I am new to unit testing in Android and have gone through several tutorials to get myself familiar with mockito and robolectric.
My app is using Dagger 2 to inject my EventService into my MainActivity. For my MainActivityUnitTest, I have set up a TestServicesModule to provide a mocked version of EventService so that I can use Robolectric to run unit tests against my MainActivity
I'm having an issue getting the ServiceCallback on my EventService.getAllEvents(callback: ServiceCallback) to execute in the unit test. I have verified in the #Setup of my MainActivityUnitTest class that the EventService is being injected as a mocked object. I have gone through several tutorials and blog posts and as far as I can tell, I am doing everything correctly. The refreshData() function in MainActivity is getting called successfully, and I can see that the call to eventsService.getAllEvents(callback) is being executed. But the doAnswer {} lambda function is never getting executed.
Here's my relevant code:
#Component(modules = [
interface AppComponent {
fun inject(target: MainActivity)
open class ServicesModule {
open fun provideEventService(db: FirebaseFirestore): EventsService {
return EventsServiceImpl(db)
interface EventsService {
fun getAllEvents(callback: ServiceCallback<List<Event>>)
fun getEvent(id: String, callback: ServiceCallback<Event?>)
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
#Inject lateinit var eventsService: EventsService
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
(application as App).appComponent.inject(this)
override fun onStart() {
eventsService.getAllEvents(object: ServiceCallback<List<Event>> {
override fun onCompletion(result: List<Event>) {
viewModel.allEvents.value = result
Now we get into the tests:
#Component(modules = [
interface TestAppComponent : AppComponent {
fun inject(target: MainActivityUnitTest)
class TestServicesModule {
fun provideEventsService(): EventsService {
return mock()
#Config(application = TestApp::class)
class MainActivityUnitTest {
#Inject lateinit var eventsService: EventsService
fun setup() {
val testComponent = DaggerTestAppComponent.builder().build()
fun givenActivityStarted_whenLoadFailed_shouldDisplayNoEventsMessage() {
val events = ArrayList<Event>()
doAnswer {
//this block is never hit during debug
val callback: ServiceCallback<List<Event>> = it.getArgument(0)
val activity = Robolectric.buildActivity(MainActivity::class.java).create().start().visible().get()
val noEventsView = activity.findViewById(R.id.no_events) as View
//this always evaluates to null because the callback is never set from the doAnswer lambda
Edit: Adding App and TestApp
open class App : Application() {
private val TAG = this::class.qualifiedName
lateinit var appComponent: AppComponent
override fun onCreate() {
appComponent = initDagger(this)
open fun initDagger(app: App): AppComponent {
return DaggerAppComponent.builder().appModule(AppModule(app)).build()
class TestApp : App() {
override fun initDagger(app: App): AppComponent {
return DaggerTestAppComponent.builder().build()
It looks like you're using a different component to inject your test and activity. As they're different components I suspect you are using 2 different instances of the eventsService.
Your test uses a local DaggerTestAppComponent.
#Inject lateinit var eventsService: EventsService
fun setup() {
val testComponent = DaggerTestAppComponent.builder().build()
While your Activity uses the appComponent from the application.
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
#Inject lateinit var eventsService: EventsService
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
(application as App).appComponent.inject(this)
To overcome this you may consider adding a test version of your application class, this would allow you to replace the AppComponent in your application with your TestAppComponent. Robolectric should allow you to create a test application as follows: http://robolectric.org/custom-test-runner/
I am developing an Android application using Kotlin. I am writing integration tests for my application. Now I am having a problem mocking an injected dependency class that is injected using the Dagger 2 test if a method of the mocked object is called. Following is my code.
I have the TestAppComponent class with the following code
#Component(modules = [ TestAppModule::class ])
interface TestAppComponent
fun inject(app: ApplicationController)
fun inject(app: MockApplicationController)
As you can see in the class, I have two inject methods. One for the ApplicationController which basically is the application class used for the actual application. Another one for MockAppllication controller which is also the application class but it is used for the tests.
