Android Thread Execution Slows Down when screen locks - android

Iam running this procedure to download some data and insert them into the database. The total procedure takes around 5 minutes. I noticed that while downloading, when the phone locks the screen and open it after 5 minutes, it will still downloading. It seems when locked download procedure slows down. Is there any explanation?
The execution time also slows down when pressing home button and becomes a background process, not only when sreen locks.
Thank you
public abstract class AppDatabase extends RoomDatabase {
private static AppDatabase sInstance;
public static final String DATABASE_NAME = "Database_db";
public abstract CustomerDao repoCustomer();
public static AppDatabase getInstance(Context context) {
if (sInstance == null) {
synchronized (AppDatabase.class) {
if (sInstance == null) {
sInstance = Room.databaseBuilder(context.getApplicationContext(), AppDatabase.class, DATABASE_NAME).build();
return sInstance;
public void downloadCustomers(final String table){
executors.diskIO().execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
//download data and insert into database.

I believe it is something related with power management. Have you tried using a wake lock?
To test if that is your problem, simply add android:keepScreenOn="true" to the layout of the activity where the thread is started.
If it solves the problem and you donĀ“t need the screen on, consider reading this thread:
To aquire a wakelock you must add this to your manifest:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
And set manually the wake lock:
val wakeLock: PowerManager.WakeLock =
(getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE) as PowerManager).run {
newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "MyApp::MyWakelockTag").apply {
To manually release it, you can do it with:
Also, from the same source and it seems to me that this can be applied to your problem, check this out:
Before adding wakelock support to your app, consider whether your app's use cases support one of the following alternative solutions:
"If your app is performing long-running HTTP downloads, consider using DownloadManager.
If your app is synchronizing data from an external server, consider creating a sync adapter.
If your app relies on background services, consider using JobScheduler or Firebase Cloud Messaging to trigger these services at specific intervals."
Hope it helps.


Writing Firebase database after app is swiped from recent list

I need to write three items of data in Firebase Realtime Database in case the user kill the app
from recent list while it's still running; I implemented a service in order to
update the database when onTaskRemoved is called.
In the manifest the service is declared with the option android:stopWithTask="false"
Here is the service
public class ServiceAppMonitoring extends Service {
public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
public void onTaskRemoved(Intent rootIntent) {
FirebaseDatabase mDatabase = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance();
SharedPreferences mSettings = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getApplicationContext());
//Get some datas from Shared Preferences...
String path1 = "first/node/path";
if (condition) {
// Compose array of datas
List<Object> data2 = Arrays.asList(new Object[]{ ... });
String path2 = "second/node/path";
// Compose array of datas
List<Object> data3 = Arrays.asList(new Object[]{ ... });
String path3 = "third/node/path";
} else {
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return null; }
Strangely only the first instruction is successful, the other two seem to be ignored... at least no data is written into database.
Further I've noticed another "unusual" behaviour, if I arrange all the DatabaseReferences in the
following way:
no one of the instructions end up writing into database, to get (at least) the first one working I've to arrange this way:
Can anybody kindly help me to understand why this happens?
This is almost certainly because Firebase operations are asynchronous, and return immediately before the writes are complete. onTaskRemved is going to return before either of the database writes fully finish.
I'm guessing that your app process is going to die very soon, if not immediately, after onTaskRemved returns. This means that your database writes might not finish. Android doesn't know that these writes are pending, and it's not going to wait for them.
Since you don't have way from your service to tell Android to wait for these writes, you will have to schedule them for later. I suggest looking into using WorkManager to schedule the writes to happen in the background, whenever Android allows it. It might not be immediate, but WorkManager will make sure that any scheduled tasks will eventually complete.
Hey based on your answer I updated a small thing on database from onTaskRemoved like this
I already initialized the DatabaseReference in the onCreate method
DatabaseReference temp = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance.getReference().child("temp");
and in onTaskRemoved
this is getting executed and I added a onchange listener in onCreate method to listen for this values change and it worked like a charm. If you don't understand anything feel free to ask and let me know how you got over this problem:)
This is not working in all devices...
EDIT AGAIN: I simply used on Destroy method in my service and killed the service after completing the task and is working for now...
EDIT AGAIN AND AGAIN: OnDestroy is not working in android 6 or below I guess. I tested in Android 6 and it didnt work.

