I have an App in which I want to display PDF files in a webview. I have managed to get the code up and running, but the problem is when I try to run my App, it displays this "no preview available" to me.
I am thinking the problem is with my PDF URL from firebase. Because another PDF URL loads just fine.
Does anyone know what's wrong? And how can I fix this.
Ok I just tried it myself, the problem is that with firebase the PDF gets downloaded rather than display by webview. Try storeing the PDF in the drive an use its url for webview. Hope it works.
I'm using Xamarin Forms with Android, I need to open a PDF from an URL in my WebView. For some reason, sometime the the Webview is blank. I've searched a lot on Internet and I found some solution that give me the same result, sometime the PDF in the PDF is showed without problem, sometime is a blank page. I'm using "https://drive.google.com/viewerng/viewer?embedded=true&url=" with no results, I'm using this solution ( https://acaliaro.wordpress.com/2017/11/30/open-a-pdf-inside-a-webview-in-xamarin-forms-android/ ) that describe exactly my problem but WebView still show me a blank page sometime.
So, why is so hard to open a PDF Url on Android in a WebView? There is some solution to fix this problem? I don't know what can i else do.
Android WebView not support .pdf file from website, infact, if you try to copy an url with .pdf extension in chrome browser, this will download the file and open in an app. So there is no way to show a PDF in an App in a simple way. But there are two solution:
On Google there are a lot solutions that tells you to download the PDF and show in an webview, but in my case I can't download a PDF and show.
You can write an .html page in your Server that can "wrap" the PDF sended with an URL in GET mode and show it in an .html page without problem ( using jsPDF is an example ) or by using this prefix ( http://drive.google.com/viewerng/viewer?embedded=true&url= ) but sometime i give a blank page, so i write my own pdf viewer. In this link ( https://acaliaro.wordpress.com/2017/11/30/open-a-pdf-inside-a-webview-in-xamarin-forms-android/ ) you can find another solution, but for some reason, it still doesn't works. Maybe because I'm on Android 5.0 device.
Hey I'm struggling to get a tiff image downloaded from an FTP site to display in a WebView. After entering in the url in the format imageView.loadUrl("ftp://username:password#ftpsite/path");
(and the url is able to successfully download an image in ie or chrome)
I get an error message saying net::ERROR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME. Does FTP not work in WebView? What else could the problem be?
(I later tried just downloading from the ftp site to the app but the image is .tiff and that opened up a whole new can of worms so I'm back to trying to use WebView instead of ImageView)
Edit: updated url with the path I actually use, I sloppily typed it in before :/
My app loads site into WebView and so far everything is working perfectly except for video.
When I try to load video directly into the URL nothing happens, and on LogCat it just says that the DNS query was forwarded, but doesn't return an error.
I don't see that there's a permission that I need for Media to add in the manifest so I don't know where to go next with this problem.. the videos load fine directly on the site, but not in app mode.
Please help with the next step to troubleshoot this issue
I surfed a lot for this solution but everywhere I got same solution i.e. either use Intent and pass it to default/installed PdfReader applications, Other one is to use gview from googleDocs to load Pdfs online.
But my question is how can view my pdf offline in webview i.e. if user click on list of pdf in my application don't go to other application or google/gview .
I tried passing assets folder path but not working getting message in webview that "webpage is temporarily down or move permanently."
I also tried this link.. which describes to use pdfViewver.jar but that lib. has it's own issues that needs to be fixed.
any help will highly appreciated
But my question is how can view my pdf offline in webview
You can't. WebView cannot display PDFs on its own.
I have an app where I've button on a webpage that is rendered inside a webview.
Now on click of button , a pdf file gets downloaded , and the same would then need to be opened inside the same webview.
attach a download listener to the web view and change the url as follows..
it's a link used to open pdf without downloading it...
I hope it solves your problem..
I've found that the google viewer seems to work within the android browser for viewing online PDF files. You could build a link to your pdf so that it is displayed in the viewer. I've not tried doing that within a WebView though.
The link is dead, there is an explanation of how to get the functionality to still work at this link.
In case this link also dies, here is the relevant section:
While the page is no longer available as it redirects to Google Docs/Drive, you can still use the Google Docs Viewer. Paste this URL in a new tab:
and then paste the address of the document you want to view online. Here's an example:
I do not think that the present android chrome based browser can support pdf. There are discussion about the same in android forums ( ex: link1 link2)
Your best bet to show pdf is to have adobe pdf reader for android installed.(or concisely put, not possible in web view)
I don't think any browser other than Chrome supports rendering PDFs without a plugin or third party tool. It's probably easier to let the user use his own app to open PDFs.
I used the IText PDF library mentioned in this thread
Android : Is there any free PDF library for Android for a sample project. You could try getting using this API to get the PDF page as an image. I am not familiar with every aspect of Itext so it might have better way to do this.