finding the latest available version of libraries - android

I'm trying to add support libraries to my Android studio project.
studio suggests to use "27.1.1" version of appcompat library but is not available in jcenter or google repository.
my questions:
1.How can I find the latest available version of libraries?
2.why jcenter does not include support libraries( this page is not found)
thank U every one


Android sdk manager I don't have Android Support Library

I do a Android training and I have to use Eclipse. I created a new project and I get the error cannot resolved.
I look for the android-support-*.jar.
This is my SDK manager
I don't have Android Support Library package in my SDK Manager. How can I install the package "Android Support Library" ?
You have already downloaded Android support Repository .
To add support library to project, go to android sdk location sdk\extras\android\support , you can find all support libraries there .Add what ever library you need as a dependency
i guess you have to add V7 appCompact
If you are using linux. Try doing this in the terminal, it worked for me at some point in time. Don't know if it still works:
:~$ android list sdk -a --extended|less
This will list all the packages plus the extra-androidm2-repository because of the --extended option. After this you can the type:
android update sdk --no-ui -a --filter "extra-android-m2repository"
This will proceed to download the extra support repository, and place it in the $ANDROID_HOME/extras/android/m2repository/.If that does not work try downloading the zip file here. This is still not the end of it because you still have to find a way to use it and
This is why you should move to Android studio
The structure of android support repository changed to the .aar format. This means you cannot import the library as you would have with earlier support versions. You have to use maven plugin in eclipse to manage the libraries.
Maven central does not have the latest android support libraries, hence you have to use maven android connector.
If you want to read more, on how to Mavenize your project and use maven for android libraries read this. I found it personally to be very hard compared to android studio where you just have to add a dependency in gradle. Good luck.

See changes in Android Support Library sources between two versions

I want to clone repository for Android Support Library and see what has been changed between version 24.1.1 and 24.2.0.
I know that repository is located here but:
Its latest commits are dated by July 1 though latest support library release 24.2.0 was in August.
There are no tags like support library versions 24.1.1, 24.2.0, etc.
How can I just see what commits were made between versions 24.1.1 and 24.2.0?
There are tags (android/platform_frameworks_support/releases), but they are specific to the android/platform_frameworks_support repo.
The Support Library Revision History does mention 24.x.y revisions, and it says the v4 support librairies have been splitted in modules like support-compat.
You can see one of those modules in dandar3/android-support-compat which mentions being it based on ANDROID_SDK/extras/android/m2repository/com/android/support/support-compat/24.2.0/support-compat-24.2.0.aar
So we are talking about a completely different set of git repositories:
See dandar3/android-support-README.
So pick any of those support repos, and see what has changes between two tags.
You can do it directly on GitHub:
The Book "Gradle for Android", from Kevin Pelgrims, mentions:
New Android projects have a dependency on the Android Support Library by default.
When installing the Google repositories using the SDK manager, two Maven repositories are created on your hard drive:
This is where Gradle gets the libraries provided by Google, such as the Android Support Library and Google Play Services.
Again, the sources (as Git repos) might not be available, but you still can get those projects through the SDK Manager.

How add Android Support Repository Rev. 36 to Eclipse version Neon release 4.6.0?

Recently I've removed my old Eclipse and download/install new version Neon.
I know I have to download SDK from Android SDK Manager. So I've download some releases which I needed and for "Extra" part could find Android Support Library.
I've checked Obsolete and found it, but I want to use new version of appcompat (24.2.0) which is part of Android Support Repository and I've downloaded, but can not add it by normal way (I think).
So how to add appcompat 24.2.0 into Eclipse?
When I want to import Existing Android code Into Workplace and address it to the appcompat there isn't anything to add, because it's Maven:

How to force Eclipse project to use an older version of the support library

I know I know I should be using Android Studio, but I can't for some reasons.
So is there a way to force Eclipse to use an older version of the support library for a project.
For example in Android Studio, we can do that by the 22.2.1 part in the build.gradle file:
compile ''
The only option is to find the old version of appcompat-v7, add it (including the sources or jars and all resources) as a library project into your Eclipse workspace and then make your project use/import that library.
Download specific compatibility lib from repository, described in here: Android Support Library Direct Link for Downloading
Specifically guess/construct your version here:
Unzip and import as existing source into eclipse.
Check to install according Android SDK Build-tools in the Android ASK manager.

Android v7 version 19.1.0 Support Library Direct Link

I am trying to Download the v7 app compat support library version 19.1.0. The current version of the library is 21.something. However, this requires lolipop as the compile sdk and an update to the build tool. We do not want to make these changes. Also we are using ant and not gradle. Hence, Need a direct download link to the 19.1 version of the support libraries.
These can be downloaded from the Github account.
You specifically want 19.1.0 which is located here:

