Add a self hosted vector tiles to and android mapbox - android

I'm trying to display a custom vector layer on a map using Mapbox in my Android application. Using the latest mapbox version.
When I include the layer the following way :
binding.mapView.getMapAsync(mapboxMap -> {
map = mapboxMap;
VectorSource source = new VectorSource("source-id", new TileSet("2.1.0", baseUrl + "/{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt"));
LineLayer layer = new LineLayer("zones-outline", "source-id");
It show nothing (no log in android nor in my server, it is like the layer is not even known to mapbox).
But if I put the addsource and addlayer code in a runnable, lets say with a 100 milliseconds delay, it does show my layers properly. Obviously this looks like its related to some kind of concurrency or "order of initialization", and the delay works, but it is not a nice and proper solution (I imagine on old device it could take more than 100 ms to load the map, maybe it wont work).
binding.mapView.getMapAsync(mapboxMap -> {
final Handler handler = new Handler();
handler.postDelayed(() -> {
map = mapboxMap;
VectorSource source = new VectorSource("source-id", new TileSet("2.1.0", baseUrl + "/{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt"));
LineLayer layer = new LineLayer("zones-outline", "source-id");
}, 100)
Is there another method / callback where I should put this initialization ? How to be sure my layers will be drawn ?

The problem came from the fact that I was setting, also in the onMapReady callback, a new style url (loaded dynamically depending on the content displayed).
I move the mapView.setStyleUrl(mapboxStyle) before the map initialization :
binding.contestMapView.getMapAsync(mapboxMap -> {
// vector source and layer initialization


Unity and map services

I want to use the world map in Unity and have been looking at the API of various map services. I need to show a screenshot (a static map with markers) on the screen, and move to the full map view to navigate it after clicking on it.
MapBox managed to display the map with the selected coordinates and add test markers, but that's all I can do with a query like this:,38.9)/-76.9,38.9,15/1000x1000?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiZGVuZGVhZCIsImEiOiJja2F1dha4egixnnfhmnvtc2u0y3bua2ntin0.GGOyhgN_fEqtPpPc5n6OLg because this request returns a jpg image.
They also have a plugin for Unity, but it's only used in 3d projects and does not allow me to configure the display in 2d.
In MapBox, the mapping I need is implemented using JavaScript for Web and Java for Android. On Android I can do what I need. I can connect to the API on Android, but will I be able to use it in Unity later?
It's the same with Google maps.
Actually, the question is, did someone work with map services in Unity? And how can this be implemented correctly?
I don't know if this is still relevant, but I used Mapbox in Unity (the Mapbox plugin) to create a AR Soundscape by "registering" GameObjects to coordinates and moving them in real-time when the map is moved.
Your problem sounds an awful lot like the one I solved with that.
Basically you provide the Lat/Lon values for your objects and convert them to Unity world space coordinates using the AbstractMap.GeoToWorldPosition() function.
I used a raycast to actually pull that off in-engine, which is quite convenient.
Unity is quite capable of handling 2D projects. You just have to configure it properly and build your project around it.
The following is the class that I use to handle all positioning-related calculations. Maybe it's of some help to you.
namespace TehMightyPotato.Positioning
public class GeoPosition
"Update frequency of position polling. Update every n-th frame. 1 is every frame, 60 is every 60th frame.")]
[Range(1, 60)]
public int positionUpdateFrequency = 1;
[Tooltip("Should the object have a specified altitude?")]
public bool useYOffset = false;
[Tooltip("If useMeterConversion is activated the yOffsets unit is meters, otherwise its unity units.")]
public bool useMeterConversion = false;
[Tooltip("The actual y position of the object in m or unity units depending on useMeterConversion.")]
public float yOffset = 0;
[Tooltip("X is LAT, Y is LON")]public Vector2d geoVector;
[HideInInspector] public float worldRelativeScale;
// Apply the result of this function to your gameobjects transform.position on every frame to keep them on this position.
public Vector3 GetUnityWorldSpaceCoordinates(AbstractMap map)
var worldSpaceCoordinates = map.GeoToWorldPosition(geoVector, false);
if (useYOffset)
worldSpaceCoordinates.y = yOffset;
return worldSpaceCoordinates;
public void UpdateWorldRelativeScale(AbstractMap map)
worldRelativeScale = map.WorldRelativeScale;
public void SetGeoVectorFromRaycast(Vector3 position, AbstractMap map, LayerMask layerMask)
var ray = new Ray(position, Vector3.down);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out var hitInfo, Mathf.Infinity, layerMask))
geoVector = map.WorldToGeoPosition(hitInfo.point);
throw new NullReferenceException("Raycast did not hit the map. Did you turn on map preview?");
public void SetYOffsetFromRaycast(AbstractMap map, Vector3 position, LayerMask layerMask)
// using raycast because of possible y-non-zero maps/ terrain etc.
var ray = new Ray(position, Vector3.down);
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out var hitInfo, Mathf.Infinity, layerMask))
var worldSpaceDistance = Vector3.Distance(position, hitInfo.point);
if (useMeterConversion)
yOffset = worldSpaceDistance * worldRelativeScale;
yOffset = worldSpaceDistance;
throw new NullReferenceException("Could not find map below. Is map preview turned on?");

