Gradle warning about "compile" even though none found - android

I am making an Android app and I keep on getting the following warning. This warning is preventing me from connecting to Firebase on another PC when I clone the repo.
Warning:Configuration 'compile' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'implementation' and 'api'.
I have replaced all "compile" with implementation but still getting the warning. Below is the build.gradle file:
apply plugin: ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 27
defaultConfig {
applicationId "ak1195apps.employeelogs"
minSdkVersion 17
targetSdkVersion 27
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
testInstrumentationRunner ""
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation 'joda-time:joda-time:2.10'
implementation ''
implementation ''
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
androidTestImplementation ''
androidTestImplementation ''
implementation ''
apply plugin: ''

Upgrading to gradle 3.2.0 solved the problem.


How to resolve ''

the app already had implementation ''.so to stay updated i changed it to 28.0.0. and i still get the Configuration 'compile' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'implementation' and 'api'. error.
how can i solve this error permanently.
i've tried a lot of different solutions provided to similar kind of problems but didn't work.
build.gradle down below
apply plugin: ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 26
defaultConfig {
applicationId ""
minSdkVersion 15
targetSdkVersion 26
versionCode 2
versionName "1.1"
testInstrumentationRunner ""
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
multiDexEnabled true
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
androidTestImplementation ''
androidTestImplementation ''
implementation 'com.adefruandta.spinningwheel:spinningwheel:0.1.0'
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation 'org.immutables:gson:2.6.1'
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation 'gun0912.ted:tedpermission:2.1.0'
apply plugin: '' can `ignore the compileSdkVersion on the Top. it used to be implementationSdkVersion which resulted in a bunch of other erros..then i changed it to compileSdkVersion.
In my case i just update Google service in project level gradle.
classpath ''

resource linking failed, error: resource android:attr/dialogCornerRadius not found

When I integrate the Stripe library it creates linking resources
problems due to the SDK version. While when I upgrade my SDK version
from v7:27.1.1 to v7:28.0.0 and change my compile SDK version to 28
the problem is resolved then it causes the problem in the Manifest file.
add this library for the SDK version but not solve the problem.
build.gradle file:
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy {
force ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 27
defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.goldtech.linkbreed"
minSdkVersion 19
targetSdkVersion 27
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation 'de.hdodenhof:circleimageview:3.0.0'
// for slider images
implementation 'com.github.smarteist:autoimageslider:1.3.2-appcompat'
implementation 'com.stripe:stripe-android:11.2.0' // stripe payment
implementation 'com.jakewharton:butterknife:8.6.0'
annotationProcessor 'com.jakewharton:butterknife-compiler:8.6.0'
implementation 'com.github.shts:StoriesProgressView:3.0.0' // for stories
implementation 'com.allattentionhere:autoplayvideos:0.2.0' // for video in recyclerview
// indicator //
implementation ''
implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:3.8.0'
implementation ''
////////////// exoplayer //////////////////////
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
//implementation ''
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
androidTestImplementation ''
androidTestImplementation ''
apply plugin: ''
This error occurs because of mismatched compileSdkVersion and library version.
Change the compileSdkVersion to 28.
android {
compileSdkVersion 28

build.gradle dependencies have same version specification but still shows mixed versions error