SyncAdapter process killed when app process is terminated

Why the SyncAdapter process (:sync) is killed when the app is swiped from the app switcher list ? i thought the whole intention here is to keep them decoupled.
Following is the code used. mUploadTask is a AsyncTask im executing that reads information from a sqlite table (using getContext().getContentResolver()) and uploads relevant data to a backend (using HttpPost). Very straight forward.
Also, i implemented only one onSyncCanceled() since my SyncAdapter doesnt support syncing of multiple accounts in parallel.
public class SyncAdapter extends AbstractThreadedSyncAdapter implements UploadTaskListener {
private static final String TAG = SyncAdapter.class.getSimpleName();
private static volatile UploadTask mUploadTask;
* Set up the sync adapter
public SyncAdapter(Context context, boolean autoInitialize) {
super(context, autoInitialize);
* Set up the sync adapter. This form of the
* constructor maintains compatibility with Android 3.0
* and later platform versions
public SyncAdapter(
Context context,
boolean autoInitialize,
boolean allowParallelSyncs) {
super(context, autoInitialize, allowParallelSyncs);
public void onPerformSync(Account account, Bundle extras, String authority,
ContentProviderClient provider, SyncResult syncResult) {
MHLog.logI(TAG, "onPerformSync");
ContentResolver.setSyncAutomatically(account, authority, true);
if (mUploadTask == null) {
synchronized (SyncAdapter.class) {
if (mUploadTask == null) {
mUploadTask = new UploadTask(getContext(), this).executeOnSettingsExecutor();
MHLog.logI(TAG, "onPerformSync - running");
public void onSyncCanceled() {
MHLog.logI(TAG, "onSyncCanceled");
if(mUploadTask != null){
mUploadTask = null;
From the documentation:
Syncs can be cancelled at any time by the framework. For example a sync that was not user-initiated and lasts longer than 30 minutes will be considered timed-out and cancelled. Similarly the framework will attempt to determine whether or not an adapter is making progress by monitoring its network activity over the course of a minute. If the network traffic over this window is close enough to zero the sync will be cancelled. You can also request the sync be cancelled via cancelSync(Account, String) or cancelSync(SyncRequest).
A sync is cancelled by issuing a interrupt() on the syncing thread. Either your code in onPerformSync(Account, Bundle, String, ContentProviderClient, SyncResult) must check interrupted(), or you you must override one of onSyncCanceled(Thread)/onSyncCanceled() (depending on whether or not your adapter supports syncing of multiple accounts in parallel). If your adapter does not respect the cancel issued by the framework you run the risk of your app's entire process being killed.
Are you making sure your honoring the rules of the SyncAdapter framework?
Additionally, it would be nice to see some of your code to drill down to why the framework is cancelling your Sync...
The onPerformSync() works on a separate thread. So, you don't need to create any executor variables to implement the background work.
I had the same problem - my adapter has been using executor in onPerformSync() method, that perform operations (now - the one more thread).
That's a reason - in case the system doesn't see any job in onPerformSync() method in it's thread (because you've created executor that perform actions in another thread) - the onSyncCanceled() method will be invoked - it is just a question of time.
The short time operations will be done, but the long time (10 min) will be terminated by onSyncCanceled().
You can override onSyncCanceled() in your adapter - but you should understand the real problem and avoid it.
Here is the project sample Do the client-server implementation in onPerformSync() method and have no problem.

