How to compare audio in android? - android

I'm making an application in which I record a direct audio from the microphone of the cell phone, I save that recording and I need to compare it with some audio already stored in the device
The audios are of "noise" of motors, the idea is that from the recorded recording it indicates us to which case of the saved ones it seems
that is, I have two cases, a good engine and a damaged engine, when I finish recording it must say "this audio belongs to a damaged engine"
Reading I find that it has to be done through artificial intelligence, which is really complex, I have read that you can "decompose" the audio into a vector of numbers or make comparisons by FFT, however I do not find much information about it, really I'd appreciate your help.
the file type saved is .wav

It's nontrivial task to compare audio signals.
The audio is just a sequence of values (numbers) where index is just a "time" and value is a loudness of sound (amplitude).
If you compare audio data like two arrays (sequences) element by element, iterating through the index - it will be luck to get something reasonable. Though you need some transformation of this array to get aggregated info about this sequence of numbers as a whole (for example - spectre of signal).
There are some mathematical tools for this task, for example, mentioned by you well-known Fourier Transform and statistical tool Autocorrelation (it finds "kindness" of sequence of numbers).
The autocorrelation method can be relatively simple - you just iterate comparing arrays of data and calculate the autocorrelation. But you will pay for simplicity in case of initial quality (or preparation/normalization) of signals - they should have similar duration. The value of resulted correlation function will show how differ two sequences, i.e. 0 - is absolutely different and 1 - is almost the same.
To implement Fourier Transform (FFT) is not a problem too, you could take well described algo and implement it itself on any language without using third party libs. It does the job very well.
FT will help you get a spectrum of the signal i.e. another set of values: set of amplitudes per frequency (roughly, frequency as array index instead of time in case of input raw signal) and now you can compare this given spectrums almost like two arrays iterating through an index (frequency) and then decide on their similarity - calculate deltas and see whether it hit into some acceptance interval (or you can use more correct statistical methods e.g. correlation function).
As for noised signal, the noise is usually subtracted from the given data set (but here you should know the sort of noise type).
It is all related to signal processing area and if you're working on such project you need to learn more about this.
Bonus: a book for example


How to use noise meter package in flutter to give only few decibel readings per second

I am using noise meter to read noise in decibels. When I run the app it is recording almost 120 readings per second. I don't want those many recordings. Is there any way to specify that I want only one or two recordings per second like that. Thanks in advance. noise_meter package.
I am using code from git hub which is already written using noise_meter github repo noise_meter example
I tried to calculate no. of samples using sample rate which is 40100 in the package. but I can't understand it.
As you see in the source code , audio streamer uses a fixed size buffer of a new thousand and an audio sample rate of 41000, and includes this comment Uses a buffer array of size 512. Whenever buffer is full, the content is sent to Flutter. So, small audio blocks will arrive at the consumer frequently (as you might expect from a streamer). It doesn't seem possible to adjust this.
The noise meter package simply takes each block of audio and calculates the noise level, so the rate of arrival of those is exactly the same as rate of arrival of audio blocks from the underlying package.
Given the simplicity of the noise meter calculation, you could replace it with your own code directly on top of audio streamer. You just need to collect multiple blocks of audio together before performing the simple decibel calculation.
Alternatively you could simply discard N out of each N+1 samples.

