getWidth()) {
if (transLeft > 0) {
xOffset = -transLeft;
} else if (transRight < view.getWidth()) {
xOffset = view.getWidth() - transRight;
} else {
if (transLeft < 0) {
xOffset = -transLeft;
} else if (transRight > view.getWidth()) {
xOffset = -(transRight - view.getWidth());
float yOffset = 0;
if (transHeight > view.getHeight()) {
if (transTop > 0) {
yOffset = -transTop;
} else if (transBottom < view.getHeight()) {
yOffset = view.getHeight() - transBottom;
} else {
if (transTop < 0) {
yOffset = -transTop;
} else if (transBottom > view.getHeight()) {
yOffset = -(transBottom - view.getHeight());
float transX = values[Matrix.MTRANS_X];
float transY = values[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];
values[Matrix.MTRANS_X] = transX + xOffset;
values[Matrix.MTRANS_Y] = transY + yOffset;