Xamarin Forms Android: map.Pins.Clear() issue

my development team and I have run into an issue on our Android distribution of our Xamarin project. The issue is as such: The application uses an observable collection of objects and represents these objects in the form of a list view and a map view with pins representing the objects. In the map view, our code is designed to subscribe to a messaging center call that periodically updates the observable collection of objects from our API (other part of project). The issue we are having is that when we call PlotPins method in the messaging center code block, the application should first retrieve the updated list and then access that list to plot pins on the map. Every time an update is received, the application will clear all pins from the map and then replot the pins based on the updated list (inefficient we know, but this is a temporary solution). However, the pins are never updated. Through the use of the debugger we have discovered that once map.Pins.Clear() within PlotPins() is called, the application jumps to the end of the RequestUpdatedListAsync method (which occurs periodically to retrieve the updated list and which triggers the Messaging Center) and then halts.
Our solution works for our GTK build, with the pins being cleared and redrawn on the map as intended, so this seems to be an Android specific issue.
Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Relevant code located below:
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<object, ObservableCollection<MyObject>>(Application.Current, Constants.ListUpdateContract, (sender, newList) =>
//update list
//call method to plot pins again
private void PlotPins(Map map)
foreach (MyObject in MyObjects)
var pin = new Pin
Label = MyObject.ID,
Address = "Latitude: " + MyObject.Latitude + " " + "Longitude: " + MyObject.Longitude,
Type = PinType.Place,
Position = new Position(Convert.ToDouble(MyObject.Latitude), Convert.ToDouble(MyObject.Longitude))
//event handler for when user clicks on pin's info window
pin.InfoWindowClicked += async (s, args) =>
//opens up detail page for pin associated with myObject
await Navigation.PushAsync(new DetailPage(MyObject));
public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<bool> RequestUpdatedListAsync()
if (!_tokenIsGood)
return false;
var success = false;
var response = new HttpResponseMessage();
response = await _client.GetAsync(Constants. MyObjectDisplayUrl);
catch (Exception e)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error requesting updated list.");
return success;
success = true;
var responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
// Update list
MyObjects = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ObservableCollection< MyObject >>(responseBody);
//Alert subscribed ViewModels to update list
MessagingCenter.Send<object, ObservableCollection< MyObject >>(Application.Current, Constants.ListUpdateContract, units);
return success;
Since maps.Pins is UI related it has to be run in main UI thread.
MessagingCenter doesnt always publish/subscribe in main threads .
So to fix this issue call the maps.Pins.Clear() in main thread.
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(()=> maps.Pins.Clear());
Credits: #shanranm for mentioning limitation of MessagingCenter for using main threads.

draw geoJson on map mapbox

Is there another way for add geoJSON polygon to map using mapbox sdk 9.0 stable on android?
I have the following but not sure if it's correct:
GeoJsonSource source = new GeoJsonSource("geojson", geoJsonString);
mapboxMap.addLayer(new LineLayer("geojson", "geojson"));
This example from the Mapbox documentation shows how to add a GeoJSON polygon to your map with the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android. The relevant code is in the onMapReady callback, extracted below (I omitted the code related to adding a click listener, since that is not relevant for your question);
public void onStyleLoaded(#NonNull Style style) {
// Add the GeoJSON as a source to the map.
// Create FillLayer with GeoJSON source and add the FillLayer to the map.
if (style != null) {
style.addLayer(new FillLayer(geoJsonLayerId, geoJsonSourceId)
The addGeoJsonSourceToMap helper method in this example loads the GeoJSON from an external URI, but in your case the first two lines of your provided code snippet would replace the addGeoJsonSourceToMap(style); call.
A FillLayer is used rather than a LineLayer since, per the linked API reference documentation:
A filled polygon with an optional stroked border.
A stroked line.
1. Try adding the Source:
// WARDS – 2020 – SOURCE
// url = '';
'ward-source', {
type: 'geojson',
data: 'Wards.geojson'
2. and the Layers:
'id': 'wards-fill',
'type': 'fill',
'source': 'wards-source',
'layout': {},
'paint': {
'fill-color': '#627BC1',
'fill-opacity': [
['boolean', ['feature-state', 'hover'], false],

ARCore 1.2 Unity Create AugmentedImageDatabase on the fly

I am trying to dynamically create an image database using arcores new image tracking feature.
Currently I have a server serving me image locations which I download to the persistent data path of my device. I use these images to then create new database entries like below:
Public Variables:
public AugmentedImageDatabase newBD;
public AugmentedImageDatabaseEntry newEntry;
Here I do regex matching to get the images from the datapath and convert them to texture2D's in order to populate the AugmentedImageDatabaseEntry values.
Regex r1 = new Regex(#"https?://s3-([^.]+)[^/]+)/([^/]+)/(.*)");
// Match the input for file name
Match match = r1.Match(input);
if (match.Success)
string v = match.Groups[4].Value;
RegexMatch = v;
Texture2D laodedTexture = LoadTextureToFile(v);
AugmentedImageDatabaseEntry newEntry = new AugmentedImageDatabaseEntry(v, laodedTexture, Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + v);
newEntry.Name = v;
newEntry.Texture = laodedTexture;
newEntry.TextureGUID = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + v;
To get this to work on android I had to modify the source of ARCore's unity implementation a little so that the database.Add() function would work outside of the editor.
All of this seems to work seamlessly as I don't get any errors yet.
Once I change scenes to the ARCore scene I instantiate an ARCore Camera and create a new sessionconfig which holds a reference to the database populated above.
Here is that code:
public class NewConfigSetup : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject downloadManager;
public GameObject arcoreDevice;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
downloadManager = GameObject.Find("DownlaodManager");
TestModelGenerator generator = downloadManager.GetComponent<TestModelGenerator>();
GoogleARCore.ARCoreSessionConfig newconfig = new GoogleARCore.ARCoreSessionConfig();
GoogleARCore.ARCoreSessionConfig config = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<GoogleARCore.ARCoreSessionConfig>();
config.AugmentedImageDatabase = generator.newBD;
Debug.Log("transfered db size --------------- " + config.AugmentedImageDatabase.Count);
arcoreDevice.GetComponent<GoogleARCore.ARCoreSession>().SessionConfig = config;
Instantiate(arcoreDevice,new Vector3(0,0,0), Quaternion.identity);
When I run in the editor, I dont get errors untill I view the database in the editor, thats when I get this error:
ERROR: flag '--input_image_path' is missing its argument; flag
description: Path of image to be evaluated. Currently only supports
*.png, *.jpg and *.jpeg.
When I debug and look in the memory of the AugmentedImageDatabase. Everything seems to be there and working fine. Also once I build for android I get no errors whatsoever, as well as when I use 'adb logcat -s Unity' in the command line, no exceptions are thrown.
Could this be a limitation with the new ARCore feature? Are the AugmentedImageDatabases not allowing for dynamic creation on android? If so than why are there built in functions for creating them?
I understand the features are brand new and there is not much documentation anywhere so any help would be greatly appreciated.
I posted an Issue on ARCore's Github page, and got a response that the feature you're talking about isn't yet exposed in the Unity API :

Create an offline map using ArcGIS (.mmpk map)

My goal is to create an Android app which download a map from ArcGIS portal when connected to internet, then use them offline. I would like to use service pattern, so later the app can have synchronization feature. I followed a tutorial from ArcGIS here.
I am currently stuck at downloading the map part. I expect the downloaded map is in mobile map package (.mmpk), but instead my download directory have a file, and a folder of geodatabase and .mmap files as image shown here. Based on my understanding, I should have an .mmpk file to use them offline.
Following the tutorial steps, I am able to (1) create an offline map task, (2) specify the parameters, and (3) examine the offline capabilities. However in step (4) generate and download the offline map, I expect the downloaded map will be in mobile map package (.mmpk) but its not; as i mentioned above with image shown. In step (5) open and use the offline map, i am able to view offline map when using mobile map package (.mmpk) file that i transfer manually into the device. I also tried to open and use my downloaded (.mmap) file but no map showed up.
My full code by steps is shown below:
(1) create an offline map task
// Load map from a portal item
final Portal portal = new Portal("");
final PortalItem webmapItem = new PortalItem(portal, "acc027394bc84c2fb04d1ed317aac674");
// Create map and add it to the view
myMap = new ArcGISMap(webmapItem);
mMapView = (MapView) findViewById(;
// Create task and set parameters
final OfflineMapTask offlineMapTask = new OfflineMapTask(myMap);
(2) specify the parameters
// Create default parameters
final ListenableFuture<GenerateOfflineMapParameters> parametersFuture = offlineMapTask.createDefaultGenerateOfflineMapParametersAsync(areaOfInterest);
parametersFuture.addDoneListener(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
final GenerateOfflineMapParameters parameters = parametersFuture.get();
// Update the parameters if needed
// Limit maximum scale to 5000 but take all the scales above (use 0 as a MinScale)
// Set attachment options
// Request the table schema only (existing features won't be included)
// Update the title to contain the region
parameters.getItemInfo().setTitle(parameters.getItemInfo().getTitle() + " (Central)");
// Create new item info
final OfflineMapItemInfo itemInfo = new OfflineMapItemInfo();
// Override thumbnail with the new image based on the extent
final ListenableFuture<Bitmap> exportImageFuture = mMapView.exportImageAsync();
exportImageFuture.addDoneListener(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
Bitmap mapImage = exportImageFuture.get();
// Scale to thumbnail size
Bitmap thumbnailImage = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(mapImage, 200, 133, false);
// Convert to byte[]
ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
thumbnailImage.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 50, stream);
byte[] thumbnailBytes = stream.toByteArray();
// Set values to the itemInfo
itemInfo.setTitle("Water network (Central)");
itemInfo.setSnippet(webmapItem.getSnippet()); // Copy from the source map
itemInfo.setDescription(webmapItem.getDescription()); // Copy from the source map
itemInfo.setAccessInformation(webmapItem.getAccessInformation()); // Copy from the source map
itemInfo.getTags().add("Water network");
itemInfo.getTags().add("Data validation");
// Set metadata to parameters
} catch (Exception e) {
(3) examine the offline capabilities
final ListenableFuture<OfflineMapCapabilities> offlineMapCapabilitiesFuture =
offlineMapCapabilitiesFuture.addDoneListener(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
OfflineMapCapabilities offlineMapCapabilities = offlineMapCapabilitiesFuture.get();
if (offlineMapCapabilities.hasErrors()) {
// Handle possible errors with layers
for (java.util.Map.Entry<Layer, OfflineCapability> layerCapability :
offlineMapCapabilities.getLayerCapabilities().entrySet()) {
if (!layerCapability.getValue().isSupportsOffline()) {
showMessage(layerCapability.getKey().getName() + " cannot be taken offline.");
showMessage("Error : " + layerCapability.getValue().getError().getMessage());
// Handle possible errors with tables
for (java.util.Map.Entry<FeatureTable, OfflineCapability> tableCapability :
offlineMapCapabilities.getTableCapabilities().entrySet()) {
if (!tableCapability.getValue().isSupportsOffline()) {
showMessage(tableCapability.getKey().getTableName() + " cannot be taken offline.");
