Adding two extra columns to result set by joining other tables - android
I have 4 tables:
tasks table
(task_id , department_id , task_title , task_description , task_start_date , task_due_date , task_rating , task_is_completed)
employees table
(employee_id , department_id , employee_name , employee_salary , employee_hire_date)
departments table
(department_id , department_name)
employees_tasks join table
(employee_id , task_id)
Each table is an entity in room database.
I want to return 2 extra columns with the (select * from employees)
one is for calculating employee's rating (by getting average of task_rating column in tasks table the tasks must be completed) the other column is to show the number of tasks running for that employee (by getting count of rows in tasks with task_is_completed = 0 )
I don't know which table to join with which table. we managed to make two separate SQL statements that return those 2 columns by using union and left joins but they are pretty ugly and when combining them it doesn't work.
what we have tried
select employees.employee_name , employees.employee_id ,avg(tasks.task_rating) as Ratings from employees , tasks inner join employees_tasks on(employees.employee_id = employees_tasks.employee_id )AND tasks.task_id = employees_tasks.task_id where tasks.task_is_completed = 1 group by (employees.employee_name )
union select employees.employee_name, employees.employee_id, avg(0) as Ratings from employees where employees.employee_id not in (select employees.employee_id from employees , tasks inner join employees_tasks on(employees.employee_id = employees_tasks.employee_id ) AND tasks.task_id = employees_tasks.task_id where tasks.task_is_completed = 1 group by (employees.employee_name ) ) group by employees.employee_id order by employees.employee_id ;
select employees.employee_name , employees.employee_id ,count(tasks.task_title) as tasks_Running from employees , tasks inner join employees_tasks on(employees.employee_id = employees_tasks.employee_id )AND tasks.task_id = employees_tasks.task_id where tasks.task_is_completed = 0 group by (employees.employee_name )
union select employees.employee_name , employees.employee_id ,0 as tasks_Running from employees where (employees.employee_id not in (select employees.employee_id from employees , tasks inner join employees_tasks on(employees.employee_id = employees_tasks.employee_id )AND tasks.task_id = employees_tasks.task_id where tasks.task_is_completed = 0 group by (employees.employee_name )))group by (employees.employee_name) order by employees.employee_id ;
We want the output to be like this
(employee_id , department_id , employee_name , employee_salary , employee_hire_date , ratings , numTasksRunning)
I believe the following may suit :-
-- Common Table Expression 1 - Average of Completed Tasks per employee
employee_completedtask_info AS (
SELECT employees.employee_id,avg(tasks.task_rating) AS atr
FROM employees_tasks
JOIN tasks ON employees_tasks.task_id = tasks.task_id
JOIN employees ON employees_tasks.employee_id = employees.employee_id
WHERE tasks.task_is_completed > 0
GROUP BY employees.employee_id
-- Common Table Expression 2 - Incompleted Taks per employee
employee_notcompleted_info AS (
SELECT employees.employee_id,count() AS itc
FROM employees_tasks
JOIN tasks ON employees_tasks.task_id = tasks.task_id
JOIN employees ON employees_tasks.employee_id = employees.employee_id
WHERE tasks.task_is_completed = 0
GROUP BY employees.employee_id
-- Common Table Expression 3 - Total Tasks per Employee
employee_total_tasks AS (
SELECT employees.employee_id,count() AS ttc
FROM employees_tasks
JOIN tasks ON employees_tasks.task_id = tasks.task_id
JOIN employees ON employees_tasks.employee_id = employees.employee_id
GROUP BY employees.employee_id
SELECT employees.employee_name,
CASE WHEN atr IS NOT NULL THEN atr ELSE 0 END AS average_completed_task_rating,
CASE WHEN itc IS NOT NULL THEN itc ELSE 0 END AS incomplete_task_count,
CASE WHEN ttc IS NOT NULL THEN ttc ELSE 0 END AS total_task_count
FROM employees
LEFT JOIN employee_completedtask_info ON employees.employee_id = employee_completedtask_info.employee_id
LEFT JOIN employee_notcompleted_info ON employees.employee_id = employee_notcompleted_info.employee_id
LEFT JOIN employee_total_tasks ON employees.employee_id = employee_total_tasks.employee_id
based upon data generated as per the following :-
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS employees (employee_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, department_id INTEGER, employee_name TEXT, employee_salary REAL, employee_hire_date TEXT);
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS departments (department_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, department_name TEXT);
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS employees_tasks;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS employees_tasks (employee_id INTEGER, task_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(employee_id, task_id));
(null,3,'Task 001 - Craft','Do the Craft thinggy','2018-01-01','2018-08-19',10,0),
(null,1,'Task 002 - Maths','Do the Maths thinggy','2018-03-14','2019-03-13',20,0),
(null,2,'Task 003 - English','Do the English thinggy','2018-02-14','2018-09-14',8,0),
(null,3,'Task 004 - Craft','Do the Craft job','2018-01-01','2018-08-19',10,1),
(null,1,'Task 005 - Maths','Do the Maths job','2018-03-14','2019-03-13',20,1),
(null,2,'Task 006 - English','Do the English job','2018-02-14','2018-09-14',8,1),
(null,3,'Task 007 - Craft','Craft thinggy','2018-03-03','2018-11-21',10,0),
(null,1,'Task 008 - Maths','Maths thinggy','2018-03-14','2019-03-13',20,0),
(null,2,'Task 009 - English','English thinggy','2018-02-14','2018-09-14',8,0)
INSERT INTO employees_tasks VALUES
This results in :-
Note This converts null entries to 0's (i.e. in the above there are no tasks for Susan, Bert and Jane so nulls for their task counts/averages, which complicates matters a little hence the CASE WHEN ... THEN ... ELSE .... END AS clauses).
