My videoview says "cant play video" but webview can play that? - android

I use videoview to play some .gif but cant. when I use to play gif or mp4 I receive cant play video but when I try to use webview everything is ok.
VideoView i = (VideoView) findViewById(;

The current easiest way to get gifs to work outside of WebView is to use the Glide library with ImageView.
ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(;
Edit: Didn't realise you also asked about MP4 (early morning). Here's a post which gives some good info on it as it can be quite complicated (things like making sure the MP4 is encoded in a format Android supports).


Making video load faster in videoview

I play a video in a videoview from an URL...everything works fine and even the video plays
But the only problem is that the video takes almost 10 seconds to start playing which might be kind of annoying to the user
I have tried different URLs and its the same, the videos are 360p and 6sec long
Is it the default media player that is slow?
I have the stack overflow but could not find a suitable answer and ever searched for various 3 rd party videos libraries but could not find one
Even tried google's exoplayer library but the documentation is not that good in my view
Is there any solution how to overcome this problem?
my code
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
String videeourl = "";
VideoView videoView = (FastVideoView)findViewById(;
videoView.setMediaController(new MediaController(this));
Consider using Exoplayer. You can find the open source project here:
It uses Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH),breaks long content into HTTP segments.
You can follow this tutorial step-by-step to integrate ExoPlayer (ExoPlayer is the video player running in the Android YouTube app.) to your app, it's not that complicated as you thought.
By the way, there are a lot of good assignments in Google CodeLabs, you should check it out.

Play video in android view using php URL

I have a link in the form
When I simply put and go on the browser, the video gets played. It is a live video.
I want to make request to this URL and then run the video in android view.
How to achieve that?
With a VideoView, you should be able to do the following:
String path="";
Uri uri=Uri.parse(path);
VideoView video=(VideoView)findViewById(;
Check out the documentation regarding VideoView, and here's an example on how you can stream using VideoView.

Getting Thumbnail from video which is not Youtube, Dailymotion?

I am developping an Android application and I encouter problem to get thumbnail of video.
My question is simple. I know how to get thumbnail for Youtube or Dailymotion but is there a way to do the same for a video like this one :
I want to get a frame at time T for every video.
I tried this :
Bitmap thumb = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail(m_Video.getM_Urlvideo(),
m_Video.getM_Urlvideo() is returning my video url..
It doesn't work, anyone has an idea ?
Thank you

Asynchronous video streaming in Android

In my android app, i want to stream video from URL. For that i am using VideoView control. But it displays starts playing video after loading whole video. I want to perform async video streaming for that. Is async streaming possible with VideoView ? I want to display ProgressBar until video is loaded. Please help me to solve this problem.
Thank you.
Here is my code :
video_view_ = (VideoView) findViewById(;
video_view_.setMediaController(new MediaController(this));

is there a way to play streaming youtube video from my activity?

Somewhere in my Android app I would like to play a youtube video,
in my activity, in a small view.
I'm trying to do this using VideoView, but no luck so far..
I wrote a simple activity, here is my code so far:
public class MainView extends Activity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
VideoView videoView = (VideoView) findViewById(;
MediaController mediaController = new MediaController(this);
/*working good but IT'S NOT youtube*/ //Uri video = Uri.parse("");
/*NOT WORKING*/ //Uri video = Uri.parse("");
/*NOT WORKING (RTSP)*/ //Uri video = U-ri.parse("");
/*NOT WORKING (RTSP)*/Uri video = Uri.parse("");
is it possible?
is there any other SDK component that can do that?
any ideas?
Google are releasing android components for YouTube "in the coming months", so hopefully by the end of 2012.
What I am doing in the meantime is using a WebView with loadData(), and passing in an IFrame as stated on the YoUTube API page. The Iframe is quite limited (most parameters don't even work, like controls=0), so if you need more flexibility like controlling the view then use the JavaScript API and then embed the JavaScript in the HTMl you pass into loadData.
I tried the Media Controller and couldn't get it to work, even though YouTube use it in there own app.
The other thing to try which i didn't get around to. Is to use the google search apis. You can specify a YouTube video and it will give you the URL's to the thumbnails, videos etc. This way you can get to the raw files ( rather than calling a webpage. These might then be loadable in the MediaController.
If you know what video you want to view, you could just create an Intent with the url in it and use that to launch the Youtube app. You can see this SO Post for more details.
you can simply use youtube rtsp link in videoview as:
String myurl="rtsp://";
Uri video = Uri.parse(myurl);
mVideoView = new VideoView(this);
myMediaController = new MediaController(this);
it works simply for me.