showMessage("Error : " + tableCapability.getValue().getError().getMessage());
} else {
// All layers and tables can be taken offline!
showMessage("All layers are good to go!");
} catch (Exception e) {
(4) generate and download the offline map
String mExportPath = String.valueOf(getExternalFilesDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS)) + File.separator + "New";
// Create and start a job to generate the offline map
final GenerateOfflineMapJob generateOfflineJob =
offlineMapTask.generateOfflineMap(parameters, mExportPath);
// Show that job started
final ProgressBar progressBarOffline = (ProgressBar) findViewById(;
generateOfflineJob.addJobDoneListener(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Generate the offline map and download it
GenerateOfflineMapResult result = generateOfflineJob.getResult();
if (!result.hasErrors()) {
showMessage("no error");
mobileMapPackage = result.getMobileMapPackage();
// Job is finished and all content was generated
showMessage("Map " + mobileMapPackage.getItem().getTitle() +
" saved to " + mobileMapPackage.getPath());
// Show offline map in a MapView
// Show that job completed
} else {
// Job is finished but some of the layers/tables had errors
if (result.getLayerErrors().size() > 0) {
for (java.util.Map.Entry<Layer, ArcGISRuntimeException> layerError : result.getLayerErrors().entrySet()) {
showMessage("Error occurred when taking " + layerError.getKey().getName() + " offline.");
showMessage("Error : " + layerError.getValue().getMessage());
if (result.getTableErrors().size() > 0) {
for (java.util.Map.Entry<FeatureTable, ArcGISRuntimeException> tableError : result.getTableErrors().entrySet()) {
showMessage("Error occurred when taking " + tableError.getKey().getTableName() + " offline.");
showMessage("Error : " + tableError.getValue().getMessage());
// Show that job completed
(5) open and use the offline map
// Create the mobile map package
final MobileMapPackage mapPackage = new MobileMapPackage(mobileMapPackage.getPath());
// Load the mobile map package asynchronously
// Add done listener which will invoke when mobile map package has loaded
mapPackage.addDoneLoadingListener(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Check load status and that the mobile map package has maps
if(mapPackage.getLoadStatus() == LoadStatus.LOADED && mapPackage.getMaps().size() > 0){
// Cdd the map from the mobile map package to the MapView
// Log an issue if the mobile map package fails to load
showMessage() in my code is showing Toast.
public void showMessage(String message) {
Toast.makeText(this, message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
I worry if my .mmpk expectation is wrong, or my step goes wrong somewhere because I still not fully understand the whole process. This is my first time working with ArcGIS map in Android. I could not find much sample code to experiment, so really appreciate someone who could help.
Thank you!
The task created an exploded mobile map package, which works just the same as a .mmpk file. Open it like this:
final MobileMapPackage mapPackage =
new MobileMapPackage("/data/com.geoinfo.asmasyakirah.arcgis/files/Documents/New");
(If you can't access it there, you might want to generate the mobile map package in Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() instead of Environment.DIRECTORY_DOCUMENTS.)
According to the documentation for the MobileMapPackage constructor:
Creates a new MobileMapPackage from the .mmpk file or exploded mobile map package at the given path.
If you really must have it as a .mmpk file, simply zip it using an Android API for making zip files and name it .mmpk instead of .zip.
Kinda late on the topic but i had several days working on this and found out something that may help some of you :
I created my mapData via this class :
As you can see it creates a folder containing + p13 (in which you find geodatabase file + mmap file)
WHen i tried offline to load this data, no errors appeared but the layer was empty and i could just see the carroying.
In fact after much more tries, i had to check that besides geodatabase and mmap file i could find a .tpk file (TilePackaged)
This one was never available (somehow due to network issues during the online download) and nothing alerted me.
Now that this tpk file is there, all items are clearly displayed like 'water network'
TL;DR; : check that tpk file is donwloaded during the online preparation.