Generate FFT and decode on Arduino

I really fail at FFT and now I'm in need to communicate from the headphone jack of my Android to the Arduino there's currently a library for Arduino (talks about it in the blog post Real-time spectrum analyzer powered by Arduino) and one for Android too!
How should I start? How should I build audio signals which ultimately can be turned into FFTs and the Arduino can analyse the same using the library and I can actuate anything?
You are asking a very fuzzy question: "How should I build audio signals which ultimately can be turned into FFTs and the Arduino can analyse the same using the library and I can actuate anything?". I am going to help you think through the problem - asking yourself the right questions is essential to get any answers.
Presumably, your audio signals are "coming from somewhere" - i.e. they are sound. This means that you need to convert them into a stream of numbers first.
problem #1: converting audio signal into a stream of numbers
This breaks down into three separate sub problems:
Getting the signal to the right amplitude
Choosing the sampling rate needed
Digitizing and storing the data for later processing
Items (1) and (3) are related, since you need to know how you are going to digitize the signal before you can choose the right amplitude. For example, if you have a microphone as your sound input source, you will need to amplify the signal (and maybe add some automatic gain control) before feeding it into an ADC (analog to digital converter) that has a 5 V input range, since the microphone may have an output in the mV range. Without more information about the hardware you are using, there's not a lot to add here. It sounds from your tag that you are trying to do that inside an Android device - in which case I wonder how you intend to move the digital signal to the Arduino (over USB?).
The second point, "choosing the sampling rate", is actually very important. A sound signal contains many different frequencies - think of them as keys on the piano. In order to detect a high frequency, you need to sample the signal "faster than it is changing". There is a formal theorem called "Nyquist's Theorem" that states that you have to sample at 2x the highest frequency that is present in your signal. Note - it's not just "that you are interested in", but "that is present". If you sample a high frequency signal with a low frequency sample clock, it will appear "aliased" - it wil show up in your output as something completely different. So before you digitize a signal you have to decide what the frequencies of interest are, and remove all higher frequencies with a filter. Let's say you are interested in frequencies up to 500 Hz (about 1 octave above middle C on a piano). To give your filter a chance to work, you might choose to cut off all frequencies above 1 kHz (filters "roll off" - i.e. they increase in strength over a range of frequencies), and would sample at 2 kHz. This means you get 2000 samples per second, and you need to figure out where to put them on your Arduino (memory fills up quickly on the little board.)
Problem #2: analyzing the signal
Assuming that you have somehow captured a digital signal, your next task is analyzing it. The FFT is basicaly some clever math that tells you, for a given sound sample, "what keys on the piano were hit, and how hard". It breaks the sound signal into a series of frequency "bins", and determines how much energy is in each bin (it also computes the phase, but let's keep it simple). So if the input of a FFT algorithm is a sound sample, the output is an array of values telling you what frequencies were present in the signal. This is approximate, since it will find the "nearest bin". Sticking with the same analogy - if you were hitting a piano that's out of tune, the algorithm won't return "out of tune", but rather "a bit of C, and a bit of C sharp", since it cannot actually measure anything in between. The accuracy of an FFT is determined by the sampling frequency (which gives you the upper limit on the frequency you can detect) and the sample length: the longer you "listen" so the sample, the more subtle the differences you can "hear". So you have another trade-off to consider: if your audio signal changes rapidly, you have to sample for a short time (to capture the quick changes); but if you need an accurate frequency, you have to sample for a long time. For example if you are writing a Morse decoder, your sampling has to be short compared to a pause between "dits" and "dashes" - or they will slur together. Figuring out that a morse tone is present is pretty easy though, since there will be a single tone (one bin in the FFT) that is much larger than the others.
Exactly how you implement these things depends on your application. The third step, "doing something with it", requires you to decide what is a meaningful signal. Again, if you are making a Morse decoder, you would perhaps turn an LED ON when a single tone is present (one or two bins in the FFT have much bigger value than the mean of the others), and OFF when it is not (all noise - lots of bins with approximately the same size). But without a LOT more information from you, there's not much more one can say to help you.
You might learn a lot from reading the following articles:

