How to run Android Virtual Device Manager from the terminal - android

You might have already got my question from the title itself. To be more specific, I need to launch Android Virtual Device Manager without launching Android Studio. I know how to start an emulator using my terminal. but that's not I want. I need to launch the "Manager" from terminal. Is it possible ?
OS: Ubuntu 18.04

emulator -avd <avdName>
avdName has to be replaced by your virtual device name.
To get avd names
emulator -list-avds


android studio only starts the virtual machine

When I recently studied React Native, I needed to use an emulator to test (when I don’t need a mobile phone to run).But every time you have to start Android Studio and then start the emulator, it is very troublesome to operate twice,
You can start your emulator by using command line, by open your CMD in your sdk folder / emulator. Then try this command
emulator -list-avds
To list your virtual devices and then
emulator -avd <device_name>
You can find the detail here
Hope that help. ^^
You can start emulators from the terminal/ CMD without opening Android Studio.
To get the list of AVDs (run from sdk/emultor folder)
emulator -list-avds
To run any avd
emulator -avd avd_name [ {-option [value]} … ]
/Users/janedoe/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator -avd Nexus_5X_API_23 -netdelay none -netspeed full
For more details refer - Official guide

emulator -avd does not launch the device

on Ubuntu 16.04 I have installed AndroidStudio and via its AVD manager GUI did create tow new devices. now on Terminal when I type emulator -list-avds it lists the devices correctly, but when run emulator -avd <name> I face errors:
[139684796983104]:ERROR:android/android-emu/android/qt/qt_setup.cpp:28:Qt library not found at ../emulator/lib64/qt/lib
Could not launch '/home/amir/../emulator/qemu/linux-x86_64/qemu-system-i386': No such file or directory
How should I solve it?
both in Windows 10 and Ubuntu I was facing the same problem. the simple solution is that I had to go to the directory of tools then execute the command. for instance in windows.
$ cd C:\Users\user-name\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\tools
emulator -avd <deviceName>
also it is good to mention I wanted that for React-Native development, and Expo XDE saved me

Nativescript - native emulator error when run android --emulator

I receive the following error when I run android --emulator on my cmd;
Cannot run your app in the native emulator. Increase the timeout of the operation with the --timeout option or try to restart your adb server with 'adb kill-server' command. Alternatively, run the Android Virtual Device manager and increase the allocated RAM for the virtual device.
I've opened it with administrator rights and ran all the tutorials on the website.
I'm now stuck at this point and haven't been able to find the solution.
I've also tried tns run android --emulator --timeout -0 and waited for an hour without result.
What can i do to get the emulator running?
I had the same problem, I solved by opening avd manager and try starting the virtual device(emulator) you created. If the emulator doesnt launches, you will get an error in the console.
For me I had to install the intel HAXM, for launching the emulator
You just need to open your Android Virtual Device Manager and download
the latest emulator. Then run your application again.It will work.
tns run android
Runs the Emulator and then run the app on it.
Sometimes both process can't happen at once, admin access in Linux can be such case.
try starting the Emulator first then the app.
emulator -avd avd_name [ {-option [value]} … ]
for example:
sudo $ANDROID_HOME/emulator/emulator -avd test -netdelay none -netspeed full
'sudo' is important for Linux users.
then use this to start the app.
tns run android

Cannot start a virtual Android device by genymotion from Eclipse

I can start a virtual Android device using Genymotion and I have created 2 virtual devices. I installed the Genymotion Plugin in Eclipse (Luna), but when click the "Genymotion virtual Device manager " icon, there are no devices to choose from.
If you have installed plugin correctly, then its might be due to adb connection failure try to kill the adb.exe from taskManager[Windows] and restart your avd

Android AVD not recognizing device but ADB does

I'm trying to get my device to debug my software but it won't show up in the AVD list. The ADB can see it and so does the Eclipse device manager. I can get an interactive shell using adb etc.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools>adb devices
List of devices attached
BX9038ZRUV device
Does anyone understand what's going on and how I should fix it?
I'm running Windows 7 and my phone is a Sony Ericson Xperia S running Android 4.0.4.
avd is only for virtual Device. What you have to do is: Run Configs> change to "Ask everytime you run app" , or your real device.
AVD stands for Android Virtual Device, your phone is a real one. It should show up in the Select target list when you run or debug an application.
The AVD list only the virtual devices (emulators). Select "Always prompt to pick device" in your run config!

