This issue is troubling me until 1 week. I want to take picture like bracketing but in Sony Camera API its not support. so I coded it like continuously take 5 pictures with different value (0,+2,-2,-4,+4) using loop. (using button for it, and when press the button it should take picture 5 times) U can see the code in below:
This code for set Shutter Speed on camera
This code for taking picture:
private void takePicture() {
if (mLiveviewSurface == null || !mLiveviewSurface.isStarted()) {
DisplayHelper.toast(getApplicationContext(), R.string.msg_error_take_picture);
new Thread() {
public void run() {
try {
JSONObject replyJson = mRemoteApi.actTakePicture();
JSONArray resultsObj = replyJson.getJSONArray("result");
JSONArray imageUrlsObj = resultsObj.getJSONArray(0);
String postImageUrl = null;
if (1 <= imageUrlsObj.length()) {
postImageUrl = imageUrlsObj.getString(0); continousShottingWithDifferentShutterValue();
if (postImageUrl == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "takePicture: post image URL is null.");
DisplayHelper.toast(getApplicationContext(), //
// Show progress indicator
DisplayHelper.setProgressIndicator(SonyCameraActivity.this, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
and this is for loop:
int val, posVal = 0;
int currentShutterSpeed = 0;
private void continousShottingWithDifferentShutterValue() {
if (val == 0) {
currentShutterSpeed = -5;
} else if (val == 1) {
currentShutterSpeed = 5;
} else if (val == 2) {
currentShutterSpeed = -10;
} else if (val == 3) {
currentShutterSpeed = 10;
} else if (val == 4) {
if (posVal == 3) {
posVal = 0;
val = 0;
But when I take picture sometimes shutterSpeed or takePicture is getting error and loop is stop.
Error types are: setShutterSpeed IOExeption error: 500; or setShutterSpeed is not set. Someone works with Sonycamera remote API and has any idea how to fix it or take picture 5 times with different value. will thankful for any idea. Thanks
I solved the problem. it was a shutter speed value error. As u know in Sony Camera Api there is not have the value of shutter speed and I wrote it as in camera settings. and JSON request and response is not match so its shows error 500. If someone wants to use shutter speed value: here it is:
String shutterValue[] = {"30\"", "25\"", "20\"", "15\"", "13\"", "10\"", "8\"", "6\"",
"5\"", "4\"", "3.2\"", "2.5\"", "2\"", "1.6\"", "1.3\"", "1\"", "0.8\"", "0.6\"", "0.5\"",
"0.4\"", "1/3", "1/4", "1/5", "1/6", "1/8", "1/10", "1/13", "1/15", "1/20", "1/25", "1/30",
"1/40", "1/50", "1/60", "1/80", "1/100", "1/125", "1/160", "1/200", "1/250", "1/320", "1/400",
"1/500", "1/640", "1/800", "1/1000", "1/1250", "1/1600", "1/2000", "1/2500", "1/3200", "1/4000"};
I've problem with max repeat count for request that returns error. In my case I need to send a new request to backend, if previous was falling, but 3 time max. I'm using option to get result, that returns data or error:
fun sendRequest(): Single<Option<BeResponse>
Inside of sendRequest() function I transform it from Either<ApiError, Data> to BeResponse
data class BeReponse(
val error: ApiError? = null,
val data: Data? = null
When I'm trying to get data I need to send request if previous one failed. So I'm using:
sendRequest().flatMap{ option -> {
if (option.error != null) {
} else {
}.getOrElse{ sendRequest() }
But in case when I have error I will call sendRequest endless. How I can set max attempts count for it?
create temp var, then increase it when the program do looping..
See this
var temp = 0
sendRequest().flatMap{ option -> {
if (option.error != null) {
} else {
if (temp < 3){
temp = temp+1
} else{
//do your code to take action
I am trying to load a thumbnail but the video becomes enabled and setDrawableArtwork(defaultArtwork) is never called.
I am setting defaultArtwork with
public void setDefaultArtwork(#Nullable Drawable defaultArtwork) {
if (this.defaultArtwork != defaultArtwork) {
this.defaultArtwork = defaultArtwork;
updateForCurrentTrackSelections(/* isNewPlayer= */ false);
But when this selections for loop runs the render type is TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO. And the artwork is never shown.
useArtwork is true.
TrackSelectionArray selections = player.getCurrentTrackSelections();
for (int i = 0; i < selections.length; i++) {
if (player.getRendererType(i) == C.TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO && selections.get(i) != null) {
// Video enabled so artwork must be hidden. If the shutter is closed, it will be opened in
// onRenderedFirstFrame().
// Video disabled so the shutter must be closed.
