Android Studio: Uncompiled XML file passed as argument? - android

I'm trying to build an Android project that hasn't been built in several years and I'm getting this error:
/Users/james/projects/app_project_dir/app/build/intermediates/res/merged/debug/values/com_crashlytics_build_id.xml: error: uncompiled XML file passed as argument. Must be compiled first into .flat file..
error: failed parsing overlays.
What does this error mean? I can't find any file named com_crashlytics_build_id in the project.


Create android aar that contains another android arr

I've created an aar (mine.aar) that references another aar (other.aar).
I have the source code from both aar and both are kept locally (in the libs directory).
I only want to distribute mine.aar so whoever adds it to its project, only needs to add one local file because the code from other.aar would be "inside" of mine.aar
When I add mine.aar to a project I'm getting:
Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'.
> Android resource linking failed
/Users/kodiak/.gradle/caches/transforms-2/files-2.1/cc11357a55d4d7c90e9854a3725b5e6d/res/layout/activity_item.xml:17: AAPT: error: attribute libappbarlayout_fitsystem (aka com.awproject:libitembarlayout_fitsystem) not found.
Where layout/activity_item.xml is a layout in mine.aar that references a custom view from other.aar and libitembarlayout_fitsystem is an attribute of this custom view.
So my question is:
Is it possible to ship mine.aar with the code from other.aar?

Android resource linking failed on build APK

i tried to create an app widget.. i can run the widget in emulator.. but i cann't build it as apk file
Below is the error
Android resource linking failed
error: resource xml/ptcwidget_info (aka
not found.
error: failed processing manifest.
but this widget_info.xml is under UIModule.. this merged manifest file is not finding xml folder under resources
Check gradle implementations, if you did add library it can be merge. Or try rename the xml file and sync project with gradle file.Files may be overlapped

Android development

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:mergeDebugResources'.
C:\Users\user\AndroidStudioProjects\BrainTrain\app\src\main\res\mipmap-hdpi\USER-PC.eml: Error: The file name must end with .xml or .png
This error as been occurring ever after closing my Android studio
You put a file, named USER-PC.eml in res/mipmap-hdpi/. That is not a valid filename for that directory (wrong extension, dashes not allowed), and quite possibly it is not a valid file for that directory.
So, remove it from the project for now.

Xamarin android binding library not found

I'm building a binding library which consists of a .jar file and an associated .so file.
The jar file is set with a build action of embeddedjar, while the .so file is set with a build action of embeddednativelibrary
The above is background to the error I'm getting when building the library.
I'm getting the error below:
/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/Android/Xamarin.Android.Bindings.targets: Error: Error executing task CreateNativeLibraryArchive: /Users/jameslavery/Projects/DeviceAPI-Custom/DeviceAPI-Custom/obj/Debug/ does not exist (DeviceAPI-Custom)
It appears that the intermediate file
isn't being created.
Any thoughts/solution?

Xamarin Android .AAR results in DirectoryNotFoundException

When trying to reference a .AAR java library binding we received the following error:
Unexpected error - Please file a bug report at Reason: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path "\\####\####\Developer\Mobile Apps\Android\####.Android\Project Files\####.Xamarin.Android\obj\Release\__library_projects__\IntercomForXamarinAndroidBase\library_project_imports\res\drawable-xxhdpi\intercomsdk_chat_bubble_right_aligned_notail.9.png" (XA0000) (####.Xamarin.Android) monodroid
Turns out it was because the file path was too long.
Installed windows hotfix:
A file copy operation fails when files or folders have long paths in Windows Explorer

