I have next use case: User comes to registration form, enters name, email and password and clicks on register button. After that system needs to check if email is taken or not and based on that show error message or create new user...
I am trying to do that using Room, ViewModel and LiveData. This is some project that on which I try to learn these components and I do not have remote api, I will store everything in local database
So I have these classes:
So the idea that I have is that there will be listener attached to register button which will call RegisterViewModel::register() method.
class RegisterViewModel extends ViewModel {
public void register() {
registrationService.performRegistration(name.get(), email.get(), password.get());
So that is the basic idea, I also want for performRegistration to return to me newly created user.
The thing that bothers me the most is I do not know how to implement performRegistration function in the service
class UsersRegistrationService {
private UsersRepository usersRepo;
public LiveData<RegistrationResponse<Parent>> performRegistration(String name, String email, String password) {
// 1. check if email exists using repository
// 2. if user exists return RegistrationResponse.error("Email is taken")
// 3. if user does not exists create new user and return RegistrationResponse(newUser)
As I understand, methods that are in UsersRepository should return LiveData because UsersDAO is returning LiveData
abstract class UsersDAO {
#Query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = :email LIMIT 1")
abstract LiveData<User> getUserByEmail(String email);
class UsersRepository {
public LiveData<User> findUserByEmail(String email) {
return this.usersDAO.getUserByEmail(email);
So my problem is how to implement performRegistration() function and how to pass value back to view model and then how to change activity from RegisterActivity to MainActivity...
You can use my helper method:
val profile = MutableLiveData<ProfileData>()
val user = MutableLiveData<CurrentUser>()
val title = profile.combineWith(user) { profile, user ->
"${profile.job} ${user.name}"
fun <T, K, R> LiveData<T>.combineWith(
liveData: LiveData<K>,
block: (T?, K?) -> R
): LiveData<R> {
val result = MediatorLiveData<R>()
result.addSource(this) {
result.value = block(this.value, liveData.value)
result.addSource(liveData) {
result.value = block(this.value, liveData.value)
return result
With the help of MediatorLiveData, you can combine results from multiple sources. Here an example of how would I combine two sources:
class CombinedLiveData<T, K, S>(source1: LiveData<T>, source2: LiveData<K>, private val combine: (data1: T?, data2: K?) -> S) : MediatorLiveData<S>() {
private var data1: T? = null
private var data2: K? = null
init {
super.addSource(source1) {
data1 = it
value = combine(data1, data2)
super.addSource(source2) {
data2 = it
value = combine(data1, data2)
override fun <S : Any?> addSource(source: LiveData<S>, onChanged: Observer<in S>) {
throw UnsupportedOperationException()
override fun <T : Any?> removeSource(toRemove: LiveData<T>) {
throw UnsupportedOperationException()
here is the gist for above, in case it is updated on the future:
One approach is to use flows for this.
val profile = MutableLiveData<ProfileData>()
val user = MutableLiveData<CurrentUser>()
val titleFlow = profile.asFlow().combine(user.asFlow()){ profile, user ->
"${profile.job} ${user.name}"
And then your Fragment/Activity:
viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch {
viewModel.titleFlow.collectLatest { title ->
Log.d(">>", title)
One advantage to this approach is that titleFlow will only emit value when both live datas have emitted at least one value. This interactive diagram will help you understand this https://rxmarbles.com/#combineLatest
Alternative syntax:
val titleFlow = combine(profile.asFlow(), user.asFlow()){ profile, user ->
"${profile.job} ${user.name}"
Jose Alcérreca has probably the best answer for this:
fun blogpostBoilerplateExample(newUser: String): LiveData<UserDataResult> {
val liveData1 = userOnlineDataSource.getOnlineTime(newUser)
val liveData2 = userCheckinsDataSource.getCheckins(newUser)
val result = MediatorLiveData<UserDataResult>()
result.addSource(liveData1) { value ->
result.value = combineLatestData(liveData1, liveData2)
result.addSource(liveData2) { value ->
result.value = combineLatestData(liveData1, liveData2)
return result
without custom class
MediatorLiveData<Pair<Foo?, Bar?>>().apply {
addSource(fooLiveData) { value = it to value?.second }
addSource(barLiveData) { value = value?.first to it }
}.observe(this) { pair ->
I did an approach based on #guness answer. I found that being limited to two LiveDatas was not good. What if we want to use 3? We need to create different classes for every case. So, I created a class that handles an unlimited amount of LiveDatas.