Note I've included the total tasks counts as this may be useful/wanted (the third CTE extracts this info)
Correct syntax for update query with inner join
I'm trying to update the field buyPrice in all the products that match a query, what is the correct syntax for this? I'm getting this error An error occurred while running the statement: sub-select returns 22 columns - expected 1 (code 1 SQLITE_ERROR): , while compiling: UPDATE product set buyPrice = ? in (SELECT * FROM product p JOIN roomuser u ON p.businessId = u.currentBusinessId WHERE sellPrice 10 This is my query so far: #Query(""" UPDATE product set buyPrice = :newPrice in (SELECT * FROM product p JOIN user u ON p.businessId = u.currentBusinessId WHERE sellPrice < 10) """) suspend fun updateProduct(newPrice: Float)
I think that you want to use a WHERE clause in your UPDATE statement, which may be something like this: UPDATE product SET buyPrice = :newPrice WHERE product_id IN ( SELECT p.product_id FROM product p JOIN user u ON p.businessId = u.currentBusinessId WHERE sellPrice < 10 ) I use product_id in my code which I assume is the primary key of the table product. Or, if sellPrice is a column of the table product, you could use EXISTS instead of the join like this: UPDATE product SET buyPrice = :newPrice WHERE sellPrice < 10 AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM user u WHERE u.currentBusinessId = product.businessId)
SQLite - Fastest way to count inside selects
I have an application that makes quite a lot of selects, listing its results and allowing the user edit certain values. The core of my question is if its possible to improve my queries or not given the following query in SQLite: "SELECT X.data1, X.data2, count(X.id_X) as Quantity_Itens, (select count(*) from Table2 where id_X=X.id_X) local_Table2, (select count(*) from Table3 inner join Table2 on Table3.id_Table2 = where Table3.id_X=X.id_X and type=1) Quantity_Type1, (select count(*) from Table3 inner join Table2 on Table3.id_Table2 = where Table3.id_X=X.id_X and type=2) Quantity_Type2, (select count(*) from Table4 where id_X = X.id_X) Quantity_Other, (select count(*) from Table2 where id_X = X.id_X and status <10) Total_Data FROM Table1 X where (X.type_item = 2 or X.type_item = 4 or X.type_item = 6 or X.type_item = 8) and X.ative = 1 and id_local != 0 group by X.id_X order by X.Alias1" I am not sure if using promisses will improve in any way this, as I need all those datas before allowing the user to take control again. Also, may or may not be relevant: OS: Android 4+ Frameworks: Ionic1, AngularJS, Cordova
In your query there are 5 subqueries executed for each of the rows of Table1. Only one of them accesses only once 1 table. 2 of them access the same table twice and 2 of them access 2 joined tables twice. This means there are multiple scans through the same tables for each of the rows of Table1. Also you are aggregating inside Table1, with GROUP BY id_X, but you have in the SELECT list 2 columns: data1 and data2, which are not included in the GROUP BY clause. This means that the returned values of these columns are arbitrary. And what is that column Alias1? There is no such column among the returned columns of the query. Anyway, I suggest that you aggregate first in each table, or join of tables and then join to Table1. Like this: SELECT t1.data1, t1.data2, t1.Quantity_Items, t2.local_Table2, t3.Quantity_Type1, t3.Quantity_Type2, t4.Quantity_Other, t2.Total_Data FROM ( -- The values returned for data1, data2 and Alias1 will be arbitrary SELECT id_X, data1, data2, Alias1, COUNT(*) Quantity_Items FROM table1 GROUP BY id_X ) t1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT id_X, COUNT(*) local_Table2, SUM(status < 10) Total_Data FROM Table2 GROUP BY id_X ) t2 ON t2.id_X = t1.id_X INNER JOIN ( SELECT t3.id_X, SUM(type = 1) Quantity_Type1, SUM(type = 2) Quantity_Type2 FROM Table3 t3 INNER JOIN Table2 t2 ON t3.id_Table2 = GROUP BY t3.id_X ) t3 ON t3.id_X = t1.id_X INNER JOIN ( SELECT id_X, COUNT(*) Quantity_Other FROM Table4 GROUP BY id_X ) t4 ON t4.id_X = t1.id_X WHERE t1.type_item IN (2, 4, 6, 8) AND = 1 AND t1.id_local <> 0 ORDER BY t1.Alias1
Get all rows from group by query
I have database sqlite contain 2 tables: names n_data and query: select,n_data.value, count( as count from n_data INNER JOIN names on = n_data.name_id group by n_data.name_id order by asc In activity I have used Cursor and while while (res.moveToNext()) { System.out.println("id=>"+res.getString(0)+" count=>"+res.getString(2)+" =value=>"+res.getString(1)); } but result just show last row in group. How can I get all rows for every group? CREATE TABLE "names" ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT ); INSERT INTO names (id,name) VALUES (1,'name_1'), (2,'name_2'), (3,'name_3'), (4,'name_4'); CREATE TABLE "n_data" ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name_id TEXT, value TEXT ); INSERT INTO n_data (id,name_id,value) VALUES (1,'3','value_8'), (2,'2','value_7'), (3,'2','value_6'), (4,'2','value_5'), (5,'1','value_4'), (6,'1','value_3'), (7,'1','value_2'), (8,'1','value_1'), (9,'3','value_9');
OP is satisfied by: select, group_concat(n_data.value) as 'all values', count( as count from n_data INNER JOIN names on = n_data.name_id group by n_data.name_id order by asc; It uses group_concat(n_data.value) instead of n_data.value. I.e. all the data.value which get counted by count( are concatenated. Output (.headers on, .mode column and .width 3 32 6; SQLite 3.18.0 2017-03-28) : id all values count --- -------------------------------- ------ 4 value_7,value_6,value_5 3 8 value_4,value_3,value_2,value_1 4 9 value_8,value_9 2 The tailored .width is needed, otherwise for id 8, only 3 values are shown, though 4 are retrieved.
Android SQLite Performance: Multiple selects in single query Vs single select in multiple queries?
Performance wise, which one is better (for a single table) ?: Multiple select in single query or Single select in multiple queries? Example: /*table schema*/ create table ACTIVITY_TABLE ( ID integer primary key autoincrement, INTERVAL_ID integer not null, ACTIVITY_TYPE text , WIFI_LIST text, COUNT integer not null ); /*Multipe selects in single query*/ select * from (select sum(COUNT)/60 as Physical from ACTIVITY_TABLE where INTERVAL_ID >=1 and INTERVAL_ID <=3 and (ACTIVITY_TYPE="Still" or ACTIVITY_TYPE = "Walking" or ACTIVITY_TYPE = "Running" ) ), (select sum(COUNT)/60 as vehicular from ACTIVITY_TABLE where INTERVAL_ID >=1 and INTERVAL_ID <=3 and (ACTIVITY_TYPE="InVehicle" ) );
For your example, you can modify the query in the following way which will be much more efficient, I didn't tested the query. select sum(case when activitytype='walking' or activitytype='still' or activitytype='running' then COUNT else 0 end )/60 as physical, sum(case when activitytype='InVehicle' then COUNT else 0 end)/60 as vehicular from activity_table where interval_id>=1 and interval_id<=3
SUM query in multiple table with group by sqlite database
Hello friends i have three tables property_master , rent_master,expense_master and fields are as below property_master --> p_id, p_name rent_master --> r_id,p_id,r_amount expense_master --> e_id,p_id,e_amount i want to total sum of r_amount, and e_amount with single query so my query is as below SELECT p.p_id AS "Product Code", p.p_name AS "Description", SUM(CASE WHEN ri.r_amount IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE ri.r_amount END) AS "Quantity" , SUM(CASE WHEN d.e_amount IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE d.e_amount END) AS "DQuantity" FROM property_master AS p LEFT JOIN rent_master AS ri ON ri.p_id = p.p_id LEFT JOIN expense_master AS d ON d.p_id = p.p_id GROUP BY p.p_id ORDER BY SUM(ri.r_amount) DESC, SUM(d.e_amount) DESC When i run above code it will give right value for r_amount but for e_amount it will give double value for that so any idea how can i solve this?
When there are two different rent_master rows with the same p_id values, you get two joined rows for each matching expense_master row. You have to compute the sums with independent subqueries: SELECT p_id AS "Product Code", p_name AS "Description", (SELECT SUM(r_amount) FROM rent_master WHERE p_id = property_master.p_id ) AS "Quantity", (SELECT SUM(e_amount) FROM expense_master WHERE p_id = property_master.p_id ) AS "DQuantity" FROM property_master ORDER BY Quantity DESC, DQuantity DESC