Following is the implementation of the ApplicationController class
open class ApplicationController: Application()
lateinit var appComponent: AppComponent
private fun initDagger(app: ApplicationController): AppComponent = DaggerAppComponent
lateinit var fileService: IFileService
override fun onCreate() {
appComponent = initDagger(this)
instance = this
As you can see in the code, I am initializing the Dagger AppComponent class in the onCreate method of the application class. Then inject the dependency class.
This is the implementation of my MockApplicationController class which is used for the tests.
class MockApplicationController: ApplicationController()
private fun initDagger(app: MockApplicationController): AppComponent = DaggerTestAppComponent
override fun onCreate() {
//override the dagger app component appComponent
this.appComponent = initDagger(this)
instance = this
This is my activity class.
class MainActivity: AppCompatActivity()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
//rest of the code
button_save_file.setOnClickListener {
//rest of the code
As you can see, basically, what I am doing within the activity class is that I am just calling the saveFile of the IFileService interface.
Following is the definition of the IFileService interface
interface IFileService
fun saveFile(path: String)
There are two classes that are implementing the IFileService. One is FakeFileService class which will be used for the tests and the other one is FileService class which will be used for the actual application.
Following is the implementation of FakeFileService class
class FakeFileService: IFileService
fun saveFile(path: String)
//literally, this is doing nothing since we will only test that if the method is called
I also created two classes for the Dagger app modules. One for the tests and the other one for the actual application.
Following is the implementation of the TestAppModule class which will be used for tests.
open class TestAppModule (private val app: Application) {
private var fileService: IFileService? = null
fun provideContext(): Context = app
//to override injecting the Mockito mock instance
fun injectFileService(fileService: IFileService) {
this.fileService = fileService
open fun fileService(): IFileService {
if (this.fileService != null) {
return this.fileService as IFileService
return FakeFileService()
Note the injectFileService method. I created that method to inject the mock object/ instance mocked using Mockito within the tests.
This is my test class
class CameraTest: TestBuilder()
var mainActivityRule: ActivityTestRule<MainActivity> = ActivityTestRule<MainActivity>(CameraActivity::class.java, true, false)
private lateinit var fileServiceMock: IFileIOService
fun setUp() {
this.fileServiceMock = mock(IFileService::class.java)
val instrumentation = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation()
val app = instrumentation.targetContext.applicationContext as MockApplicationController
var testModule = TestAppModule(app)
app.appComponent = DaggerTestAppComponent
fun itSavesFileWhenButtonIsClicked() {
var targetContext: Context = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().targetContext
var intent: Intent = Intent(targetContext, MainActivity::class.java)
As you can see, in my test class, I try to inject the mocked version of IFileService object before the test is run. Then in my test, I am asserting that the method is executed. When I run the test it is complaining that "zero interactions with this mock". How can I fix it? What is wrong with my code and how can I fix it?
This is my ApplicationController class
open class ApplicationController: Application()
lateinit var appComponent: AppComponent
private fun initDagger(app: ApplicationController): AppComponent = DaggerAppComponent
lateinit var fileService: IFileService
override fun onCreate() {
appComponent = initDagger(this)
instance = this
When I put the loggin in each onCreate method of application controller classes and #Before method, they are called in the following order.
The code to modify the MockApplicationController with the #Before method
In my Android project and in my app module, I have a Login screen. I want to provide its view model via dagger. However, it is always null although I clearly defined how to generate it in the module class. This is my code:
class AuthViewModel(
private val firebaseAuth: FirebaseAuth,
private val logger: Logger
) {
This is the module object.
object AuthModule {
fun provideLogger(): Logger = getLogger() // It creates a Logger object forsure. I confirm it doesn't return null.