I have read the thread at All libraries must use the exact same version specification and many other such threads but none of the answers have solved my problem.
1.) For implementation ''
All libraries must use the exact same version specification (mixing versions can lead to runtime crashes). Found versions 27.1.1, 26.1.0. Examples include and less... (Ctrl+F1)
There are some combinations of libraries, or tools and libraries, that are incompatible, or can lead to bugs. One such incompatibility is compiling with a version of the Android support libraries that is not the latest version (or in particular, a version lower than your targetSdkVersion).
2.) on building the project
Error: Program type already present:$Behavior
apply plugin: ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 26
defaultConfig {
applicationId ""
minSdkVersion 21
targetSdkVersion 26
versionCode 2
versionName '2.2.1'
testInstrumentationRunner ""
//vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true
versionNameSuffix '-alpha'
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
ext {
supportLibVersion = '26.1.0' // variable that can be referenced to keep support libs consistent
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation '' // VectorDrawableCompat
implementation ''
implementation 'de.hdodenhof:circleimageview:2.2.0'
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
androidTestImplementation ''
androidTestImplementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation 'com.theartofdev.edmodo:android-image-cropper:2.7.+'
implementation 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.2'
apply plugin: ''
if you want add an library to your project , best way is :
in android studio : (from toolbar) file \ Project Structure ... \ (from left window , under modules ) app \ Dependencies \ [use green plus]
for example if you want use compileSdkVersion 27 , your import code should be like this :
apply plugin: ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 27
defaultConfig {
applicationId "your project"
minSdkVersion 16
targetSdkVersion 27
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
testInstrumentationRunner ""
vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
It's work for me , and if you want use compileSdkVersion 28 , your import code should be like this :
apply plugin: ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 28
defaultConfig {
applicationId "your project"
minSdkVersion 14
targetSdkVersion 28
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
testInstrumentationRunner ""
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
buildToolsVersion '28.0.3'
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
implementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
It's work for me too .
Many of these problems will disappear with the help of a new library and you will have more efficient classes.
I hope it's work for you .
This version can help you , I test it , it's working :
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
androidTestImplementation ''
androidTestImplementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
Ok , I finally find your solution , Just add this Lines :
repositories {
maven { url "" }
for example :
apply plugin: ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 26
defaultConfig {
applicationId "your app id"
minSdkVersion 14
targetSdkVersion 26
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
testInstrumentationRunner ""
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
androidTestImplementation ''
androidTestImplementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
repositories {
maven { url "" }
It's mostly happens when you use Libraries that uses old version of AppCompat. It happens to me all the time when I use switchButton library. for last 6 month it didn't impact anything, it's just a false alarm.

error in import statement Cannot resolve symbol FirebaseAuth

In the import statement of Firebase is being highlighted red
After doing clean and rebuild project the error is had not been resolved. Dependencies are added in build.gradle but still nothing is happening
please help.
apply plugin: ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 27
defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.example.admin.myapp"
minSdkVersion 16
targetSdkVersion 27
versionCode 1
versionName "1.0"
testInstrumentationRunner ""
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
androidTestImplementation ''
androidTestImplementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui:2.0.1'
implementation 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-auth:2.0.1'
implementation ''
implementation 'de.hdodenhof:circleimageview:2.2.0'
implementation ''
implementation 'com.firebaseui:firebase-ui:2.0.1'
apply plugin: ''
This is my build.gradle file.
Add this to your build.gradle

i want to connect with Firebase but i have an error

I want to connect with Firebase but I have an error: "could not parse the android application modules gradle config.resolve gradle build issues and/or resync." and i check my gradle . if i sync gradle i have a warning "WARNING: Configuration 'compile' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'implementation' and 'api'."
apply plugin: ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 26
defaultConfig {
applicationId "dxd.zzz.axy"
minSdkVersion 15
targetSdkVersion 26
versionCode 2
versionName "1.1"
testInstrumentationRunner ""
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
lintOptions {
checkReleaseBuilds false
// Or, if you prefer, you can continue to check for errors in release builds,
// but continue the build even when errors are found:
abortOnError false
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
//noinspection GradleCompatible
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
androidTestImplementation ''
androidTestImplementation ''
implementation ''
implementation 'com.mikhaellopez:circularimageview:3.0.2'
implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:3.7.0'
implementation 'com.mohamadamin:persianmaterialdatetimepicker:1.2.1'
implementation ''
implementation files('libs/sqliteassethelper-2.0.1.jar')
apply plugin: ''
You should write latest version of gms service in app level gradle
Please see the below image
First of all make sure you are using latest google services version (Project Level):
classpath ''
Then change your code, you should also add firebase-core like below.
apply plugin: ''
android {
compileSdkVersion 26
defaultConfig {
applicationId "dxd.zzz.axy"
minSdkVersion 15
targetSdkVersion 26
versionCode 2
versionName "1.1"
testInstrumentationRunner ""
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
lintOptions {
checkReleaseBuilds false
// Or, if you prefer, you can continue to check for errors in release builds,
// but continue the build even when errors are found:
abortOnError false
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
//noinspection GradleCompatible
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12'
androidTestImplementation ''
androidTestImplementation ''
implementation ''
implementation 'com.mikhaellopez:circularimageview:3.0.2'
implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.6.1'
implementation 'com.mohamadamin:persianmaterialdatetimepicker:1.2.1'
implementation ''
implementation files('libs/sqliteassethelper-2.0.1.jar')
apply plugin: ''
Moreover, if you want to use other firebase libraries right now please keep up to the latest version like below and always take a look in this link to be sure that you using the latest version.
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
Don't worry about that warning. If it builds successfully then no problem at all.
Please use the latest library for firebase
implementation ''
And make sure you have to add firebase config file form consol to your project.