audio, balance the sound from 2 sources

I am working a phone recording software (android) which record a conversation between 2 people on a phone call. The output of each phone call is an audio file of which contains the sound from both the caller and callee.
However, most of the time, the voice from the phone that this software run on is clearer than the other. Users request me to make the 2 sound equally clear.
So the problem I have now is: I have a sound file containing voices from 2 sources with different volume, what should I do make the volume of voice from those 2 sources equally regarding the noise should not be increased. Given that this is a phone call so at a specific time there is only one person speaking.
I see at least 1 straight solution for this: making a program analyzing the wave form of the sound file, identifying parts of the sound file coming from the source having smaller voice and increase it to a level seemingly balance with the another. However this will be not an easy one to implement and I also hope that there would be better solution out there. Do you have any suggestion for me?
Thank you.
Well, the first thing to do is to get rid of all of the noise that you do not care about.
The spectrum that you would want to use is: 300 Hz to 3500 Hz
You can cut all of the other frequencies which would substantially cut your noise. You can then apply an autoequalization gain profile or even tap into the DSP profiles available on several devices.
I would also take a look at this whitepaper if you have a chance. (IEEE or ACM membership required).
An Auto-Equalization System Based on DirectShow Technology and Its Application in Audio Broadcast System of Radio Station
This is how I have solved this problem:
1. I decode the audio into a series of Integer value thank to the storing WAV format.
The result be [xi] ; 0 < xi < 255
2. Then I have to decide 2 custom value:
- Noise threshold? if xi > threshold => it is not noise (pretty naive!)
- How long should sound be a chunk of human voice?
I myself choose the first value to 5 and the second value to 100ms
3. My algorithm will analyze the [xi] in to [Yi] with each Y is an array of x and each Y represent a chunk of human sound.
After that, I apply k-mean with k=2 and got 2 different cluster of Y, one belongs to the person whose voice is louder and the other belongs to the one with softer voice.
4. What left is pretty straight forward, I have to decide a parameter M, each x belong to a Y of the softer voice will multiply with M and I get the final result.

Read raw audio and extract SMPTE timecode in android

I am trying to extract the SMPTE timecode (wikipedia) from an audio input stream in android.
As mentioned here first step is to scan the input stream byte sequence for 0011111111111101 to synchronize. But how to do this with the AudioRecord class?
That answer isn't really correct. The audio signal you are getting is a modulated carrier wave, and extracting SMPTE bits from it is a multi-step process: The raw data you get through the mike or audio in isn't going to correspond to SMPTE timecode. Therefore, you need to decode the audio, which is not at all simple.
The first step is to convert your audio signal from biphase mark code. I haven't implemented a SMPTE reader myself, but you know the clock rate from the SMPTE standard, so the first thing I would do is filter carefully to get rid of background noise, since it sounds like you are taking the audio in from the mike. A gentle high-pass to remove any DC offset should do and a gentle lowpass for HF noise should also help. (You could instead use a broad bandpass)
Then, you need to find the start of each clock cycle. You could do something fancy like an autocorrelation or PLL algorithm, but I suspect that knowing the approximate clock rate from from the SMPTE standard and being able to adjust a few percent up and down is good enough -- maybe better. So, just look for repeating transitions according to the spec. Doing something fancy will help if you suspect your timecode is highly warped (which might be the case if you have a really old tape deck or you want to sync at very high/low speeds, but LTC isn't really designed for this. That's more VTC's domain.).
Once you've identified the clock, you need to determine, for each clock tick, if a transition in the signal occurred at the start of the clock cycle. Each clock tick will have a transition in the middle, but a transition at the start indicates a 0 bit. That's how BMC transmits both clock and data in a single stream. This allows you to create a new stream of your actual SMPTE data.
Now you've decoded the BMC into a SMPTE stream. The next step is to look for the sync code. Looking at the spec on Wikipedia and from what I remember of SMPTE, I would assert that it is not enough to find a single sync code, which may happen by accident or coincidence elsewhere in the 80-bit block. Instead, you must find several in a row at the right interval. Then you can read your data into 80-bit SMPTE blocks, and, as you read, you must continue to verify the sync codes. If you don't see one where you expected it, start the search from scratch.
Finally, once you've decoded, you'll have to come up with some way to "flywheel" because you will almost certainly not read all data correctly all the time (no checksums!). That is the nature of the beast.