fun provideViewModel(firebaseAuth: FirebaseAuth, logger: Logger) = AuthViewModel(firebaseAuth, logger)
fun provideFirebaseAuth() = FirebaseAuth.getInstance()
this is the component
#Component(modules = [AuthModule::class])
interface AuthComponent {
interface Factory {
fun create(
#BindsInstance context: Context
): AuthComponent
This is how I inject it into my activity.
class AuthActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
#Inject lateinit var vm: AuthViewModel
#Inject lateinit var logger: Logger
companion object {
private val TAG = AuthActivity::class.java.simpleName
fun startActivity(ctx: Context) {
val intent = Intent(ctx, AuthActivity::class.java)
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
logger.logDebug("test") // <==== Crashes here because logger is null
Application crashes at the marked line above because logger is null. I debugged the app and notices the ViewModel is null, too.
I don't know what is the problem exactly but I replaced Factory with Builder and my problem fixed.
You are welcome to tell me what is the problem in my original code and I will more than happy to accept your answer. Thank you.
#Component(modules = [AuthModule::class])
interface AuthComponent {
interface Builder {
fun build(): AuthComponent
#BindsInstance fun activity(context: Context): Builder
fun inject(activity: AuthActivity)
I am currently learning how to inject into Android apps with Dagger 2. I wrote a very basic code, but it refuses to work. My goals is it to inject the MainActicity as it should be. It builds
My code:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
#Inject lateinit var info: Info
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
txt_view.text = info.textInformation
class Info {val textInformation = "You are able to read this" }
class InfoModule{
fun info ():Info{
return Info()
class CustomApp : Application (),HasActivityInjector{
lateinit var dispatchingAndroidInjector: DispatchingAndroidInjector<Activity>
override fun activityInjector(): AndroidInjector<Activity> {
return dispatchingAndroidInjector
#Component(modules = arrayOf(AndroidInjectionModule::class,
interface ApplicationComponent{
fun inject(application: CustomApp)
abstract class ActivityModule{
#ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = arrayOf(InfoModule::class))
abstract fun contributeInfoActivityInjector():MainActivity
The answer is that I forgot to add this code to the CustomApp class, and .CustomApp to the manifest file
override fun onCreate() {
private fun initDi() {
I have a hard time figuring out how to set up Dagger component hierarchy to match my vision. Any help would be greatly appreciated and please feel free to criticise the vision if you find any holes in it.
Let's get to the point.
I'm trying to redesing part of my application related to user registration. Since registration is a self contained domain I assume that it's a good candidate for a separate dagger component(RegistrationSubcomponent). Within that registration domain I will show an activity(RegistrationActivity) and on top of it few fragments(RegistrationFragment1, RegistrationFragment2, ...). I already have an application component(AppComponent) with the life scope of an application which should be a parent for RegistrationSubcomponent. AppComponent is used to inject dependecies into other activites excluding RegistrationActivity but also to a common activity(CommonActivity) which is a parent for every activity in my app including RegistrationActivity. To inject dependencies into RegistrationActivity i want to use RegistrationSubcomponent.
The RegistrationSubcomponent should be instantiated shortly before displaying RegistrationActivity and should live until after the RegistrationActivity returns. I dont't want to bind RegistrationSubcomponent lifecycle with RegistrationActivity lifecycle. Mayby in this case it may have sense but in future I will probably would like to create components for other app domains which may not neceserralily match the lifecycle of activities they encompass.
In general the problem is injection of dependecies specfied in RegistrationComponent into RegistrationActivity as well as to RegistrationFragments.