* CombinedLiveData is a helper class to combine results from multiple LiveData sources.
* #param liveDatas Variable number of LiveData arguments.
* #param combine Function reference that will be used to combine all LiveData data results.
* #param R The type of data returned after combining all LiveData data.
* Usage:
* CombinedLiveData<SomeType>(
* getLiveData1(),
* getLiveData2(),
* ... ,
* getLiveDataN()
* ) { datas: List<Any?> ->
* // Use datas[0], datas[1], ..., datas[N] to return a SomeType value
* }
class CombinedLiveData<R>(vararg liveDatas: LiveData<*>,
private val combine: (datas: List<Any?>) -> R) : MediatorLiveData<R>() {
private val datas: MutableList<Any?> = MutableList(liveDatas.size) { null }
init {
for(i in liveDatas.indices){
super.addSource(liveDatas[i]) {
datas[i] = it
value = combine(datas)
You can define a method that would combine multiple LiveDatas using a MediatorLiveData, then expose this combined result as a tuple.
public class CombinedLiveData2<A, B> extends MediatorLiveData<Pair<A, B>> {
private A a;
private B b;
public CombinedLiveData2(LiveData<A> ld1, LiveData<B> ld2) {
setValue(Pair.create(a, b));
addSource(ld1, (a) -> {
if(a != null) {
this.a = a;
setValue(Pair.create(a, b));
addSource(ld2, (b) -> {
if(b != null) {
this.b = b;
setValue(Pair.create(a, b));
If you need more values, then you can create a CombinedLiveData3<A,B,C> and expose a Triple<A,B,C> instead of the Pair, etc. Just like in https://stackoverflow.com/a/54292960/2413303 .
EDIT: hey look, I even made a library for you that does that from 2 arity up to 16: https://github.com/Zhuinden/livedata-combinetuple-kt
Many of these answers work, but also it is assumed the LiveData generic types are not-nullable.
But what if one or more of the given input types are nullable types (given the default Kotlin upper bound for generics is Any?, which is nullable)?
The result would be even though the LiveData emitter would emit a value (null), the MediatorLiveData will ignore it, thinking it's his own child live data value not being set.
This solution, instead, takes care of it by forcing the upper bound of the types passed to the mediator to be not null. Lazy but needed.
Also, this implementation avoids same-value after the combiner function has been called, which might or might not be what you need, so feel free to remove the equality check there.
fun <T1 : Any, T2 : Any, R> combineLatest(
liveData1: LiveData<T1>,
liveData2: LiveData<T2>,
combiner: (T1, T2) -> R,
): LiveData<R> = MediatorLiveData<R>().apply {
var first: T1? = null
var second: T2? = null
fun updateValueIfNeeded() {
value = combiner(
first ?: return,
second ?: return,
)?.takeIf { it != value } ?: return
addSource(liveData1) {
first = it
addSource(liveData2) {
second = it
LiveData liveData1 = ...;
LiveData liveData2 = ...;
MediatorLiveData liveDataMerger = new MediatorLiveData<>();
liveDataMerger.addSource(liveData1, value -> liveDataMerger.setValue(value));
liveDataMerger.addSource(liveData2, value -> liveDataMerger.setValue(value));
if you want both value not null
fun <T, V, R> LiveData<T>.combineWithNotNull(
liveData: LiveData<V>,
block: (T, V) -> R
): LiveData<R> {
val result = MediatorLiveData<R>()
result.addSource(this) {
this.value?.let { first ->
liveData.value?.let { second ->
result.value = block(first, second)
result.addSource(liveData) {
this.value?.let { first ->
liveData.value?.let { second ->
result.value = block(first, second)
return result
If you want to create a field and setup at construction time (use also):
val liveData1 = MutableLiveData(false)
val liveData2 = MutableLiveData(false)
// Return true if liveData1 && liveData2 are true
val liveDataCombined = MediatorLiveData<Boolean>().also {
// Initial value
it.value = false
// Observing changes
it.addSource(liveData1) { newValue ->
it.value = newValue && liveData2.value!!