Neural Network to recognize accelerometer pattern

I'm building an application for Android devices that requires it to recognize, by accelerometer data, the difference between walking noise and double tapping it. I'm trying to solve this problem using Neural Networks.
At the start it went pretty well, teaching it to recognize the taps from noise such as standing up/ sitting down and walking around at a slower pace. But when it came to normal walking it never seemed to learn even though I fed it with a large proportion of noise data.
My question: Are there any serious flaws in my approach? Is the problem based on lack of data?
The network
I've choosen a 25 input 1 output multi-layer perceptron, which I am training with backpropagation. The input is the changes in acceleration every 20ms and output ranges from -1 (for no-tap) to 1 (for tap). I've tried pretty much every constallation of hidden inputs there are, but had most luck with 3 - 10.
I'm using Neuroph's easyNeurons for the training and exporting to Java.
The data
My total training data is about 50 pieces double taps and about 3k noise. But I've also tried to train it with proportional amounts of noise to double taps.
The data looks like this (ranges from +10 to -10):
Sitting double taps:
Fast walking:
So to reiterate my questions: Are there any serious flaws in my approach here? Do I need more data for it to recognize the difference between walking and double tapping? Any other tips?
Ok so after much adjusting we've boiled the essential problem down to being able to recognize double taps while taking a brisk walk. Sitting and regular (in-house) walking we can solve pretty good.
Brisk walk
So this is some test data of me first walking then stopping, standing still, then walking and doing 5 double taps while I'm walking.
If anyone is interested in the raw data, I linked it for the latest (brisk walk) data here
Do you insist on using a neural network? If not, here is an idea:
Take a window of 0.5 seconds and consider the area under the curve (or since your signal is discrete, the sum of the absolute values of each sensor reading-- the red area in the attached image). You will probably find that that sum is high when the user is walking and much much lower when they are sitting and/or tapping. You can set a threshold above which you consider a given window to be taken while the user is walking. Alternatively, since you have labelled data, you can train any binary classifier to differentiate between walking and not walking.
You can probably improve your system by considering other features of the signal, such as how jagged the line is. If the phone is sitting on a table, the line will be almost flat. If the user is typing, the line will be kind of flat, and you will see a spike every now and then. If they are walking, you will see something like a sine wave.
Have you considered that the "fast walking" and "fast walking + double tapping" signals might be too similar to differentiate using only accelerometer data? It may simply not be possible to achieve accuracy above a certain amount.
Otherwise, neural networks are probably a good choice for your data, and it still may be possible to get better performance out of them.
This very-useful paper ( recommends that you whiten your dataset so that it has a mean of zero and unit covariance.
Also, since your problem is a classification problem, you should make sure that you are training your network using a cross-entropy criteria ( ) rather than RMSE. (I have no idea whether Neuroph supports cross-entropy or not.)
Another relatively simple thing you could try, as other posters suggested, is transforming your data. Using an FFT or DCT to transform your data to the frequency domain is relatively standard for time-series classification.
You could also try training networks on different sized windows and averaging the results.
If you want to try some more difficult NN architectures, you could look at the Time-Delay-Neural-Network (just google this for the paper), which takes multiple windows into account in its structure. It should be relatively straightforward to use one of the Torch libraries ( to implement this, but it might be hard to export the network to an Android environment.
Finally, another method of getting better classification performance in time-series data is to consider the relationships between adjacent labels. Conditional Neural Fields ( - note:I have never used this code) do this by integrating neural networks into conditional random fields, and, depending on the patterns of behavior in your actual data, may do a better job.
What probably would work is to filter the data using a Fourier transform first. Walking has a sinus like amplitude, your double taps would stand-out in the transform-result as a different frequency. I guess a neural network can than determine if the data contains your double tabs because it has the extra frequency (the double tabs frequency). Some questions remain:
How long the sample of data needs to be?
Can your phone do all the work it needs to do, does it have enough processing power?
You might even want to consider using the GPU for this.
Another option is to use the Fourier output and some good old Fuzzy Logic.
This sound like fun...

