Authentication,verification of new user is working properly but in real time database,none of the user info is getting stored.
/in firebase method/
public void addNewUser(String email, String username, String description, String website, String profile_photo){
User user = new User( userID, 1, email, StringManipulation.condenseUsername(username) );
UserAccountSettings settings = new UserAccountSettings(
As Frank says you must enable your read , write permissions into your rules from your database
Then inside you can change the following parameters
Allow users to read all the data from your database but not write if they are not authenticated
"rules": {
".read": true,
".write": "auth!=null"
Allow users to read and write documents inside your database without authenticating (not secure)
"rules": {
".read": true,
".write": true
Or simply use the best option that is allowing read and write only when the users are signed in with any of the Firebase Auth options
"rules": {
".read": "auth!=null",
".write": "auth!=null"
I have a chat app using Firebase that keeps on having a
setValue at x failed: DatabaseError: permission denied
error every time I type a message.
I set my Database to be public already:
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth.uid != null;
Is it something from within my chat reference?
private void displayChat() {
ListView listOfMessage = findViewById(;
Query query = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference();
FirebaseListOptions<Chat> options = new FirebaseListOptions.Builder<Chat>()
.setQuery(query, Chat.class)
adapter = new FirebaseListAdapter<Chat>(options) {
protected void populateView(View v, Chat model, int position) {
//Get reference to the views of list_item.xml
TextView messageText, messageUser, messageTime;
messageText = v.findViewById(;
messageUser = v.findViewById(;
messageTime = v.findViewById(;
messageTime.setText(DateFormat.format("dd-MM-yyyy (HH:mm:ss)", model.getMessageTime()));
Your code is using the Firebase Realtime Database, but you're changing the security rules for Cloud Firestore. While both databases are part of Firebase, they are completely different and the server-side security rules for one, don't apply to the other.
When you go the database panel in the Firebase console, you most likely end up in the Cloud Firestore rules:
If you are on the Cloud Firestore rules in the Firebase console, you can change to the Realtime Database rules by clicking Cloud Firestore BETA at the top, and then selecting Realtime Database from the list.
You can also directly go to the security rules for the Realtime Database, by clicking this link.
The security rules for the realtime database that match what you have are:
"rules": {
".read": "auth.uid !== null",
".write": "auth.uid !== null"
This will grant any authenticated user full read and write access to the entire database. Read my answer to this question on more on the security/risk trade-off for such rules: Firebase email saying my realtime database has insecure rules.
change this
request.auth.uid != null
request.auth.uid == null
or defined a proper auth mechanism before starting the conversation where user defined by userID
I'm using Firebase Realtime Database as the datastore for an Android app, and right now I'm trying to implement some basic filtering based on user permissions.
Here's my database:
"admins" : {
`user1hash` : true
"clients" : {
"client1hash" : {
"owner": "user1hash",
"name" : "Client 1"
"client2hash" : {
"owner": "user1hash",
"name" : "Client 2"
"client3hash" : {
"owner": "user2hash",
"name" : "Client 3"
I followed the examples in the Query-based Rules section here and defined my rules like this:
"rules": {
"clients": {
".indexOn": "owner",
".read": "auth.uid != null && (root.child('admins/' + auth.uid).val() == true || query.orderByChild == 'owner' && query.equalTo == auth.uid)",
".write": "auth.uid != null",
".validate": "newData.hasChildren(['owner']) && newData.child('owner').val() == auth.uid"
And this is my client code (Android):
FirebaseDatabase database = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance();
String authUser = FirebaseAuth.getInstance().getCurrentUser().getUid();
DatabaseReference clientsDatabase = database.getReference("clients").orderByChild("owner").equalTo(authUser).getRef();
clientsDatabase.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
// handle success
public void onCancelled(DatabaseError databaseError) {
// handle error
So basically I just want to be able to fetch all clients, but filter the results according to the access rules of the current user. Access rules are pretty simple, an user can only see the clients where he is the owner, except for admin users who can see all clients. For example if this was run by user1 which is an admin he should see all three clients, but if this is run by user2 which is a regular user he should only see client 3.
This implementation is working for admins, but I get a permissions error for regular users.
I tried the rules simulator in Firebase console, but it doesn't provide any documentation on how to use queries. Anyway I tried adding the query as a regular URL query string like /clients?orderByChild=owner&equalTo=user2hash, but this returns an empty error on the simulator with no description of the cause. The error I'm getting on the Android side doesn't have any description either, just a generic permissions error.
The problem is in this statement:
DatabaseReference clientsDatabase =
Specifically that last line getRef(), which throws everything away that you've done to build the query. The above statement leaves clientsDatabase exactly the same as:
DatabaseReference clientsDatabase = database.getReference("clients");
Which explains quite well why the statement fails.
You need to keep the Query that you get back and attach your listener on that:
DatabaseReference clientsDatabase = database.getReference("clients");
Query query = clientsDatabase.orderByChild("owner").equalTo(authUser);
query.addListenerForSingleValueEvent(new ValueEventListener() { ...