Job manager in Android

I have a task to run several different jobs in Android app. Each job is long-running and cosumes network, database and file system much. Each job can be run manually by user or scheduled by AlarmManager. It is very important that each job runs till the end, so it needs to continue running after user leaves the app, or even when user does not open the app at all. Jobs have some ID attribute like this:
class Job {
int id;
I need this hypothetical JobManager to receive jobs and sort them by ID. If a job with id = 1 is already running, then JobManager should skip all the subsequent jobs with id = 1 until this job is finished. But if a job is submitted with id = 2, then it is accepted and can be run in parallel with the first job.
The jobs should also to keep wake lock until completed, like it is done in CommonsWare's WakefulIntentService.
I have several ideas how to implement this, but all have their drawbacks:
Subclass of the Service class that runs always in background and is automatically restarted, when killed for some reason. Drawbacks: it consumes resources even if not running anything, it is running on UI thread, so we have to manage some threads that can be killed by system as usual, each client has to start the Service and nobody knows, when to stop it.
WakefulIntentService from CommonsWare. Drawbacks: because it is IntentService, it runs only sequentially, so it cannot check for existing running job.
Boolean "running" flag in the database for each job. Check it every time we want to run a job. Drawbacks: too many requests to db, difficult to implement properly, sometimes 2 equal jobs still can run in parallel, not sure about flags staying "true" in case of any unexpected error.
Existing library disigned for this purpose. As for now except CWAC-Wakeful I have found:
Android Job Queue:
but still I don't know, how to use these libraries to run exactly one centralized service, that whould accept jobs from any other Activity, Service, BroadcastReceiver, AlarmManager, etc, sort them by ID and run in parallel.
Please advise me what solution can be used in this case.
UPDATE: See below my own solution. I'm not sure, if it works in all possible cases. If you are aware of any problems that may arise with this, please comment.
This seems to be suited for the new JobScheduler API on Lollipop, then you will have to make a wrapper around it to implement all the features that the sdk implementation is missing.
There is a compat library if you need to implement this on versions below Lollipop.
If anybody faces the same problem, here is the solution I came up with. I used Robospice lib, because it is the most robust way of running some jobs on a Service and syncing results back to the Activity. As I did not find any ways to use this lib with WakeLocks, I extended 2 classes: SpiceManager and SpiceRequest. The new classes, WakefulSpiceManager and WakefulSpiceRequest, actually borrow CommonsWare's ideas about WakeLocks, the implementation is very similar.
public class WakefulSpiceManager extends SpiceManager {
private static final String NAME = "WakefulSpiceManager";
private static volatile PowerManager.WakeLock wakeLock;
private Context context;
public WakefulSpiceManager(Context context, Class<? extends SpiceService> spiceServiceClass) {
this.context = context;
private static synchronized PowerManager.WakeLock getLock(Context context) {
if (wakeLock == null) {
PowerManager mgr = (PowerManager) context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
wakeLock = mgr.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, NAME);
return wakeLock;
public <T> void execute(WakefulSpiceRequest<T> request, RequestListener<T> requestListener) {
PowerManager.WakeLock lock = getLock(context);
// explicitly avoid caching
super.execute(new CachedSpiceRequest<T>(request, null, ALWAYS_EXPIRED), requestListener);
public abstract class WakefulSpiceRequest<R> extends SpiceRequest<R> {
private PowerManager.WakeLock lock;
public WakefulSpiceRequest(Class<R> clazz) {
public void setLock(PowerManager.WakeLock lock) {
this.lock = lock;
public final R loadDataFromNetwork() throws Exception {
try {
return execute();
} finally {
if (lock.isHeld()) {
public abstract R execute() throws Exception;
So basically here we acquire the lock every time we are going to send a request from WakefulSpiceManager. After that the lock is passed to the WakefulSpiceRequest. When request finishes its work, it cleans the lock with release() method - this will happen even if the activity with WakefulSpiceManager is already destroyed.
Now we use those classes in usual Robospice's manner, with the only exception that we need to pass only WakefulSpiceRequests to execute on WakefulSpiceManager:
WakefulSpiceManager manager = new WakefulSpiceManager(context, MyService.class);
manager.execute(new WakefulSpiceRequest<MyResult>(MyResult.class) {
public MyResult execute() throws Exception {
return ...
}, new RequestListener<MyResult>() {
public void onRequestFailure(SpiceException e) {
public void onRequestSuccess(MyResult result) {
The new Workmanager will help you schedule tasks in any order you want. You can easily set constraints to the job that you want to be en-queued along with many other advantages over JobScheduler API or alarm manager. Have a look at this video for a brief intro - (WorkManager at 21:44).
EDIT: Updated my ans to show the capabilities of the new API
You will not need ids to handle the jobs with this one. You can simply enqueue the task and the rest will be handled by the API itself.
Some work case scenarios are
// Note: WorkManager.beginWith() returns a
// WorkContinuation object; the following calls are
// to WorkContinuation methods
// First, run all the A tasks (in parallel):
.beginWith(workA1, workA2, workA3)
// ...when all A tasks are finished, run the single B task:
// ...then run the C tasks (in any order):
.then(workC1, workC2)