// Display artwork if enabled and available, else hide it.
if (useArtwork) {
for (int i = 0; i < selections.length; i++) {
TrackSelection selection = selections.get(i);
if (selection != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < selection.length(); j++) {
Metadata metadata = selection.getFormat(j).metadata;
if (metadata != null && setArtworkFromMetadata(metadata)) {
if (setDrawableArtwork(defaultArtwork)) {
ExoPlayer : implementation ''
Are there any ExoPlayer experts out there who can help me?
Edit :
In the meantime im probably just going to build a ImageView over PlayerView to handle thumbnails.
I'm using ZXing in an Android app being developed in Xamarin to scan a QR code and start playing the corresponding audio file automatically.
My problem is that when I get a result from scanning, it takes some time for the audio player activity to load so it gets called twice or more due to subsequent successful scannings.
Is there a way to stop continuous scanning as soon as I get a correct result?
Here's the code:
//Start scanning
scanner.ScanContinuously(opt, HandleScanResult);
private void HandleScanResult(ZXing.Result result)
string msg = "";
if (result != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Text))
msg = result.Text;
var playerActivity = new Intent(myContext, typeof(AudioActivity));
// Prerequisite: load all tracks onto "Assets/tracks" folder
// You can put here qr code - track assignments here below
// msg: decoded qr code
// playerActivity.Putextra second parameter is a relative path
// under "Assets" directory
//Iterate through tracks stored in assets and load their titles into an array
System.String[] trackArray = Application.Context.Assets.List("tracks");
bool trackFound = false;
foreach (string track in trackArray)
if (track.Equals(msg + ".mp3"))
playerActivity.PutExtra("Track", "tracks/" + msg + ".mp3");
for (int i = 0; i < PostList.postList.Count; i++)
if (PostList.postList.ElementAt(i).code.Equals(msg))
playerActivity.PutExtra("TrackTitle", PostList.postList.ElementAt(i).title);
trackFound = true;
Thank you!
Old question but i'll post it anyway for anyone still looking for this information.
You need your scanner to be a class variable. This is my code:
public MobileBarcodeScanner scanner = new MobileBarcodeScanner();
private void ArrivalsClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Arrivals.IsEnabled)
MobileBarcodeScanningOptions optionsCustom = new MobileBarcodeScanningOptions();
scanner.TopText = "Scan Barcode";
optionsCustom.DelayBetweenContinuousScans = 3000;
scanner.ScanContinuously(optionsCustom, ArrivalResult);
catch (Exception)
private async void ArrivalResult(ZXing.Result result)
if (result != null && result.Text != "")
// Making a call to a REST API
if (resp.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
int? res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<int>(resp.Content);
if (res == 0)
scanner.Cancel(); // <----- Stops scanner (Something went wrong)
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
await DisplayAlert("..", "..", "ΟΚ");
Plugin.SimpleAudioPlayer.ISimpleAudioPlayer player = Plugin.SimpleAudioPlayer.CrossSimpleAudioPlayer.Current;
player.Play(); // Scan successful
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () =>
await DisplayAlert("..", "..", "ΟΚ");
Hello friends I am working on a Incoming call recorder. Audio recording successfully in below version(I have tried in samsung galaxy s3)but when I try it in 6.0 version it gives me error E/AudioAttributes: Invalid capture preset 4 for AudioAttributes.
I have search a lot but didn't find the exact answer.Is there is a bug in android which is giving me error when i used to record the AudioSource.Voice_call.
Thanks in advance .Please i am stuck if there is any solution to record incoming call in 6.0 Please let me know any help will be appreciated.
After long time I got the answer. This is due to manufacture issue.In many countries call recording is banned.So manufactures don't allow to record uplink and downlink. There is a way you can open the mic and record it.It's the easiest way.
You need to use ndk. Here are examples of the functions that need to be done.
Load and
int load(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz) {
void *handleLibMedia;
void *handleLibUtils;
int result = -1;
lspr func = NULL;
pthread_t newthread = (pthread_t) thiz;
handleLibMedia = dlopen("", RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
if (handleLibMedia != NULL) {
func = dlsym(handleLibMedia, "_ZN7android11AudioSystem13setParametersEiRKNS_7String8E");
if (func != NULL) {
result = 0;
audioSetParameters = (lasp) func;
} else {
result = -1;
handleLibUtils = dlopen("", RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
if (handleLibUtils != NULL) {
fstr = dlsym(handleLibUtils, "_ZN7android7String8C2EPKc");
if (fstr == NULL) {
result = -1;
} else {
result = -1;
cmd = CM_D;
int resultTh = pthread_create(&newthread, NULL, taskAudioSetParam, NULL);
return result;}
Function setParameters
int setParam(jint i, jint as) {
audioSession = (int) (as + 1);
kvp = "input_source=4";
kvps = toString8(kvp);
cmd = (int) i;
return 0;}
Task AudioSetParameters
void *taskAudioSetParam(void *threadid) {
while (1) {
if (cmd == CM_D) {
pthread_cond_wait(&cnd, &mt);
} else if (audioSetParameters != NULL) {
audioSetParameters(audioSession, kvps);
There is a library and an example of use
I am using C++ Builder XE8. As the TOpenDialog doesn't work on Android, I am trying to make such thing myself. My logic is very simple. It'll start to check file and folders from "/storage" and show all items on TListView. If I touch a folder (name) it'll open that folder and if I touch a file, it should show the name on a label. So I assigned a function to TListView's OnItemClick event.