The problem is that the app crashes when navigating to RegistrationActivity with following error:
Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{pl.kermit.diproblem/pl.kermit.diproblem.activities.RegistrationActivity}: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No injector factory bound for Class
Minimal project presenting the problem can be found at https://github.com/mariola3000/DIProblemStack01
Below I put the most important parts of code
#Component(modules = [AndroidInjectionModule::class, AppModule::class, AppAndroidBindingModule::class,
interface AppComponent {
interface Builder {
fun application(application: Application): Builder
fun build(): AppComponent
fun inject(application: Application)
#Module(subcomponents = [RegistrationComponent::class])
class AppModule {
fun provideGlobalDependency(): GlobalDependency {
return GlobalDependency("GlobalDependency")
fun provideGlobal2Dependency(): Global2Dependency {
return Global2Dependency("Global2Dependency")
abstract class AppAndroidBindingModule {
abstract fun bindMainActivity(): MainActivity
#Subcomponent(modules = [RegistrationModule::class, RegistrationAndroidBindingModule::class])
interface RegistrationComponent {
interface Builder {
fun requestModule(module: RegistrationModule): Builder
fun build(): RegistrationComponent
class RegistrationModule {
fun provideRegistrationDependency(): RegistrationDependency {
return RegistrationDependency("RegistrationDependency")
fun provideRegistrationFragmentDependency(): RegistrationFragmentDependency {
return RegistrationFragmentDependency("RegistrationFragmentDependency")
abstract class RegistrationAndroidBindingModule {
abstract fun bindRegistrationActivity(): RegistrationActivity
abstract fun bindRegistrationFragment(): RegistrationFragment
abstract class CommonActivity : DaggerAppCompatActivity(){
lateinit var globalDependency: GlobalDependency
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
Toast.makeText(this, "global message: " + globalDependency.message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
class MainActivity : CommonActivity() {
lateinit var global2Dependency: Global2Dependency
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val text: TextView = findViewById(R.id.main_text)
text.text = global2Dependency.message
val button: Button = findViewById(R.id.main_button)
button.setOnClickListener {
startActivity(Intent(this, RegistrationActivity::class.java))
class RegistrationActivity : CommonActivity() {
lateinit var registrationDependency: RegistrationDependency
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val registrationMessage = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.registration_text)
registrationMessage.text = registrationDependency.message
val transaction = this.supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction()
val fragment = RegistrationFragment()
transaction.replace(R.id.registration_fragment_container, fragment)
I am a newbie to android and trying to use Dagger2. I spend whole night and still dont know why my dagger does not provide presenter. Here are my code (I use Kotlin)
#Component(modules = arrayOf(PresenterModule::class))
interface AppComponent {
fun inject(target: SplashActivity)
class PresenterModule {
fun provideSplashPresenter(): SplashPresenter {
return SplashPresenter()
class App: Application() {
companion object {
lateinit var appComponent: AppComponent
override fun onCreate() {
appComponent = initDagger()
private fun initDagger(): AppComponent {
return DaggerAppComponent.create()
This is the presenter
class SplashPresenter: BasePresenterImpl<SplashContract.View>(), SplashContract.Presenter {
override fun performToast(mess: String) {
logi("abc", "performToast")
logi("abc", "mess: " + mess)
if (mess.isNullOrBlank()) {
mView?.showTosat("this is empty mess") ?: logi("abc", "null")
} else {
mView?.showTosat(mess) ?: logi("abc", "null")
And finally, this is my SplashActivity
class SplashActivity : BaseActivity(), SplashContract.View {
lateinit var presenter: SplashPresenter
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
//TODO: check log in
//TODO: If logged in => start main screen
//TODO: If not logged in => load login activity
logi("abc", "perform clicked")
When I run these code, I got this error
Lateinit property presenter has not been initialized, which means that "Inject" does not work
Since you're not using constructor injection here (which you can't, because you don't 'own' the activity's constructor) Dagger does not 'know' that it has to inject something into your Activity.
You have to manually inject like this:
(applicationContext as App).appComponent.inject(this)
in your SplashActivity's onCreate() method (before using the presenter, of course).
Second, your presenter needs a constructor that tells Dagger how to construct/'build' the presenter, which means a constructor annotated with the #Inject annotation, so:
class SplashPresenter #Inject constructor(): BasePresenterImpl<SplashContract.View>(), SplashContract.Presenter
You forgot to inject the SplashActivity:
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {