How to provide parameters in Koin dry run test? - android

My ViewModel needs repository & genre through constructor. repository is provided by Koin & genre string is provided from activity
// Main app module
val MovieListModule: Module = applicationContext {
// provide repository
bean {
DummyMovieListRepository() as MovieListRepository
// provides ViewModel
viewModel { params: ParameterProvider ->
MovieListViewModel(respository = get(), genre = params["key.genre"])
//Module list for startKoin()
val appModules = listOf(MovieListModule)
//in activity
val viewModel = getViewModel<MovieListViewModel> {
mapOf("key.genre" to "Action / Drama")
// dry run test which fails
class KoinDryRunTest : KoinTest {
fun dependencyGraphDryRun() {
startKoin(list = appModules)
// some error log
org.koin.error.MissingParameterException: Parameter 'key.genre' is missing
at org.koin.dsl.context.ParameterHolder.get(ParameterHolder.kt:46)
org.koin.error.BeanInstanceCreationException: Can't create bean Factory[class=io.github.karadkar.popularmovies.MovieListViewModel, binds~(android.arch.lifecycle.ViewModel)] due to error :
org.koin.error.MissingParameterException: Parameter 'key.genre' is missing
here Koin (v 0.9.3) injection inactivity works as expected but the dry run test fails as it can't find parameter key.genre. Check full error-log
Is there any way to mock/provide key.genre value to dry run test?
full app source

as Arnaud Giuliani pointed on twitter. dryRun accepts lambda function for parameters
class KoinDryRunTest : KoinTest {
fun dependencyGraphDryRun() {
startKoin(list = appModules)
dryRun() {
mapOf("key.genre" to "dummy string")


mockk not working while executing entire android test package

I have written test cases for my view model. Which when I run individually or when I run the Test class. They get executed successfully. But when I run the complete androidTest package, I get this Exception
Here is the code that runs successfully in isolation.
class MyViewModelTest{
fun test_one(){
getInstrumentation().runOnMainSync(Runnable {
val context = ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext<Context>()
val myInterface = mockk<MyInterface>()
every { MyManager.getCommunicator() } returns myInterface
every { myInterface.context } returns context
every { myInterface.getLongFromGTM(any()) } returns 0
val viewModel = MyViewModel(context as Application)
viewModel.model = MyDataModel()
viewModel.model.isRepeatEligible = true
val res = viewModel.isRepeatEligible()
This is the error I am getting while running entire androidTest package:
Here are the detailed used classes
1 .)
public class MyManager {
private static MyInterface myCommunicator;
public static MyInterface getCommunicator() {
if (myCommunicator == null) {
synchronized (MyManager.class) {
if (myCommunicator == null) {
Class<?> cls = Class.forName("mypackage.communicator.MyCommunicator");
myCommunicator = (MyInterface) cls.newInstance();
return myCommunicator;
2.) MyViewModel.kt
class MyViewModel(application: Application) : BaseViewModel(application) {
var model = MyDataModel()
private val timerDelay: Long by lazy {
val timerDuration: Long by lazy {
fun isRepeatEligible(): Boolean {
model.apply {
return isRepeatEligible && !isLinkBased && !isAlreadyPresent
Mocking something with MockK is not contrained to just one function. Specifically, when you mock an object with mockkStatic, the object will from then on be a mock until it is unmocked using unmockkStatic or unmockkAll.
In your case, I guess the problem arises due to the static mocking of MyManager that lets subsequent tests fail, because they do not expect the object to be mocked.
This could be solved with an "after" function (e.g. using JUnit4, a function annotated with #After) that calls unmockAll.
Alternatively, if you want to make sure that the object is only mocked locally, you can use a variant of mockkStatic that accepts a block that is the only place where the object is mocked like this:
mockkStatic(MyManager::class) {
// inside this block, MyManager is mocked
// MyManager is automatically unmocked after the block
As mentioned in your comment, you do not call MyManager.getCommunicator() directly in MyViewModel, but via an extension property
val myCommunicator : MyInterface = MyManager.getCommunicator()
This may cause your test setup to be still in place after your test, even when you unmock MyManager, because the property myCommunicator will keep its value - the mocked interface.
This can be solved by changing your property to not be initialized with the value of MyManager.getCommunicator(), but instead you should define a getter that calls MyManager.getCommunicator():
val myCommunicator: MyInterface get() = MyManager.getCommunicator()
This way, you do always get the current value of MyManager.getCommunicator() and not the value that was set once on initialization.
See for details on property getters.