self destructing an android app after certain amount of time

i currently work on an app that needs a lot of battery in order to support background gps tracking. my experience shows that people just forget about the app runnning in the background when they dont really need the tracking anymore. therefore i setup some code that should close the application after 4 hours.
public class SelfDestructor {
private static SelfDestructor instance;
private final long IDLE_TIME_UNTIL_AUTO_DESTRUCT = 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 4 hours
private Handler handler;
private Runnable closeApp = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
public static SelfDestructor getInstance() {
if (SelfDestructor.instance == null) {
SelfDestructor.instance = new SelfDestructor();
return SelfDestructor.instance;
public void keepAlive() {
if (handler == null) {
handler = new Handler();
handler.postDelayed(closeApp, IDLE_TIME_UNTIL_AUTO_DESTRUCT);
now in my main activity i call keepAlive().
protected void onResume() {
protected void onStart() {
now if i set the time to an hours or so and debug the that functionality everything works fine. if i set the time to 4 hours the System.exit(0); is never called. i am assuming the app thread with the close callback is just put on hold by the android system after a while and therefore will not be executed anymore while gps will continue to run. any ideas how to properly get this to work?
handler and postDelayed are not suited for long timers. At most they should be used within a few seconds and personally I think I never used one for anything more than 2 seconds.
Said all that, Android have an appropriate class for "stuff that should happen after a long time", it's called AlarmManager:
you can get the references to the system service AlarmManager by calling Context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE)
and then set it by calling am.set(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME, IDLE_TIME_UNTIL_AUTO_DESTRUCT, operation)
the operation is a PendingIntent to a BroadcastReceiver that you register in the AndroidManifest.xml via the <receiver> tag. Then you do the close application code inside this broadcast receiver.
Also I should add that it's NEVER good to call System.exit(0);, as this just destroy the VM without much of a warning. It's a better, more organised/structured shut down if you pass a command to the Service that is holding the GPS (I believe you're running a service), then this service will cancel the GPS request, and call stopSelf();

What happens to Threads started in Android Service when Android restarts the Service?

I have a Service like this (this is not the actual Service, it's just for describing my problem).
public class UploadService {
private BlockingQueue<UploadData> queue = null;
private UploadInfoReceiver receiver = null;
public void onStart(...) {
queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<UploadData>();
(new Processor()).start();
// creating and reigtering receiver
public void onDestroy() {
queue.add(new ServiceDestroyedData());
// unregistering the receiver
private class Processor extends Thread() {
public void run() {
while (true) {
UploadData data = queue.take();
if (data instanceof ServiceDestroyedData) {
// processing data
private class UploadInfoReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
queue.add(new UploadData(/* getting data from intent */));
And my problem is that if I do something like this in my App:
if (!isUploadServiceRunning()) {
// start the Service
Then it starts the Service, but when I move my App to the background and open task manager (android 4.2.2), and kill the app, Android restart my Service, and I can see that it creates a whole new instance of it, and I can see that onDestroy never gets called for the previous Service instance. And I also can see that the instance of the previous Processor Thread is no longer running. How can this be? If onDestroy never gets called how does Android know that it should stop my Thread?
Thanks for your answers.
Android will kill off anything that it finds that is attached to your apps classloader when you select force stop from the menu. Think kill -9 on Linux. There will be no nice callbacks to any onDestroy methods, the system will just end everything.
Now for your service:
while(true) should really NEVER be used. It will instantly kill the battery and will not do any work 99% of the time anyway.
You area already using a receiver, you can just put your while logic into there and once the upload is done call the next upload and so on. There is absolutely no need for the loop.