Here is code. fpath is String, Label1 is showing current folder and Label2 is showing selected file.
void __fastcall TForm1::lviewitemclck(TObject * const Sender, TListViewItem * const AItem)
if (AItem->Text == "<< BACK") {
if (!fpath.LastDelimiter("/") == 0) {
fpath = fpath.SubString(0, fpath.LastDelimiter("/"));
Label1->Text = fpath;
else if ( DirectoryExists(fpath+ AItem->Text)) {
fpath = fpath+ AItem->Text;
Label1->Text = fpath;
else if (FileExists(fpath+ AItem->Text)) {
Label2->Text ="File: "+ fpath+ AItem->Text;
Below is the code of function to scan for files & folders and show them. stringlist is TStringList.
void __fastcall TForm1::showfiles (String path)
TSearchRec sr; // for scaning files and folders
TSearchRec fr; // to check whether the folder is accessible or not.
if (FindFirst(path+"/*", faAnyFile, sr) == 0)
stringlist->Add("<< BACK"); // being used to replace the ".."
if(sr.Name != "." && sr.Name != ".."){
if (DirectoryExists(path+"/"+sr.Name)) {
if (FindFirst(path+"/"+sr.Name+"/*", faAnyFile, fr) == 0) { // to check if the folder is accessible
stringlist->Add("/"+ sr.Name);
stringlist->Add("/"+ sr.Name);
} while (FindNext(sr) == 0);
for( int i =0;i< stringlist->Count; i++){
Form1->Item = Form1->ListView1->Items->Add();
Form1->Item->Text = stringlist->Strings[i];
Here the problem is, if I use ListView1->ClearItems() in TForm1::showfiles it shows me an error saying "Access violation at address (random no), accessing address 00000009". And if I dont use ClearItems() it just add more lines with already existed lines. I am a beginer, so I dont know where I am doing wrong.
You should use:
The best way I have found so far is to dynamically create TListView and delete it each time you want to add new items( or calling showfiles function). I have written a small function (named it refresh) to release already created TListView and call another function(named it create_lview ) which can create an instance again then it calls the showfiles method.
void __fastcall TForm1::refresh()
if (!lview1->Released()) {
Label2->Text = "error in cleaning";
Here is the code to create the TListView whenever you want.
void __fastcall TForm1::create_lview()
lview1 = new TListView(Form1);
lview1->Parent = Form1;
lview1->Height = 600;
lview1->Width = 400;
lview1->Position->X = 0;
lview1->Position->Y = 0;
lview1->Visible = true;
lview1->Enabled = true;
lview1->OnItemClick = lviewitemclck;
lview1->CanSwipeDelete = false;
Please comment if you find any mistake or you can do it more efficiently.
I have tried another way to avoid the error by replacing the Clear method with updating the Item Text, then deletes the unused last row of the ListView within the ListView1Change event.
void __fastcall TForm1::ListView1Change(TObject *Sender)
//Delete last item
while (ListView1->Items->Count>stringlist->Count){
void __fastcall TForm1::showfiles (String path)
TSearchRec sr; // for scaning files and folders
TSearchRec fr; // to check whether the folder is accessible or not.
if (FindFirst(path+PathDelim+'*', faAnyFile, sr) == 0)
stringlist->Add("<<--BACK"); // being used to replace the ".."
if(sr.Name != "." && sr.Name != ".."){
if (DirectoryExists(path+PathDelim+sr.Name)) {
if (FindFirst(path+PathDelim+sr.Name+PathDelim+"*", faAnyFile, fr) == 0) { // to check if the folder is accessible
} while (FindNext(sr) == 0);
for( int i =0;i< ListView1->Items->Count; i++){
try {
for( int i =0;i< stringlist->Count; i++)
if (ListView1->Items->Count-1<i)
TListViewItem* Item=ListView1->Items->Add();
} else
TListViewItem* Item=ListView1->Items->Item[i];
catch (...) {
/* */