I have set my firebase rules as follows:
"rules": {"users": {
"$uid": {
".read": "auth != null",
".write": "$uid === auth.uid"
Which allows write only to the node with matching uid and read all child nodes of every uid. But I want it to be like if I query using a child node under uid, only the matching child and it's siblings can be read...
for example this is my json structure:
"users" : {
"AJkK4yZJsoseeefrJ7i6KIOUBDghtrhgthrtDi1" : {
"lat" : 20.5001,
"long" : 68.3755,
"number" : "9876543210",
"time" : 1499599788090
I want to query using the number, and set the read rule as can read lat long and time only where the number matches. How to write the rule?
update: my question now is, how to query the database using number and get other siblings if value of number matches in android? I have tried this but not working:}
friend = mDatabase.getReference("users");
Query z = LocationActivity.this.friend.orderByChild("number").equalTo("9876054321");
z.addListenerForSingleValueEvent((new ValueEventListener() {
long lastseen;
public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
try {
for (DataSnapshot zoneSnapshot: dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
lastseen = (Long)zoneSnapshot.child("time").getValue();
friendLatitude = (Double) zoneSnapshot.child("lat").getValue();
friendLongitude = (Double) zoneSnapshot.child("long").getValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
it returns value null, any help would be appreciated.
Firebase read permissions are enforced when you attach a listener. In order to query a node, you must have read permission on that node (as Bradley also explained). So in order to be able to query users, you must have read permission on /users. And since any user that has read permission to /users can also read any data under that, you cannot use security rules to filter what nodes a user has access to.
This is known as rules are not filters and is one of the common pitfalls for developers new to Firebase security model. I recommend that you read the documentation I linked already and some of the many questions/answer about the topic.
The simplest solution for your use-case seem to be to pull up the .read rule to users:
"rules": {
"users": {
".read": "auth != null",
"$uid": {
".write": "$uid === auth.uid"
In order to query every node, the user needs to have read permission for ALL nodes under the parent.
This is because security rules cannot be used to query data in Firebase.
Not exactly sure if this answers the question, but I found this post looking for the following solution with respect to Firebase Storage .. where I can control which sibling nodes are accessible:
match /uploadRoot/{userId}/{uploadCategory}/{allPaths=**} {
// allow read access for client upload/download
allow read, write:
if request.auth != null
&& request.auth.uid == userId
&& (
uploadCategory == 'userTextFiles'
|| uploadCategory == 'userImages'
I have an application in android that registers sellers, which have a unique email, I am storing them in firebase. Create a rule to not allow duplicates to be added but it does not seem to work. What am I doing wrong?
"rules": {
".read": true,
".write": true,
"sellers": {
"$seller": {
"email": {
".write": "!data.exists()"
my method to add
public void addSeller(Seller seller){
HashMap<String,Seller> map= new HashMap<>() ;
String email = seller.getEmail().replace(".",",");
You're calling push(), which generates a new child that is statistically guaranteed to be unique.
If you want to ensure unique email addresses, you will have to keep a collection where the (encoded) email addresses are the keys:
With this structure, the following rule will work to ensure an email address can only be written once:
"rules": {
".read": true,
"emails": {
"$email": {
".write": "!data.exists()"
The topic of unique values comes up regularly, so I recommend you also check out these:
Firebase android : make username unique
How do you prevent duplicate user properties in Firebase?
Enforcing unique usernames with Firebase simplelogin
unique property in Firebase
Firebase Unique Value
What Firebase rule will prevent duplicates in a collection based on other fields?
I am new to firebase and Nosql databases. I have gone through the documentations already, but I cannot seem to get my head around a concept.
I have gone through almost every question on here about it, but everyone just seem to conveniently skip the little detail i am looking for.
Suppose I have successfully registered my users using firebaseauth, and can log them in and out, I have my database rules as follows
"rules": {
".read": "auth !== null && auth.uid == $userid",
".write": "auth !== null && auth.uid == $userid"
Great!, now thats the basic database for a multiuser application. My question is that the users data doesnt get pushed to database from auth automatically, so i have to do a
mRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference();
mUserRef = mRef.child("users");
mSendButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
String uid = mAuth.getCurrentUser().getUid();
String name = "User " + uid.substring(0, 6);
Userid userid = new Userid(uid);
mUserRef.push().setValue(userid, newDatabaseReference.CompletionListener() {
and so on, on the registeractivity so any userid can have its own node under users where i can post any user specific data.
I have not implemented this yet, but i forsee that for any read or write data performed by a user will have to search every node to find its own userid, which would take a lot of time when you scale up to like a lot of users and im sure firebase is better than that. So is this how firebase expect us to handle user stuff or does every user just have his own database instance
The push() method creates a new, random ID. This is useful for things like messages in a chat application, but is likely not what you are looking for.
I think you mean to do this:
// Get current UID
String uid = mAuth.getCurrentUser().getUid();
// Get reference to /users/<uid>
DatabaseReference ref = mUserRef.child(uid);
// Set the value of /users/<uid> to the UserId
Userid userid = new Userid(uid);