it.addSource(selectedAddOn) { newValue ->
it.value = liveData1.value!! && newValue
Solved with LiveData extensions
fun <T, R> LiveData<T>.map(action: (t: T) -> R): LiveData<R> =
Transformations.map(this, action)
fun <T1, T2, R> LiveData<T1>.combine(
liveData: LiveData<T2>,
action: (t1: T1?, t2: T2?) -> R
): LiveData<R> =
MediatorLiveData<Pair<T1?, T2?>>().also { med ->
med.addSource(this) { med.value = it to med.value?.second }
med.addSource(liveData) { med.value = med.value?.first to it }
}.map { action(it.first, it.second) }
Java version, if anyone else is stuck working on some old project
var fullNameLiveData = LiveDataCombiner.combine(
(name, surname) -> name + surname
public class LiveDataCombiner<First, Second, Combined> {
private First first;
private Second second;
private final MediatorLiveData<Combined> combined = new MediatorLiveData<>();
private final BiFunction<First, Second, Combined> combine;
public LiveData<Combined> getCombined() {
return combined;
public static <First, Second, Combined>LiveDataCombiner<First, Second, Combined> combine(
LiveData<First> firstData,
LiveData<Second> secondData,
BiFunction<First, Second, Combined> combine
) {
return new LiveDataCombiner<>(firstData, secondData, combine);
private LiveDataCombiner(
LiveData<First> firstData,
LiveData<Second> secondData,
BiFunction<First, Second, Combined> combine
) {
this.combine = combine;
addSource(firstData, value -> first = value);
addSource(secondData, value -> second = value);
private <T> void addSource(LiveData<T> source, Consumer<T> setValue) {
combined.addSource(source, second -> {
private Combined combine() {
return combine.apply(first, second);
private void emit(Combined value) {
if (combined.getValue() != value)
I have the following setup.
I have a screen with a list of items (PlantsScreen). When clicking on an item from the list I will be navigated to another screen (AddEditPlantScreen). After editing and saving the item and navigating back to the listScreen, I want to show the updated list of items. But the list is not displaying the updated list but the list before the edit of the item.
In order to have a single source of truth, I am fetching the data from a node.js Back-End and then saving it to the local repository (Room). I think I need to refresh the state in the ViewModel to fetch the updated list from my repository.
I know I can use a Job to do this, but it throws me an error. Is this the correct approach when returning a Flow?
If yes, how can I achieve this.
If not, what alternative approach do I have?
private val _state = mutableStateOf<PlantsState>(PlantsState())
val state: State<PlantsState> = _state
init {
getPlants(true, "")
private fun getPlants(fetchFromBackend: Boolean, query: String) {
viewModelScope.launch {
plantRepository.getPlants(fetchFromBackend, query)
.collect { result ->
when (result) {
is Resource.Success -> {
result.data?.let { plants ->
_state.value = state.value.copy(
plants = plants,
Here is my repository where I fetch the items in the list from.
// plantsRepository.kt
override suspend fun getPlants(
fetchFromBackend: Boolean,
query: String
): Flow<Resource<List<Plant>>> {
return flow {
val localPlants = dao.searchPlants(query)
data = localPlants.map { it.toPlant() },
val isDbEmpty = localPlants.isEmpty() && query.isBlank()
val shouldLoadFromCache = !isDbEmpty && !fetchFromBackend
if (shouldLoadFromCache) {
val response = plantApi.getPlants().plants
response.map { it.toPlantEntity() }
data = dao.searchPlants("").map { it.toPlant() }
The full code for reference can be found here:
Thank you!
You actually have two sources of truth: One is the room database, the other the _state object in the view model.
To reduce this to a single source of truth you need to move the collection of the flow to the compose function where the data is needed. You will do this using the extension function StateFlow.collectAsStateWithLifecycle() from the artifact androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-compose. This will automatically subscribe and unsubscribe the flow when your composable enters and leaves the composition.
Since you want the business logic to stay in the view model you have to apply it before the flow is collected. The idea is to only transform the flow in the view model:
class PlantsViewModel {
private var fetchFromBackend: Boolean by mutableStateOf(true)
private var query: String by mutableStateOf("")
val state: StateFlow<PlantsState> =
snapshotFlow { fetchFromBackend to query }
.flatMapLatest { plantRepository.getPlants(it.first, it.second) }
scope = viewModelScope,
started = SharingStarted.WhileSubscribed(5_000),
initialValue = PlantsState.Loading,
// ...
If you want other values for fetchFromBackend and query you just need to update the variables; the flow will automatically recalculate the state object. It can be as simple as just calling something like this:
fun requestPlant(fetchFromBackend: Boolean, query: String) {
this.fetchFromBackend = fetchFromBackend
this.query = query
The logic to create a PlantsState from a result can then be done somewhere else in the view model. Replace your PlantsViewModel.getPlants() with this and place it at file level outside of the PlantsViewModel class:
private fun PlantsState.Companion.of(result: Resource<List<Plant>>): PlantsState = when (result) {
is Resource.Success -> {
result.data?.let { plants ->
plants = plants,
} ?: TODO("handle case where result.data is null")
is Resource.Error -> {
PlantsState.Error("an error occurred")
is Resource.Loading -> {
With the PlantsState class replaced by this:
sealed interface PlantsState {
object Loading : PlantsState
data class Success(
val plants: List<Plant> = emptyList(),
val plantOrder: PlantOrder = PlantOrder.Name(OrderType.Descending),
val isOrderSectionVisible: Boolean = false,
) : PlantsState
data class Error(
val error: String,
) : PlantsState
companion object
Then, wherever you need the state (in PlantsScreen f.e.), you can get a state object with
val state by viewModel.state.collectAsStateWithLifecycle()
Thanks to kotlin flows state will always contain the most current data from the room database, and thanks to the compose magic your composables will always update when anything in the state object updates, so that you really only have one single source of truth.
PlantRepository.getPlants() should not be marked as a suspend function because it just creates a flow and won't block; long running data retrieval will be done in the collector.
You will need to manually import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue and the androidx.compose.runtime.setValue for some of the delegates to work.
After #Leviathan was able to point me in the right direction i refactored my code by changing the return types of my repository functions, implementing use cases and returning a Flow<List<Plant>> instead of Flow<Resource<List<Plant>>> for simplicity purposes.
Further removed the suspend marker of the functions in the PlantDao.kt and PlantRepository.kt as pointed out by Leviathan.
// PlantRepositoryImplementation.kt
override fun getPlants(
fetchFromBackend: Boolean,
query: String
): Flow<List<Plant>> {
return flow {
if (fetchFromBackend) {
val response = plantApi.getPlants().plants
response.map { it.toPlantEntity() }
val localPlants = dao.searchPlants(query)
localPlants.collect { plants ->
emit(plants.map { it.toPlant() })
} else {
val localPlants = dao.searchPlants(query)
localPlants.collect { plants ->
emit(plants.map { it.toPlant() })
I started using a Job and GetPlants usecase in my viewModel like this:
// PlantsViewModel.kt
private fun getPlants(plantOrder: PlantOrder, fetchFromBackend: Boolean, query: String) {
getPlantsJob = plantUseCases.getPlants(plantOrder, fetchFromBackend, query)
.onEach { plants ->
_state.value = state.value.copy(
plants = plants,
plantOrder = plantOrder
I also had to remove the suspend in the PlantDao.kt
// PlantDao.kt
fun searchPlants(query: String): Flow<List<PlantEntity>>
This is the code for my GetPlants usecase:
// GetPlantsUsecase.kt
class GetPlants
private val repository: PlantRepository,
) {
operator fun invoke(
plantOrder: PlantOrder = PlantOrder.Name(OrderType.Descending),
fetchFromBackend: Boolean,
query: String
): Flow<List<Plant>> {
return repository.getPlants(fetchFromBackend, query).map { plants ->
when (plantOrder.orderType) {
is OrderType.Ascending -> {
// logic for sorting
is OrderType.Descending -> {
// logic for sorting
class HistoryViewModel #Inject constructor(private val firebaseRepository: FirebaseRepository) :
ViewModel() {
private val translateList: MutableList<Translate> = mutableListOf()
private val _translateListState: MutableStateFlow<List<Translate>> =
val translateListState = _translateListState.asStateFlow()
init {
private suspend fun addItemToList(translate: Translate) {
Log.d("customTag", "item added adapter $translate")
private suspend fun removeItemFromList(translate: Translate) {
Log.d("customTag", "item removed adapter $translate")
val indexOfItem = translateList.indexOfFirst {
it.id == translate.id
if (indexOfItem != -1) {
private suspend fun updateItemFromList(translate: Translate) {
Log.d("customTag", "item modified adapter $translate")
val indexOfItem = translateList.indexOfFirst {
it.id == translate.id
if (indexOfItem != -1) {
translateList[indexOfItem] = translate
private fun listenToSnapshotData() {
viewModelScope.launch {
firebaseRepository.translateListSnapshotListener().collect { querySnapshot ->
querySnapshot?.let {
for (document in it.documentChanges) {
val translateData = document.document.toObject(Translate::class.java)
when (document.type) {
DocumentChange.Type.ADDED -> {
addItemToList(translate = translateData)
-> {
updateItemFromList(translate = translateData)
-> {
removeItemFromList(translate = translateData)
Here data comes properly in querySnapshot in listenToSnapshotData function. And post that it properly calls corresponding function to update the list.
But after this line _translateListState.emit(translateList) flow doesn't go to corresponding collectLatest
private fun observeSnapShotResponse() {
lifecycleScope.launch {
repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) {
historyViewModel.translateListState.collectLatest {
Log.d("customTag", "calling submitList from fragment")
calling submitList from fragment is called once at the start, but as & when data is modified in list viewmodel, callback doesn't come to collectLatest
This is from StateFlow documentation:
Values in state flow are conflated using Any.equals comparison in a similar way to distinctUntilChanged operator. It is used to conflate incoming updates to value in MutableStateFlow and to suppress emission of the values to collectors when new value is equal to the previously emitted one.
You are trying to emit the same instance of List all the time, which has no effect because of what is written in the docs. You will have to create new instance of the list every time.
I am trying to get list of todos from database with livedata however, while debugging it always shows null for value. I have provided my files below.
My Dao:
#Query("SELECT * FROM todo_table WHERE IIF(:isCompleted IS NULL, 1, isCompleted = :isCompleted)")
fun getTodos(isCompleted: Boolean?): LiveData<List<Todo>>
My ViewModel:
private var _allTodoList = MutableLiveData<List<Todo>>()
var allTodoList: LiveData<List<Todo>> = _allTodoList
init {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val list = todoRepository.getTodos(null)
fun onFilterClick(todoType: Constants.TodoType) {
when (todoType) {
Constants.TodoType.ALL -> {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val list = todoRepository.getTodos(null)
Constants.TodoType.COMPLETED -> {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val list = todoRepository.getTodos(true)
Constants.TodoType.INCOMPLETE -> {
viewModelScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val list = todoRepository.getTodos(false)
My MainActivity:
val allTodoList = viewModel.allTodoList.observeAsState()
allTodoList.value?.run {//value is always null
if (!isNullOrEmpty()) {
} else {
While debugging I found that allTodoList.value is always null however, when I manually run same query in app inspection I the get the desired results.
You can simplify your code, see if it works.
ViewModel only needs this:
val allTodoList: LiveData<List<Todo>> = todoRepository.getTodos(null)
val allTodoList by viewModel.allTodoList.observeAsState()
if (!allTodoList.isNullOrEmpty()) {
} else {
You are not observing the LiveData you get from Room.
YourDao.getTodos() and LiveData.getValue() are not suspend functions, so you get the current value, which is null because Room has not yet fetched the values from SQLite.
A possible solution would be to set the todo type as a live data itself and use a switchMap transformation in the ViewModel :
private val todoType = MutableLiveData<Constants.TodoType>(Constants.TodoType.ALL)
val allTodoList: LiveData<List<Todo>> = androidx.lifecycle.Transformations.switchMap(todoType) { newType ->
val typeAsBoolean = when(newType) {
Constants.TodoType.ALL -> null
Constants.TodoType.COMPLETED -> true
Constants.TodoType.INCOMPLETE -> false
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Not a possible value")
// create the new wrapped LiveData
// the transformation takes care of subscribing to it
// (and unsubscribing to the old one)
fun onFilterClick(todoType: Constants.TodoType) {
// triggers the transformation
This is in fact the exact use case demonstrated in the reference doc
I am trying to use the following code:
suspend fun <T> SavedStateHandle.getStateFlow(
key: String,
initialValue: T? = get(key)
): MutableStateFlow<T?> = this.let { handle ->
withContext(Dispatchers.Main.immediate) {
val liveData = handle.getLiveData<T?>(key, initialValue).also { liveData ->
if (liveData.value === initialValue) {
liveData.value = initialValue
val mutableStateFlow = MutableStateFlow(liveData.value)
val observer: Observer<T?> = Observer { value ->
if (value != mutableStateFlow.value) {
mutableStateFlow.value = value
mutableStateFlow.also { flow ->
flow.onCompletion {
withContext(Dispatchers.Main.immediate) {
}.onEach { value ->
withContext(Dispatchers.Main.immediate) {
if (liveData.value != value) {
liveData.value = value
I am trying to use it like so:
// in a Jetpack ViewModel
var currentUserId: MutableStateFlow<String?>
private set
init {
runBlocking(viewModelScope.coroutineContext) {
currentUserId = state.getStateFlow("currentUserId", sessionManager.chatUserFlow.value?.uid)
// <--- this line is never reached
UI thread freezes. I have a feeling it's because of collect() as I'm trying to create an internal subscription managed by the enclosing coroutine context, but I also need to get this StateFlow as a field. There's also the cross-writing of values (if either changes, update the other if it's a new value).
Overall, the issue seems to like on that collect() is suspending, as I never actually reach the line after getStateFlow().
Does anyone know a good way to create an "inner subscription" to a Flow, without ending up freezing the surrounding thread? The runBlocking { is needed so that I can synchronously assign the value to the field in the ViewModel constructor. (Is this even possible within the confines of 'structured concurrency'?)
// For more details, check: https://gist.github.com/marcellogalhardo/2a1ec56b7d00ba9af1ec9fd3583d53dc
fun <T> SavedStateHandle.getStateFlow(
scope: CoroutineScope,
key: String,
initialValue: T
): MutableStateFlow<T> {
val liveData = getLiveData(key, initialValue)
val stateFlow = MutableStateFlow(initialValue)
val observer = Observer<T> { value ->
if (value != stateFlow.value) {
stateFlow.value = value
stateFlow.onCompletion {
withContext(Dispatchers.Main.immediate) {
}.onEach { value ->
withContext(Dispatchers.Main.immediate) {
if (liveData.value != value) {
liveData.value = value
return stateFlow
You can piggyback over the built-in notification system in SavedStateHandle, so that
val state = savedStateHandle.getLiveData<State>(Key).asFlow().shareIn(viewModelScope, SharingStarted.Lazily)
savedStateHandle.set(Key, "someState")
The mutator happens not through methods of MutableLiveData, but through the SavedStateHandle that will update the LiveData (and therefore the flow) externally.
I am in a similar position, but I do not want to modify the value through the LiveData (as in the accepted solution). I want to use only flow and leave LiveData as an implementation detail of the state handle.
I also did not want to have a var and initialize it in the init block. I changed your code to satisfy both of these constraints and it does not block the UI thread. This would be the syntax:
val currentUserId: MutableStateFlow<String?> = state.getStateFlow("currentUserId", viewModelScope, sessionManager.chatUserFlow.value?.uid)
I provide a scope and use it to launch a coroutine that handles flow's onCompletion and collection. Here is the full code:
fun <T> SavedStateHandle.getStateFlow(
key: String,
scope: CoroutineScope,
initialValue: T? = get(key)
): MutableStateFlow<T?> = this.let { handle ->
val liveData = handle.getLiveData<T?>(key, initialValue).also { liveData ->
if (liveData.value === initialValue) {
liveData.value = initialValue
val mutableStateFlow = MutableStateFlow(liveData.value)
val observer: Observer<T?> = Observer { value ->
if (value != mutableStateFlow.value) {
mutableStateFlow.value = value
scope.launch {
mutableStateFlow.also { flow ->
flow.onCompletion {
withContext(Dispatchers.Main.immediate) {
}.collect { value ->
withContext(Dispatchers.Main.immediate) {
if (liveData.value != value) {
liveData.value = value
I am using Transformations.switchMap in my ViewModel so my LiveData collection, observed in my fragment, reacts on changes of code parameter.
This works perfectly :
public class MyViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {
private final LiveData<DayPrices> dayPrices;
private final MutableLiveData<String> code = new MutableLiveData<>();
// private final MutableLiveData<Integer> nbDays = new MutableLiveData<>();
private final DBManager dbManager;
public MyViewModel(Application application) {
dbManager = new DBManager(application.getApplicationContext());
dayPrices = Transformations.switchMap(
value -> dbManager.getDayPriceData(value/*, nbDays*/)
public LiveData<DayPrices> getDayPrices() {
return dayPrices;
public void setCode(String code) {
/*public void setNbDays(int nbDays) {
public class MyFragment extends Fragment {
private MyViewModel myViewModel;
myViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(MyViewModel.class);
myViewModel.getDayPrices().observe(MyFragment.this, dataList -> {
// update UI with data from dataList
I now need another parameter (nbDays commented in the code above), so that my LiveData object reacts on both parameters change (code and nbDays).
How can I chain transformations ?
Some reading pointed me to MediatorLiveData, but it does not solve my problem (still need to call single DB function with 2 parameters, I don't need to merge 2 liveDatas).
So I tried this instead of switchMap but code and nbDays are always null.
dbManager.getDayPriceData(code.getValue(), nbDays.getValue),
apiResponse -> dayPrices.setValue(apiResponse)
One solution would be to pass an object as single parameter by I'm pretty sure there is a simple solution to this.
Source : https://plus.google.com/+MichielPijnackerHordijk/posts/QGXF9gRomVi
To have multiple triggers for switchMap(), you need to use a custom MediatorLiveData to observe the combination of the LiveData objects -
class CustomLiveData extends MediatorLiveData<Pair<String, Integer>> {
public CustomLiveData(LiveData<String> code, LiveData<Integer> nbDays) {
addSource(code, new Observer<String>() {
public void onChanged(#Nullable String first) {
setValue(Pair.create(first, nbDays.getValue()));
addSource(nbDays, new Observer<Integer>() {
public void onChanged(#Nullable Integer second) {
setValue(Pair.create(code.getValue(), second));
Then you can do this -
CustomLiveData trigger = new CustomLiveData(code, nbDays);
LiveData<DayPrices> dayPrices = Transformations.switchMap(trigger,
value -> dbManager.getDayPriceData(value.first, value.second));
If you use Kotlin and want to work with generics:
class DoubleTrigger<A, B>(a: LiveData<A>, b: LiveData<B>) : MediatorLiveData<Pair<A?, B?>>() {
init {
addSource(a) { value = it to b.value }
addSource(b) { value = a.value to it }
val dayPrices = Transformations.switchMap(DoubleTrigger(code, nbDays)) {
dbManager.getDayPriceData(it.first, it.second)
Custom MediatorLiveData as proposed by #jL4 works great and is probably the solution.
I just wanted to share the simplest solution that I think is to use an inner class to represent the composed filter values :
public class MyViewModel extends AndroidViewModel {
private final LiveData<DayPrices> dayPrices;
private final DBManager dbManager;
private final MutableLiveData<DayPriceFilter> dayPriceFilter;
public MyViewModel(Application application) {
dbManager = new DBManager(application.getApplicationContext());
dayPriceFilter = new MutableLiveData<>();
dayPrices = Transformations.switchMap(dayPriceFilter, input -> dbManager.getDayPriceData(input.code, input.nbDays));
public LiveData<DayPrices> getDayPrices() {
return dayPrices;
public void setDayPriceFilter(String code, int nbDays) {
DayPriceFilter update = new DayPriceFilter(code, nbDays);
if (Objects.equals(dayPriceFilter.getValue(), update)) {
static class DayPriceFilter {
final String code;
final int nbDays;
DayPriceFilter(String code, int nbDays) {
this.code = code == null ? null : code.trim();
this.nbDays = nbDays;
Then in the activity/fragment :
public class MyFragment extends Fragment {
private MyViewModel myViewModel;
myViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(MyViewModel.class);
myViewModel.setDayPriceFilter("SO", 365);
myViewModel.getDayPrices().observe(MyFragment.this, dataList -> {
// update UI with data from dataList
A simplification of jL4's answer, (and also in Kotlin in case it helps anybody)... no need to create a custom class for this:
class YourViewModel: ViewModel() {
val firstLiveData: LiveData<String> // or whatever type
val secondLiveData: LiveData<Int> // or whatever
// the Pair values are nullable as getting "liveData.value" can be null
val combinedValues = MediatorLiveData<Pair<String?, Int?>>().apply {
addSource(firstLiveData) {
value = Pair(it, secondLiveData.value)
addSource(secondLiveData) {
value = Pair(firstLiveData.value, it)
val results = Transformations.switchMap(combinedValues) { pair ->
val firstValue = pair.first
val secondValue = pair.second
if (firstValue != null && secondValue != null) {
yourDataSource.yourLiveDataCall(firstValue, secondValue)
} else null
Any update in firstLiveData or secondLiveData will update the value of combinedValues, and emit the two values as a pair (thanks to jL4 for this).
Calling liveData.value can be null, so this solution makes the values in Pair nullable to avoid Null Pointer Exception.
So for the actual results/datasource call, the switch map is on the combinedValues live data, and the 2 values are extracted from the Pair and null checks are performed, so you can be sure of passing non-null values to your data source.