how to throw an exception on a retrofit call

I am making an api call using retrofit and I want to write a unit test to check if it returns an exception.
I want to force the retrofit call to return an exception
class DataRepository #Inject constructor(
private val apiServiceInterface: ApiServiceInterface
) {
suspend fun getCreditReport(): CreditReportResponse {
try {
val creditReport = apiServiceInterface.getDataFromApi() // THIS SHOULD RETURN AN EXCEPTION AND I WANT TO CATCH THAT
return CreditReportResponse(creditReport, CreditReportResponse.Status.SUCCESS)
} catch (e: Exception) {
return CreditReportResponse(null, CreditReportResponse.Status.FAILURE)
interface ApiServiceInterface {
suspend fun getDataFromApi(): CreditReport
I have written a test case for getCreditReport which should validate the failure scenario
fun getCreditReportThrowException() {
runBlocking {
val response = dataRepository.getCreditReport()
verify(apiServiceInterface, times(1)).getDataFromApi()
Assert.assertEquals(CreditReportResponse.Status.FAILURE, response.status)
so to make the above test case pass, I need to force the network call to throw and exception
please suggest
Actually #Vaibhav Goyal provided a good suggestion to make your testing as easier. Assuming you are using MVVM structure, in your test cases you can inject a "mock" service class to mock the behaviours that you defined in the test cases, so the graph will be like this
Since I am using mockk library at the moment, the actual implementation in your code base would be a little bit different.
fun test_exception() {
// given
val mockService = mockk<ApiServiceInterface>()
val repository = DataRepository(mockService)
every { mockService.getDataFromApi() } throws Exception("Error")
// when
val response = runBlocking {
// then
verify(exactly = 1) { mockService.getDataFromApi }
But if you want to test the exception thrown from Retrofit, then you might need mockServer library from square to help you to achieve this
And the graph for this would be like this
You also have to setup the mock server to do so
fun test_exception_from_retrofit() {
// can put in the setup method / in junit4 rule or junit5 class
val mockWebServer = MockWebServer()
// given
val service = Retrofit.Builder()
val repository = DataRepository(service)
// when
.setBody("""{"name":"Tony}""") // you can read the json file content and then put it here
val response = runBlocking {
// then
verify(exactly = 1) { mockService.getDataFromApi }
// can put in tearDown / in junit4 rule or juni5 class
SO you can test different exception like json format invalid, 500 status code,data parsing exception
Bonus point
Usually I would put the testing json under test directory and make it almost same as the api path for better maintainence

Using capture and mocks to unit test a class

I am trying to unit test the following class:
class UserProfileDetailsAnalyticUseCaseImp #Inject constructor(private val analyticsProvider: AnalyticsProvider) : UserProfileDetailsAnalyticUseCase {
override fun execute(cdsCustomer: CDSCustomer) {
with(analyticsProvider) {
And this is my unit test:
class UserProfileDetailsAnalyticUseCaseImpTest {
private lateinit var userProfileDetailsAnalyticUseCaseImp: UserProfileDetailsAnalyticUseCaseImp
private val analyticsProviders: AnalyticsProvider = mock()
fun setUp() {
userProfileDetailsAnalyticUseCaseImp = UserProfileDetailsAnalyticUseCaseImp(analyticsProviders)
fun `should send analytic event`() {
// Arrange
val cdsCustomer = CDSCustomer(
id = Random.nextInt(0, 100000),
email = UUID.randomUUID().toString())
val userIdCapture= argumentCaptor<AnalyticEvent.UserId>()
val userEmailCapture= argumentCaptor<AnalyticEvent.UserEmail>()
// Act
// Assert
verify(analyticsProviders, atLeastOnce()).log(userIdCapture.capture())
verify(analyticsProviders, atLeastOnce()).log(userEmailCapture.capture())
The error I get is the following:
AnalyticEvent$UserId cannot be cast to AnalyticEvent$UserEmail
I am suspecting that because class under test is creating a new object for each log method they will not be the same for the verified methods in the unit test
i.e log(AnalyticEvent.UserId(
As a new AnaltyicEvent.UserId will be created and just for the same AnalyticProvider mock
Many thanks for any suggetions
In the documentation of ArgumentCaptor we can read that:
This utility class doesn't do any type checks. The generic
signatures are only there to avoid casting in your code.
Moreover CapturingMatcher which is used for collecting captured arguments has a method which matches all objects:
public boolean matches(Object argument) {
return true;
It means that it is normal behaviour and even when we specify concrete type of captor it will record all arguments passed.
Of course all these arguments have to inherit from the same base class because in other case capture method will cause compilation error.
So, both your captors record two arguments.
To fix class cast exception for your test you can assert secondValue for email.
You can also stop using argument captors and simply verify invocations of log method.

Mockito.verify didn't see method exectution, even if it was

The error I have:
The code with the error:
#PrepareForTest(PotatoProvider::class, PotatoConsumer::class)
class WantedButNotInvoked {
lateinit var potatoConsumer: PotatoConsumer
fun potato() {
//verify(potatoConsumer).accept(any()) //-> This fails too with the same reason
data class Potato(val value: Int = 1)
class PotatoConsumer : Consumer<Potato> {
override fun accept(t: Potato?) {
So I making subscribe with this mock(potatoConsumer), and the rxJava have called 'accept', and mockito mark it as interaction, but mockito thinks this interaction is not what I'm expecting, why?
Versions of libraries used her:
mockitoVersion = '2.8.9'
mockitoAndroidVersion = '2.7.22'
rxKotlin = "2.3.0"
rxJavaVersion = "2.2.10"
Kinda workaround
Some fields mocked by powermock, fails on 'verify', but fields mocked with mockito is not;
Mockito can't mock not opened fields, without mock-maker-inline, but mockito conflicts with Powermock mock-maker-inline;
Powermock can delegate calls of mock-maker-inline to other mock-maker-inline(
Use Mockito.mock on the failed fields instead of #Mock/Powermock mock injection
Example of the "green" potato test method using PowerMockRunner
fun potato() {
potatoConsumer = mock() // <-
I am not familiar with PowerMock but I tried this test and it passes:
fun potato() {
fakePotatoProvider = Mockito.mock(
potatoConsumer = Mockito.mock(
Maybe because you aren't passing the same instance of Potato(). Try to refactor your code to this
fun potato() {
val testPotato = Potato()
As I mentioned above, the reason why it might be failing is the constant creation of new instances when passing your Potato object, hance that comparison fails.

Unit testing coroutines on UI thread

I'm using coroutines to do an asynchronous call on pull to refresh like so:
class DataFragment : Fragment(), SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener {
// other functions here
override fun onRefresh() {
private fun loadDataAsync() = async(UI) {
swipeRefreshLayout?.isRefreshing = true
val data = async(CommonPool) {
service?.getData() // suspending function
when {
data == null -> showError()
data.isEmpty() -> progressLayout?.showEmpty(null, parentActivity?.getString(R.string.no_data), null)
else -> {
swipeRefreshLayout?.isRefreshing = false
Everything here works fine when I actually put it on a device. My error, empty, and data states are all handled well and the performance is good. However, I'm also trying to unit test it with Spek. My Spek test looks like this:
class DataFragmentTest : Spek({
describe("The DataFragment") {
var uut: DataFragment? = null
beforeEachTest {
uut = DataFragment()
// test other functions
describe("when onRefresh") {
beforeEachTest {
uut?.swipeRefreshLayout = mock()
it("sets swipeRefreshLayout.isRefreshing to true") {
verify(uut?.swipeRefreshLayout)?.isRefreshing = true // says no interaction with mock
The test is failing because it says that there was no interaction with the uut?.swipeRefreshLayout mock. After some experimenting, it seems this is because I'm using the UI context via async(UI). If I make it just be a regular async, I can get the test to pass but then the app crashes because I'm modifying views outside of the UI thread.
Any ideas why this might be occurring? Also, if anyone has any better suggestions for doing this which will make it more testable, I'm all ears.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that I also tried wrapping the verify and the uut?.onRefresh() in a runBlocking, but I still had no success.
If you want to make things clean and consider using MVP architecture in the future you should understand that CourutineContext is external dependency, that should be injected via DI, or passed to your presenter. More details on topic.
The answer for your question is simple, you should use only Unconfined CourutineContext for your tests. (more)
To make things simple create an object e.g. Injection with:
package com.example
object Injection {
val uiContext : CourutineContext = UI
val bgContext : CourutineContext = CommonPool
and in test package create absolutely the same object but change to:
package com.example
object Injection {
val uiContext : CourutineContext = Unconfined
val bgContext : CourutineContext = Unconfined
and inside your class it will be something like:
val data = async(Injection.bgContext) {service?.getData()}.await()