I use following classes to transform many live data with different types
class MultiMapLiveData<T>(
private val liveDataSources: Array<LiveData<*>>,
private val waitFirstValues: Boolean = true,
private val transform: (signalledLiveData: LiveData<*>) -> T
): LiveData<T>() {
private val mObservers = ArrayList<Observer<Any>>()
private var mInitializedSources = mutableSetOf<LiveData<*>>()
override fun onActive() {
if (mObservers.isNotEmpty()) throw InternalError(REACTIVATION_ERROR_MESSAGE)
if (mInitializedSources.isNotEmpty()) throw InternalError(REACTIVATION_ERROR_MESSAGE)
for (t in liveDataSources.indices) {
val liveDataSource = liveDataSources[t]
val observer = Observer<Any> {
if (waitFirstValues) {
if (mInitializedSources.size < liveDataSources.size) {
if (mInitializedSources.size == liveDataSources.size) {
value = transform(liveDataSource)
} else {
value = transform(liveDataSource)
override fun onInactive() {
for (t in liveDataSources.indices) {
val liveDataSource = liveDataSources[t]
val observer = mObservers[t]
companion object {
private const val REACTIVATION_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Reactivation of active LiveData"
class MyTransformations {
companion object {
fun <T> multiMap(
liveDataSources: Array<LiveData<*>>,
waitFirstValues: Boolean = true,
transform: (signalledLiveData: LiveData<*>) -> T
): LiveData<T> {
return MultiMapLiveData(liveDataSources, waitFirstValues, transform)
fun <T> multiSwitch(
liveDataSources: Array<LiveData<*>>,
waitFirstValues: Boolean = true,
transform: (signalledLiveData: LiveData<*>) -> LiveData<T>
): LiveData<T> {
return Transformations.switchMap(
multiMap(liveDataSources, waitFirstValues) {
}) {
Note that the logic of the work is slightly different. The LiveData that caused the update (signalledLiveData) is passed to the Tranformation Listener as parameter, NOT the values of all LiveData. You get the current LiveData values yourself in the usual way via value property.
class SequenceLiveData(
scope: CoroutineScope,
start: Int,
step: Int,
times: Int
): LiveData<Int>(start) {
private var current = start
init {
scope.launch {
repeat (times) {
value = current
current += step
suspend fun testMultiMap(lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, scope: CoroutineScope) {
val liveS = MutableLiveData<String>("aaa")
val liveI = MutableLiveData<Int>()
val liveB = MutableLiveData<Boolean>()
val multiLiveWait: LiveData<String> = MyTransformations.multiMap(arrayOf(liveS, liveI, liveB)) {
when (it) {
liveS -> log("liveS changed")
liveI -> log("liveI changed")
liveB -> log("liveB changed")
"multiLiveWait: S = ${liveS.value}, I = ${liveI.value}, B = ${liveB.value}"
val multiLiveNoWait: LiveData<String> = MyTransformations.multiMap(arrayOf(liveS, liveI, liveB), false) {
when (it) {
liveS -> log("liveS changed")
liveI -> log("liveI changed")
liveB -> log("liveB changed")
"multiLiveNoWait: S = ${liveS.value}, I = ${liveI.value}, B = ${liveB.value}"
multiLiveWait.observe(lifecycleOwner) {
multiLiveNoWait.observe(lifecycleOwner) {
scope.launch {
liveS.value = "bbb"
liveI.value = 2222
liveB.value = true // ***
liveI.value = 3333
// multiLiveWait generates:
// <-- waits until all sources get first values (***)
// liveB changed: S = bbb, I = 2222, B = true
// liveI changed: S = bbb, I = 3333, B = true
// multiLiveNoWait generates:
// liveS changed: S = aaa, I = null, B = null
// liveS changed: S = bbb, I = null, B = null
// liveI changed: S = bbb, I = 2222, B = null
// liveB changed: S = bbb, I = 2222, B = true <-- ***
// liveI changed: S = bbb, I = 3333, B = true
suspend fun testMultiMapSwitch(lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, scope: CoroutineScope) {
scope.launch {
val start1 = MutableLiveData(0)
val step1 = MutableLiveData(1)
val multiLiveData = MyTransformations.multiSwitch(arrayOf(start1, step1)) {
SequenceLiveData(scope, start1.value!!, step1.value!!, 5)
multiLiveData.observe(lifecycleOwner) {
start1.value = 100
step1.value = 2
start1.value = 200
step1.value = 3
// generates:
// 0
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4
// 100 <-- start.value = 100
// 100 <-- step.value = 2
// 102
// 104
// 106
// 108
// 200 <-- start.value = 200
// 200 <-- step.value = 3
// 203
// 206
// 209
// 212
I faced a similar problem. There are 2 ways to solve this:
Either use MediatorLiveData
Use RxJava as it has various operators to do such kind of complex stuff
If you don't know RxJava, then I'd recommend writing your custom MediatorLiveData class.
To learn how write custom MediatorLiveData class check out this example: